商务英语翻译题汇总1. 汉译英 (1) 没有一种企业结构能够适合所有的企业,每种结构都有利有弊。 There is not one business structure that suits every business and each structure has advantages and disadvantages. (2) 采用有限责任公司作为企业的介质可以将你的企业与自己的个人事务分清楚,公司结构在顾客和供应商看来也显得更加专业。 Using a limited liability company as your business medium will allow you to keep your business distinct from your personal affairs and a corporate structure might appear more professional to customers and suppliers. (3) 创办企业最简单的方法就是独资经营。你可以完全控制自己的企业,而且税后的利润也全都归你所有。 The simplest way to start up a business is as a sole trader. You will have complete control over your business and all profits after tax will go to you. (4) 一般情况下公司的运营成本要比合伙经营和独资经营高很多。 Generally, the running costs of a company can be significantly more than those of a partnership or a sole trader. (5) 你应当依据你的企业性质采用能够使你达成自己企业目标的组织结构。 Depending on the nature of your business, you should adopt an organizational structure that enables you to meet your business objectives. (1) 要永远记住自己想要成功的决心比其他任何事情都更为重要。 Always bear in mind that your own determination to succeed is more important than any other things. (2) 大声赞扬是下属很喜欢的一种激励方式。 Praising loudly is a motivation that subordinates like a lot. (3) 直接公开的交流会营造出一种信任的氛围,这对于成功地完成任务和达成目标是至关重要的。 Open communication develops an atmosphere of trust, essential to successful task completion and goal attainment. (4) 作为经理,你所能做的就是为团队成员们“营造一种氛围”,使他们能够自我激励。 As a manager, all you can do is “create a climate” in which your team members motivate themselves. (5) 经理们最常犯的错误就是以为激励的所有形式都是围绕着钱的。 The most common mistake that managers make is to believe that all forms of motivation revolve around money. (1) 有效培训员工的关键就是要识别员工本人的主要职责,并确保他们了解自己的角色和职责。 The key to effective staff training is to identify the principal duties of the staff members themselves, and to ensure that they are aware of their individual roles and responsibilities. (2) 研究表明最成功最能干的职员往往是那些接受过广泛训练的人。 Studies have shown that the most successful, productive employees are those who have received 1 extensive training. (3) 训练有素、技术精湛、学识渊博的员工对任何公司来说都是最重要的资产。 Well-trained staff with refined skills and depth of knowledge can be the most important asset of every company. (4) 制订好的培训计划来激励员工对公司来说是很重要的。 It is important for companies to develop a good training program to keep their staff motivated. (5) 对员工进行培训时一定要清楚地了解自己的角色。 When engaging in coaching employees, it is important to understand and clarify your role. (1) 任何企业的文化都会决定该企业所提供的产品或服务的数量和质量。 The culture of any organization will determine the quality and quantity of the product or services the company produces. (2) 很多公司领导人的主要问题不是竞争,而是缺乏对自己企业文化的认识和了解。 In many businesses, the primary problem for leaders is not competition but a lack of understanding of their own corporate culture. (3) 很多情况下企业的失败是源于其始终不变的文化。 The failure occurs in most cases because the culture of the organization remained the same. (4) 记住,当你检查和评定你的企业文化时,你实际上是在为将来的成功投资。 Remember, when you are examining and assessing your organizational culture, you are actually making an investment in your future success. (5) 没有健康的文化,就不可能有非凡的客户体验。 Without a healthy culture, it is impossible to create an extraordinary customer experience. (1) 新产品最重要的部分就是其品牌。为产品确定一个品牌是关系到其最终成败的关键。 The most important part of a new product is its brand name. Deciding on a brand name for a product is both crucial and influential to its overall success or ultimate failure. (2) 质量是人们支持并忠实于你的品牌的首要原因。一旦质量出了问题,他们就会涌向你的竞争者。 Quality is the number one reason people will support your brand and be loyal. Once the quality is gone, they will flock to your competitor. (3) 强大的品牌是独特而令人难忘的。名字应该简单,容易拼写。同时也要考虑到很多字都有不同的字面和关联意义,这也很重要。 Strong brand names are unique and memorable. The name should be simple and easy to spell. Its also important to take into consideration that many words have different literal and associated meanings. (4) 北京奥运会给中国品牌提供了展示自己、走向世界的机会。 The Olympic Games in Beijing gave Chinese brands a chance to display themselves or introduce themselves to the world. 2 (5) 知名品牌往往都有多年的历史。通常情况下一个品牌存在的时间越久,其产品质量 就越高。 Well known brands are those that have lasted over the years and it usually follows that the longer a brand has been standing the higher the quality it offers. (1) 人们失败并不是因为他们计划要失败,而是因为他们没有做好计划。 