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    初一下册unit3知识点Unit 3 How do you get to school? 一、知识概述 1学习谈论如何到达某地和表示距离的有关句型。 2学习how, how long, how far等引导的特殊疑问句。 3学习和掌握含有实义动词的陈述句、一般疑问句、肯定回答和否定回答之间的转换。 4会用英语相互谈论交通方式的话题。 二、语音知识 三、单元重难点讲述 1词汇篇: traintake the trainby train bustake the busby bus subwaytake the subwayby subway taxitake the taxiby taxi cardrive the carby car planetake the planeby plane bikeride a bikeby bike walkon foot 2Hey, Dave. How do you get to school? 嘿,大卫。你怎样去学校? I walk. How about you, Sally? 我步行去学校,你呢,萨利? I ride my bike. 我骑自行车。 在这个对话中,how的意思是“怎样;怎么;如何”。 e.g.Tell me how to spell it. 告诉我怎么拼写它。 I dont know how to get to the post office. 我不知道如何去邮局。 除这个意思外,how还可表示“健康情况怎样”。 e.g.How are the children? 孩子们身体好吗? get to 到达 表示“到达”这一意思的有三个词组:get to, arrive at/in, reach get to是一个常用的词组,比较口语化。 e.g.When does she usually get to school? 她通常什么时候到校? arrive是不及物动词,其后要接介词at或in,at后接小地点,in后接大地点。 e.g.We will arrive at the village at 5 tomorrow afternoon. 我们将明天下午5点到达这个村子。 How will you arrive in Shanghai? 你们将如何到达上海? reach为及物动词,后面直接接表地点的名词。 e.g.When did you reach Beijing? 你什么时候到北京的? 下面介绍“交通方式”的表达方法: 介词短语“by交通工具”表示交通方式。 by car 乘小汽车 by bus 乘公汽 by plane/air 乘飞机 by boat/sea 乘船 by train 乘火车 by subway 乘地铁 by land 走陆地 by river/water 走水路 还有其它的表示交通方式的说法。 on foot 步行 on horse 骑马 e.g.They go to school on foot. 他们步行上学。 动词短语“take/ride/drivethe/a/my交通工具”表示交通方式。 take the train 乘火车 take the car 乘轿车 take the subway 乘地铁 take the bus 乘公汽 drive the/my car 开车 ride a/my bike 骑自行车 注意: “by交通工具”构成的介词短语在句中作状语,表示方式;“take交通工具”在句中作谓语。 “by交通工具”时前面不加限定词。如:She goes to work on the/her bike. 相当于She takes/rides the/her bike to work.或 She goes to work by bike. 她骑自行车上班。 3Practice shetake the train e.g.How does she get to school? She usually takes the train. hetake the bus e.g.How does he get to school? He usually takes the bus. Marytake the subway e.g.How does Mary get to school? She usually takes the subway. Janetake the taxi e.g.How does Jane get to school? She usually takes the taxi. Lindadrive the car e.g.How does Linda go to work? She usually drives the car. Tonytake the plane e.g.How does Tony go to work? He usually takes the plane. Jimride a bike e.g.How does Jim go to work? He usually rides a bike. Sophywalk e.g.How does Sophy go to work? She usually walks. 4How far is it from your home to school? 从你家到学校有多远? 这个句型用来询问两地间的距离。it在这里表示距离。How far is it?是口语中的简略说法,完整说法是How far is it from here?或How far away is someplace from here?在上下文明确的情况下,有时可省去from here。它的答语可用表示长度的词或短语。 e.g.How far is your house from the school? 你家离学校有多远? Its about 2 kilometers. /Its about 20 minutes walk. 大约有两公里。/大约是20分钟的步行路程。 Lin Feis home is about 10 kilometers from school. 林飞的家离学校大约有十公里。 5How long does it take you to get to school? 到学校需要花你多长时间? About 15 minutes by bike. 骑自行车大约需要15分钟。 take v. 花费,需要 e.g.The flight from Tokyo to San Francisco takes nine hours. 从东京到旧京山的飞行时间要9小时。 How long does it take to go there by train? 坐火车去那儿要花多长时间? 表示“做某事需花费某人多长时间。”通常用句型:ittakessb.时间to do sth. e.g.It takes me 5 days to finish this job. 完成这项工作要花我5天时间。 也可用:It takes时间for sb.to do sth. e.g.It takes 30 minutes for us to walk there. 步行去那儿要花我们30分钟。 6Does Jane walk to school? 简步行去学校吗? No, she doesnt. She goes by bike. 不,不是的。她骑自行车去学校。 这个句子是含有实义动词的一般疑问句。含有实义动词的陈述句变成一般疑问句时,要借助于助动词do/does,把助动词do/does提到句首。注意,如果主语是第三人称单数的,后面的谓语动词的单数形式要还原。 e.g.They take the bus to school. Do they take the bus to school? Yes, they do. /No, they dont. They walk. Your dad drives his car to work every day. Does your dad drive his car to work every day? Yes, he does. /No, he doesnt. 7Mary wants to know what he thinks of the transportation. 玛丽想知道他是怎样看待交通运输的。 what he thinks of the transportation是一个宾语从句,注意它和特殊疑问句的不同:它的语序是陈述句语序。think of表示“想出;想起;考虑;思考;认为”。 e.g.I cant think of his name at the moment. 我一时想不起他的名字。 We are thinking of/about going to France. 我们正在考虑去法国呢。 What do you think of this movie? 你认为这部电影怎么样? (Section B 1c中的几个句子都是宾语从句) Mary wants to know where Bob lives. Mary wants to know how far he lives from his grandparents home. Mary wants to know how he gets to his grandparents home. Mary wants to know how long it takes to get to his grandparents home. 8There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. 河上完全没有桥梁,而且河水湍急,不宜小船摆渡。 此句是英语否定结构的一种。当no用于构成否定句,主要用于名词之前,强调否定其后的名词,表现“完全不;根本没有”。 e.g.There are no computers in that small mountain village. 在那个小山村里根本就没有电脑。 There is no milk in the fridge. 冰箱里没有牛奶。 run表示“液体的流动”,在不同语境中分别有不同的用法和含义。 e.g.The river runs into the sea. 这条河流入大海。 Your nose is running, Jack. Do you have a cold? 杰克,你在流鼻涕。是不是感冒了? 9One 11-year-old boy, Liangliang, crosses the river every school day. 亮亮,一个11岁的男孩,每天过河上学。 注意:这里的11-year-old是一个合成形容词,中间的名词不能用复数形式。 a four-day trip 一个四天的旅行 a 30-page book 一本30页的书 a three-room house 一个三间屋的房子 10It is their dream to have a bridge. 有一座桥是他们的梦想。 dream既可以用作名词,又可以用作动词。 e.g.Have a good dream! 做个好梦! I have a dream. 我有一个梦想。 I dreamed a strange dream yesterday. 我昨天做了一个奇怪的梦。 11Can their dream come true? 他们的梦想能实现吗? come true 实现 e.g.His dream comes true. 他的梦想实现了。 How does your hope come true? 你的梦想是如何实现的? 注意:该短语中的come属于系动词,类似这样的系动词+形容词构成的词组还有 go mad go wrong fall asleep run short turn sour


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