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    四六级作文模板资料四六级作文必考核心词汇 五星级词汇 有益: sth. be beneficial to sb. /sth. bring about benefit to sb. sth. benefit sb./ sb. benefit from sth. 1. Reading classics is beneficial to college students. Reading classics benefits college students. 2. The two-day weekend brings a lot benefits to college students. 3. Some people think that recreational activities are beneficial to our daily life. 4. We can benefit a lot from governments ban on the use of disposable plastic bags. 伤害 harm/harmful/do harm to/cause harm to 1. Overpressure/overstress will cause harm to the health of college students. 2. These fake products have caused great harm to consumers and society. 3. Recreational activities not only bring about benefits but also cause harms. 4. Limiting the use of disposable plastic bags does more good than harm./ The advantage of limiting the use of disposable plastic bags outweighs the disadvantage of it. 赞成/反对be in favor of/be against 1. I am in favor of the latter point of view. 2. I am against campus love. 3. I am against changing jobs frequently. 影响/干扰 affect/disturb/interfere with(不好的影响) have an impact on/ influence(好的影响) 1. The burdens of work load and the pressure of finding a job may affect the mental health of university students. 2. First, tourists visit will interfere with the normal study of college students. 3. Addiction to computer games will interfere with the study of college students. He is addicted to computer games, which will interfere with the student of college students. 4. The Internet has had a great impact on lives of all the people around the world. 重视/看重attach great importance to/pay great attention to/emphasize on 1. Now, both employers and employees attach greater importance to interview. 2. The whole society should pay great attention to the problem of piracy. 3. We should attach great importance to the fact that nowadays university students are faced with severer job problems after graduation. 认为 claim, maintain, argue, hold 1. Some people maintain that disposable plastic bags are nearly impossible to break down and thus bring environmental problems. 2. I hold that watching Spring Festival Gala on the lunar Chinese New Years Eve is a Chinese tradition. 3. However, others claim that it is a shame to expect a reward after doing a good deed. 重要 essential, crucial, vital, significant, fundamental, play an (important/active/great) role/part in, be of great importance to, It is of great importance/significance for sb. to do sth. 1. Mental health if of great importance to the college students. 2. It is crucial for us to realize the harm of the disposable plastic bags from now on. 3. Recreational activities play an important role in balancing our work and life. 四星级词汇 利用/充分利用_take advantage of/make use of 1.On one hand, interviewers can take full advantage of this occasion to know the candidates such as their working experience, education and personality in order to choose/select the suitable person for the company. 2.On the other hand, interviewee can make use of this opportunity to know the job that he is going to take such as salary and working environment ect. 3. Students should make full use of time to acquire knowledge. 4. We hope that college students can take full advantage of this opportunity to spend an interesting and valuable summer holiday. 带来 bring sth. to sb./bring sb. sth. 1. Many people take it for granted that good names may bring them good luck/ may bring good luck to them. 2. Recreational activities bring joy to our lives. 3. The economic development of China brings golden opportunities for university students to work abroad. 改善 improve 1. In recent years, peoples lives have been greatly improved. 2. First, the quality of the food should be improved. 3. Since the reform and opening up, Chinas economy has been greatly improved. 方便 It is convenient to do, bring convenience to 1. It is fairly convenient for us to use disposable plastic bags after shopping. 2. E-books bring so huge convenience to us that we can get access to the Internet and read whenever and wherever. 3. The digital devices that the digital age gives birth to has brought convenience to our life. 很多/许多 various, numerous, abundant, a (great) number of, a great/rich variety of, various kinds of 1. In the modern society, a rich variety of recreational activities has emerged. 2. A great number of tourists poured into the Peking University and toured around in it every year. 3. A great number of university students have suffered from mental problems these years. 4. In some colleges, students are allowed to choose various kinds of electives. 导致/引起 lead to, result in, give rise to 1. The use of disposable plastic bags may lead to pollution on a large scale. 