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    副词的用法副词的用法 一、副词及其基本用法 副词主要用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或其他结构。 副词的句法功能 1、用作状语 Look at the photo carefully. 仔细看看这张照片。 Youre driving too fast. 你开车开得太快了。 2、用作表语 The meeting is over. 会议结束了。 Is anyone upstairs? 楼上有人吗? Is the radio on or off? 收音机是开着的还是关着的? 在通常情况下,用作表语时不用副词而用形容词。 如可说The woman is beautiful. 而不说 The woman is beautifully. 可说The cloth feels soft. 不能说 The cloth feels softly. 英语中用作表语的副词主要是表地点的副词以及某些与介词同形的副词,而且只能用于连系动词be 英语中用作表语的副词主要是表地点的副词以及某些与介词同形的副词,而且只能用于连系动词后作表语,而不用于其他连系动词后作表语,如可说He is here 或 He is abroad,但不能说He seems here 或 He seems abroad。 3、用作宾语 Its hot in here. 这里面很热。 Its not far from here. 从这儿去不远。 Ill stay at home tonight. 今晚我将呆在家里。 副词用作宾语的用法十分有限,通常只用作介词宾语,并且只限于某些表示时间和地点的副词,而且不同的副词有不同的搭配特点,如 here和there 可与along, around, down, from, in, near, round, up 等介词连用,但通常不与介词to连用,如不说come to here, go to there 等(注:from here to there是例外),而表地点的副词abroad 则只与介词from连用,不与其他介词连用。 4、用作宾语补足语 1) Ask him in, please. 请叫他进来。 2) We must try to help him through. 我们必须设法帮他渡过难关。 3) Sorry to have kept you up so late. 对不起,让你这么晚不能睡觉。 一般说来,能用作表语的副词都可用作宾语补足语: He went to see her but found that she was out. 他去看她,但发现她不在家。 He went to see her but found her out. 他去看她,但发现她不在家。 5、用作定语 1) The people there were very friendly. 那儿的人很友好。 2) Do you know the people downstairs? 你认识楼下的人吗? 3) The shops around are very cheap. 附近商店的东西很便宜。 在通常情况下,副词用作定语总是放在被修饰名词之后,若置于修饰名词之前,则通常被视为形容词,如the upstairs room和the room upstairs 都表示“楼上的房间”,但前者的upstairs 前置,为形容词;后者的upstairs后置,为副词;又如the above passage 和the passage above都可表示“上面的段落”,但前者的above 前置,为形容词;后者的above后置,为副词。 二、副词的构词法 大部分副词是由形容词加后缀-ly构成的。 1) She is a quick worker. 她是个灵巧的工人。 i. She works quickly. (副词)她工作灵巧。 2) I used to be a careful driver. (形容词)我曾经是个小心谨慎的司机。 3) I used to drive carefully.我曾经开车小心谨慎。 1 4) You neednt have given a full explanation.你本来不必作详细的解释。 5) You neednt have explained the whole things fully.你本来不必详细地解释整个事情。 1. 有一部分以ly结尾的形容词,而不是副词。例如:lively, motherly, fatherly, silly, womanly等。但是用它们可以构成短语。例如: Although she is our teacher, she always treats us all in a motherly manner.虽然她是我们的老师,但是她总是慈母般地对待我们大家。 2. 在某些介词或地点名词加后缀wards构成,表示“向”。 例如 : backward(s) 向后 forward(s) 向前,前进 upward(s) 向上 downward(s) 向下 southward(s) 向南 northward(s) 向北 inward 向内,向中心 outward 向外 三、副词的种类 根据副词的本身意思,可以把副词分为八种: 1、方式副词:表示“怎样做”的副词叫作方式副词。 例如: Lets go to the cinema together.让我们一起去看电影。 We will finish this task easily.我们将很容易地完成此任务。 My little brother behaved badly. 我的小弟弟行为不好。 常用的方式副词有: anyhow 无论如何 actively 积极地 slowly 慢地 gravely 勇敢地 immediately 立刻,马上 finally 最后地 boldly 勇敢地 calmly 冷静地 late 迟 early 早 carefully 小心地 distinctly 清楚地 quickly 迅速地 quietly 安静地 willingly 乐意地 suddenly 突然地 simply 简单地 wrongly 错误地 beautifully 漂亮地 intentionally 有意地 truly 真正地 equally 平等地 2、 地点副词:说明动作在什么地方发生的副词。 