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    合作意向书合作意向书 Letter of Cooperation Intent 意大利SOMAT公司与中国凯福集团有限公司就在意大利建立搅拌机组装厂项目的实施事宜进行了友好协商,达成如下合作意向: SOMAT Corp. Italy (hereinafter referred to as the Party A) and Kaifu Group Cor.Ltd, China (hereinafter referred to as the Party B) hereby, after amicable negotiation, make and enter into this cooperation intent on the project of build a blender assembly plant in Italy (hereinafter referred to as the Project) according to the following terms and conditions: 1、 总则 General principles 甲乙双方在互惠互利、优势互补的基础上就上述市场的开发及签约后的实施进行排它性合作。任何一方不得以其他任何方式就该项目与其他任何第三方进行合作。 Both parties should perform exclusively mutual cooperation on the above-mentioned market developing and the enforcement of the project after signing the contract on the basis of mutual benefit and complementary strengths. No party (including the filiales, subsidiaries, joint stock companies and their auxiliary units) is allowed to cooperate with any third party in any way on this project. 双方的共同目标是:长期合作、持续改进产品,使之符合当地的标准,能够在意大利和周边国家销售。 The common purpose for both parties is long-term cooperation and continuously improving the products to the 1 local standard and be salable in and around Italy. 甲方主要负责与本国*部门、银行、商会等相关单位的总体协调和联系工作并对项目开发进行总体管理;乙方主要负责技术文件编制、供货、技术服务和技术支持等工作,并提供周边国家的市场支持。 本意向书所涉及的产品为乙方生产的Y323,Y324和YX436三种规格的搅拌机。 Party A is mainly responsible for the general conciliation and communication with the concerned governmental sections, banks and the chambers of commerce, and for the general management of the project development; Party B is mainly responsible for making out the technical documents, effecting supply, technical servicing and supporting, and for supplying the marketing support from the countries around. This letter of intent refers to the blenders that manufactured by Party B with specification of Y323,Y324 and YX436. 2、 双方的工作 interface of works carried out by both parties 21 在正式的合作协议签订前before signature of the official cooperation contract 21.1 甲方的责任和义务 responsibility and liability of Party A ¯ 编制该项目在意大利的可行性报告,及时就技术和商务问题与乙方进行澄清;issue the feasibility report of this project being located in Italy, and make the technical and commercial problems clear to Party B immediately when any happens; 2 ¯ 负责项目融资事宜并承担相应工作,在必要时与乙方协作为该项目争取优惠的信贷条件;take charge of financing the project and other related work, cooperate with Party B to seek to preferential credit treatment when necessary; ¯ 审核乙方编制的商务、技术文件并汇总,提出修改意见、组织谈判;audit the commercial and technical documents furnished by Party B and finish the summarization, give amending suggestions, and organize the negotiation; ¯ 负责组织乙方以及相关人员在意大利的考察工作;take charge of organizing the review and examining jobs of the concerned personnel from Party B in Italy; ¯ 负责在合作过程中及时向当地的商会和*部门汇报项目情况,并获得有关*部门的支持。Inform the chambers of commerce and governmental sections in time of the project progress during the cooperation, and get supported by the concerned governmental sections. 21.2 乙方的责任和义务 responsibility and liability of Party B ¯ 乙方在充分考虑甲方要求的前提下编写目标产品的技术文件,保证技术的完整性、可靠性和先进性;Party B should work out the technical documents as the request of Party A, guaranteeing its integrality, reliability, and advancement. ¯ 充分考虑甲方要求与乙方习惯的差异,并针对差异项尽可能提出备选方案以供甲方选择;considering fully about Party As request that maybe conflict with Party Bs custom, and for that, give suggestions for Party A to choose the 3 proper ones. ¯ 负责人员来华考察的接待,并负责安排参观生产工厂、会谈,组织技术交流;do the receptions when the concerned come to China for investigation, and arrange the visiting of workshops, meetings and communications for technique; ¯ 及时安排有关人员参加国内外的考察和谈判工作,并根据甲方的意见对有关技术文件、商务文件进行补充和修改;schedule the concerned persons to attend the investigation and negotiation both home and abroad, and make amendments and complement of the technical and commercial documents as Party A requests; 22 在正式的合作协议签订后 after the signature of the official contract 甲乙双方将根据合作协议的规定和要求,另行签订具体的采购合同,明确各自在合同执行过程中的责任和义务。