托福口语发音练习两大误区 托福口语,发音练习的误区,让我们一起来看看吧,我们有没有踩雷,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语发音练习两大误区一是盲目地读课文,认为这就是练习口语;二是盲目地跟读光盘、磁带,认为只要跟读就能够纠正发音。托福考生总是纠结这样一个问题练了半天但就是没有多少效果,考托福口语时依然我行我素的发着奇怪的音,世界上最痛苦的事莫过于此。笔者也曾经同样为之烦恼过,起初练习语音的方法非常简单,就是到书店买本书,然后跟着磁带盲目地读。喉咙哑了,头发白了,结果是我自己一个音,磁带一个音,怎么模仿都不像。当时喜欢将一个一个音标和例词抄在本子上,走到哪里读到哪里。如apple、mad、sad、had、cat、Jack但丝毫没见进步。为何?道理其实很简单,我们平时说话都以句子为单位而不以单词为单位。比如到了美国见到一个卖水果的,人家问:“What can I do for you?” 我们不能简单地回答成“Apple”, 而是应该说成“Im lookinfor some apples.” 因此孤立地练习音标和单词具有欺骗性孤立地读音标或单词都会好听,一旦放在句子中便无法体现。衡量语音好坏的唯一标准是句子的发音!只有摆对方向才能学有所用。那么如何去练习句子的发音呢?给大家介绍句子读法“三剑客”:连读、失去爆破、弱读。比如on it不应读成【on】【It】,而应读成【o】【nI】【t】, 同样,first time中的两个【t】应读成一个【t】;美国总统奥巴马在20XX年芝加哥获胜演说中读“must be”中的【t】不读出声,读“could be”中的【d】彻底消失。因此,与其将大量精力浪费在一个孤立的音标上,倒不如学习如何读好句子,毕竟这才是根本。2020年托福口语考试常识介绍考试常识1、口语题型介绍关于托福口语题型可划分成两大部分,题目总共是六道,考试时间是20分钟,采用机考的形式,考官通过听考生的录音给考生判分。托福口语考试里的两大部分是分别是独立题与四道综合题。独立题型中要求考生就某一话题阐述自己的观点,综合题型中的task3和task4要求考生就自己读的*和听到的听力材料作答,task5和6要求考生根据听到的听力材料答题。2、口语考试界面流程托福口语所采用的形式是网考的。在大家进行托福考试时,页面首先会转换成section的图片,对你表示马上就会进入口语考试界面,点击 continue之后进入下一个界面,即进入托福考试答题环节。在task1和task2之间会有转换提示;task3和task4部分会先出阅读*,然后才会有听力部分;Task5和task6部分都会让考生先听一段录音谈后答题。3、口语评分标准托福口语考试分别从:中心是否切题;意思是否明白;结构是否严密;表达是否连贯;发音是否清楚;语法是否正确;词汇是否熟练等七个方面来衡量考生的托福口语成绩。所以建议考生在回答托福口语的时候口齿要清晰,语音语调要正确,要有一定的流利程度,正确地运用语法,恰当地使用词汇,且表达要符合英语习惯;并且大家叙述的内容必须充实,要符合逻辑。4、口语成绩复议当考生收到得分之后,如果认为自己的得分应该高于此分或者是自己申校的时间迫在眉睫,没有时间再刷分的情况下,考生能够选择的是复议。首先考生需要进入教育部考试中心托福网考报名网站中登录到帐户,然后付款,点击查看已注册信息中的成绩复议,根据要求把表格打印一张出来,填好!心态调节1、自己的口语不好部分考生缺乏信心,总认为托福口语太难,自己无法攻破。托福考的是母语非英语的人的英语水平。美国人评分比较公正,不要轻易气馁。实际上,托福口语是高度模式化的考试,有机可循,尤其是3-6题。通过同类题目的训练一定会达到心中有数从容应对的程度。1-2题有以往的真题机经作为参考,不会难到开不了口。其实只要稍微沾边,轻微点题,并且让美国人懂大家在说什么,都会有个基本分数的。2、自己口语水平很高部分考生参加过英语演讲比赛或者有比较丰富的口译经历,感觉自己的英语水平很高,认为托福口语考试不在话下,不看题型裸考都能考高分。这就是另一个极端了。因为大多数人在日常交流中都会用面部表情和肢体语言弥补口头语言中某些表意不明的不足,而托福口语完全是靠嘴巴说,并非视频聊天。所以,即使大家平时和老外面对面交谈十分自如愉快,也不一定在托福口语考试中就能得意考场。另外,在和外国人面对面的交流中,对方的不时反馈会让大家觉得交流更简单,但是托福口语考试中只有大家一个人说,没有互动。口语底子好的同学思想上一定要重视并认真对待托福口语考试,把最基本的东西看看练练,高分才能唾手可得。3、看了很多高分经验分享,自我感觉良好部分考生反映,那种诸如“一个星期意外考110+”、“10天115+”、“29+29+29+29”的*自己没少看,看他们的分数和分享感受,自己仿佛也拥有他们的高分一样,很羡慕很陶醉。“经验帖有时确实能治疗复习无方向的症状,不过它和任何药物一样也是有副作用的,尤其是当考生对它们过分依赖的时候。”每个人的英语基础、经历和性格以及很多细节都可能影响口语成绩,因此一个人成功的经验照搬到另一个人身上不一定会收到同样的效果。类似这样的经验贴很容易产生一种善意的、不经意的、很微妙的误导。单从这些经验贴中提供的信息来看,某些考生的高分和他们给出的经验和经历并不一定有必然的联系,他们不可能给出自身完整的特点。就算这个经验是他们成功的法宝,但有可能是其他人失败的毒药。任何经验都是建立在刻苦实践上的,不下苦功,经验不会有效果的。但是经验本身就有光鲜的色彩,比起努力勤奋更具有吸引力,拿到高分的考生往往没有提及他们曾经付出的汗水和代价,或许他们考试近期确实没有怎么太用功复习,他们前期学习英语的辛劳和拼搏可能是我们无法想象的。托福口语是一个普遍难拿高分的项目,即便你的语感和发音都很好也不能够轻敌,另外口语不好的同学也不用着急,总之大家一定要在平日里多多练习口语,打下扎实的基础,这样走到托福口语考场也能够不怯场了。托福综合口语怎样进行训练口语训练听懂态度:通过倾听语调、重音和选词,尽力听懂讲话人的态度。当你回答问题时,它将帮助你表述其中一个讲话人的观点。阅读*:为更好地备考包含阅读任务的口语题型,你可以通过阅读短文提取*要点提纲的方式来归纳信息,从而有助于你准备口头问答。对话交谈:尽可能多地练习你的口头表达能力,尽可能与英语母语者交流,或参加用英语讨论的俱乐部。使用课本练习:为更好地备考基于学术内容的口语题型,你可以找一本在章节结尾处设置相关学术问题的课本,然后尝试口头回答这些问题。做笔记:值得注意的是,你可以在综合口语测试的阅读和听力过程中做笔记。练习做笔记有助于应考,同时也是你出国留学必备的一项重要技能!口语模板题目:Students can use their mobile phones to surf on the Internet or listen to the music while doing their homework.立场:不同意理由:做作业的时候干别的很难集中精力,必定会影响效率【段落示例】1 Firstly, it is impossible for students to concentrate on their homework while doing something else at the same time. 2 This is because homework usually demands a relatively quiet place and full concentration from the student. 3 Conversely, if a student is doing homework and listening to music or surfing online as well, his or her attention will be torn apart, and the efficiency of finishing homework will be inevitably affected. 4 A good case in point is my own experience. 5 When I am working on a mission such as preparing a presentation, I have to devote all my attention to it and cannot afford any slight disturbance. 