医院病假请假条范文医院病假请假条范文 请假条是个人向老师或向某部门领导请求让自己暂时不参加某时学习、工作等的文书。对于我们学生来说,请假条是经常使用的一种应用文体。本文是小编为大家整理的医院病假请假条范文,仅供参考。 医院病假请假条范文一: 诊断证明 患者姓名 ,性别 ,年龄 岁,于 年 月 日,经诊断为 _ (症状),建议服用适当药物后须适当在家休息。 签章 XX医院 xx年x月x日 医院病假请假条范文二: 请假人: xx年x月x日 医院病假请假条范文三: Dear Mr Chen, Im sorry to tell you that I cant go to school today. Ive caught a cold because I swam in the Kunming Lake yesterday. This morning I had a headache. After taking my temperature, my mother found that I had a high fever. She took me to see a doctor. The doctor advised me to stay in bed for two days. Now Im writing to you to ask for two days sick leave. Yours respectfully, Wang Zhigang