口语考试之对话Book II Unit 1 Work in pairs and act out the conversation. Student A Tell student B youve been thinking about a particular person or group of people who need financial help and youd like to help them. Student B Tell student A youve been thinking the same. Student A Suggest organizing an event to raise money for this cause. Student B Agree and make some suggestions about what the event should be. Student A Say what you think of these suggestions. Students A&B Make some plans using a list about what you need to do. Student A Sum up and mention one or two things youve agreed on so far. Student B Mention one other thing youve agreed on. Book II Unit 3 Work in pairs and act out the conversation. Student A You find out that something you own (eg a computer, a mobile phone) has gone. Ask where it is and express surprise. Student B Ask where student A had left it. Student A Say where you left it. Show your anger that someone has stolen it. Student B Express anger. Student A Mention its value and say how upset you are. (later) Student A Tell student B you reported the theft to the police. Student B Ask what they said. Student A Tell Student B what the police said. Student B Ask what else the police said. Student A Reply. Student B Say that you hope student A gets it back. Book II Unit 6 Work in pairs and act out the conversation. Student A Ask where student B is going. Student B Say that youre going to a sports event and invite student A. Student A Explain that youre too busy but youd like to come later. Ask where student B will be. Student B Sympathize with student A and give directions. Explain that you/ your team won the last match. Student A Congratulate student B. Student B Express concern that you / your team may not win the next match. Student A Reassure student B. Book II Unit 7 Work in pairs and act out the conversation. Student A Think of a pet. Ask if student B likes it. Student B Reply and give reasons. Talk about if friends or relatives like or dislike the pet. Ask student A if they like or dislike the pet. Student A Reply and give reasons. Talk about your own friends and relatives and the pets they like. Student B Make a comment. Talk about the Chinese attitude to pets. Student A Reply and say more on the subject. Mention an animal you dislike and express your fears. Student B Say how you feel about the animal student A fears. Book II Unit 9 Work in pairs and act out the conversation. Student A Ask student B if they know what they want to do after finishing college. Student B Say youre not sure and talk about different possibilities. Student A Listen and comment. Student B Say more about your ideas. Student A Check that something you know about student B is correct. Student B Confirm or correct what student A has said. Ask about student As career plans. Student A Say that you think its important to plan ahead and that you know what you want to do. Talk about your plans. Student B Listen and comment. Student A Say that theres a careers fair on and suggest going together as it might help give student B some ideas. Student B Agree to go. Book III Unit1 Work in pairs and act out the conversation. Student A Tell student B about a personal matter such as a friendship or part-time job. Student B Ask student A if they mind you asking something about it. Student A Answer student Bs question. Student B Ask if you can ask something else. Student A Answer the question and express annoyance about something. Student B Ask for clarification. Student A Clarify what you mean. Book III Unit 2 Work in pairs and act out the conversation. Student A Ask student B where they lived as a child. Student B Tell student A where you lived as a child, and one or two interesting facts about the neighborhood. Student A Express surprise and ask a further question. Student B Resume what you were saying. Then compare the neighborhood as it was then with the present and say how its changed. Student A Make a comment. Student B Ask student A where they lives as a child. Student A Reply and tell student B an interesting fact about the area. Student B Express surprise, and ask student A where they went to school. Student A Reply with some interesting facts about your schooldays. Talk about differences between then and now, and then say something that shows you want to resume what you were saying. Student B Remind student A of what they were talking about. Student A Tell student B more about your education. Book III Unit 3 Work in pairs and act out the conversation. Student A Tell student B you are waiting for a friend to go and see a show but they are late as usual. Student B Tell student A you remember seeing the show. Student A Ask student B when and where they saw it. Student B Try and remember when and where you saw the show. Student A Ask how far away the theatre was. Student B Try and remember exactly where it was. Student A Ask student B to tell you something about the show. Student B Explain something about the show. Student A Prompt student B for more information. Student B Tell student A something more about the show. (student A s friend turn up.) Student A Reply and say that you have to hurry up so youre not late.