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    初中英语零基础知识点零基础英语 1 道勤文化学校 编写 目录 第一章 词类及基本句型 . 3 第二章 名词 . 3 第三章 一般时态 . 5 第四章 代词 . 7 第五章 数词 . 10 第六章 常用其它时态 . 14 第七章 感叹句 . 16 第八章 形容词、副词比较级和最高级 . 18 第九章 冠词 . 21 第十章 反义疑问句. 26 第十一章 主谓一致. 29 第十二章 介词 . 32 第十三章 定语从句. 36 第十四章 状语从句. 39 2 第一章 词类及基本句型 一、词类 名词:表示人、食物或抽象概念的名称 动词:表示动作或状态 形容词:修饰名词、代词。的 副词:修饰动词、形容词。地 二、基本句型 基本句型一:主语+谓语 基本句型二:主语+谓语+ 宾语 基本句型三:主语+系动词+表语 基本句型四:主语+谓语+直接宾语+间接宾语 基本句型五:主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语 基本句型六:There be 句型 三、练习判断下列句子属于那种句型 1. He made the boy laugh. 2. Toms mother sounded worried. 3. My father often reads newspaper after supper. 4. We gave them some money. 5. Mr Johnson taught us German last year. 6. All of us considered him honest. 7. Classes begin at eight every day. 8. The report sounds interesting. 9. Would you please pass me the dictionary? 10. The pain made him cry out. 11. You should study hard. 12. Her job is to look after the children in the hospital. 13. They push the door open. 第二章 名词 一、名词的分类及数 名词 普通名词 可数名词 不可数名词 3 专有名词 表人、地方、机构、事物、组织的专用名称 名词变复数的规则 特殊的名词变复数 单数 foot tooth child basis 复数 feet teeth children bases 意义 脚;英尺 牙齿 孩子 基础 单数 knife woman ox phenomenon 复数 knives women oxen phenomena 意义 刀 妇女 牛 现象 单复数相同 fish chicken fruit deer sheep means(方式) Swiss(瑞士人) Chinese Japanese workscrossroadshead 名词形式上是单数,意义上是复数 cattle 牛、people 人民、police 警察、staff 全体员工 学科类名词,形式上是复数,意义上是单数 politics 政治; physics 物理; maths 数学 不可数名词 常见易错:advice建议; furniture家具; equipment设备;fun乐趣;information信息;paper纸;work工作;progress进步;traffic交通;housework家务劳动;wealth财富。 有些名词既可做可数又可做不可数 名词 glass room work 可数 玻璃杯 房间 工厂工程 不可数 玻璃 空间 工作 名词 danger time life 可数 危险人物 次数倍数 生命 不可数 危险 时间 生活 二. 名词所有格 有生命的在词尾加s;无生命的用of +名词 双重所有格构成 a/an/this/that + 名词 + of +名词性物主代词/名词所有格 注意:of 前的名词一定要有a/an/this/that等限定词 of前的名词不能是专有名词 of 后的名词必须是特定的指认的名词 如:these books of my friends a friend of my fathers a friend of mine 三、练习 1. This is _ reading-room. A. the teachers B. teachers C. teachers D. the teachers 4 2. Nothing was found but _ broken. A. the room window B. the rooms window C. the room of the window D. the window of room 3. How many_ would you like? A. paper B. bread C. pieces of papers D. pieces of bread 4. Please get me a new _ when you go to town. A. clothes B. dress C. clothing D. trousers 5. There are 34_ doctors in the hospital. A. woman B. women C. womans D. womens 6. He is old , but he has _to do every day. A. a lot of work B. much works C. lots of homeworks D. quite a lot of homeworks 7. Therere many _ in my brothers album. A. leafs B. toys C. books D. stamps 8. Yesterday I went to the market and bought a lot of _. A. tomatoes B. potatos C. vegetable D. meats 13.Please remember to give the horse some tree _. A leafs B leaves C leaf D leave 14.The son asked his mother to buy _ glasses for him. A a type of B a pile of C a piece of D a pair of 15.There is a _ of wood left on the ground. A cup B piece C box D pair 16.