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    史上最全美国留学面试问题汇总!小编在网上收集了些常见的美国研究生留学Interview的问题,并进行了分类。我觉得只要把这里的问题都准备了,就完全OK了。不用再多去准备更多的问题了!希望能够帮助到大家。 常见问题 Could you walk me through your resume? Why MBA? Why do the MBA now? Why our school? What are your short term/long term post-MBA career goals? What are your 3 greatest strengths? What are your 2 greatest weaknesses? What do you think will be the biggest concern of the Admissions Committee in evaluating your application? Do you have any questions for me? 其他问题 学术经验 What was the most rewarding aspect of your undergraduate experience? What are you most proud of about your undergraduate period? Why did you select this undergraduate major? Would you have changed your decision today? To what do you attribute your strong academic performance? In which campus activities did you participate? What did you learn or gain from this involvement? Have you ever dropped a class? Why? Which college classes did you like the best/least? Why? Do you think you received a good education? Do your grades accurately reflect your ability? Were you financially responsible for part or all of your college education? How many classes did you miss because of illness, personal business or other reasons? 工作经历 Describe your work experience (in general or with specific employers). What did you find most frustrating at work? What kinds of changes would you make at your work if you could? Do you have any opportunity for innovative thinking? Could you describe an incident where you disagreed with a superior? How was this settled? What aspect of your job do you most enjoy? Why? Of what accomplishment at work are you most proud? Could you compare your experience in these two jobs you had? If I ask your manager what he/she values in you, what will he/she say? What did you enjoy most/least about position X? Of which three accomplishments are you most proud? What problems have you solved in your previous positions? What have you disliked in your job with employer X? What are some recent responsibilities you have taken on? What do you think it is about yourself that enabled you to earn achievement X? 职业规划 Why did you leave job A for job B? What will you do if you are not accepted to any of the MBA programs Describe a typical workday. you applied to? What will you do if you are not accepted to our MBA program? Why did you choose to do X? Describe your ideal job after completing the MBA. How does your education or work experience relate to your career goals? 领导力 Give me two cases where you demonstrated leadership. How would others describe your leadership style? What do you think is the right way to get things done through others? 团队合作 What role do you usually play in group situations? Could you give an What would you do if a team member wasn't pulling his own weight? What qualities should a successful manager possess? Have you ever spoken to a group of people? How large? Could you name someone you view as a strong leader? Why? Who are your role models? example? Do you prefer to work under supervision or on your own? Give me an example of your teamwork experience. Have you worked under deadline pressure? When? Do you prefer large or small companies? Why? What kinds of people do you enjoy working with? What kinds of people frustrate you? How do you contribute to groups? 个人和职业道德 Tell me about yourself. Describe a time when you had to bend the rules a little in order to accomplish a goal. What do you like doing outside of work? Tell me about something in your life you would have done differently if you had the opportunity. What 3 adjectives would others use to describe you? Can you recall a creative/innovative activity of yours? Tell me about a time you took a risk and what the experience was like. If you were to establish a set of values and beliefs on which to build a business, what would they be? Is there anything specific/else that you would like the admissions committee to know about you? Define success/failure. Tell me about a time in which you failed. What would you like to change about yourself? Discuss any experience you have had abroad. Describe a life experience that had a strong impact on you? Tell me about an ethical dilemma youve dealt with. What do you get passionate about? 课外/志愿者工作 Have you ever done any volunteer work? What was it? Were your extracurricular activities worth the time you put into them? What have they taught you? MBA项目 What are you looking for in our program? What can you contribute to your class? Why do you think you would enjoy your chosen area of study? What clubs are you considering joining? It's two years after graduation, what three words would your MBA team members use to describe you? 典型的“行为面试”的问题 In dealing with a customer, think of your most difficult situation and tell me how you handled it. Give an example of a case when you felt your boss made a bad decision and explain how you would have handled it differently. Describe a situation where 20 different things had to get done at once and how you handled it. Describe a disagreement you had with your boss. What did he say? What did you say? Describe a major problem you have faced on the job and how you handled it TIPS 美国研究生留学面试是必不可少的一关,也是能否申请胜利的最后一关,所以留学面试,至关重要。下面就来为大家细致解说一下美国留学电话面试的技巧,下面是美国留学电话面试大家务必要准备的三大类问题,也是教授们必问的三类问题,希望大家好好准备。 1. 关于选校和美国读书 关于你为什么选择我们学校? 为什么选择这个专业? 你以后的职业目的? 你以后的学习方案等。 这类问题,是面试官经常会问的问题。面试官要晓得你学习的目的性和方案性。关于这类问题的答复,你要抓住几个要点:学校的特征;该专业在学校的特征;学校培育该专业的目的;分别从这几点去准备这些问题。 2. 研究内容 关于大多数申请研究生的本科生来说,他们的研究内容,本专业的学问,也是面试官要考察的问题。这就是调查你的真本领了。首先你一定要把你简历里提到的研究经历和PS里写到的研究经历统统记牢。由于面试官通常都会看着你的CV,PS来问你问题。你也能够事前列个大纲,列个草稿。这一步是根底。下一步就是去查面试官的背景,特别是关于理工科的学生,这一点很重要,由于常常给你面试的教授就是你申请某专业范畴里的教师,所以你要去查面试官的背景,去看面试官的研讨方向,去理解面试官发表的文章。这样能够和面试官找到共同的话题,惹起面试官的兴趣。假如找不到面试官的背景怎样办?找不到也没有关系,你要增强你申请某专业的认识深度。或许你会说,我不懂呀,时间来不及。没关系,你不用全懂,但是你要抓住一个点去弄透,弄明白。面试官不会尴尬你,不会去问你很深的问题,但是为了给面试官留下一个好印象,为了能顺利的获得学校的认可,你就一定要做好这一步。 3. 兴趣喜好,社会问题以及其他 除了上面两个问题,面试官通常还会问你的兴趣喜好,社会问题,天气,家乡景色等问题。这是面试官在调查你与人的交流才能,你的英语才能。关于这类的问题,大家能够事前做好准备,多多练习。 最后,大家在和面试官交流的时分,语速不用太快,但是发音吐字要明晰。假如没听懂对方的问题,不要不懂装懂,请面试官再讲一遍。尽可能表现的有礼貌,有问必答,而不要答非所问。假如平常口语一般,那么事前充分的准备对对方问题的估量以及如何答复会起到很好的效果。


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