如何避免GRE作文雷同 如何避免GRE作文雷同,快来一起看看吧,分享下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。如何避免GRE作文雷同一、绝对不能照抄原文在语言上可以使用一些范文的句式,但是绝对不能照抄原文,而是要换掉一些关键词。或者如果要借用关键词,则必须使用别的句式。二、在观点上要具有洞察力,要有自己的原创特色观点是GRE作文考试的核心内容,考察考生能否对一个issue进行深入分析与思考并最终提出一个有层次的观点。有了原创观点就不用担心雷同。我这样说也许有有点像让快饿死的人去吃肉粥。如果真的要借鉴范文观点,我建议应该尽可能做一些调整,以避免第二个雷区。或者干脆在文中讲明这个思路是借鉴了哪一本参考书的。美国人对真小人比对伪君子要宽容。三、可以引用范文例证在例证方面,使用范文用过的例证没有问题,哪怕用那些被判雷同的例证也没问题。例证是人类的共同知识,谁都可以使用,关键是我们不能用和范文作者同样的思路和语言来诠释例证并展开类似的论证。因此,越是耳熟能详的例证如牛顿与苹果树、爱迪生孵蛋,要写出原创的内容就越困难,雷同的危险就越大。四、在结构上可以采取声东击西的策略比如把北美范文用在120题的结构和破题策略用在210题上。GRE issue写作范文:技术影响之旅游题目:Because of television and worldwide computer connections, people can now become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited. As a result,tourism will soon become obsolete.由于电视和全球范围内的计算机网络,人们现在可以熟悉很多以前从未涉足过的地方。其结果就是使得旅游变得过时了。正文:Will the widespread television and computer connections dampen people enthusiasm for tourism? The speaker claim that the prospect would be that tourism will soon become obsolete, but I seriously doubt it. In my point of view, although television and computer connections provide people alternatives of viewing the world without stepping out of their homes, these modern conveniences kindle more peoples tourism lust.Admittedly, television and computer connections do slow down some peoples interest in tourism. By viewing the vivid description of certain tourist attractions with detailed illustration provided by television and computers, it makes the once illusionary picture of staying at home and traveling around the world become a possible scenario that everybody can get accessed to. What is more, due to the fast-rhythm modern life,except during vacations, people can hardly afford time to travel around whenever they want. Thus, television problems and computer network become effective substitutes.But I by no means agree that tourism will become obsolete. Daily empirical evidences show us that instead of becoming out of date with all the programs focusing on places of interest, tourism is prospering unprecedented. According to statistical study, the global revenue brought out by tourism has amount to one third of the total and this trend tends to increase gradually and at the same time, traveling expenditure for individual household has account for the biggest spending next to food and accommodation. The main causes underlying this trend lies in two aspects.For one thing, psychological research shows that human beings are sensible animals whose curiosity can only be satisfied with all the five sensation being obtained, such as touch, taste, hearing smelling and view. Although it is possible for human to view beautiful pictures, listen peoples voices, or understand the weird customs, when it comes to other sensations, televisions and computers can hardly fulfill their task comparing with peoples direct experience of being in that place. Consider, for example,food has constituted an important part of culture and how it is possible for us to have a bite of the tasty food of Peking duck, Italian noodles or Japanese sushi. Nothing would be more valuable than surfing in the sea, lying on the beach to enjoy the sunshine, smell the fragrant earth in the California coastline. The above examples best illustrate why with all the convenience of staying home and approach to several nations in a few hours still cannot satisfy peoples lust for traveling.The second deep-rooted reason for the prospering of tourism is actually achieved in some sense by the wide spreading of televisions and computer connection. People were reluctant to leave their home and travel in other courtiers for the concern of safety and cultural difference and adaptation. Thanks to all the television programs available, we come to realize how to socialize with local people, deal with cultural shock and arrange our trips from the guidance of those programs. For example, we observe an increasing willingness in recent years for Americans to travel to north-east Asia or Africa instead of clustering to European countries what they consider close in culture and secure both mentally and physically. Having a net friend you get to know on the Internet deepens our understanding about another culture that we never encounter before and this in turn, stimulate our desire and curiosity to experience by our own in that place.To sum up, I agree with the speaker to certain extent that television and computer connection make it possible for people to sit at home and travel around the world. But by going too far to claim that tourism will become obsolete is against the empirical observation in our daily life as well as fact that the first-hand