- What do you think of the _ there? - They are very delicious. A cakes B meat C rice D milk 9. Today is September 10th. Its _ Day. Lets go and buy some flowers for our teachers. A Teachers B Teachers C the Teachers D Teachers 10.-Wheres your father? - At _. A Mr Greens B Mr Green C the Mr Greens D Mr Greens 11. He found two _ in the room. A photos B heros C tomatos D potatos 12.This table is made of _. A many glass B glasses C some glasses D glass 第三章 一般时态 一、一般现在时 5 用法:表示经常性习惯性的动作或常存在的状态;客观真理 构成:主语+be动词+表语 主语+动词实义动词 时间状语:often、usually、every 二、一般过去时 用法:表示过去技经常或反复发生的动作或存在的状态 构成:主语+be动词+表语 主语+动词过去式 时间状语:yesterday、at that time、last 三、一般将来时 用法:表示将要发生的事情或存在的事情 构成:主语+will/shall+动词原形 表示未经事先思考的意图,表明说话者的观点、主观意识 主语+be going to+动词原形 表示已经决定或安排要做的事,客观迹象表明必然或可能发生的事,表示自然现象 主语+be to+动词原形 表示计划中约定的或按职责、义务必须去做或即将发生的动作 主语+ be about to+动词原形 表示主观要做的事,常与when连用 四、时态练习题 1.-Nancy is not coming to the party tonight. -But she _ me shed love to. A tells B told C will tell D is going to tell 2. If I find his telephone number,I _ you. A tell B told C is telling D will tell 3.Jim _ to work in his home after he graduated from university. A goes B went C will go D have gone 4.Keep practicing and you _ your English. A improve B will improve C improving D improves 5.-When _ Jim _ to New York? -Yesterday A does; get B did; get C will; get D has; got 6.Teacher told us the earth _ around the sun. A travelled B travels C will travel D travelling 7. -Ann is in hospital. - I _ , I _ her. A didnt know; will see B knows; will see C knows ; sees D didnt know; saw 6 第四章 代词 一、人称代词的用法 1.人称代词的人称、数和格。 2.人称代词有主格和宾格之分。 如:I like table tennis. Do you know him? 3.人称代词还可作表语。作表语时用宾格。 如:-Whos is knocking at the door? -Its me. 4.人称代词在than之后与其他人或事物进行比较时,用主格和宾格都可以。 如:He is older than me. He is older than I am. 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 主格 I you he she it 单数 宾格 me you him her it 主格 we you they 复数 宾格 us you them 二、物主代词的用法 1.表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词。 2. 形容词性物主代词的作用相当于形容词,可在句中作定语。 例如:Our teacher is coming to see us. This is her pencil-box. 注意:名词性物主代词的作用相当于名词,在句中可用作主语、宾语和表语。 Our school is here, and theirs is there. - Is this English-book yours? - No. Mine is in my bag. I've already finished my homework. Have you finished yours? 数 单数 人称 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 7 形容词性 物主代词 my your his her its 名词性 物主代词 mine yours his hers its 复数 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 our your their ours yours theirs 练习题: 1. This is not my pencil-box. _ ( I ) is in the bag. 2. Trees are planted in _ ( we ) country every year, which makes our country more and more beautiful. 3. -Is that bike Miss Gaos? -Yes, it is _(she) . Beautiful, isnt it? 4. Help _ (you) to some fruit, Jack. 5. -Who taught your brother to surf ? -Nobody. He learnt all by _ (he). 6. Their English teacher is from America, but _ (we) is from England. 7. Marys answer is different from _ ( I ). 8. -My watch keeps good time. What about _ (you)? -Mine? Oh, two minutes slow. 9. Sam is my brother. Do you like to play with _ (he)? 