1) Please stand there. 请你站那边。 2) We have looked everywhere for our missing schoolbags.我们到处都找过我们的书包了。 3) What has happened to him? He has been pacing to and fro for about three hours. . 4) 他怎么了?他踱来踱去已经有大约三个小时了。 5) Yesterday I went nowhere. 昨天我什么地方也没有去。 常用的地点副词有: across 越过 above 在上面 here 这里 there 那里 abroad 海外,国外 inland 到( 在)内地 anywhere无论那里 nowhere 那里也不 elsewhere 往别处 somewhere 某地 below 在下方everywhere 处处 upstairs 在楼上 downstairs 在楼下 along 沿着 over 在上,向上 in 在内,往内 out 向外,在外 apart 分开 ashore 在岸上 away 离开 back 向后 near 差不多 up 在上,向上 3、时间副词:表示动作是什么时候发生的副词。 1) She got up so early that she could catch the first bus. 为了赶上头班车她起得很早。 2) What we are going to do next hasnt been decided. 我们下一步做什么还没有决定。 3) He hasnt come yet. 他还没有来。 4) I have read ten books recently. 最近我看了十本书。 常见的时间副词有: ago 以前 after 以后 today 今天 yesterday 昨天 tomorrow 明天 tonight 今夜 nowadays 现今 lately 最近 recently 最近 soon 不久以后 immediately 立刻 presently 目前 shortly 立刻 afterward以后 already 已经 yet 已经 still 仍旧 long 长久 before 以前 now 现在 在时间副词中还包含频度副词:表示不定时间的副词叫频度副词。对频度副词提问用“How often”。频度副词应放在行为动词之前或者连系动词之后。 1) 例如: She sometimes comes to school late. 有时她上学迟到。 2) Never have I seen this film. 我从来没有看过这部电影。 3) He is seldom late for the meeting. 开会她很少迟到 2 4) I hardly ever see her; she is scarcely ever at work. 我现在难得见到她,她简直都不上班。If you ever see Tom, please let me know. 如果你见到汤姆,请通知我。 常见的频度副词有: often 常常 always 永远,总是 sometimes 有时 usually 平常 seldom 很少 never 从不 ever 在任何时候 rarely 难得,很少 continually 不断地 frequently 常常 occasionally 偶尔 regularly 有规律地 generally 通常地 scarcely 几乎不 hardly ever 几乎从不 scarcely ever 简直都不 1) 4、程度副词:程度副词一般用来修饰形容词或者副词。但有的也可以修饰动词。例如: I am quite sure that you are right. 我很有把握你是对的。 2) This novel is well worth reading. 这本小说很值得一看。 3) My reply pleased our headmaster very much. 我的答复使我们的校长很满意。 4) You have done rather well. 你做得相当好。 5) She would rather die than give in in the face of the enemy. 面对敌人她宁死不屈。 6) The play was just splendid. 这出戏真是太好了。 7) You should not have been extremely rude to your father.你本来就不应该对你父亲极无礼貌。 8) I am deeply sorrow. 我深感遗憾。 9) I got up too late to catch the first bus. 我起得太晚了,没有赶上第一班公共汽车。 常用的程度副词有: as 同样,一样 altogether 完全,总共 almost 几乎,差不多 all 完全 absolutely 绝对地 completely 完全地 deeply 深深地 distinctly 显然地 enormously 巨大地 entirely 完全地 exceedingly 非常 equally 平等地 exactly 确切地 extremely 极为 just 刚刚,非常 half 一半 much 非常,很 partly 部分地 perfectly 完美地 practically 实际上地 rather 宁愿,相当 scarcely 几乎没有 slightly 轻微地 thoroughly 彻底地 utterly 完全地 no 毫不,并不 5、关系副词:用来引导定语从句,在从句中作状语。 例如: 1) This is the place where I used to live. 这就是我曾经住过的地方。 2) I dont know the time when they left for Canada.我不知道他们什么时间去加拿大的。 3) If you tell me whence you come from, I will give you some useful information. 4) 如果你告诉我你从哪儿来,我将给你提供一些有用的消息。 5) The reason why he didnt come to school yesterday was that he was ill. 