兴趣爱好英语日常用语兴趣爱好 Canoeing knu: 独木舟 Raftingræft 漂流 jogging d慢跑 Hiking hak 徒步旅行 Skiingski: 滑雪 Diving dav 潜水 high jump 跳高 long jump 跳远 table tennis 乒乓球 badminton 羽毛球 tennis 网球 running 跑步 football/soccer 足球 basketball 篮球 surfing 冲浪 Swimming 游泳 wind surf 风帆 swimming 游泳 taichi 太极拳 boating 划船 Hockey 曲棍球 Ice hockey 冰球 Tennis 网球 A:John, have you ever watched Beijing Operapr? 你看过京剧吗? B:Yes, I watched once. 是的,我看过一次。 滑冰 Skating A:What can I do for you, young man? 有什么需要吗,小伙子? B:I need to rentrnt three pairs of skates for the morning. 我需要租三副今天早上用的滑冰鞋。 A:Wow, this is amazing'mez . I'm glad we've come here. So cool. 哇,这真是太棒了。真高兴我们到这里来。太酷了。 B:I always love skiing. You know, it's a cool game for cool people. Stay with me and you will be cool, too. 我总是很喜欢滑雪。你知道,这是给酷人玩的酷游戏。跟我一起你也会变酷。 A:I love breathing brið fresh air in the suburbsbb places, while sitting in the morning sunshine. 我喜欢这样到郊外,坐在清晨的阳光中,呼吸新鲜空气。 B:I can't agree more. We need to get away from work from time to time. 我非常同意。我们就需要这样时不时地放下工作出来玩。 A:Daddy, what's next? What else do we do now? 爸爸,接下来做什么?现在我们还能玩点什么呢? B:There is a man-made fishing pondpnd nearby. So, What do you think of going fishing there? 这附近有一个人工渔场。那么,你觉得我们去那里钓鱼怎么样? 打篮球 Playing Basketball A:Hey, Terry, have all the players got here? 嗨,泰瑞,大家都到齐了吗? B:Yeah, most of them have arrivedrav . Don't worry. There are still 20 minutes left lft before the match. 嗯,大部分人都到了。别担心,离比赛开始还差20分钟呢! 谈论音乐和歌曲Listening to the music A:Do you like music? 你喜欢音乐吗? B:Well, it depends. dpnd 呃,那要看是什么类型的 A:What are you doing? 你干什么呢? B:I'm just trying to complete today's crossword puzzle.pzl Whenever I get the time, I like to do the crossword puzzles in the paper. 我正在玩今天报纸上的填字游戏.只要一有空,我就喜欢玩报纸上的填字游戏. A:You've got a beautiful singing voice! 你唱歌真好听! B:It's this high-tech equipment. kwpmnt Actually, i am tone-deaf. 是先进的设备帮了我。事实上,我五音不全。 A:So, which sport do you prefer-basketball or baseball? 你喜欢哪种运动,篮球还是棒球? B:To be honest, I don't really care for either one. 坦白说两个我都不喜欢. A:Do you like playing games? 你喜欢玩游戏吗? B:I like playing computer games, but I'm not really into board b:d games. 我喜欢玩电脑游戏,但是不怎么喜欢玩棋盘游戏. A:Do you like to dance? 你爱不爱跳舞? B:Sometimes, if there's music playing. 偶尔会跳,如果有音乐的话。 A:Hey, how was the show? 嗨,那场演出怎么样? B:Not great. It's a kind of boring. 不怎么样。有点乏味。 A:Do you often go to watch sports games? 你常去看体育比赛吗? B:I go occasionally ken()li when there's a game on near home, but usually I watch it on TV. 我家附近有比赛时,偶尔去看。但我通常看电视里的。 A:What do you do in your spare spr time? 你在闲暇时间里干什么? B:In summer I go hiking hak,and in winter I ski. ski 我夏天去远足,冬天滑雪。 A:Do you like watching TV? 您喜欢看电视吗? B:Yes I do, usually.juuli 是的,一般来说我喜欢。 A:I enjoy watching Channel 5. They always have films from all over the world. 我喜欢5频道,它总是播世界名地的电影。 B:How about the languages. 没有语言困难吗? A:Who is your favorite music composer? kmpoz 你最喜欢哪位音乐家? B:I don't have one single favorite, but these days I listen to a lot of Chopin. 我没有最喜欢的一个,但最近我听了不少肖邦。 A:What kind of movies do you like, Sue? Sue,你喜欢哪一类的电影? B:I like all kinds of stuff. stf I admit d'mt I love romance.r'mæns 我什么种类的都喜欢,我承认我爱极文艺爱情片了。 A:Hi! Ben! Nice meeting you here! 嗨!本!真高兴在这儿见到你! B:Hi, Terry! Nice meeting you here. 嗨!泰瑞!在这儿碰到你真好。