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    冰河世纪2中英剧本看电影学英语 Ice Age 2 冰河世纪 2:消融-Animal A: Oh boy! This global warming is killing me!global warming: 全球气候变暖喔哦!全球变暖简直要了我的命。-Animal B: This, is too hot, the ice age was too cold.ice age: 冰河时期这太热了,而冰河期又太冷了。-Animal B: What would it take to make you happy?happy: 快乐的怎么才能让你高兴呀?-Animal A: This. I like!这个.我喜欢。-Sid: No running Jane! Camp rules.camp: 营地;拘留营 rule: 规则;惯例不要跑.Jane! 野营规则.-Animal C: Make me, Sloth!sloth: 树懒(一种动物)有本事来抓我啊,树獭。-Sid: Make me.sir!叫我.老师。-Sid: It's all about respect.respect: 尊重这就是尊重.-Sid: Sarah. You just ate! Wait an hour!eat: 吃 wait: 等待Sarah.你刚吃了饭,休息会儿。-Sid: Hector! No,no! You can't pee-pee there!pee-pee: 撒尿,小便Hector! 不不不.你不能在那儿便便。-Sid: Ok,ok! there is fine.好.好吧,就在那儿吧。-Sid: Ashley! Stop picking your.pick: 挑选Ashley! 那样会让你.啊-Animal D: Pinata!抓到他了,耶-Sid: Stop!stop: 停止住手!-Sid: .you're supposed to wear blindfolds!supposed to: 猜想会 wear: 穿(戴)着 blindfold: 眼罩你应该先戴上眼罩再来。-Animal D: Ok!没问题。-Animal C: Hey, it's my turn to hit the sloth!turn: 轮流 hit: 打Hey轮到我打这只树獭了。-Animal D:.mine.mine.mine.mine!mine: 我的到我啦,到我啦。应该是我,我,我。-Animal D: Hey! You didn't have any candy in you!candy: 糖果Hey! 这么轻松就把他打晕了。-Animal E: Let's bury him!bury: 埋葬让我们把他给埋了。-Manny: Hey, hey! Whoah., Who said you kids can torture the sloth?kid: 小孩 torture: 拷问,折磨嘿,嘿!唔. 是谁让你们这些孩子折磨这个树獭的。-Diego: Manny, don't squash their creativity.squash: 挤压 creativity: 创造力Manny,别打击他们的创造性。-Sid: Hey Manny! Diego!嗨,Manny!Diego!-Sid: My bad mammal jammel!mammal: 哺乳动物我最好的猛犸象和剑齿虎哥们儿。-Sid: Wanna give a sloth a hand?wanna: &lt美俚&gt=want to give a hand: 帮助帮帮我这只树獭怎么样。-Sid: Look. I opened my camp!open: 开听着,我搞了一个夏令营。-Sid: Come forth and sit.forth: 向前,往外舒适的来玩。-Sid: It means camp of Sid!mean: 意思是也就是Sid夏令营。-Diego: Congratulations, You're now an idiot in two languages.congratulation: 祝贺 idiot: 笨蛋 language: 语言恭喜你,现在有两种语言来形容你这个笨蛋了。-Sid: Shhhh.!嘘.!-Sid: Dont in front of the K-l-D-G!in front of: 在前面别在这些小鬼面前数落我。-Sid: These little guys love me! Right, Billy?little: 小的 guy: 家伙,伙计这些小鬼都很喜欢我,对吗,Billy。-Billy: Don't make me eat you!别逼我吃了你。-Sid: Funny, kid! That's why they're called kids!funny: 滑稽的很好笑,孩子所以咯,他们还被叫做小屁孩。-Manny: I told you Sid.我告诉过你Sid.-Manny: You're not qualified to run a camp.qualified: 有资格的你开营地还不够格。-Sid: Oh! Since when do qualifications, have anything to do with childcare.?since: 从以后 qualification: 资格(证明) childcare: 童年,幼年噢!从什么时候开始照顾孩子,也资格认证扯上关系的?-Sid: Besides, these kids look up to me.besides: 而且,此外(还) look up to: 尊敬,敬仰还有,这些孩子都很尊敬我。-Sid: I'm a role model to them!role model: 行为榜样 role: 角色 model: 模型我是他们的好榜样。-Diego: I can see that.我看出来了。-Sid: You guys never think I can do anything.anything: 无论什么东西你们总是认为我一事无成。-Sid: But I'm an equal member of this herd!equal: 同样的 member: 成员 herd: 群但我这个群体中平等的一员。