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    华中科技大学计算机科学与技术专业本科人才培养方案华中科技大学本科生学习指南 计算机科学与技术专业本科培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Computer Science & Technology 一、培养目标 Educational Objectives 培养德、智、体全面发展,具有系统、扎实的信息学科和计算机学科的理论基础,在信息的获取、传递、处理及应用等方面,具有较宽广的专业知识和实践动手能力的研究型、复合型人才。毕业生具有良好的人文素质、创新精神和较强的英语能力,能在信息技术产业,科研部门,高等院校及其相关领域从事信息科学与技术的研究、设计、开发及管理等方面的工作,并可继续攻读计算机科学与技术、相关学科与交叉学科的硕士学位。 This program is designed to provide a thorough grounding in the theoretical principles and knowledge of information retrieval, transformation, processing and application. It remains committed to systematic education for high-level researchers and doers, who have particular interests in the area of electronics, communication, computer, automation, optical information and information sensing. Students with good command of English and personality of innovation can be prepared for any professional role they might chooseresearch, design, integration, practice in information technology industries, research institutes, universities, the professions and other community groups, and pursue their advanced degrees in computer science and technology, other related fields and cross subjects. 二、基本规格要求 Skills Profile 毕业生应获得以下几个方面的知识和能力: 1. 具有较扎实的信息学科所需的数理基础; 2. 掌握信息学科、计算机科学与技术的基本理论和方法; 3. 具有研究计算机科学与技术领域理论问题和解决实际问题的能力; 4. 了解信息学科、计算机学科的发展动态; 5. 具有较强的英语语言能力; 6. 掌握文献检索、资料查询的方法和撰写科学论文的能力; 7. 具有较好的人文社科知识和人文素质,以及较强的协调、组织能力; 8. 具有较强的创新精神。 Students are expected to gain: 1. Sound grounding in both mathematics and physics; 2. Principles of information science, electronics and computer science; 3. Research and problem solving skills; 4. Skills to understand the development and trend in the computer discipline; 5. Skills to use English language; 6. Ability in document searching, data querying and thesis writing; 7. Attainment in humanities & art, cooperative and organizational skills; 8. Sense of creation and innovation. 三、培养特色 Program Features ·2·华中科技大学本科生学习指南 以数理为基础,以信息学科为平台,以计算机科学与技术为方向,以培养创新能力为重点,面向系统,兼顾应用,软硬结合,计算机科学与计算机工程并重。采用基于问题/项目的教学方法,培养在计算机系统结构与计算机网络系统、软件系统、计算机工具与应用支撑环境的研究、分析、设计、开发和工程组织等方面具有综合能力的复合型人才。 Based on math and science, built on information science, directed towards computer science and technology and systems oriented, this program emphasizes on creativity, bears applications in mind, combines software and hardware, and keeps a balance between computer science and computer engineering. Based on Problem-Based-Learning, This Program cultivates talents in analysis of computer systems and computer networking architecture, as well as in research, analysis, design, development and engineering management of software design, tools and supporting environment. 四、主干学科 Major Disciplines 计算机科学与技术Computer Science & Technology 五、学制与学位 Length of Schooling and Degree 修业年限:四年 Duration:4 years 授予学位:工学学士 Degrees Conferred:Bachelor of Engineering 六、学时与学分 Hours/Credits 完成学业最低课内学分要求:159.3 Minimum Credits of Curricular(Comprising course system and intensified internship practical training):159.3 完成学业最低课外学分要求:5 Minimum Extracurricular Credits:5 1课程体系学时与学分 Hours/Credits of Course System 课程类别 通识教育基础课程 学科大类基础课程 专业核心课 专业课 专业选修课 合计 Course Classified 课程性质 必修 选修 必修 必修 选修 学时/学分 992/56.3 160/10 376/21 472/25.5 480/30 2480/142.8 Course Nature Required Elective Required Required Elective 占课程体系学分比例 38.6 7.0 15.3 15 7.0 100 Hrs/Crs 992/56.35 160/10 376/21 472/25.5 480/30 2480/142.8 Percentage (%) 38.6 7.0 15.3 15 7.0 100 Basic Courses in General Education