动感单车 教程 谈谈SPINNING动感单车的注意事项.docx
动感单车 教程 谈谈SPINNING动感单车的注意事项谈谈SPINNING动感单车的注意事项 还是安全方面的注意事项。 一、不要做上半身动作,多余 Excessive upper body movement, including crunches, push ups and excessive side-toside leaning is not only inefficient, it can throw off your balance and possibly strain your back. If you want to build-upper body strength, dedicate time to these exercises in a separate strength building sessionoff the bike. 上半身多余的动作,包括仰卧起坐、俯卧撑、左右摇摆,都可能让你容易摔倒或是背部受伤。如果你想锻炼上半身,花点时间单独去弄,别在车上做。 二、不要三把位坐姿骑行 Riding seated in Hand Position 3 might seem perfectly harmless, particularly since elite cyclists ride in a similar position using aero bars. Since triathletes have custom fitted bikes with shorter top tubes, they can stretch into this position comfortably. On the Spinner® bike, this hyper-flexed position may strain the back and can be uncomfortable,particularly for shorter individuals. 因为专业骑手大都俯身骑行,所以用三把位坐姿骑行看起来好像一点害处都没有。其实专业选手的车把是经过专业调整,所以他们可以达到合适的姿势。而动感单车是标配的,对于多数个子不高的人来说,过分的压低俯身是不舒服的,可能拉伤背部。 三、不要做上下蹲动作 Isolating the lower body while pedaling might feel like a great exercise for the quadriceps, but it can place undue strain on the knees and spine. Instead, try a hill climb in Hand Position 2. 站在踏板上作上下蹲的动作,看起来好像对锻炼大腿四头肌特别有效,其实它对膝盖和腰椎都有伤害。如果想锻炼四头肌,二把位爬坡吧。 四、不要倒骑 Do not pedal backwards or with one foot out of the toe cage or cleat. Pedaling with one leg is an advanced drill that elite cyclists practice on trainersnot fixed-gear bikes like the Spinner bike. On a Spinner bike, these drills have absolutely no benefit, since muscles work the same and burn equal numbers of calories pedaling forward and backward. 不要倒骑或是一只脚骑。专业骑手有一种运动方法是一只脚骑,但那是在专业的车上不是动感单车。在单车上这些动作毫无益处。前骑和倒骑所花费得热量和锻炼的肌肉没有什么区别。 五、骑姿变换不要急 Jumps are effective and challenging, but when theyre performed too fast, they dont do any good. Since the focus of Jumps is to create smooth transitions between seated and standing positions, the key is proper speed. If Jumps are performed too quickly, the exercise is ineffective. 变换姿势是有好处的,但是如果动得太快就无益了。因为换姿的注重坐姿和站姿的平滑过渡,速度是关键。如果跳的太快,无益。 六、不要盲目追求速度 Riding at high cadence without resistance is ineffective on a Spinner bike. Instead,ride at 110 RPM or less. If you begin to bounce in the saddle, increase the resistance. Riding at a consistent pace with good resistance develops power, strength and endurance. 无阻力高速是无益的,一般转速不要超过110RPM。如果骑行中感觉脚蹬阻力太明显,减小。以合适的阻力平缓的骑行才是锻炼肌肉和耐力的好方法。 七、不要车上做危险拉伸动作 Stretching can be as important as the ride itself and its best done off the bike.Stretching seated with one leg up on the bike or standing with one leg on the handlebars can do more harm than good. Its easy to accidentally slip out of pedals,or worseoff the saddle. Allow your body time to cool down and dedicate time to stretching off the bike. You worked hard; you deserve it! 拉伸和骑行本身一样重要!但是它最好是下车后做。坐在车上把腿搭在车把上,或是站在脚蹬子上把腿搭在车把上,都是很危险的,容易发生摔倒。要给你身体以足够的时间恢复和拉伸。你会发现很有用的。 八、原则性的东西 动感单车的训练极度趋向于模仿真正的户外骑行。如果你觉得某种动作行为,对你的户外骑行都有伤害的话,那么一定不要在动感单车上去尝试。 图片的版权当然归属于Mad Dogg Athletics, Inc.同样感谢!