Both parties should sign the specific purchase contracts according to the terms and conditions hereby stipulated, therefore definitude the responsibilities and liabilities of both parties. 乙方根据自身的业务特点,特授权其全资子公司“凯福国际经济贸易有限公司”作为乙方的全权代表,与甲方签订采购合同、技术协议及服务协议等各种文件,并负责整个项目的操作过程。 Party B hereby authorizes its wholly owned subsidiary _Kaifu International Trade Cor. Ltd, as its full-fledged member to make purchase contract, technical and service agreements and other relative documents, and to take charge of the whole operating process of the project. 3、 费用Expenditure 4 31 在正式协议签订前,甲乙双方分别承担各自为获得该项目所发生的所有费用。Before the official contract is signed, both parties shoulder all the expenditures to get this project respectively. 32 在正式协议生效后的执行过程中,双方根据签订的合同或意向书支付相关货款或费用。During the enforcement period of the official contract, both parties should make the pertinent payments for the products and costs according to the contracts and letter of intent. 4、 保密原则 Confidentiality Principles 在本意向书有效期内,甲乙双方对有关合作信息及资料负有保密责任。未经双方书面同意,任何一方不得将合作有关信息及资料向第三方泄露或用于其他非双方合作的项目。During the effect of this letter of intent, both parties should take the responsibility of confidentiality. No party is allowed to divulge to a third party of the concerning information and materials, or use it in other projects not included in the cooperation. 5、 违约责任Default Responsibility 甲乙双方中的一方违反本意向书明确的责任和义务而使对方蒙受损失,受损方有权向责任方提出索赔要求,责任方应予以经济赔偿,赔偿的额度以造成直接或间接经济损失为据进行计算。Given any party of the two causes loses for the other because of his failure of performing the responsibility and liability stipulated herein, the other party has the right to claim, and the party responsible should offer compensation in cash on the basis of lose extent made directly or indirectly. 5 6、 意向书的补充修改 Complements and amendments of the letter intent 61 此意向书书为双方合作的依据,未尽事宜甲乙双方另行协商解决。This letter of intent is the basis of cooperation. Other issues excluded should be negotiated and settled amicably by both parties. 62 任何修改、变更和补充的条款和内容,一方应提前两个月向另一方以书面形式提出,经双方确认签字盖章后,将被视为本意向书不可分割的组成部分,与本意向书具有同等法律效力。Any amendment, modification, and complement made to the terms and conditions should be forwarded by one party to another two months advanced, and being considered as a inseparable part of this letter of intent after the signature of the two parties, with the same validity as this letter of intent. 7、 意向书的生效及期限 the effect and validity period of the letter of intent 81 本意向书自甲乙双方代表签字盖章之日起生效,有效期一年。双方在此前签订的供货合同不受本意向书的约束。This letter of intent becomes valid at the day being signed by the two parties, and maintain in force for one year. 82 若任何一方不履行或未按本意向书约定履行任何权利义务的,则守约方要求违约方的赔偿权利或要求违约方承担违约责任的权利不以本意向书的终止而终止。Should any party fail to perform the responsibility and liability stipulated herein, the non-breaching party hold the right to claim and request the breaching party to assume its 6 responsibility, and the right will not terminate as this letter of intent terminates. 83 意向书一式二份,双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。 This letter of intent is made in duplicate, each party holding one, with the same legal effect. 甲 方: 意大利SOMAT公司 Party A: SOMAT Cor., Italy 乙 方: 中国凯福集团有限公司 Party B: Kaifu Group Cor. Ltd, China 7


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