2. The addiction to online games may result in poor eyesight and lack of communications with others in the real world. 3. Free admission to museums may result in the decrease of their income 4. The expansion of university enrollment these years gave rise to the job problems for the college students after graduation. 三星级词汇 允许某人allow sb. to do sth. 1.Recently, many universities begin to allow students to choose the teacher of their optional courses. 2. Today is Teachers Day. On this special occasion, please allow me to express my sincere thanks to all the teachers. 接触/联系keep in touch with/keep in contact with 1. With the development of modern transportation and communication, people all over the world can keep in touch with each other more easily and frequently. 2. Please contact us according to the following address. 禁止/阻止ban/prevent sb. from doing sth. / prohibit sb. from doing sth. 1. So, my point is that we should take some effective measures to ban false ads and protect the benefit of consumers. 2. We should take effective measures to prevent piracy from spreading. 增加add to 1. From these activities, we can learn many things out of the classroom, which will add to our knowledge. 2. Spoken English test will add to the burden of students. 满足要求 meet the requirements/need/demand 1. If you want to apply for this position, you must meet the following requirements. 2. We should improve the Spring Festival Gala to meet/cater to the tastes of people of all walks of life. 依靠 depend on/rely on 1. Whether we can get good luck mainly depends on us. 2. Whether we can find a good job depends on our hard-working. 缺少/缺乏 A lack B, lack of sth. 1. In the last decade, the Spring Festival Gala lacked innovation and interesting ideas. 2. Due to lack of work experience, the college students usually find it difficult to find an ideal job. 值得 Deserve/be worth doing/ be worthy to do/ be worthy of doing 1. Many people hold that Spring Festival Gala deserves to be watched/ deserves watching. 2. Classic books are worth reading. 花费 cost/spend doing/expense 1. This car cost me a lot of money. 2. I spend a lot of time on computer games. 四六级作文十大核心句型 It句型 做很重要 1. It is of great importance for us to reduce the use of disposable products and protect our environment. 2. I find it hard to concentrate on study under that environment. 3. I think it necessary to take CET-6. 4. Now, college students attach more importance to optional courses because they think it a good way to enrich their knowledge. 是到了的时候 It is high time 1. It is high time that all the Chinese people realized the harm of piracy. 2. It is high time that the government passed law and regulation to control this situation. There be 句型 1. There are many ways to solve the problem. 2. There is some distance between your idea and reality. 3. Although the interview is very important, there is no need to be nervous. 4. There are many recreational activities which can replace the Spring Festival Gala. 5. There is no denying the fact that /It goes without saying that English majors are more likely to find good jobs in the tighter and tighter job market. 虽然但是句型 1. Although the two-day weekend brings us convenience, it also gives rise to many problems. 或Despite/in spite of the convenience of the two-day weekend, it also leads to many problems. 2.Although money is necessary to life, it can not bring joy. 3. Although honesty is believed to be a virtue, there are still dishonest people in our society. 4. Although most of them visit with hope and respect, I think university campus should not be open to tourists. 因为所以句型 1. Because modern transportation develops very fast, we can go anywhere we want. Because of the rapid development of modern transportation, we can go anywhere we want. 2. People like to use disposable products because they are convenient and cheap. People like to use disposable products due to their convenience and low price. 3. Since the fake ones are cheaper, people tend to be reluctant to buy the genuine ones. 4. As the quality of the fake commodities is always very poor, the consumers may suffer great losses. Not onlybut also 句型 1. We all hope that school canteen can offer foods that are not only cheap but also delicious. 2. People who often keep their promises will win not only respect but also friendship. 3. Disposable plastic bags not only destroy our environment but also affect our health. 4. These suggestions are not just of my own, but also of may other students. 从句 1. People who sell fake products may make money at the beginning but consumers will not buy their products any more. 2. Students are addicted to net games which may affect their study. 3. There are many reasons why I choose your university. 4. What you said is none of my business. 5. I dont know how I can succeed in the job interview. 疑问句 1. If you ask me, then who should I ask? 2. How can we succeed in the interview? 