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    剑桥少儿英语预备级教案上册Unit教案Unit 2 Who is the first? Teaching aims and demands: *使学生能听懂英语说的简单口令,并能做动作 *使学生能分别做出Stand up.sit down,come here,go back的动作,并知道英语中up和down意思 *使学生能读出第5部分所给的句子 Teaching contents: Words:up down book(s) pen(s) pencil(s) foot feet hand(s) cat snail ball bee beef ruler(s) a book/two books Sentences:Stand up! Come here! Sit down! Go back! Books up/down! Chant:Big B is a cat. Teaching focus: 1.能听懂、会说单词:up down book(s) pen(s) pencil(s) foot feet hand(s) cat snail ball bee beef 2.能听懂、会说并做相应的动作: Stand up./Sit down./Come here./Go back. Books up/down. 3.能朗读儿歌:Big B is a cat. Teaching difficulties: 1.单词foot,snail的发音 2.能熟练地根据英语做出相应的动作 Teaching tools: pictures,tape-recorder, Teaching steps: Period 1 Teaching contents: Listen and do. Stand up! Come here! sit down! Go back! Teaching targets: 能听懂、会说并能做出相应的动作: Stand up./Sit down./Come here./Go back. Teaching difficulties: back和here的发音 Teaching steps: Step 1:Greetings T:Class begins. Ss:Stand up. T:Good morning,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning,Vivian. T:Sit down,please. Ss:Thank you. Step 2:Presentation T:每次当老师说上课时,小朋友们做的动作是什么呀? Ss:起立 T:用英语怎么说呢? Ss:Stand up. teach:Stand up. (指名读)(齐读)(边读边做动作)(齐读)(小组读) T:然后师生问好,接下来同学们做什么了呢? Ss:(坐下)Sit down. Teach:Sit down (边读边做动作)(齐读)(小组读)(指名读)(齐读) Step 3:Practice T:Let's play a game.Simon says (游戏规则:当老师说到Simon says:Stand up.的时候,同学们就必须做出Stand up的动作;当老师说到Stand up的时候,同学们不必做动作) Step 4:Presentation 1)T:*,come here.( 老师边说边做出相应的动作) 一生走向老师,让学生明白come here的意思 T再叫一生 teach:come here (跟读)(齐读)(指名读)(开火车读)(齐读) T:say S:do the motion (指名说) T:do the motion ( 指名说) S:do the motion 2)T:Come here,*. S1:Do the motion T:Thank you.Go back(老师边说边做出相应的动作) 师再叫一生,让生明白go back的意思 teach:go back (跟读)(齐读)(指名读)(开火车说)(齐读) Step 5:Practice 1)T:Say the sentence. Ss:Do the motion 2)T:Let's the game.S1,come here.(一生跑向老师) S1:Vivian,go back.S2,come here,please. S2:S1,go back.S3,come here,please. Step 6:Consolidation 1)T:English S:Chinese 2)T:Chinese S:English 3)T:English S:Do the motion 4)T:Do the motion S:English Homework: 把今天学的动作用英语表达出来,和爸爸妈妈一起来做 WB: Unit 2 Who is the first? Stand up Sit dow Come here Go back Period 2 Teaching contents: 1.Chant it:Up and down 2.Words:hand(s) foot feet Teaching targets: 能熟练朗读并表演这首儿歌 Teaching difficulties: 初步了解复数的概念 Teaching tools: tape-recorder Teaching steps: Step 1:Greetings T:Class begins. Ss:Stand up. T:Good morning,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning,Vivian. T:Sit down,please. Ss:Thank you. Step 2:Revision T:Do the motion Ss:English review:Stand up. Sit down. Come here. Step 3:Presentation T:Today we'll learn a chant.Follow. 1)Up,up,stand up.(边说边做动作) teach:Up,up,stand up. (跟读)(齐读)(指名读) 2)Down,down,sit down.(边说边做动作) teach:Down,down,sit down. (齐读)(指名读)(开火车读)(齐读) 3)T:Then,here,here,come here. teach:Here,here,come here. (齐读)(指名读)(开火车读)(齐读) 4)T:Back,back,go back.