托福独立口语题库答题要点解析最新汇总 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理了托福独立口语题库答题要点解析,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福独立口语题库答题要点解析:Complaining抱怨Complaining 抱怨1. 160 When people need to complain about a product or poor service, some prefer to complain in writing and others prefer to complain in person. Which way do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.参考分析:可以采取it depends的策略,要看是什么样的问题。也可以先比较,后选择。? 书信投诉:有条理;避免冲动、更加理性;可以直接与高层沟通;也可以向媒体投诉;但是可能石沉大海(like a stone dropped sank into the sea no echo)?当面投诉:可能是最快解决问题的方式;相比文字,有更多的表达方式,比如appeal to emotion; appeal to pity等等;但是如果缺乏控制,可能会引起争吵,反倒使情况恶化。相关题目:69160 选择书面抱怨亲自去(1)能够节省很多时间。表面上看书面抱怨浪费时间时间,但是亲自去事实上占用更多的个人时间(2)能够把问题说的更清楚(3)能够控制自己的情绪托福独立口语题库答题要点解析:Computers电脑Computers 电脑1. 73 Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.参考分析:观点是:计算机带来了方便的同时也造成了很多的麻烦。尽管如此,计算机的发明仍然是伟大的进步。? 计算机带来的方便,数不胜数(beyond count; countless; too numerous to count)?计算机带来的麻烦,比如:千年虫(Y2K)问题;电子游戏的负面作用;网络即时聊天系统(instant message programs such as icq, MS messenger, Yahoo paper etc.)73、同意计算机使工作变的更加容易和方便了(1)计算机和很多工作结合在一起,减轻了工作量,很多计算一秒钟就完成了 (2)计算机让工作变的更加赏心悦目(3)计算机使生活变的更加方便,如互相交流,EMAIL托福独立口语题库答题要点解析:Customs习俗Customs 习俗1. 80 Describe a custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adopt.Explain your choice, using specific reasons and examples.参考分析:随便找一个。比如外国人来到中国,最好习惯一件事情,付账的时候不要go Dutch,很讨厌。 80、在春天的时候和朋友一起到郊区种树(1)保护环境 (2)对自己的健康有利 (3)和朋友在一起,增进友谊2. 109 When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the newcountry. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer? Support your answer with specific details.参考分析:一定要进行比较。至于要选择什么,看情况,要看是什么样的习惯? 比如中国人到了美国,就要习惯go Dutch的付账习惯。不然很吃亏。 ?但是庆祝春节,家人在一起包饺子(dumpling)的习惯,没有必要更改。还可以举出很多例子。109采取别人的传统,比较好一些(1)采取别人的传统,有利于找到工作 (2)采取别人的传统,可以避免很多麻烦 (3)有利于交到很多朋友托福独立口语题库答题要点解析:Desires欲望Desires 欲望1. 122 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are never satisfied with what they have; they always want something more or something different. Use specific reasons to support your answer.参考分析:不能同意。never/always都是绝对修饰词。确实有这种情况。可以举很多例子。比如,人们对速度的要求;女人对衣服的要求然而很多的时候人们并不总是这样的。比如,尽管有人不满意婚姻制度,不可否认相当数量的人们并不想要更多的妻子或者丈夫。所以,不能一概而论。122、同意,人们对于自己所有的不满足,希望要一些其他东西或者一些不同的东西(1)在生活中,人们对自己的所有不满足。比如说,有了房子,还希望更大的房子(2)在工作中,人们对自己的所有不满足。一些人总是希望得到晋升,努力的工作(3)在科学技术中,人们不满足。计算机的发展。托福独立口语题库答题要点解析:做科研Doing Research 做科研1. Some students like to do research on the internet. Other students prefer to use their university library. Explain which of these you prefer and why. Include details and examples in your explanation. 20XXI prefer academic books or journals. First and foremost, the information in the Internet is either incomplete or not valuable. Books have complete research paper and have enough depth to help me with my research. Second, even if there is valuable information in the Internet, it is not free, you have to pay. Since I am a university student and our school has a wonderful library. I can always borrow books at school. Why I waste money in the Internet then? Finally, suffering the Internet is indeed time consuming. It cost me lots of time to search for the useful information. Borrow a book in the library or buy one in the book store is much easier and can save a lot of time for me.