6 If I randomly refresh my Weibo or Wechat on cell phone, my job would be bound to last for a longer time.1 主题句:It is + adj. + for sb. to do A.2 正面说理:This is because.3 反面说理:Conversely.4 引出例子:A good case in point is Xs experience.5-6 阐述例子: Content of the example【模板总结】It is important or beneficial for sb. to do A in order to X. This is because A 对于 X 的重要性或者好处。Conversely, 如果不做 A 对于 X 的坏处。A good case in point is Eg1s experience. 2-3 句阐述例子。The story of Eg1 perfectly illustrates the importance of A.这里把 impossible 变成了 important or beneficial 因为大部分题目我们都是支持的。既然支持,原因自然是 A 很好或者 A 很重要,自然这两个词就变得非常通用。最后又加了一个对于例子的总结,我们需要做的就是写清楚 A 对于 X 的好处是啥,不做 A 的坏处是啥,以及补充例子的具体内容。当然了,这只是一个非常理想的情况,如果由于某些原因不能保证正反说理和例子同时存在,可以酌情去掉。比如没有例子可以只有正反说理,只不过各说 2-3 句即可。类似的,如果没有反面说理,可以例子或者正面的说理多说一句。极端情况下,主题句和说理都不会写,那直接上例子呗。【模板应用示例】Agree or disagree, it is better for children to choose the jobs of their parents.It is important for us to choose a job that suits our interests in order to distinguish ourselves in a particular field. This is because not only could we have much higher work efficiency by devoting ourselves to a job that interests us,but also we are more likely to come up with innovative ideas. Conversely, following in the footsteps of our parents without thinking of what fascinates us is likely to lead us to nothing but mediocre life.A good case in point is Kobe, a shooting guard who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association. He is one of the most influential basketball players in the history of NBA, not solely for his success in leading the Lakers to three consecutive NBA championships, but for his courage to choose a career that he is obsessed with. The story of Kobe perfectly illustrates the importance of personal interest in ones career development.【重点句式】Not only could we , but also we are more likely to ., not solely for A, but for B.【重点表达】devote A to Bsuit ones interest | interest sb | fascinate sb | be obsessed withcome up withwithout thinking offollowing in the footstep of sb【模板替换】主题句No one would deny the fact that the importance of A to X should never be overlooked.The fact that A is of vital importance to X is hardly a surprise.There is no denying that A is conducive to X or A is closely bound up with X.On no account should we underestimate the importance of A to X.By no means are we supposed to close our eyes to the importance of A to X.It is A that plays an essential part in X.What we have to admit is that A is a major contributor to X.正面说理因One of the most obvious reasons of this point is that .What may explain this point is that .The reason is that .Of the various reasons attempting to account for this point, the most likely one is that .It is generally believed that X results from A.果That is the reason why ., as a result of which ., which may explain why .反面说理On the contrary | In contrast | Conversely | On the other hand引出例子To illustrate, we may refer to the example of A.A is a good demonstration of this point.For relevant examples, we just need to turn to A.There is no better illustration of this point than the example of A.There are myriads of examples in our lives that can be used here to substantiate this point, one of which is .X.If anyone needs convincing that, here is the proof.If anyone looks for further evidence that , they should look at .Those seeking more conviction that can now turn to .Examples of this point abounds in our lives, one of which is . can be cited here as an example of this point.总结例子The story of Eg. perfectly illustrates the importance of A to X.It can be seen from the story of Eg. that A is an indispensable ingredient of X.Without A, Eg. could have never done X.Needless to say, Egs story indicates that X is largely a result of A.Had Eg. not done A, Eg. would have never done X.