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    化工专业英语 李文玲 Unit 1.Industrial Chemical 1.Translate the following into Chinese (1)commodity chemicals 日用化学品 (2)Specialty chemicals 专用化学品 (3)Fine chemicals 精细化学品 (4)Raw material 原材料 (5)Sodium chlride 氯化钠 (6)Unit operation 单元操作 (7)Flow sheet 流程图 (8) Chemical processes 化工操作 (9)Size reduction 2.Translate the following into English (1)氢氧化钠 sodium hydroxide (2)硫酸 sulfuric acid (3)有机合成 organic synthesis (4)表面活性剂 surface active agent (5)离子交换 ion exchange (6)热传递 heat transfer (7)工艺流程图 process flow chart (8)副产物 by-product 3.Translate the following sentences into Chinese (1) we define industrial chemistry as the branch of chemistry which applies physical and chemical procedures towards the transformation of natural raw materials and their derivatives to products that are of benefit to humanity. 我们定义工业化学是化学的一个分支,它是用物理或者化学的方法把天然原材料或它们的衍生物转变为对人类有用的产品。 (2) the chemical industry can also be classified according to the type of main raw materials used and or type of principal products made. 化学行业也可以根据所使用的原材料类型和主要产品的类型分类。 (3) every industrial process is designed to produce a desired product from a variety of starting raw materials using energy through succession of treatment steps integrated in rational fashion. 每个化工过程都是利用能源将各种原材料通过连续生产方式生产所需要的产品。 (4) a chemical process is therefore any single processing unit or combination of processing units used for the conversion of raw materials through any combination of chemical and physical treatment changes into finished products . 化学工艺就是任何处理单元或处理单元的组合,用于原料的转化,通过任何化学组合和物理处理变成成品。 (5) a flow diagram is a road map of the process , which gives a great deal of information in a small space. 流程图是在一个小空间里给出大量信息的过程路线图。 Unit2 Chemical Engineers Function 1.Translate the following into Chinese (1)R&D (2)Nanotechnology 纳米技术 (3)Micro-reaction 微反应 (4)End-of pipe treatment (5)Macromolecule 大分子 (6)Bio-engineering 生物工程 (7)Pharmaceuticals 药品 (8)Lab-on-a-chip 实验室 2.Translate the following sentences into Chinese it is the job of a chemical engineer to develop and optimize chemical a physical processes in the transformation of raw materials to produces . the efficiency and effectiveness of chemical processes will remain the heart of the chemical engineering profession.化学工程师的工作就是发展和优化化学和物理过程,将原材料转化为产品。化学工艺的核心就是保持化学工程专业的效率和效益。 to assure product quality and process safety , modern instrumentation and automation technologies including multimedia interface artificial intelligence and virtual reality will be increasingly adopted.为了确保产品的质量和工艺安全,现代化的仪表和自动化技术包括多媒体界面、人工智能和模拟现实,将越来越被接受。 managing a plant , and running a business in general and a chemical business in particular will in the future be quite different due to the advent of electronic commerce and global supply chain technologies.由于电子商务和全球供应链的出现,管理一个工厂和经营一个企业,特别是化工企业,将来会完全不同。 it is also noteworthy that only with globalization can a company fully utilize its advantage in technology , and in natural and human resources around the world.值得注意的是只有技术全球化以及应用全球自然资源和人力资源,是一个公司技术的优势。 within the field of chemical engineering , there is a constant pressure to strike balance between specialization and generalization , between between chemical engineering science and process system engineering .在化学工程领域内,压力打破了专业化和一般化的平衡、分析和合成的平衡、科学和过程的平衡。 a new education program will have to bolster the communication skills, professional culture and leadership qualities of future chemical engineers in this era of globalization.在全球化的时代,一个新的教育大纲将必须是,激励未来化学工程师提高交流技巧、专业知识和领导才能。 Unit3 Industrial Inorganic Chemical 1.Translate the following into Chinese (1)chlor-alkali 氯碱 (2)End-product 终端产品 (3)Sulfur dioxide 二氧化硫 (4)Sodium carbonate 碳酸钠 (5)Soda ash 苏打灰 (6)Diammonium hydrogen phosphate 磷酸氢二铵 (7)Dyestuff 染料 (8)Silicon tetrafluoride 四氟化硅 2.Translate the following into English (1)盐酸 hydrochloric acid (2)无机化学品 inorganic chemicals (3)硝酸 nitric acid (4)氢氧化钙 calcium hydroxide (5)磷酸 phosphoric acid (6)硅胶 silica gel (7)煤气厂 gas plant (8)水处理 Water treatment 3.Translate the following sentences into Chinese industrial inorganic chemistry includes subdivisions of the chemical industry that manufacture inorganic products on a large scale such as the heavy inorganics (chlor-alkalis,sulfuric acid,sulfates)and fertilizers (potassium, nitrogen , and phosphorus products ) as well as segments of fine chemicals that are used to produce high purity inorganics on a much smaller scale. 