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    南昌大学学术英语人文考试1 词汇替换 1 术语 2.Iceberg Theory:冰山理论 Ernest Hemingways “iceberg theory” suggests that the writer include in the text only a small portion of what he knows, leaving about ninety percent of the content a mystery that grows beneath the surface of the writing. This type of writing lends itself naturally to a version of dream-interpretation If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. A good writer does not need to reveal every detail of a character or action. 海明威的“冰山理论”表明,作者包括文本中只有一小部分他知道什么,离开大约百分之九十的内容一个谜,生长在表面之下的写作。这种类型的写作有助于自然释梦法的一个版本。如果一个作家的散文足够了解他写他可能忽略的事情,会有一种感觉的事情虽然作者说他们一样强烈。冰山运动在于只有八分之一露出水面。一个好的作家不需要显示每一个字符或动作的每个细节便能表现他想要体现的情感或者观点。 3.Essay:文章 An essay is an analytic,interpretative,or critical literary composition.Universities use essays to choose applicants for admission or assess student performance in a course. Essay是一种分析、解释或批评的文学作品。大学使用论文选择申请入学或评估学生成绩的课程 4.Collective unconscious:集体无意识 Collective unconscious is a term of analytic psychology introduced by Carl Jung,a Swiss psychiatrist and the founder of analytic psychology.It represents a form of the unconscious common to human beings as a whole and related to the inherited structure of the brain. 集体无意识是由卡尔·荣格分析心理学的一个术语介绍,瑞士精神病学家和分析心理学的创始人。它代表一种无意识的常见人类作为一个整体和遗传有关大脑的存在。它影响着我们的经历、情感和行为,但我们只能从 它的影响上间接的知道它的存在 5.Artistic merit:艺术价值 Artistic merit refers to the judgment of the perceived quality or value of cultural products as works of art. A piece of writing is considered as having artistic merit if it has high quality and some aesthetic value. 艺术价值是指文化产品的感知质量或价值判断的艺术作品。一件被认为是有艺术价值的作品,要有高质量和一些独特的审美价值。 6.Literary theory:文学理论 In a strict sense,literary theory refers to the systematic study of the nature of literature and the methods for analyzing literature.In a wider sense,it can refer to various scholarly approaches to reading texts.These approaches and ideas act as different lenses literary critics use to analyze literature, and they allow critics to focus on particular aspects of a literary work.Literary theory aims to understand the nature and functions of literature,and the relation of a text to its author, to its reader,to language,to society,to history,etc 从严格意义上说,文学理论指的是系统研究文学的本质和方法分析文学作品。在更广泛的意义上,它可以指各种学术方法阅读文本。这些方法和理念作为文学评论家使用分析文学作品,不同的角度,他们让批评家关注文学作品的特定方面。文学理论旨在理解文学的本质和功能,文本和作者,读者,语言,社会,历史,等等的关系 7.Gender studies:性别研究 Gender studies aims to describe how ideas and assumptions about biological sex and gender influence the political,social,and cultural construction of gender identities.It resorts to the concept of gender to analyze a wide range of disciplines.Gender studies mainly includes women's studies,men's studies and queer studies. 性别研究的目的是描述如何思想和假设生理性别和性别影响的政治、社会和文化建设的性别身份。它诉诸性别的概念来分析范围广泛的学科。性别研究主要包括女性的研究,男性的研究和同性的研究。 8.Literary criticism:文学批评 Literary criticism is the evaluation,analysis or description of a particular literary work or a group of writings as a whole.Modern literary criticism is often informed by literary theory.It usually in the form of a critical essay. 文学批评是评估、分析或描述一个特定的文学作品或将一组作品作为一个整体来研究。现代文学批评通常依据文学理论展开。它通常是批评文献的形式。(学术英语P6 单词表) 9.Figure of speech:修辞 Word or phrase used for vivid or dramatic effect and not literally 词或短语用于生动或者戏剧性的效果,而不是字面意思 10.Genealogy:宗谱 the history of one family,showing how all the people are related to each other 一个家族的历史并展示他们之间的关系 11.historical data 史料;历史资料 12.national identity 国家认同;民族认同感;民族个性 13.the pastness of the past:过去的过去 It refers to the ways people in the past constructed their lives,or the state and quality of being past. 过去的过去指的是人们过去建造自己的生活方式,或过去的状态和质量。 14.the Mandate of Heaven:天命,君权神授 It is an ancient Chinese philosophical concept originating during the Zhou dynasty.It postulates that heaven would bless the authority of a just ruler,but would be displeased with a despotic ruler and would withdraw its mandate. 这是一个中国古代哲学概念在周朝原始。