-Sid: I made this herd.!这一切都是我自己做到的。.and you need, to start treating me with some respect!你们也应该开始对我尊敬一些。-Manny: Come on! Sid!得了吧! Sid!-Diego: Sid! We were just kidding!kid: 戏弄,开玩笑Sid! 我们只是开玩笑而已。-Animal D: Hey!嘿!-Animal D: Let's play pin the tail on the mammoth!mammoth: 猛犸象让我们和这头猛犸象玩玩!-Diego: Sid!Sid!-Sid: Can you stop!我不会一事无成的。-Sid: I'm gonna get some respect!gonna: &lt美俚&gt=go to我一定会得到他们的尊重的。-Sid: I'll show 'em!'em: =them我会证明给他们看。-Manny: And so, in the end.所以呢,最后the little burro reached his mommy.burro: 小驴 reach: 达到小驴找到了自己的妈咪,and they lived happily ever after.happily: 幸好,快乐地他们从此过着幸福的生活。-Diego: Good job!真有你的。-Animal D: Question! Why does the burro go home?question: 问题 go home: 回家我有问题,为什么驴要回家。-Animal D: Why doesn't he stay with the rabbit?他为什么不和兔子们生活在一起?-Manny: Because. He wanted to be with his family.因为.因为他想和家人在一起。-Animal F: I think he should go with the girl burro!我觉得他应该去找个女驴!.That's a better love story!这会是个很好的爱情故事!-Manny: OK! Well, when you tell, your burro story, that's what he'll do.也好,你下次在给别人说故事时,再让驴这样好了。-Animal G: 'Burro' is a demeaning name.'驴'只是个代名词而已。-Animal G: Technically, it's called a wild ass!technically: 技术上说 wild: 野生的 ass: 驴技术上说,他应该叫"野驴"。-Manny: Fine. The wild ass boy came home.好吧,那个野驴小子,.to his wild ass mother.和他的野驴妈妈一起回家了-Manny: See! That's why I called it a burro!所以,这也是我为什么叫他驴了。-Animal E: Could the burro have a grazing problem?graze: 吃青草 那只驴会遇到吃饭问题吗?that would make him more.relatable.relatable: 有关联这样会更有故事性。-Billy: Boring!无聊-Billy: It's not believable!believable: 可以相信的这一点也不可能。-Animal E: Do burrows eat their young?burrow: 地洞 young: 青年人驴会自相残杀吗?-Animal G: It's not a very satisfying ending!satisfy: 使满意这个结尾并不让人满意。-Manny: Sometimes I throw up!throw up: 呕吐我有时都要烦透了。-Manny: They lived happily ever after.他们从此过着幸福的生活。-Manny: You can't get more satisfying than that!more than: 超出的不可能有比这个更让人满意的结尾了。-Manny: One big happy family!happy: 快乐的一个幸福的大家庭。-Manny: That's the way it's supposed to be!这是理所当然的。-Animal E: Then, where's your big, happy family?那么,你的幸福家庭在哪里呢?-Diego: Then.the, hungry tiger eat the pesky little kids!hungry: 饥饿的,感到饿的 tiger: 虎 pesky: 讨厌的,烦人的然后,一只饥饿的老虎要吃小孩儿了。-Diego: You OK, buddy?buddy: 伙伴你还好吧,哥们儿?-Manny: Sure, why not?!当然,为什么会有事?-Diego: I Just thought you.我只是觉得你. -Manny: Storytimes over.the end!storytimes: 故事时间故事时间结束了,没有了。-Animal A: Out of the way! Run for your lives!out of: 离开大家快跑啊,想活命就快跑。-Diego: Hey, watch it!Hey等等。-Diego: Where's everybody going?everybody: 每人你们这是去哪儿呢?-Animal A: The world's coming to an end!世界末日就要来了。-Manny: What are you talking about?你在说什么呢?-Animal B: Fast Tony! He says the world's going to flood!fast: 快 flood: 淹没Fast Tony! 他说这个世界将被洪水淹没。-Animal H: Folks, I hold in my hand a device so powerful.folk: 各位 device: 装置 powerful: 强大的伙计们,我手里拿着的这根小管子。