(边说边做动作) teach:Back,back,go back. (跟读)(齐读)(指名读) Step 4:Practice: (边拍手边说)( 齐说)(小组说)(指名说)(男生说)(女生说) Step 5:Presentation 1)T:Look,what's this? Ss:手 T:Yes,in English "hand". teach:hand(范读三遍) (指名读)(齐读)(跟读)(小组读) teach:hands Go back. (初步介绍复数的概念) chant:hand,hand,hands,hands,hands 2)同法教学:foot feet Practice:hand,hand,hands,hands,hands. foot,foot,feet,feet.feet. Homework: Review the rhyme. Period 3 Teaching contents: Words:book pen pencil Teaching targets: 能熟练朗读单词book,pen,pencil,ruler. Teaching difficulties: book的发音 Teaching tools: 实物书、钢笔、铅笔、尺 Teaching steps: Step 1:Free talk and Greeting T:Class begins. Ss:Stand up. T:Good morning,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning,Vivian. T:Sit down,please. Ss:Thank you. Step 2:Revision T:First of all.Let's say the chant. up,up,stand up. (齐说)(指名说) Step 3:Presentation 1)T:Look,what's this? S:Chinese T:In English we call it pen ruler teach:pen(范读三遍) (指名读)(齐读)(跟读)(开火车读) chant:pen,pen,是钢笔 2)T:What's that?(师指桌上的铅笔) S:Chinese T:Listen,it's a pencil. teach:pencil(范读三遍) (跟读)(齐读)(指名读)(小组读)(齐读) T:谁能给铅笔的单词来编句儿歌呢? (指名说)(齐说) 齐说:pen,pen,是铅笔;pencil,pencil,是铅笔. (比较pen和pencil的相同地方和不同地方)(指名说)(师总结) 3)T:Is this a pen? Ss:No. T:Is this a pencil? Ss:No. T:It's a book. teach:book(范读三遍) (跟读)(齐读)(指名读)(开火车读) *注意纠正book的发音(扩充English book) T:谁能来编一下book的儿歌呢? (指名说)(齐说) Chant:book,book,是书本 4)T:Is this a book? Ss:No. T:What's this? Do you know? Ss:Chinese T:It's a ruler. teach:ruler(范读三遍) (指名读)(齐读)(跟读)(开火车读)(齐读) T:谁来编编ruler的儿歌? (指名读)(齐读)(跟读)(齐读) Chant:reler,ruler,是把尺 Step 4:Consolidation 1)Chant:pen,pen,是钢笔 pencil,pencil,是铅笔 book,book,是本书 ruler,ruler,是本书 2)T:English S:Chinese T:Chinese T:English 3)生根据老师的口型来猜单词 Homework: Review the words:pen pencil book ruler Period 4 Teaching contents: 1.初步了解单复数的概念 2.Exercises (Read it) Teaching targets: 1.能初步了解单、复数的形式 2.能正确表达单数和复数形式 Teaching difficulties: 单、复数形式的正确表达 Teaching tools: 实物 Teaching steps: Step 1:Free talk T:Class begins. S:Stand up. T:Good morning,boys and girls. S:Good morning,Vivian. T:Sit down,please. S:Thank you. Step 2:Revision 1)T:do the action S:Say it in English review:Stand up./Come here./Sit down./Go back. 2)Chant:(边说边做动作) up,up,stand up.Down,down,sit down. Here,here,come here.Back,back,go back. 3)Words revision: pen pencil book foot feet Step 3:Presentation 1)T:Look,what's this? S:book T:Yes,you're right.This is a book. ruler hand(s) teach:a book(WB) (指名读)(开火车读)(跟读)(齐读) T:一本书是a book,那么一支钢笔是什么呢? (指名说)(跟读)(齐读) T:那么一支铅笔呢? (指名说)(齐说)(跟说) T:那么一把尺呢? (指名说)(齐说)(跟说) 2)T:我们已经会说一本书的说法,那么两本书该怎么说呢? teach:two two books (跟读)(齐读)(小组读)(齐读) T:总结 在英语中超过一的就是复数,复数的组成形式 数字+ 名词(s) T:两支钢笔呢? (指名说) 同法教学:two pencils two rulers T:小结s的发音 two books /s/ two pens /z/ two pencils /z/ two rulers /z/ Step 4:Consolidation 1)Open your English books.Read follow teacher. a book two books a pen two pens a pencil two pencils a ruler two rulers 2)T:出示实物 S:say it in English Step 5.Practice T:谁能用a two来说一说我们学过的单词呢? 师示范,生尝试 Homework: Review Exercises Read it. a book two books a pen two pens a pencil two pencils a ruler two rulers WB: Unit 2 Who is the first? a book two books a pen two pens a pencil two pencils a ruler two rulers Period 5 Teaching contents: Sentences:Hands up/down. Teaching targets: 1.能正确表达句型Hands up/down. 2.能听懂英语并做出相应的动作 Teaching difficulties: 能听懂英语并做出相应的动作 Teaching tools: 实物书、铅笔、钢笔等 Teaching steps: Step 1:Free talk T: Class begins. Ss:Stand up. T:Good morning,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning,Vivian. T:Sit down,please. Ss:Thank you. Step 2:Revision 1)Review the words: morning noon afternoon slide Kitty baby Doggie alien Good morning/afternoon/evening! evening sun teacher moon stars ape ace 2)T do the motion S:say English (Stand up!/Sit down!