3. Why should I take CET-6? 4. Are pets good to human being? 5. Are lucky numbers sure to bring good luck? 条件句 1. Only by this way, can we hope to reduce the waste on campus. 2. Only by this way, can we hope to eliminate fake goods in the market. 3. Only by meeting the following requirements can you probably be accepted by our school. 4. They can get a degree so long as they pass CET-4. 5. Once these fake commodities enter the market, they will do immeasurable harm to the society. 无论都 1Whether we can have good luck depends on ourselves. 2. No matter what kind of book it is, we should look it over. 3. We should read various kinds of books, whether we are interested in them or not. 4. All the students, no matter what subjects they are engaged in, must pay for tuition. 被动句 1. Effective measures should be taken to fight against pornography, gambling, and drug abuse and trafficking. 2. He was dismissed by his company because of the financial crisis. 3. After the terrorist attack, many tourists are advised not to visit that country. 4. These children are deprived of the right of education. 作文常用单词和结构 校园生活 学费/负担学费 开设 食堂 宿舍 饭菜质量 专业 学生会主席 竞选 俱乐部 参加 参加考试 志愿者 招募 设施 作弊 广泛的(知识) 博览群书 有选择性地阅读 tuition fee (afford tuition fee) offer/provide canteen Dormitory quality of food major major in English president of Students Union run for club take part in/participate in/join (activities) attend/take test volunteer recruit facility cheat in the exam extensive (knowledge) read extensively read selectively 上课 腾出时间来 进步 选修的 必修的 忽视/忽略 熬夜 设定目标 各种各样的 提交 复习 被录取 向表示感谢 阅读偏好 奖学金 讲师 学分 求职 寻找工作机会 善于 适应于 公司文化 有亲和力的 充满热情的 面试/参加面试 申请 找工作 工作经历 跳槽 升职 雇主 申请者 劳动力市场 离职 创业 高效 团队精神 人际关系 公司 证书 take class set aside time to do sth. make progress optional (courses) compulsory (courses) ignore/neglect study stay up late at night set the goal various/diverse submit review be admitted to express my gratitude to sb./be grateful to sb. Reading references scholarship lecturer credit to look for a work opportunity adept in adapted to corporate culture amiable enthusiastic interview/attend interview apply for (a position) look for/seek a job hunt for a job work experience change job/shift job/switch to a new job get promotion/be promoted employer applicant labor market quit job Start ones business Highly effective Team-work spirit Human relationship Corporate, company, enterprise certificate 学位 资格 教育背景 本科 硕士 报专业 成绩好 薪水 福利 加薪 国企 外企 实习生 社会实践 社会 虚假广告 假冒伪劣商品 真正的 误导 夸大 黄色的/淫秽的 破坏信誉 欺骗 轻信的 严厉的惩罚 消除 导致 远离 生活水平 监管 禁止 暴露在 赢得某人的 遭受巨大损失 辨别 和无关 陷入麻烦 埋怨/抱怨 号召 短期来看 从长远来看 degree/diploma qualification Education background Bachelor master Apply for major Have a good performance salary welfare get a pay raise state-owned enterprise foreign-funded enterprise intern social practice false advertisement fake commodities genuine mislead consumer exaggerate obscene/dirty damage the credit cheat/be taken in /deceive credulous severe punishment/be punished severely eliminate/get rid of /relieve(stress/tiredness) give rise to/lead to stay away from living condition regulate ban be exposed to win sbs favor suffer great loss tell A from B have nothing to do with get into trouble complain of/about call on sb. to do sth. In the short run in the long run 娱乐 娱乐活动 上瘾 戒除 最喜欢的 名人 养成习惯 电脑游戏 游乐园 娱乐某人 上网 瑜伽 环境/能源 用完/用光 资源 太阳能 风能 核能 可更新能源 一次性塑料袋 循环 可持续的 垃圾筒 充足的 紧急的 能源危机 提高全民环保意识 绿色汽车 污染物 吐痰 乱扔垃圾 节日 前夕 鞭炮 庆祝 家庭团圆 庆典 recreational activity be addicted to/abandon oneself to Get rid of/ eliminate like/fancy/be fond of celebrity take up a hobby form a habit Computer games amusement park amuse oneself by doing sth Surf on the internet yoga use up/run short of /run out of resources Solar energy Wind energy Nuclear energy Renewable energy Disposable plastic bags recycle sustained Garbage bin sufficient/adequate urgent energy crisis raise environmental awareness amongst the general public Green car pollutant spit litter eve fireworks celebrate Family reunion/get-together ceremony 春节/元宵节/劳动节/端午Spring Festival/Lunar New Year/Labor Day/Dragon Boat 节/圣诞节/国庆节/清明节 Festival/Christmas/ the National Day/Tomb-sweeping Day 取消 cancel/call off 小品和相声 魔术 去晦气 旅游 旅游景点 导游 旅行社 休闲时间 美术馆 博物馆 免费开放 展品 名胜古迹 风景点 纪念品 展会 道德 做出承诺 履行承诺 诚实 正直 道德 道德危机 帮助某人 贡献 捐赠 榜样 致力于 道德标准 指导原则 做好事 拜金 健康 疾病 得病 心脏移植 受伤 得感冒 Short play and crosstalks magic Get rid of ill-fortune tourist attraction tour guide travel agency leisure time Art gallery museum Free admission exhibit place of interest scenic spot souvenir expo make a promise keep/fulfill ones promise honesty Decent/noble Morality/ethics Moral crisis give sb. A hand contribute(efforts/strength) donate(blood/money) Role model be committed to sth moral standard guideline Do a good deed money worship disease/illness get sick/have illness/develop cancer Heart transplantation be wounded/


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