it can actually pull air.actually: 事实上;实际上可以让你把空气,right out of the sky!sky: 天(空)一直呼到天上去。-Animal H: Gather round.gather round!gather: 聚集过来看看吧,来看看吧。-Animal H: Pardon me, do you have gills ma'am?pardon me: 对不起打扰一下,您有鳃吗,夫人?-Animal H: So you can't breathe under water?breathe: 呼吸所以你不能在水里呼吸对吧。-Animal H: My assistant here will demonstrate!assistant: 助手 demonstrate: 说明我的助手可以为你示范。-Billy: Hey, I can smell the ocean!smell: 闻到;察觉 ocean: 洋,海洋Hey我可以闻到海洋的味道。-Animal H: What are you doing.?笨蛋,你在这做什么呢?-Animal H: I can't sell that now.!我不能卖它了。-Animal H: You suck, air through your mouth you moron!suck: 吸,吮 through: 穿过 mouth: 嘴,口 moron: 低能者这个是要塞进嘴里的,你个笨蛋。-Animal H: If you're a pupil, of mine, and I'm starting instruction.pupil: 学生 instruction: 说明如果你想知道,我现在就给你讲解。-Animal H: you'll, have plenty of air for eons to come!plenty of: 很多的 eon: 永久有了这个,不管是横渡海峡,还是绕着小岛游一圈,都不会有问题。-Animal H: Of course, don't stay buried!of course: 当然,自然当然,不要把它放到水下。-Manny: Why are you scaring, everybody with this doomsday stuff?scare: 吓,使害怕 doomsday: 世界末日 stuff: 东西为什么你要用末日来吓唬大家?-Animal H: I'm trying to make a living here pal.make a living: 讨生活啊哈哈哈 我只是在讨生活而已,老兄。-Animal H: It's all part of my weather forecast!part: 部分 weather: 天气,气象 forecast: 预测,预报这只是我的预言中的一部分。-Animal H: The 5 day outlook is calling, for intense flooding, followed by.outlook: 前景 intense: 强烈的五天激烈的水灾,接着就是。the end of the world.!世界末日!-Animal H: With a slight chance of patchy sunshineslight: 轻微的 chance: 可能性;机会 sunshine: 日光,日照当薄冰碰到灼热的阳光,.later in the week接下来的那周.-Manny: Come on! Don't listen to him.listen to: 听得了吧,别听他的了。-Manny: Fast Tony, would sell his own mother for a grape!grape: 葡萄Fast Tony 为了吃会把自己的老妈卖了。-Animal H: Are you making an offer?offer: 提供你在出价吗?-Animal H: I mean no! I would not!我是说,不。我没有胡说。-Animal B: Haven't you heard? The ice is melting!melt: (使)融化你们没听说吗?这些冰一直在融化。-Manny: You see this ground? It's covered in ice.ground: 地(面),土地 cover: (掩)盖;占这个地方被冰雪覆盖着。-Manny: A thousand, years ago it was covered in ice.thousand: 一千一千年前就是如此。-Manny: A thousand years from now.一千年以后,it will still be ice!也会如此。-Animal I: Say, buddy.not to cast aspersions, on your survival instincts, but.cast: 投(射) aspersion: 诽谤,中伤 survival: 幸存 instinct: 本能嘿,哥们,呃且不去质疑你的生存本能,haven't, mammoths pretty much gone extinct?pretty: 相当,很 extinct: 灭绝的那么猛犸象怎么已经走向灭绝了呢?-Manny: What are you talking about?你在说什么呢?-Animal I: I'm talking, about you being the last of your kind!kind: 种类我说得是,你应该是你们族的最后一个了。-Manny: Ahh! Your breath smells like ants!smell: 闻到;察觉 ant: 蚂蚁啊,你没刷牙吧。-Animal I: Be as that as it may.既然你不想承认,When's, the last time you saw another mammoth?那你什么时候看见过其它猛犸象呢?-Diego: Ah! Don't pay any attention to him Mannyattention: 注意啊!别理他,Manny。-Manny: Mammoths can't go extinct.猛犸象才不会灭绝,they are the biggest things on earth!earth: 地球我们是世界上最庞大的生物。