工业无机化学是工业化学的一个分支,它包括大量生产的化学品及肥料,还有一部分是用来制造少量高纯度的精细化学品。 the closer to the raw material , the larger the scale of operations;such heavy inorganic chemicals are usually manufactured by continuous processes. 生产的材料越接近原材料,生产规模越大,如大量无机化学品,是通过连续生产的方式制造的。 the Solvay process had enormous advantages over the Leblanc process . it did not generate as much waste and pollution :its raw materials , brine and ammonia . were readily available (the latter from gasworks ) ;less fuel was used , and no sulfur or nitrate was involved . 索尔维与勒布朗法相比具有巨大的优势,那就是它不生产废物和污染物,它的原料盐水和氨是容易得到的,耗能少,没有硫和硝酸盐的参与。大规模的石油和天然气消耗,已经改变了这种场景,由于硫以杂质出现在燃料加工中,所以是必须除去的。 since the reaction of sulfur with dry air is exothermic , the sulfur dioxide must be cooled to remove excess heat and avoid reversal of the reaction. 因为硫和干燥空气的反应是放热反应,所以二氧化硫必须冷却除去多余的热量,避免可逆反应的发生。 ( 6 ) as both sodium hydroxide and chlorine have a common raw material , sodium chloride, they are produced in quantities that reflect their equal molar ratio , irrespective of the market for either product. 因为氢氧化钠和氯气都是由同一个原材料氯化钠得到的,所以如果不考虑市场的需求,从理论上基于相同的摩尔比,它们的产量是相同的。 Unit 4 Petroleum Refining Processes 1.Translate the following into Chinese (1)Petroleum refining 石油炼制 (2)Coal gasification 煤气化 (3)Alkylation 烷基化 (4)Solvent extraction 溶剂萃取 (5)Catalytic hydrocracking 催化加氢裂解 (6)Butylene 丁烯 (7)BTX 苯-甲苯-二甲苯 (8)Modern refinery 现代炼油厂 2Translate the following into English (1)石油化学品 Petroleum Chemicals (2)原油 crude oil (3)精馏 distillation (4)沸点 boiling point (5)催化重整 catalytic reforming (6)异构化 isomerization (7)生物柴油 biodiesel (8)燃油 fuel oil 3.Translate the following sentences into Chinese petroleum refineries are marvels of modern engineering . within them a maze of pipes,distillation columns , and chemical reactors turn crude oil into valuable products. 石油炼制是现代工程学的奇迹,在其中由管道、精馏塔和反应器将原油转变为有价值的产品。 ( 2 ) oil contains a complex mixture of hydrocarbons . the first step in obtaining something of value from this muck is to de-salt and de-water it .then the oil is heated and sent into a huge distillation column operating at atmospheric pressure. heat is added at the reboiler , and removed at the condenser , thereby separating the oil into fractions based upon boiling point . 石油是一个复杂的烃类混合物,从低品质的油得到高品质的油的第一步是脱盐和脱水,然后石油被加热,并送进一个巨大的在大气压下操作进行的蒸馏塔中,热量由再沸器转移到冷凝器,最后依据沸点的不同分离不同馏分的油。 Unit 5 Refinery Feedstocks 1.Translate the following into Chinese (1)Feedstock 原料 (2)Hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物 (3)Paraffin 烷烃 (4)Fused benzene ring 稠和苯环 (5)Carboxylic acid ester 羧酸酯 (6)Catalyst deactivation 催化剂失活 (7)Acetylene 乙烯 (8)Pyridine 吡啶 (9)Nature gas 天然气 (10)LPG 液化石油气 (11)Straight run gasoline 直馏汽油 2.Translate the following into English 环烷烃 naphthenes 甲烷 methane 丙烷 butane 乙烯 Ethylence 树脂 resign 五元环 cyclopentance 苯 benzene 杂原子化合物 heteroatom compounds 3.Translate the following sentences into Chinese crude oils contain sulphur heteroatoms in the form of elemental sulphur S , dissolved hydrogen sulphide H2S ,carbonyl sulphide COS, inorganic forms and most importantly organic forms , in which sulphur atoms are positions within the organic hydrocarbon molecules. 原油中的杂质硫只要以单质硫、硫化氢、羰基硫的无机形式和大量的最主要的有机形式存在,且在有机烃分子中存在的硫原子是有毒的。 alcohols have the general formula R-OH and are structurally similar to water but with one of the hydrogen atoms replaced by an alkyl group .in phenols , one of the hydrogen atoms in the aromatic ring is replaced by a hydroxyl group (-OH) .Ethers have two organic groups connected to a single oxygen atom (R-O-R). 醇的一般形式是R-OH,并且这个结构形式与水的结构形式是类似的,但是水的氢原子被烷基取代。苯酚的是苯环上的氢原子被羟基取代了,醚是一个氧原子上链接着两个官能团。 