昨天他没有来上学的原因是有病了。 6) Could you tell me whither my father is going? 请问我父亲往哪里去了? 7) He didnt understand the point, whereupon I had to explain further. 他不理解这一点,因此,我只得进一步作了解释。 常用的关系副词有: why 的原因 when 的时候 where 的地方 whither 向的地方 whence 从的地方 whereupon 因此,于是 whereby 靠那个 whereupon 因此,于是 6、连接副词:在句子中作连接性状语,不但起连接作用而且在从句中作状语,连接名词性从句或者状语从句。 1) 例如: Could you tell me where he has gone? 请问他去哪儿了? 2) I will go wherever you tell me to. 你叫我去那里,我就去那里。 3) However hard the task may be , we must fulfill it in time.不管任务是多么艰巨,我们必须及时完成它。 4) Whenever you leave, please let me know. 无论何时离开,请通知我。 5) The harder you work, the more knowledge you will get.你学习愈努力,你就会获得愈多的知识。 3 常见的连接副词有: where 的地方 when 的时候 whence 从的地方 whither 向的地方 however 无论如何 whenever 无论何时 whenever 无论何地 7、疑问副词:用来提出问题的副词。 1) 例如: Where did you put my book? 你把我的书放在哪儿了? 2) How did you go there? 你是怎样去那儿的? 3) Why did you not come to school? 你为什么没有来上学? 4) Wherein does the difficulty lie? 困难在什么地方? 5) Whereby shall we know him? 我们靠什么认出他呢? 常用的疑问副词有: Where 哪里,何地 when何时 How 怎么 whither 为何 Whence 从何处,何以 whereabouts 在哪里 Whereat 在那里,对那个 wherein 在哪方面 在什么地方 Whereupon 在谁身上 whereof 关于那事 关于那人 8、肯定和否定副词:一般来说,肯定和否定修饰动词、副词或者整个句子。在口语中实际上是被省略的句子。 1) 例如: “Are you going to Beijing?” “Yes.” (= Yes, I am going to Beijing. “你要去北京吗?”“是的。” 2) “Were you here last night?” “No.”“”“昨天晚上你在这儿了吗?”“没有,我没有在这儿。” 3) “May I use your dictionary?” “Certainly.” “我可以用你的词典吗?”“当然可以。” 4) “Will you do what he wants?” “Never.”“你愿意做他让你做的事吗?”“ 决不。” 常用的肯定和否定副词有: No 不是的 nay 不 Not 不 never 从不 certainly 当然,一定 surely 一定 naturally 自然 obviously 明显 willingly 乐意地 surely 肯定 decidedly 坚决地 indeed 确实 evidently 明显地 absolutely 绝对 、句子副词:修饰整个句子,表示说话人的看法。 例如:Luckily,she was at home when I called on her. Surprisingly, she was married to her classmate. 常用的句子副词有: 四、副词的位置: 一般规律: 1) 在动词之前。 2) 在be动词、助动词之后。 3) 多个助动词时,副词一般放在第一个助动词后。 具体用法 副词是英语中用法比较灵活的一类词,主要用来修饰动词、形容词或另一类副词。不同的副词在句子中的位置是不同的。 1时间副词可以放在整个句子或从句之前或后,并通常放在句末。其中 then,recently可以放在动词之前;still常放在动词之前或系动词、助动词、情态动词之后;而yet常放于句末,并且句子常用否定形式。例如: I'll then turn to my classmates for help When all the students finished the morning exercise,he was still asleep We haven't finished the work yet 2地点副词和方式副词常放在宾语之后,或不及物动词之后。其中here,there,up,down等副词与不及物动词go,come,stand,walk, lie等词连用时,副词可置于句首。如句子主语是名词或名词短语时,句子需用完全倒装语序。例如: There stands the tower Down came the rain We looked for the lost wallet here and there,but in vain 3程度副词常放在被修饰词之前,但当very修饰动词时,常与 much连用并置于句末。例如: I like her very much With one false movement,he nearly loses the whole game 4频度副词常放在动词之前,或系动词、助动词、情态动词之后。其中some- times也常置于句首。例如: I have never been to America Sometimes he phones me,and sometimes he writes to me 5关于副词only的位置。only可以修饰名词、代词、动词、形容词、副词等,通常放在被修饰词之前。但是,当only放在动词之前时,句子可能有几种含义,这就得靠上下文的意思来正确理解。