People do not fail because they planned to fail but rather because they failed to plan. (2) 有效的企业战略是生动、机敏而灵活的。没有人能够真正十分精确地预测未来,以确保一种刻板的企业战略能够成功。 Effective corporate strategy is live, responsive and flexible. No one can really forecast the future sufficiently accurately to enable a rigid corporate strategy to succeed. (3) 成功的企业主知道在确定适合其企业的战略时必须考虑到市场和竞争因素。 Successful business owners know they must take into account their market and their competition in determining the right business strategy to implement in their business. (4) 像坚持、不懈、勤奋这样的领导特质是不足以让企业成功的,还需要良好的战略。 Leadership characteristics such as persistence, perseverance, and diligence are not enough for success in business; a sound strategy is also necessary. (5) 在战略方面做足功课的公司比忽略这一重要领域的公司拥有更多成功的机会。 A company that does good work on strategy has a much better chance at being successful than a company that neglects this important area. 2. 英译汉 (1) 没有一种选择可以适用于所有的企业,没有两个完全相同的企业。 There is no single choice that fits every business; no two businesses are alike. (2) 重组时首先要记得的是你需要围绕价值链中的关键行为来设计企业的结构。 The first thing to remember when restructuring is that you need to design a business structure around those critical activities in the value chain. (3) 你要做的是选择最能够满足你需要的结构,而且要记住你现在所做的选择并非铁打不动,你可以随时根据自己的需要和市场期望改变企业的结构。 Your job is to pick the structure that best meets your needs and keep in mind that the choice you make now is not etched in stone; you can always change the structure of your business depending on your needs and market expectations. (4) 有限责任合伙经营介于合伙经营和有限责任公司之间,但遗憾的是这种形式并不是只吸取了两种结构的优点。 A limited liability partnership is a cross between a partnership and a limited liability company but, unfortunately, falls short of simply cherry picking all the advantages of each structure. (5) 一个好的组织结构应当拥有最佳的领导层数,从而明显为其他人的工作增值。 A good organization structure is one with the optimal number of layers of leadership, which 3 demonstrably add value to the work of the others. (1) 很多公司都为其员工制定了一种所谓的激励项目。一般的激励形式主要是现金、旅游、津贴或者奖励支票。 Most companies create a so-called incentive program for their workers. Common incentives are in the form of cash, tour packages, bonuses, or gift checks. (2) 士气高昂的员工无疑是快乐的。事实上,他们可以感染其同事,让他们也变得快乐而满足。 It is a fact that employees with high morale are happy people. In effect, they can influence co-workers to be happy and content individuals as well. (3) 如果问一些经理或者领导他们面对的主要挑战是什么,激励员工很可能会是其中之一。 Ask any manager or leader about some of their key challenges and chances are that motivating staff will be on the list. (4) 人人都需要被别人认可,尤其是认可自己取得的成就。因此,管理人员如果对工人,尤其是出色完成任务的人不吝赞赏之词的话,一定会收到意想不到的效果。 All of us need some appreciation, especially for our individual accomplishment. Thus, it pays for the management to show their appreciation to their workers, especially for jobs well done. (5) 作为经理,一定要记住应该用自己的激励方法去影响的不仅仅是你的下属,还包括你的同事和比你资历老的其他经理。 As a manager, it is important to remember that you should use your motivational techniques to influence not only subordinates, but also your colleagues and managers senior to yourself. (1) 评价对员工的培训是否有效很难。员工所处的社会、组织、政治环境,员工的性格特点,以及培训本身的性质、相关性及适用性等这些因素都会影响培训的效果。 Evaluating the effectiveness of staff training is difficult. The outcome of training can be affected by a number of factors: the social, organizational and political context that the staff work in; staff characteristics; the quality, relevance and applicability of the training itself. (2) 在职培训是在正常的工作环境下进行的,使用受训者训练完成以后真正要用到的工具、设备、文件或材料。人们一般都认为在职培训对职业工作来说是非常有效的。 On-the-job training takes place in a normal working situation, using the actual tools, equipment, documents or materials that trainees will use when fully trained. On-the-job training has a general reputation as most effective for vocational work. (3) 员工是你最重要的资产之一。要花时间去选择最合适的人选,不断地为他们提供培训、进行评估,同时要建立激励机制。 Your staff is one of your most important assets. Make the investment of time to select the best candidates for the job, provide ongoing training and reviews, and create incentive programs. (4) 要让员工有动力, 部门能够赢利,就必须要制订一套全面、持续而一致的培训计划。 4 It is a must that a comprehensive, ongoing and cons i s tent t raining program be developed in order to keep your staff motivated and your department profitable. (5) 很多公司投入大笔资金进行员工培训和深造,但很多情况下这样的投资都没有收到预期的效果。