10. Did you enjoy _ (you), Mary and Kate? 三、反身代词的用法 英语中用来表示自己,等意义的代词称为反身代词。反身代词在句中作宾语,表语,同位语。 1. 作宾语,表示动作的承受者就是动作的发出者,主语和宾语。指同一个人或一些人。 He called himself a writer Would you please express yourself in English? 2. 作表语。It doesnt matterIll be myself soonThe girl in the news is myself 3. 作主语或宾语的同位语,表示亲自或本人。 I myself washed the clothes=I washed the clothes myself. You should ask the teacher himself I - myself 我自己 you - yourself 你自己 he - himself 他自己 she - herself 她自己 it - itself 它自己 we - ourselves 我们自己 you - yourselves 你们自己 they - themselves 他们自己 常用短语 1. by oneself 单独的;独自的 2. enjoy oneself 玩的愉快 3. help oneself to 自用 4. dress oneself 自己穿衣服 5. say to oneself 自言自语 6. teach oneself = learn by oneself 自学 四、指示代词的用法 指示代词包括:this,that,these,those。 1.this和these指在时间或空间上较近的事物或人, that和those则指时间和空间上较远的事物或人, 例:This is a pen and that is a pencil We are busy these days In those days the workers had a hard time 2. 有时that和those指前面讲到过的事物, 8 this 和these则是指下面将要讲到的事物 例:I had a cold. That's why I didn't come. What I want to say is this ; Pronunciation is very important in learning English 3. 有时为了避免重复提到的名词,常可用that或those代替 例:Television sets made in Beijing are just as good as those made in Shanghai 4. this 在电话用语中代表自己,that 则代表对方。 例:Hello! This is Mary. Is that Jack speaking? 五、疑问代词的用法 疑问代词有who,whom,whose,what和which等。疑问代词用于特殊疑问句中,一般在句首,并在句子中作为某一句子成分。 Who is going to come here tomorrow? What is that? (作表语) Whose umbrella is this? (作定语) Whom are you waiting for? (作宾语) 六、不定代词的用法 不是指明代替任何特定名词的代词叫做不定代词,不定代词有:some, any, many, much, each, neither, other, another, all, both, one, none, either在句中可作主语、表语、宾语和定语。 七、相互代词的用法 表示相互关系的代词叫做相互代词。相互代词有each other 和one another两种形 式。在当代英语中,each other和one another没有什么区别。相互代词可在句中作宾语,定语。作定语用时,相互代词用所有格形式。 We should learn from each other / one another. Do you often write to each other / one another? We often borrow each other's / one another's books. 定语 The students corrected each other's / one another's mistakes in their homework. 八、练习题 1 These are books. Yours are over there. A I B my C me D mine 2 is she? She is a teacher. A What B How C Who D Where 3 is wrong with my watch. It has stopped. A Something, working B Something, to work C Any thing, working D Anything, to work 4 Mary, help to the bananas, please. A you B your C yourself D yourselves 5 do you go to school every day? By bus. A How B Why C When D Where 9 6 My skirt is popular than. A much, her B much, hers C more, her D more, hers 7 Can you speak English? Yes, but only. A few B a few C little D a little 8 Mr.Smith is an old friend of. A I B me C my D mine 9 do you hear from your parents? About once a month. A How long B How many C How often D How much 10 Mr Green wouldn't say at the meeting. A everything B nothing C anything D something 11 Mum, Ann's coming tonight. Let's give her to eat. Good idea! A anything nice B nice anything C something nice D nice something 12 When shall we meet, this evening or tomorrow evening? I don't mind. time is OK. A Some B Neither C Either D Both 13 This is not her kite, but. A hes B him C he D his 14 Don't worry, Mum! news is good news. I'm sure daddy will come back soon. A No B Many C Those D Two 第五章 数词 一、分类 1.