例如: It was only an coincidence They only have coffee in the morning 注:当程度副词与频度副词同时在句子中出现时,程度副词通常前置修饰频度副词。例如: He hardly ever leaves his house all the day The president of our university is nearly always occupied 当时间、地点、程度与方式副词同时在句子中出现时,常把程度副词放在最前面,方式副词放在地点副词之前,时间副词放在最后。但是,句中动词是动态动词时,则常把地点副词放在方式副词之前。例如: They performed pretty well in the city hall last night She went home quickly 可作定语的副词通常放在被修饰名词之后。例如: We will see a beautiful picture about the country in the years ahead The atmosphere here is seriously polluted 大多数方式副词位于句尾,但宾语过长,副词可以提前,以使句子平衡。 We could see very clearly a strange light ahead of us. 方式副词well,badly糟、坏,hard等只放在句尾。 He speaks English well. 五、副词的排列顺序: 1) 时间,地点副词,小单位的在前,大单位在后。 2) 方式副词,短的在前,长的在后,并用and或but等连词连接。 Please write slowly and carefully. 3) 多个不同副词排列:程度+地点+方式+时间副词。 注意:副词very 可以修饰形容词,但不能修饰动词。 改错:(错) I very like English. (对) I like English very much. 注意:副词enough要放在形容词的后面,形容词enough放在名词前后都可。 I don't know him well enough. There is enough food for everyone to eat. There is food enough for everyone to eat. 5 六、与形容词同形的副词 有一些形容词和副词是同形的。 例如: 1) Look! That is a fast train. (fast是形容词。) 瞧! 那是辆快车。 2) I can run very fast. (fast是副词。) 我跑得很快。 3) She is a hard worker. (hard是形容词。) 他是个勤劳的工人。 4) She works hard.(hard是副词。)他工作很努力。 5) Please go and fetch a clean sheet of paper. (clean是形容词。)请去给我取一张没有用过的纸。 6) My view is clean contrary.我的看法完全相反。 7) I want to be quite clear on this point. 在这一点上我希望搞清楚。 8) He speaks loud and clear. 他说话响亮清楚。 9) The car came to a dead stop. 汽车蓦地刹住。 10) On my way home he stopped me dead.在回家的路上他突然拦住了我。 11) I have enough food to eat.( enough是形容词。) 我有足够吃的。 12) He is old enough to go to school.(enough是副词。)他已经到了上学的年龄。 13) Two years ago I went on a long journey with my father.(long是形容词。) 两年前,我和父亲作了一次长途旅行。 14) Discussion went long into the night. 讨论直到深夜。 七、具有两种形式的副词 1) clean/cleanly 副词clean:径直地,完全地 副词cleanly:干净利落地,清洁地 I clean forgot about it. We defeated the enemy cleanly. The bullet went clean through his arm. My mother swept the room very cleanly. 但,She is a cleanly girl. (adj. 爱清洁的,读作/klenli/) 2) clear/clearly 副词clear:完全地,径直地;隔开,不接触 副词 clearly:清楚地,显然地 You can see clear to the mountains today. He spoke so clearly that I could hear every worThe prisoner got clear away. d. Stand clear of the door. 站得离门远些。 He is clearly wrong. The car ran clear off the road. 但,The moon shone clear/ clearly. He spoke clear/clearly. 3) close/closely 副词close:近 副词closely:细心地,严密地等 She sat close to her mother. (close是副词) 她靠近她母亲坐着。 They came up close to him. 他们走到他跟前。 The prisoners were closely guarded. 但,It is close to 90 years ago. ( close = almost) 4) dead/ deadly 副词dead:突然地,完全地;非常地,直接地 副词deadly:死一般地,极端地 She stopped dead. The typhoon was dead against us. He was dead tired. Her face was deadly pale. 6 The case is deadly serious. 