剑桥雅思4T1 口语答题分析.docx
剑桥雅思4T1 口语答题分析 剑桥雅思4-T1 口语答题分析 雅思口语评分标准 1.Fluency and coherence流利度和连贯度 2.Lexical resources词汇的使用 3.Grammatical range and accuracy语法及其准确度 4.Pronunciation发音 从雅思口语的评分标准中,我们不难看出雅思口语要想拿高分真不是一朝一夕能练就的本领。 所以,我们还是从一点一滴的积累中来充分的准备雅思口语考试。如果你的时间不是很多,你可以按着市面上老师推荐的各种技巧来进行考前冲刺。但是,如果你时间还是充裕的,还是建议你充分的练就基本功,扎实的基础,认认真真地备考。那么,我们今天看的是对雅思剑4-T1的口语的分析,希望在一定程度上可以帮到大家。 Part 1,这个部分一般都是用来热身的。一来,是给学生有一个缓冲的时间,可以缓解下自己的紧张情绪;二来,也是简单了解下考生。所以,这部分不用太担心,能听懂老师的问题,简单作答即可。在这个test里面第一部分的主题是friends。所以,我们在这里作答的时候呢,要考虑我们答案的主体一定是围绕friends的话题来说的。我们以问题做解释。 Q1 Are your friends mostly your age or different ages? Why 这个问题需要关注的核心词是:age和reason。 解题思路: 1 答案本身的选择是没有对错之分的,所以选择二者其中的哪一个都可以。 2 选择一个立场,给出自己的原因。 相同年龄:没有代沟,兴趣爱好相同,可以一起作伴做很多事情等等; 不同年龄:可以学到更多的知识,见识更多更广等等。 3 总结回应主题。 参考答案: Same age 示例 Yes, most of my friends are my age. That because we have interests in common, and we have no generation gaps at all. We can do things together like go to museum, go shopping, and visit some scenic spot. We can freely talk about things we both interested in, whilst people who are different ages tend to have different hobbies and interests. Therefore, I would like to make friends who are at my age. Different age 示例 No, my friends almost are different ages with me. The reason is I enjoy diversities. People who are at different age have various life experience and different life experience bring ones diverse point of views. I prefer talk with different age friends about value of life, which bring me a lot of fun. That the reason why my friends are almost different ages. Part 2 部分,这个比部分因为留有预备的时间,所以难度较Part 3 还是容易些的。但是建议同学在这一部分的答题过程中,务必保证一下几点: 1 在考官打断你之前,一定要持续不断地说下去,因为你要给考官呈现的是你的英语应用能力是没有问题的,你很会说、很能说。 2 在答题过程中要与考官有眼神交流,一定要目视考官,以饱满的精神状态、良好的面部表情和积极应对的自信心来应答。 3 不要呈现出背稿子的样子.因为,我们在前期会准备一些模板,可能会碰巧可以用上,但是,请千万记住,一定要以正常地语速、自然的语气和丰富的语态来呈现给考官一副胸有成竹、泰然自如的样子。我们看题: Describe an interesting historic place, You should say: what it is, here it is, what you can see there now, and explain why interesting. 这个问题的核心词是 historic place 解题思路 1 what-where-how-when-why?你需要从这点入手去给考官呈现答案,我建议同学还是按照这个逻辑去说,这样做的好处是:一,思路会比较清晰;二, 考官也比较轻易地可以明白你在讲什么,讲到哪个部分了。 2 先给大家一些historic place 方面的词汇以便大家可以有些准备 building of both historic and aesthetic value magnificent壮丽的;华丽的 wonderful精彩的,绝妙的; dusty落满灰尘的 impressive给人以深刻印象的 be famous for以而闻名 be renowned for 以而闻名 The Great Wall 长城 Summer Palace, 颐和园 Palace Museum (previously Forbidden City) 故宫博物馆 Temple of Heaven 天坛 Stonehenge, 巨石阵 Terracotta Army 秦兵马俑 3 记笔记时一定要精简,不要把自己要说的每句话都写下来,一说耽误时间,二是你会依赖这个笔记表现出来就像是背稿子一样。 示例: One of the interesting historic places Ive been to was the Great Wall. It is located in Beijing, China. It was built to form a united defense system against invasions from the north. It is also known to Chinese as the “Long Wall of Ten Thousand Li” (万里长城) because of its extraordinary lengths. I think it is interesting because it was built not only on extremely hard labour, but also on the wisdom of Chinese ancestors. Also, the view from the Great Wall is spectacular. It gave me the feeling of being on top of the world. Part 3从整个的口语考试来讲,最难的莫过于此了,因为你需要很深入的和考官探讨一些问题,而这些问题是根据第二部分你的回答内容而来的,所以你永远猜不到,下个问题考官准备问什么。而这部分也恰恰是我们的分数拔高和分水岭的地方,所以如果准备拿高分的同学,这部分一定要下功夫准备才行。废话不多说,我们来看题: Q1. How do people in your country feel about protecting historic buildings? 本题核心词汇:opinions, impartial, neutral and care or not, 解题思路: 1 首先明确自己的立场,不管你支持那个说法都OK,关键是给出自己的原因,什么原因也没关系,只要你自己解释的通就行。所以这题说难不难说简单也不然,关键在于你是不是足够的内容自己来补充,不要大脑一片空白就好。 2 理由原因一定要有,而且如果能举例说明更好。 3 词汇要丰富,句式要多样,表达要善变。 示例: Chinese people have a great desire for protecting historic buildings, and we actually make concrete actions to do so. It is part of history and wisdom of our ancestors. That because all these historic buildings are evidence to demonstrate our long history. These historic buildings are snapshots of the history of humankind development. 外朗教育4999元托福/雅思保分课程