-Animal J: What about the dinosaurs?dinosaur: 恐龙 那恐龙呢?-Manny: The dinosaurs got cocky!cocky: 骄傲的恐龙都有怪癖。-Manny: They made enemies!enemy: 敌人这样会给他们带来敌人。-Animal K: Look!.快看some idiot's going down the eviscerator!idiot: 白痴 eviscerator: 取内脏工人有个白痴准备从冰川上跳下来。-Manny: Please tell me that's not our cue!cue: 提示噢,拜托,千万别告诉我那是我们的树獭。-Sid: OK.I'm goona jump on the count of 3!好吧,数到三我就跳了。-Sid: One.一-Sid: Two.二-Manny: Sid!, Don't move a muscle! We're coming up!muscle: 肌肉Sid! 待在那别动!我们这就上来!-Animal All: jump!.jump!.jump!.jump!.跳!跳!跳!跳!跳.jump, jump, jump, jump!跳!跳!跳!跳!跳-Diego: Sorry.抱歉。-Sid: Two and three one thousands.2.003-Sid: Two and four one thousands.2.004-Manny: Sid!, What are you doing? Get down from there!Sid! 你在搞什么鬼呢,快下来-Sid: No way! I'm going to be, the first to jump off the eviscerator.first: 首先 jump: 跳跃 没门! 我要成为第一个从这里跳下去的人。-Sid: And then, you guys are gonna have to start.start: 开始然后,你们就准备好,showing me some respect!respect: 尊敬尊敬我吧。-Manny: You jump off this, and the only respect you're gonna get.如果你从这跳下去了,你唯一会得到的,is respect for the dead!是大家对死者的尊敬。-Diego: Come on Manny! He's not that stupid.!stupid: 愚蠢的,迟钝的得了吧,Manny! 他才没那么蠢。-Diego: But, I've been wrong before!难道我以前都错了。-Sid: Geronimo!不要拦我!-Diego: Hey, watch it!Hey, 看着点儿!-Sid: I can't breath.我不能呼吸了。-Sid: I think I just coughed up my spleen!cough: 咳,咳嗽 spleen: 脾气坏的,易怒的我的脾脏都要出来了!-Manny: Ahh! Diego! Retract the claws please!retract: 缩回 claw: 爪,脚爪啊! Diego! 收回你的爪子。谢谢!-Diego: Oh.right.sorry!噢,好的。不好意思!-Sid: ou know, if I didn't know you better Diego.如果不是我了解你,Diego.-Sid: I'd think you're afraid of the water.afraid: 害怕(恐惧)的我会认为你怕水。哈哈哈-Sid: Ok.Ok! Good thing I know you better!好了,好了,这下我更了解你了。-Manny: Guys.!伙计们。-Manny: Fast Tony was right.!看来Fast Tony是对的!-Manny: everything is melting!所有的东西都在融化。-Manny: It's all gonna flood.洪水就要泛滥了。-Manny: Come on! We're gotta warn them.warn:警告,告诫快点,我们要告诉他们。-Sid: Maybe we can, rapidly evolve into water creatures.rapidly: 迅速地 evolve: (使)进化 creature: 生物也许我们可以快速进化成水生动物。-Diego: That's genius, Ed.genius: 天才你真是天才。sid。-Sid: Call me 'Squid'.叫我"乌贼"。-Sid: Gees.this whole thing's a piece of junk!junk: 破烂天啊。这里所有的东西都是垃圾。-Sid: I can't believe I live here!我简直不敢相信我住在这。-Sid: What?怎么了?-Animal H: I can breathe.这个没用。-Animal H: I present you, with this revolutionary gizmo, we call.present: 呈现 revolutionary: 革命的我找到了它的革命性产品,我们管它叫做。Bark!木板!-Animal H: It's so buoyant, it actually floats!buoyant: 轻快的 actually: 事实上;实际上 float: (使)浮动最重要的是,它可以浮起来。-Animal A: I'll show you something that floats!我会让你看到什么东西能浮起来。-Animal H: Alright. it's your funeral!funeral: 葬礼,丧礼尽管笑吧,你们的死期快到了。-Animal H: You see!, This is exactly what I'm talking about!看到了吧,这正是我所说过的。-Animal H: Giant balls of fury larva.giant: 巨大的 fury: 狂怒 larva: (昆虫的)幼虫天空中想起巨大的咆哮声。