/Come here!Go back!) 3)Say the a Chant Up,up,stand up.Down,down,sit down. Here,here,come here.Back,back,go back. Step 3:Presentation 1)T:Show the thing. Ss:Say the word. Review the word:book pen pencil ruler hand(s) fooot feet 2)T:Today we'll have a PE lesson.(今天我们要上一节体育课) 在上课之前,首先老师要请小朋友们准备好下面的物品。 书、铅笔、钢笔、尺,还有你自己的小手和小脚。 T:Are you ready? T:Books up./Books down.( 师边说边做动作,两遍)Now,follow me to do it. Ss:(边说边做动作)Books up./Books down. T:Books up./Books down. Ss:Do it T:Do it. Ss:(边说边做)Say it. T:请你为你的同桌发号施令. (pair work) T:Look,pens up./Pens down. Ss:(边说边做)Pens up./Pens down. T:Say Ss:Do it. T:Do it Ss:Say T:谁能上来给大家发号施令呢?请一生上来. Pencilsup!/Pencils down! Rulers up!Rulers down! Hands up!/Hands down! Feet up!/Feet down! Step 3:Consolidation 1)师说,生做 2)师做,生说 Practice in pairs(一生说,一生做) Home word: Play this game with your parents.(Say and do) Period 6 Teaching contents: Words:ball bee beef Teaching targets: 能听懂、会说单词:ball bee beef Teaching difficulties: ball的发音 Teaching tools: pictures Teaching steps: Step 1:Greetings T:Class begins. Ss:Stand up. T:Good morning,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning.Vivian. Step 2:Revision 1)Words Kitty baby Doggie morning noon afternoon evening sun moon stars teacher slide ape ace alien stand up! sit down! Come here! Go back! pen book pencil foot feet ruler 2)Sentence Good morning/afternoon/evening! Books up/down! a book two books a pen two pens a pencil two pencils a ruler two rulers 3)Song:Good morning! Chant:Up and down! Step 3:Presentation 1)T:Today we'll learn three new words.Look,what's this? Ss:球 T:In English,we called it "ball" teach:ball(范读三遍) (指名读)(跟读)(齐读)(开火车读)(齐读) ball ,ball,it's a ball. (跟读)(小组读)(齐读) T:Look,kick the ball.(做动作) ball,ball,kick the ball. 生边说边做动作 (齐读)(跟读)(小组读) 2)T:Look,what's this?(简笔画:蜜蜂) Ss:蜜蜂 T:It's a bee. teach:bee( 范读三遍) (指名读)(齐读)(跟读) bee,bee,it's a bee. (跟读)(指名读)(齐读)(横排读) 3)T:Is this a ball? Ss:No. T:Is this a bee? Ss:No. T:It's beef. teach:beef(范读) (指名读)(跟读)(齐读)(开火车读) beef,beef,it beef. T:Beef只要在bee的后面加一个f就可以了。Step 4:Consolidation 1)T:picture Ss:English 2)T:Chinese Ss:English 3)T:English Ss:Chinese Homework: ball bee beef Period 7 Teaching contents: Say it:Big B is a cat. Small b is a snail. The cat and the snail They are the letter B&b Teaching targets: 能比较熟练地说出儿歌的前两句 Teaching difficulties: 能熟练地说出第三句和第四句 Teaching tools:挂图 Teaching steps: Step 1:Greeting T:Class begins. Ss:Stand up. T:Good morning,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning,Vivian. T:Sit down,please. Ss:Thank you. Step 2:Presentation 1)T:Today I take a picture to you. Look.this is a cat. teach:cat(范读三遍) (指名读)(齐读)(跟读)(开火车读) T:这个cat是由我们英语字母中的大写B组成的, teach:Big B (跟读)(齐读) T:所以我们说Big B is a cat.(边说边做动作) (齐说)(小组说)(同桌说)(齐说)(跟说) T:What's this?这个动物你认识吗? (指名说) teach:snail(范读三遍) (齐读)(跟读)(指名纠音)(开火车读)(跟读)(齐读) T:看看这个snail像什么呢?像 不像我们的字母b呢? teach:small b (齐读)(跟读)(横排读) T:Small b is a snail(边说边做动作) (跟读)(边做动作边说)(指名说)(小组说) practice:Big B is a cat small b is a snail (边做动作边说)(同桌说)( 小组竞赛说) 2)T:The cat and the snail(边做动作边说) teach:the cat and snail (跟说)(齐说)(男生说)(女生说) T:那么big B 和small b合起来是什么呢?那就是大写字母和小写字母Bb。They are the letter B&b. teach:They are the letter Bb.(边说边做动作) (齐读)(跟读)(四人小组读)(半班读)(齐读) Practice:The cat and the snail they are the letter B&b (跟说)(齐说)(男生说)(女生说)(指名说) Step 3:Consolidation 1)跟师读三遍 2)齐读 3)自由读 4)指名读 5)齐读 Homework: Review the chant Period 8 过关


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