原因很可能是公司内部缺乏沟通。 Many companies spend huge sums of money on staff training and development and yet many times the investment does not yield the desired results. The reason may be the lack of communication in the organization. (1) 现在,人人头脑当中似乎都有“企业文化”这一概念,不管是正在找工作的大学毕业生,还是寻求改进其企业经营管理和提高其生产能力的行政主管人都是如此。 The subject of “corporate culture” seems to be on everyones mind these days; from the college graduate entering the job market, to the executive who is trying to improve management and productivity in his organization. (2) 透明度就是规则,没有别的秘诀。这种公开能够使人们愿意去冒险,愿意承担自己应承担的责任。他们知道自己公司现在所处的位置、将来的方向以及能够引领他们到达的价值标准。 Transparency is the rule, and there are no secrets. This openness empowers people to take risks and hold themselves accountable. They know where their companies are now, where they are headed and the values that will take them there. (3) 企业文化是管理艺术的重要组成部分。认识不到这一点是很多经理人失败的原因。但对于那些考虑到这一点的经理人来说,企业文化可以大大地提高其企业的生产力。 Corporate culture is a vital part of the art of management. Failure to recognize this has led to the demise of many managers. But for those managers who take it into consideration, the corporate culture can greatly influence the productivity of any organization. (4) 有些企业领导人有能力营造一种企业环境,能够将最有才干的年轻人吸引过来,同时又能在其雇员当中发现并培养具有“企业家”素质的人。 Some corporate leaders have the ability to create corporate environments that attract the most talented, younger people while freeing and nurturing the “inner entrepreneur” among all their employees. (5) 我们雇人时应当看重的是他们的才干、价值观及性格,而不仅仅是技术。我们可以教人们学会某项技术,但我们却不是总能给人们灌输职业道德,让人正直或者乐观。 We should hire people for their talent, values and character, not just for skills. We can teach skills, but we cannot always imbue others with a work ethic, integrity or optimism. (1) 企业形象最重要的一部分就是“品牌”。品牌已经成为客户期望值的主要内容。 The most important part of your business image is your “brand” . Brands have become an integral part of your customers expectation. (2) 目前的商业情境要求具备创新的广告策略来加强品牌形象。公司不能满足于过去的成就而不思进取。 The current business scenario demands innovative advertising strategies to reinforce brand presence. Companies cannot afford to rest on their past laurels. 5 (3) 真正的大品牌明白单靠产品和人员并不能赢得如今的消费者们真心的钟爱。他们期望得到更多。 Truly great brands understand that product and people alone will not engender brand endearment in the minds and hearts of todays consumers. Consumers want and expect more. (4) 尽管番茄酱和可乐瓶的图案很小,你还是能够轻易地从其包装颜色和瓶子形状上认 出其品牌。 Even though the pictures of the ketchup and cola bottles were small, you could still easily determine their brands from the colors of the packaging and the shapes of the bottles. (5) 企业的品牌代表着公司希望在市场上呈现的形象,更重要的是其中蕴含着公司对客户的承诺。 An organizations brand represents how the company wants to be perceived in the market, and most importantly, implies a promise to the companys customers. (1) 战略虽好,缺乏执行和实施,其对企业的意义就不大。 A good strategy lacking in implementation and execution means little to an organization. (2) 需求导致创新。就企业而言,需求就是增加股东的财富,其结果就是减少成本或者提高效率的创新方式。 Innovation is the daughter of necessity. In the case of corporations, the necessity is increasing shareholder wealth and the daughter is innovative means to cut costs or improve efficiency. (3) 任何企业战略都是有瑕疵的,因为未来会怎样谁都没有完全的把握。但也不需要去做精确的预测,对当前趋势的理解更为重要。 Any kind of business strategy is flawed in that you cannot be completely sure of what the future holds. But it isnt necessary to make accurate predictionswhats more useful is an understanding of present trends. (4) 美国正处于次债危机当中,加之这一危机有向欧洲蔓延的迹象,对于公司来说目前正是动荡难测的时候。既然如此,制定一项有成本效益的销售战略来确保企业持续盈利就更为重要了。 With the United States in the midst of the sub-prime mortgage crisis and signs that trouble is headed towards Europe, these are uncertain times for firms. This being the case, it is ever more important to have a cost-effective sales strategy to ensure that your business continues to turn substantial profits. (5) 很多经理都是等了太久而不去实施其战略,这是不对的。等到过了战略期间,他们也就错失了及早成功实施其战略的时机。 Too many managers wait far too long before thinking about implementing their strategy. This is a mistake. By waiting until after their strategy sessions, they miss earlier opportunities to encourage successful implementation. 6