它假定上帝会保佑统治者的权威,或者将一个不满意的统治者撤回授权。 15.historical consciousness: 史学意识 16.Historiography:史学 the writing of history;the study of the development of historical method,historical research,and writing 写历史,研究历史的发展方法,历史研究和写作 17.historian/historiographer史学家 a historian,especially one designated by a group or public institution. A person who is an authority on history and who studies it and writes about it. 历史学家,尤其是指定的群体或机构。 在历史领域拥有权威和研究历史,写历史的人。 18.Paradox:相悖论 A statement that seems impossible because it contains two opposing ideas that are both true. 一种观点,似乎是不可能的,因为它包含了两种对立的观点,并且都是真实的。 19.Epistemology: the theory of knowledge认识论 20.Metaphysics:形而上学 the part of philosophy that is concerned with trying to understand and describe the nature of truth,life,and reality. It is a traditional branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the worked. 哲学的一类,它关心的是试图去理解和描述事物,生活,和现实的本质。这是传统哲学的一个分支关心并解释世界的基本性质。 21.formal development: 正式的发展 1 释义 1).The nature of artistic merit is less easy to define than to recognize. The writer need not even pursue it to attain it. 艺术价值的本质是没有认识到容易定义。作者甚至不需要追求去实现它。 Artistic merit refers to the judgment of the perceived quality or value of cultural products as works of art. A piece of writing is considered as having artistic merit if it has high quality and some aesthetic value.A great writer is someone who can attain artistic merit almost effortlessly and naturally 艺术价值是指文化产品的感知质量或价值判断的艺术作品。一件被认为是有艺术价值的作品,要有高质量和一些独特的审美价值。伟大的作家能够毫不费力而又自然的实现文本的艺术价值。 2).The test in individual cases would seem to be one of enduring satisfaction and, of course, truth. 测试在个别情况下似乎是一个持久的满意度和,当然,真理。 To test whether advertising copywriting,a purely commercial fiction,or cinema and television script is an accept form of literary expression.one needs to judge whether that particular form can bring long-lasting satisfaction and convey the very truth of human beings and the world. 为测试广告文案,纯粹的商业小说或电影和电视脚本是否是一个能被接受的文学表达形式。需要根据判断特定形式是否能带来持久的满意度和传达人类和世界的真理。 3).By embracing literary theory, we learn about literature, but importantly, we are also taught tolerance for other peoples beliefs. 通过拥抱文学理论,我们了解文学,但重要的是,我们还教容忍别人的信仰。 There is no one overarching literary theory. Various literary theories often ask different questions about Groups of readers and critics will declare allegiance to a similar core of beliefs and band together,thereby founding schools of criticism 没有一种包罗万象的文学理论。各种文学理论经常提出不同的关于读者群体和评论家的问题,忠诚于核心信念和领域一起,从而建立起学术的批评。 4).Although each readers theory and methodology for arriving at a texts interpretation differs, sooner or later groups of readers and critics declare allegiance to a similar core of beliefs and band together, thereby founding schools of criticism.尽管每个读者的理论和方法论会使读者对文本有不同的理解,但或早或晚的,读者和评论家都会忠实于一个类似的于核心信念和领域在,从而建立正式的批评。 5). “History teaching by example” is one phrase that describes this use of a study of the past a study not only of certifiable heroes, the great men and women of history who successfully worked through moral dilemmas, but also of more ordinary people who provide lessons in courage, diligence, or constructive protest.历史教学的例子”是一个短语,描述这个用过去的一项研究一项研究不仅可保证的英雄,历史的伟大的男性和女性谁成功过道德困境,但也更普通的人提供课程的勇气,勤奋、或建设性的抗议。 6.The same aesthetic and humanistic goals inspire people to immerse themselves in efforts to reconstruct quite remote pasts, far removed from immediate, present-day utility.相同的美学和人文目标激励人们沉浸在努力重建很遥远的过去,立刻远离目前的功用。 7.The method of conceptual analysis might sometimes seem picky, but unclarity or imprecision in our concepts is often what leads us into paradoxes and incoherence in our world views.概念分析的方法有时可能会显得挑剔,但不清楚或不精确的概念通常会导致我们的世界观陷入矛盾和混乱。 8.Every claim, no matter where it comes from, is subject to scrutiny. Even common sense is not taken for granted, which leads philosophers to put forward some very weird views.每一个主张,不管它来自哪,,是否受到审查。甚至为常识不容,这,导致哲学家提出一些非常奇怪的观点 翻译来自第六单元的A课文


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