但,deadly也能作形容词:死一般的,极度的,致命的,不共戴天的。 deadly paleness, deadly seriousness, a deadly disease/weapon, deadly enemy. 5) direct/directly 副词direct:直线地,不绕圈子地 副词directly:直接地;立即,马上 The next flight will go direct to Rome. Answer me directly. She answered me very directly. Lets meet directly after lunch. 6) easy/easily 副词easy:用在某些固定搭配中 副词easily: 容易地,很可能,无疑地 Take it easy. I can easily finish it today. Go easy. He is not easily satisfied. Easy come, easy go. That may easily be the case. Easier said than done. It is easily the best answer. Stand easy! 7) fair/fairly 副词fair:光明地;正面地 副词fairly:清楚地,公正地,适度地,相当地You must play fair. We must play the game fairly. hit him fair on the nose. Your suggestion is fairly good. He told me the facts fairly. 8) firm/firmly 副词firm:用在固定搭配中 副词firmly:坚定地,牢固地 Stand firm. I firmly believe that. Always hold firm to your beliefs. Fix the post firmly in the ground. 9) high/highly 副词high:用于固定搭配中 副词highly:高度地 aim high;hold ones head high(昂首);play high;search high and low;run high;fly high He spoke highly of her. We think highly of him. 10) loud/loudly 副词loud:通常可用于比较级和最高级 副词loudly:表示“大声地”时,与loud通用,但少用于比较级和最高级。 Dont talk so loud/loudly. Who laughed loudest? Speak louder please, I cant hear you. 11) pretty/prettily 副词pretty:相当地,适当地,非常 副词prettily:好看地,动听地,悦耳地 She is pretty good. Marry dresses prettily. She dances pretty well. She speaks prettily. 12) right/rightly 副词right:正好地,直接地,完全地 副词rightly:正确地,对 He is right here. Go right home at once. 7 I havent read the book right through. It serves you right. He rightly guessed that the Rockets won the game. 比较:He guessed right. If I am rightly informed., 比较:If I remembered right. 13)sharp/sharply 副词sharp:用于钟点后表示“准时” 副词sharply:表示“急剧地,突然地”=sharp We arrived at ten oclock sharp. The round turns very sharp/sharply. 14) slow/slowly 副词slow:仅用于某些固定搭配中 副词slowly:慢,缓慢地,有时=slow. The workers decided to go slow.(怠工=work slowly)Speak slowly, please. 15) sure/surely 副词sure:用于sure enough 副词surely:用于 slowly but surely( 稳步地) 16)hard/hardly 副词hard:努力地,艰苦地 副词hardly:几乎不 He works hard. 17) just/justly 副词just:仅仅,只是,刚刚 副词justly:公正地,正当地 We have just finished the homework. 18) late/lately 副词late:迟 副词lately:最近,近来 They came here late. 19) most/mostly 副词most:最,极;十分,非常 副词mostly:主要地,大部分,多半 I like the second part of the film most. 20) free/freely 副词free:免费地 副词freely:自由地 You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like. The birds fly freely in the sky. 21) wide/widely 副词wide:指具体的宽度 副词widely:广泛地 Please open the door wide. During these years, he travelled widely. 8 How slowly/slow the time passes! He hardly does anything nowadays. We must treat every student justly. I often go to the theatre lately. My friends are mostly doctors.


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