Basic Courses in General Discipline Courses in Specialty Common Core Courses Specialty-Oriented Courses Total 2集中性实践教学环节周数与学分 Weeks/Credits of Intensified Internship and Practical Training ·3· 华中科技大学本科生学习指南 实践教学环节名称 军事训练 电工实习 生产实习 课程设计及综合实践 毕业设计 合计 课程性质 必修 必修 必修 必修 必修 周数/学分 2/1 2/1 3/1.5 12/6 14/7 33/16.5 Course Nature Required Required Required Required Required 占实践教学环节学分比例 6.1 6.1 9.0 36.4 42.4 100 Percentage (%) 6.1 6.1 9.0 36.4 42.4 100 Internship & Practical Training Military Training Electrical Engineering Practice Engineering Internship (Social Practice) Course Project Undergraduate Thesis Total Weeks/Credits 2/1 2/1 3/1.5 12/6 14/7 33/16.5 3课外学分 Extracurricular Credits 序号 1 课外活动名称 社会实践活动 课外活动和社会实践的要求 提交社会调查报告,通过答辩者 个人被校团委或团省委评为社会实践活动积极分子者,集体被校团委或团省委评为优秀社会实践队者 全国大学英语六级考试 全国计算机等级考试 2 英语及计算机考试 全国计算机软件资格、水平考试 考试成绩达到学校要求者 获二级以上证书者 获程序员证书者 获高级程序员证书者 获系统分析员证书者 获一等奖者 校级 获二等奖者 获三等奖者 获一等奖者 3 竞赛 省级 获二等奖者 获三等奖者 获一等奖者 全国 4 5 6 校级三等奖等同。 课外学分 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 6 4 3 23 13 13 获二等奖者 获三等奖者 每篇论文 每项 每项 论文 科研 实验 在国际及全国性会议或期刊发表论文 参与科研项目时间与科研能力 视创新情况 注:参加校体育运动会获第一名、第二名者与校级一等奖等同,获第三名至第五名者与校级二等奖等同,获第六至第八名者与Extracurricular No. Activities and Social Practice ·4·Requirements Extracurricular Credits 华中科技大学本科生学习指南 Submit report and pass oral defense 1 Activities of Social Practice Entitled as Activist by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province; Membership of the group which is entitled as Excellent Social Practice Group by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province Students whose Band-6 exam CET-6 National Computer Rank Examinations in 2 English and Computer National Computer Software Qualification Examination scores accord our requirements Win certificate of Band-2 or higher Win certificate of programmer Win certificate of Advanced Programmer Win certificate of System Analyst Win first prize University Level Win second prize Win third prize Win first prize 3 Competitions Provincial Level Win second prize Win third prize Win first prize National Level Those whose thesis appears in 4 Thesis Win second prize Win third prize 2 2 3 2 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 6 4 3 23 international conference or national publications Depending on both the time spent in and Per piece 5 Scientific Research ability demonstrated in scientific research project 6 Experiments Depending on innovative extent Each item Each item 13 13 Note: In HUST Sports Meeting, the first and the second prize, the third to the fifth prize, and the sixth prize to the eighth prize are deemed respectively the first prize, the second prize and the third prize of university level. 七、主要课程 Main Courses in Specialty C语言程序设计Advanced Programming Language (C),离散数学Discrete Mathematics、数据结构Data Structure、数字电路与逻辑设计Digital Circuit and Logic Design、汇编语言程序设计Assembly Language Programming、操作系统原理Operating System、数据库系统原理Database System、计算机组成原理Computer Organization、计算机通信与网络Computer Telecommunications & Network、计算机系统结构Computer Architecture等。 八、主要实践教学环节 Main Internship and Practical Training (Including experiments) ·5· 华中科技大学本科生学习指南 C语言课程设计Course Project of C Programming Language、 数字逻辑课程设计Course Project of Digital Logic、数据结构课程设计Course Project of Data Structure、汇编语言程设计实践Course Project of Assembly Language Programming、操作系统课程设计Course Project in Operating System、计算机组成原理课程设计Course Project of Computer Organization、数据库系统原理实践Course Project of Database System、 系统能力培养综合实践Comprehensive training of system ability,生产实习Engineering Internship,毕业设计Undergraduate Thesis. 