基数词:表示数目多少 以下是最基本的基数词,学习者必须牢记:one(1), two(2), three(3), four(4), five(5), six(6), seven(7), eight(8), nine(9), ten(10), eleven(11), twelve(12), thirteen(13), fourteen(14), fifteen(15), sixteen(16), seventeen(17), eighteen(18), nineteen(19), twenty(20), thirty(30), forty(40), fifty(50), sixty(60), seventy(70), eighty(80), ninety(90), a hundred(100), a thousand(1000), a million(1000000), a billion (十亿) 2199 的表示法。先说几十,再说几,中间加连字号:twenty-one(21), thirty-six(36), forty-five(45), ninety-nine(99)等。101999的表示法。先说几百,后接and,再加末尾两位数(或末位数):one hundred and one(101), five hundred and thirty(530), seventy hundred and eighty-nine(789) 1000 以上的基数词。先从右至左数,每三位数加一个逗号(即以此把数目分为若干段)。第一个逗号前的数为thousand(千),第二个逗号前的数million(百万),第三个逗号前的数为billion(十亿),第四个逗号前的数为 trillion(万亿),然后一段一段地数 2.序数词:表示先后顺序。 1) 序数词第一、第二和第三为first, second和third,其他序数词的构成是在基数词后加th 2) fifth(第五)、 eighth (第八)、 ninth (第九)和twelfth (第十二) 10 3) 二十、三十等基数词变为序数词时,要把y变成ie再加-th。 例如: twenty twentieth forty fortieth 4) 基数词几十几变成序数词时,表示几十的数词不变,只把表示几的基数词变成序数词。 例如: twenty-one twenty-first forty-five forty-fifth 5) 第一百、第一千、第一百万、第十亿都是在基数词后直接加th构成。 例如:第一百hundredth ; 第一千thousandth; 第一百万millionth; 第十亿billionth 6)序数词的缩略是由阿拉伯数字加序数词的最后两个字母构成 例如:1st,2nd,3rd,4th,21st,32nd,40th 二、分数表达法 分数由基数词和序数词合成。分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子是1时,分母(序数词)用单数形式;分子大于1时,分母用复数形式,序数词加-s。读带分数时,先读整数部分,再读分数部分。 1/2one half 或 a half ; 1/4one fourth 或 one (a) quarter 3/4three quarters或 three fourths; 4/5four fifths 2-1/3two and a (one)third; 3-5/6three and five sixths 32-3/4thirty-two and three quarters (three fourths) 三、小数表达法 整数与小数之间用小数点隔开。读小数时,每位数字(特别是小数点后面的)要单独读出。小数点读作point(点),零读作zero(或naught)。如果整数是零,往往不读出。 0.1 zero(naught)point one 或 point one 0.03zero(naught)point naught three 或 zero point zero three 2.25two point two five; 14.16fourteen point one six 205.37two hundred and five point three seven 四、百分数 百分数用下面形式表示: 5%5.per cent(缩写:5.PC) 读作:five percent 23%23.per cent(缩写:23.PC)读作:twenty-three percent 五、常见的数字符号和等式的读法 = (等于号) 读作 equals;+ (加号) 读作 plus或and 11 (减号) 读作minus; × (乘号) 读作times 或multiplied by ÷ (除号)读作divided by 六、时刻表达法 表示时刻有两种说法:逆读法,先分钟,后钟点;顺读法,先钟点,后分钟。 七、年 月 日表达法 1)年份用基数词,日期用序数词 例如: XX年x月x日可以写作 May 1(st),1988,读作May the first, nineteen eighty-eight; 或者1(st)May,1988,读作the first of May, nineteen eighty-eight 2)英语年份的读法:一般先读前两位数,再读后两位数。 例如:1983nineteen eighty-three;1700seventeen hundred; 1870eighteen seventy; 1601sixteen a one或sixteen hundred and one; 965nine sixty-five 或nine six five 3)年代用年份的阿拉伯数字加-s 或-s表示 例如:十八世纪三十年代1730s/1730sthe seventeen thirties 二十世纪六十年代1960s/1960sthe nineteen sixties 八十年代初期the early eighties九十年代末期the late nineties 4)月份 一年12个月的英语写法如下: 一月January 二月February 三月March 四月April 五月May 六月June 七月July 八月August 九月September 十月October 十一月November 十二月December 八、电话号码及编号 编号既可以用序数词,也可用基数词。 例如:the tenth lesson;Lesson Ten 第十课; the fiftieth page ; Page


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