crude oils contain very low amounts of nitrogen compounds . in general , the more asphaltic the oil , the higher is nitrogen content. nitrogen compounds are more stable than sulphur compounds and therefore are harder to remove . even though they are present at very low concentrations , nitrogen compounds have great significance in refinery operations . they can be responsible for the poisoning of a cracking catalyst , and they also contribute to gum formation in finished products. 原油中含有少量的氮化物,沥青油越多,氮含量越高,氮化物比硫化物更稳定,于是更难除去,尽管原油中氮化物的浓度很低,但是它在石油炼制过程中有重要的影响,它们能使催化剂中毒,造成在最终成品中形成焦状物。 even minute amounts of metals ( iron nickel and vanadium ) in the feedstock to the catalytic cracker affect the activity of the catalyst and result in increased gas and coke formation and reduced gasoline yields. 甚至进入催化裂解气的原料中,含有少量金属都会影响催化剂活性,导致气体增加,焦炭产生,油气产率减少。 the petroleum industry , like other chemical industries , has a plethora of terms designed to scare off anyone who wants to understand exactly what is going on.石油工业像其他化学工业一样,有大量术语吓跑那些不理解的人。 (1)all routine jobs in the refinery should conform to high safety standards . no work can be carried out without a permit . this is in order to ensure that personnel always know where work is being done and , therefore, they can prevent jobs from overlapping . whenever w orkers are in the refinery site , they have to wear safety clothing known as personal protective equipment (PPE).在炼油厂所有常规工作都应该遵守高安全标准,没有工作在未经许可的条件下可以执行,这是为了保证让员工知道,哪里的工作已经完成,因此可以避免工作的重复,当员工在炼油厂内,他们必须穿安全服及个人防护装备。 (2) catalyst handling and loading should be based on standard operating procedure so as not to crush the catalyst leading to fine particulates that may either escape into the atmosphere or be deposited in the reformer lines and connections.催化剂的处理和装载应以标准操作规程为基础,以至于不压碎催化剂变成细小的颗粒,这些颗粒可能会进入大气,或在重整装置的管线或连接处沉积下来。 (3)material handling with extreme care is required especially the hydrofluoric acid during cleaning processes in which water is used .improper contact of the acid with water may lead to an explosion .材料的处理需要很小心,尤其是在氢氟酸的清洗过程水的使用,酸和水的不适当使用会引起爆炸。 (4) accidental vapor cloud explosion hazards are of great concern to the refining and chemical processing industry, and a number of catastrophic explosion accidents have had significant consequences in terms of death, injury, property damage , loss of profit , and environmental impact .意外的蒸汽云爆炸危险涉及到炼制和化学工艺工业大量的人为爆炸事故,在死亡受伤、财产损失、利益损失和环境影响等方面有着严重的后果。 separation operations achieve their objective by the creation of two or more coexisting zones which differ in temperature , pressure , composition , and /or phase state .分离操作达到的目的就是通过建立不同温度、压力、组成和相态下的两个或多个共存区。 because of difference in gravity between vapor and liquid phase , liquid runs down the column . cascading from tray to tray , while vapor flows up the column , contacting liquid at each tray. 由于气相和液相之间重力的不同,液相通过每一块塔板流向塔底,同时气相沿塔向上蒸发,与液相在每一块塔板上接触 this difficult is circumvented by the equilibrium -stage model , in which vapor and liquid streams leaving an equilibrium stage are in complete equilibrium with each other and thermodynamic relations can be used to determine the temperature of and relate the concentrations in the equilibrium streams at a given pressure .通过平衡级模型,这个困难被回避了,而且在给定压力下,热力学关系可以确定这个平衡流当中温度和浓度的关系。 (4 ) batch distillation , which is the process of separating a specific quantity (the charge ) of a liquid mixture into products ,is used extensively in the laboratory and in small production units that may have to serve for many mixtures.间歇精馏是将特定量的液体混合物分离成产品的过程,它被广泛用于实验室和能够分离很多混合物的小操作单元。 (5 ) on the other hand , conversion of starch to dextrose with the help of acid catalyst is a typical chemical reaction which involves transportation of raw materials , physical steps of mixing the reactants , heat transfer , ration kinetics , fluid flow , separation of products, product purification, drying ,screening , conveying and packagin.另一方面,淀粉在酸性催化剂的帮助下转变成葡萄糖,是一个设计原材料转移的化学反应,物理步骤包括混合反应物、热转移、反应动力学、液体流动、产品分离、产品提纯、干燥筛选、传递、包装。


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