the size of mammoths.size: 大小,尺寸凶恶的猛犸象,raining from the sky!疯狂的从天而降。-Animal L: Ahh! Go suck air through a reed!suck: 吸,吮 啊,去换口气,多读读书。-Manny: You gotta listen, to him! He's right about the flood!你们得听他的,他说的洪水的事情是对的。-Animal H: I am?我说对了?-Animal H: I mean.uh.Yes, I am!我是说,呃,对我说的本来就是事实。-Animal M: Wait a minute! You're the one who said.等一下,是你说的,there wasn't going to be a flood!这里不可能有洪水。Why should we listen to you?为什么我们现在要听你的?-Manny: Because we saw what's up there!what's up: 什么事因为我们在上面看到了一切。-Manny: The dam's, gonna break. The entire valley is gonna flood!dam: 坝,堤 entire: 全部的,整个的 valley: 山谷大坝就要垮掉了,整个山谷不久将被洪水淹么。-Animal N: Flood's real alright.你们会发现他说的是对的and it's coming fast!而且很快会成为事实Look around! You're in a bowl.!bowl: 碗,钵看看四周吧,你们在一个碗里。-Animal N: Bowl's gonna to fill up.!fill up: 填补这个碗很快将被水充满。Ain't no way out.!而且无路可逃。-Animal O: What are we going to do?!我们该怎么办啊?!-Animal N: Unless, you can, make it to the end of the valley.除非你们可以走到山谷的尽头,there's a boat.It can save ya!save: 救哪儿有条船,可以救你们。-Animal A: I don't see anything.可我什么也没看出来。-Animal N: Fine.但是,-Animal N: You all better hurry.ground's melting.hurry: 匆忙你们的快点,地面一直在融化。walls tumbling.rocks crumbing.tumble: 跌倒 crumb: 碎屑山崩地裂,地动山摇。-Animal N: survive that, and you'll be racing through water!through: 穿过;从头到尾侥幸活下来的,还要面对滔天洪水。coz in 3 days time.还有三天的时间。It's going to hit the geyser fields.geyser: 天然热喷泉 field: 田地你们就准备抱着等死吧。-Animal N: There is some good news though!though: 尽管,虽然还是有一些好消息的。The more of you die.你们死得越多,the better I eat!我吃得越好。I didn't say it was good news for you.我又没说这个对你们来说是好消息。-Sid: He must have been, a real pleasure to have in class!pleasure: 令人高兴的事物他要是去教书一定是个好老师。-Animal F: Damn!MD鄙视你!-Manny: Alright! You heard the scary vulture.scary: 恐怖的 vulture: 秃鹰,兀鹰好了,大家都听到兀鹰说的话了。Let's move out!赶快行动吧。-Diego: Manny., Do you really think there's a boat?Manny.你真的认为那艘船存在啊?-Manny: I don't know., But in a few days this place.place: 地方不知道,但是没几天.is gonna to be a mile under water.mile: 英里这里就会被洪水淹没了。If there's any hope.it's that wayhope: 希望,期望如果有任何希望,也是在那儿了。-Diego: Manny, lets go!Manny 该走了。-Animal N: We're got an, overturned cliff on the far right lake.cliff: 悬崖,峭壁您现在看到的是一场大迁徙traffic is, packed up as far as the eye can see.traffic: 交通(量)现场很拥挤,队伍一望无尽。-Animal N: Ohhh! And, it looks like there might be a fatality!fatality: 宿命,致命性噢! 那边看起来也许很不错的样子I call the dark meat!dark meat: 红肉 dark: 深色的我找到了一块肥肉。-Animal P: Come on everybody! Lets go!, Come on. Ce! Get in!快点,小家伙们,我们要走了快点。快点,都进来。-Animal Q: Come on Granpa, come on! We have to go!别这样,爷爷别这样,我们走吧。-Animal R: Well, I'm not leaving!我不走,I was born, in this hole and I'll die in this hole!born: 出生的 hole: 洞我生在这个洞里,就是死也要死在这里面-Animal S: Do we have to bring this crap.?crap: 粪球我们有必要带这么重的粪球吗?I'm sure the


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