九、教学进程计划表 Table of Teaching Schedule ·6·华中科技大学本科生学习指南 院:计算机科学与技术学院 School (Department):School of Computer Science & Technology 课程 类别 Course Classi- Fied 课程 性质 Nature 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 课程 代码 Code 0301902 0100721 0100733 思想道德修养与法律基础 Morals & Ethics & Fundamentals of Law 中国近现代史纲要 Survey of Modern Chinese History 马克思主义基本原理 Basic Theory of Marxism 思政课社会实践 0100932 Social Practice of Ideological and Political Theories Course 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 0100322 General Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 专业:计算机科学与技术 Specialty:Computer Science & Technology 学时/ 其 中 Including 课外 Extra- cur. 8 8 8 实验 Exp. 上机 Oper- ation 设置学 期 Semeste 1 2 3 课程名称 Course Name 学分 Hrs/ Crs 40/2.5 32/2 40/2.5 Course Course 24/1.5 20 2 通识教育基础课程 必 修 Required 56/3.5 4 0100741 0510071 0508453 0508463 0700011 0700012 0700048 0700049 0706891 0706901 0400111 0400121 形势与政策 Current Affairs and Policy 中国语文 Chinese 综合英语 College English 基础英语 College English 微积分上 Calculus () 微积分下 Calculus () 大学物理 Physics () 大学物理 Physics () 物理实验 Physical Experiments () 物理实验 Physical Experiments () 大学体育 Physical Education() 大学体育 Physical Education() 32/2 32/2 56/3.5 56/3.5 88/5.5 88/5.5 64/4 64/4 32/1 24/0.8 32/1 32/1 14 10 32 24 1-6 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 必 修 Required 续表 ·7· 华中科技大学本科生学习指南 课程 类别 Course Classi- Fied 其 中 Including 课外 Extra- cur. 实验 Exp. 上机 Oper- ation 32 3 4 1 7 2 3 3 2 设置学 期 Semeste 课程 性质 Nature 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 选 修 Elective 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 课程 代码 Code 0400131 0400141 0800171 1100011 0700051 0705941 0700071 0810012 大学体育 Physical Education() 大学体育 Physical Education() 大学计算机基础 Fundamentals of computer technology 军事理论 Military Theory 线性代数 Linear Algebra () 概率论与数理统计 Probability and Mathematics Statistic () 复变函数与积分变换 Complex Function and Integral Transform 人文社科类选修课程 Electives in Humanities and Social Science C语言程序设计 课程名称 Course Name 学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs 32/1 32/1 32/1 16/1 40/2.5 40/2.5 40/2.5 160/10 48/3 Course Course 通识教育基础课程学科大类基础课程Advanced Programming Language (C) C语言程序设计实验 必 修 0828231 Advanced Programming Language Required Experiments 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 0800115 0800122 0800155 0800771 电路理论 Circuit Theory () 模拟电子技术 Analogue Electronics () 信号与线性系统 Singnal and Linear System 数字电路与逻辑设计 Digital Circuit and Logic Design () 数字电路与逻辑设计实验 0843351 Digital Circuit and Logic Design Experiments 0801653 计算机通信与网络 Computer Telecommunications & Network 计算机通信与网络实践 0828401 Computer Telecommunications & Network Experiments 0700186 32/1 32 2 64/4 48/3 40/2.5 56/3.5 8 3 4 4 4 16/0.5 4 40/2.5 5 32/1 32 5 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics Required 40/2.5 2 续表 ·8·华中科技大学本科生学习指南 课程 类别 Course Classi- Fied 其 中 Including 课外 Extra- cur. 实验 Exp. 上机 Oper- ation 3 Semester 课程 性质 Nature 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 课程 代码 Code 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics 数据结构 Data Structure 数据结构实验 Data Structure Experiments 汇编语言程序设计 Assembly Language Programming 汇编语言程序设计实践 Assembly Language Programming 计算机组成原理 Computer Organization 计算机组成原理实验 Computer Organization Experiments 操作系统原理 Operating System 操作系统原理实验 Operating System Experiments 数据库系统原理 Database System 数据库系统原理实践 Database System Experiments 课程名称 Course Name 学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs 设置学 期 Course Course 0700182 40/2.5 0800413 0800418 0803256 0828271 0801615 0828391 0800424 48/3 32/1 24/1.5 32/1 48/3 16/0.5 56/3.5 16 32 32 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 专业课程必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 专业核心课程0828291 16/0.5 16 5 0803303 0803305 48/3 32/1 40/2.5 48/3 48/3 48/3 16/1 32 6 6 6 计算机系统结构 0804022 Required Computer Architecture A组选修课(要求从本组选修不少于6学分) 必 修 Required 0804042 算法设计与分析 Algorithmic Design & Analysis 5 6 6 1 1 专业必 修 编译原理 课Compiler Principles 程Required 接口技术 专必 修 业Required Interface Techniques 选修 B组选修课 程选 修 信息技术导论 0800442 Elective Introduction to Information Technology 选修 Elective 0828361 计算思维 Computational Thinking 32/2 续表 ·9· 华中科技大学本科生学习指南 课程 类别 Course Classi- Fied 其 中 Including 课外 Extra- cur. 32 24 实验 Exp. 上机 Oper- ation 课程 性质 Nature 选修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 课程 代码 Code 0816913 0700234 0832861 0810661 0820021 0803172 0842261 课程名称 Course Name 学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs 设置学 期 Semeste 4 4 5 7 6 7 5 5 6 6 7 Course Course Verilog 语言 Verilog language 计算机系统基础 Foundation of Computer System 数值分析 Numerical Analysis 信息安全概论 Introduction to information Security 嵌入式系统 Embedded System 信息存储技术 Information Storage Techniques 软件工程 Software Engineering C+ 程序设计 Advanced Programming Language (C+) JAVA语言程序设计 Advanced Programming Language (JAVA) 并行编程原理与实践 Parallel Programming Principle and Practice 32/1 40/2.5 32/2 32/2 32/2 24/1.5 40/2.5 40/2.5 40/2.5 32/2 专业课程专业选修课程 选 修 云计算与虚拟化 0828241 Elective Cloud Computing Virtualization 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 24/1.5 游戏软件开发导论 0828471 Introduction to software development of 32/2 game 0828481 0828491 1302561 0843071 0842182 0828441 0801623 0800227 3 游戏开发核心技术 Core Technologies of game development 游戏开发实践 Project of game development 大数据课程课程设计 Big data Curriculum Design 大数据分析与处理 Big data analysis and processing 函数式编程原理 Principles of Functional Programming 命令式计算原理 Principles of imperative Computation 人工智能 Artificial Intelligence 计算机图形学 Computer Graphics 40/2.5 48/1.5 32/1 24/1.5 32/2 32/2 24/1.5 32/2 48 32 3 4 6 7 6 6 7 7 ·10 · 华中科技大学本科生学习指南 课程 类别 Course Classi- Fied 选 修 082825基于平台的编程 课程 性质 Nature 课程 代码 Code 课程名称 Course Name 学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs 24/1.5 24/1.5 24/1.5 24/1.5 课外 Extra- cur. 其 中 Including 实验 Exp. 上机 Oper- ation 设置学期 Semester Course Course Elective 1 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 0842272 Platform based programming 社会网络与计算 Social networking and Computing 7 7 7 6 移动终端软件开发 mobile phone development 机器学习 Machine Learning 选 修 搜索引擎技术基础 0826592 Elective Fundamentals of Search Engine 选 修 数字图像处理 0817072 Elective Digital Image Processing 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 1300013 军事训练 Military Training 电工实习 Electrical Engineering Practice 24/1.5 24/1.5 2w/1 7 7 1 1304411 2w/1 3 7 3 5 5 6 6 7 8 实必 修 生产实习 130008a 3w/1.5 践Engineering Internship Required 环节必 修 C语言课程设计 1300287 1w/0.5 Required Course Project of C Programming Language 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 1302521 1300302 1302481 1320053 1302551 130004f 数字逻辑课程设计 Course Project of Digital Logic 数据结构课程设计 Course Project of Data Structure 操作系统课程设计 Course Project of Operating System 计算机组成原理课程设计 Course Project of Computer Organization 系统能力培养综合实践 Comprehensive training of system ability 毕业设计 Undergraduate Thesis 2w/1 1w /0.5 2w


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