experience arouses psychological enjoyment. In addition, by familiar ourselves with foreign culture through Internet and television programs diminish our sense of insecurity and cultural gap brought out by total blindness and ignorance about another nation and thus shed light on our curiosity as well as the willingness to explore.GRE写作官方题库高频ARGUMENT题目满分范文分享:dean at Buckingham CollegeGRE作文官方题库ARGUMENT题目:The following appeared in a memo written by a dean at Buckingham College:“To serve the housing needs of our students, Buckingham College should build a new dormitory. Buckinghams enrollment is growing and, based on current trends, should double over the next fifty years, thus making existing dormitories inadequate. Moreover, the average rent for an apartment in our town has increased in recent years. Consequently, students will find it increasingly difficult to afford off-campus housing. Finally, an attractive new dormitory would make prospective students more likely to enroll at Buckingham.”【满分范文赏析】In this memo a dean at Buckingham College recommends that in order to meet expected enrollment increases the college should build an additional dormitory. To support this recommendation the dean points out that rental rates for off-campus apartments have been increasing, thus making it more difficult for students to afford this housing option. The dean also points out that a new dormitory would attract prospective students to the college. This argument is problematic in several respects.【本段结构】本段采用了标准的Argument开头段结构,即CEF的开头结构。段落首先概括原文的Conclusion,接下来概括原文为支持其结论所引用的一系列evidence,最后给出开头段到正文段的过渡句,指出原文的Flaw,即其在多个方面存在问题。【本段功能】本段作为Argument开头段,具体功能就在于发起攻击并概括原文的结论,即Buckingham学院应新建一栋宿舍楼以应对预期的注册学生数目增长。本段接下来分布列举了原文为支持其结论所引用的证据校外公寓的房租在增长以及一栋新的宿舍楼将吸引未来的学生来到学院。这些信息的归纳为正文段中即将进行的具体攻击作铺垫。A threshold problem with the argument involves the statistical reliability of the reports about off-campus rental rates. The dean indicates only that “student leaders” reported these statistics; the dean provides no information about how these students collected their data. It is entirely possible that the report was based on an insufficiently small sample or a sample that was unrepresentative of the towns overall student rental market.【本段结构】本段采用了标准的Argument正文段结构,即:概括第一个逻辑错误的错误类型和其在原文中出现的位置,接下来给出合理的理由和他因来反驳原文。【本段功能】本段作为正文第一段,攻击原文中出现的第一个重要逻辑错误调查类错误。原文的开端问题涉及到其关于校外房租的报告的统计学可靠性。院长仅指出这些统计数据是由“学生领袖”提供的,并没有针对这些数据是如何收集的提供更多信息。该报告完全可能是基于一个不充分的小样本或一个不能代表该市总体学生租房市场的样本得到的。Secondly, the dean assumes that this current trend in rental rates will continue in the future; yet the dean offers no evidence to substantiate this assumption. These rates are a function of supply and demand, and it is entirely possible that construction of apartment houses will increase in the future, thereby reducing rental rates along with the need for an additional dormitory. Without considering this possible scenario, the dean cannot justifiably conclude that an additional dormitory is needed to meet future demand.【本段结构】本段采用了标准的Argument正文段结构,即:概括第二个逻辑错误的错误类型和其在原文中出现的位置,接下来给出合理的理由和他因来反驳原文。【本段功能】本段作为正文第二段,攻击原文中出现的第二个重要逻辑错误错误假设。原文中,院长假设目前房租的趋势将在未来延续,但他并未提供证据证明此假设。房租是供求量的函数,公寓住房的建设在未来完全可能增加,从而将使房租连同对一栋额外宿舍楼的需求一起降低。本段最后指出如果没有考虑这一可能情景,院长不能有理由地推断学院需要一栋额外的宿舍楼以应对未来的需求。Thirdly, the dean assumes that as enrollment increases the demand for student housing will also increase. While this might be the case, the dean ignores the possibility that the increased enrollment will be the result of an increase in the number of students commuting to Buckingham from their parents homes. This scenario, if true, would render the deans argument for building a new dormitory untenable.【本段结构】本段采用了标准的Argument正文段结构,即:概括第三个逻辑错误的错误类型和其在原文中出现的位置,接下来给出合理的理由和他因来反驳原文。【本段功能】本段作为正文第三段,攻击原文中出现的第三个重要逻辑错误因果类错误。在原文中,院长假设对学生住房的需求会随着注册学生数目的增加而提高。虽然事实可能的确如此,院长忽视了注册学生数目的增加将由走读生数目的增加而导致这一可能性。如果此情景成立,院长对于修建新宿舍楼的论证将是站不住脚的。Yet another problem with the argument involves the deans final claim that an attractive new dormitory would attract prospective students to Buckingham. Even assuming students in fact choose colleges on this basis, by relying on this evidence the dean essentially provides an argument against building the new dormitory. If an attractive new dormitory would increase demand for dormitory space, this fact would only serve to undermine the deans conflicting claim that the new dormitory would help meet increasing demand for dormitory space.【本段结构】本段采用了标准的Argument正文段结构,即:概括第四个逻辑错误的错误类型和其在原文中出现的位置,接下来给出合理的理由和他因来反驳原文。【本段功能】本段作为正文第四段,攻击原文中出现的第四个重要逻辑错误矛盾假设。院长在原文中最后声明一栋新的宿舍楼将吸引未来的学生来到Buckingham学院。即使假设学生们的确以此为依据选择学校,院长基于此证据本质上提出了一个反对修建新宿舍楼的论断。如果一栋吸引人的新宿舍楼将提高对住宿空间的需求,院长关于新宿舍楼将帮助应对住宿空间需求的提高这一矛盾的论断将被削弱。如何避免GRE作文雷同