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    六年级英语总复习情景对话 六年级英语总复习情景对话练习 23、老师在教新单词,要求同学们认真观察他的口型时说: 姓名_ 一、基本练习: 1、同学之间互相打招呼时可以说: A. Hello! B. Goodbye! 2A. Im Sarah. 、向别人作自我介绍时说: 3A. Whats your name? 、家里来了客人,要礼貌地说: B 4A. Whats your name? 、老师问你的名字,你回答: 5、早上见到老师可以说: A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon! 6、当你的同学把他的兄弟John介绍给你认识时,你对John说: A. This is Mike. B. Hi! Mike 8A. This is my school. 、你想邀请你的同学和你一起去上学,你说: B. Lets go to school. 9、问候你的朋友可以说: A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you. 10、别人对你说:How are you?时,你回答说: A. Fine, thank you. B. Im nine. 11A. Whats your name? 、你想知道新同学的名字,可以问他: B. Welcome! 12、想跟人家道别,可以说: A. Welcome! B. Goodbye. 13、问别人的红铅笔在哪,应该说: A. Where is your red pencil? B. Where is your black pencil? 14A. Thank you! 、别人帮你的忙,你应该说: 15A. Thank you! 、别人向你道谢,你应该说: 16、你想告诉别人你喜欢红色时,你说: A. I like green. B. I like red. 17、请别人看你时,你说: A. This is me. B. Look at me. 18、你的同学向你提议一起去上学,你同意了说: A. Hi! B. OK! 19、人家问Where is your book?你指着书说: A. This is my book. B. Here it is. 20、Mike对你说“ I like white” 你也喜欢,你可以说: A. Me too. B. This is white. 21、你想告诉别人你有一个黑色的书包,你说: A. This is a black bag. B. I have a black bag. 22、你想知道对方是谁,可以问: A. How are you? B. Who are you? A. Look at my eye. B. Look at my mouth. 24、要邀请别人喝牛奶,可以说: A. Have some milk! B. I like milk. 25、Mike想吃汉堡包,你拿给他时说: A. Can I have a hamburger? B. Here you are. 26、向妈妈表示自己想喝果汁时说: A. Have some juice, please. B. Can I have some juice? 27、别人请你吃东西,你不想吃了说: A. Yes, thank you. B. No, thank you. 28、请别人把他的玩具熊给你看时说: A. Show me your Teddy Bear. B. Where is your Teddy Bear? 29、想看别人的东西时问: A. May I have a look? B. How old are you? 30、中国的国旗颜色是: A. Red B. Red and yellow. 31、美国的国旗颜色是: A. Red and blue. B. Red, blue and white 32、下列单词哪个在身体的最下部: A. arm B. foot C. leg 33、你想知道对方年龄可以问: A. How are you? B. How old are you? 34A. Happy birthday! 、教师节到了,你对老师说: B. Happy Teachers Day! 35、你把一个蛋糕送给Mike说: A. This is for you. B. Have some cakes. 36、你想问人家有几本书,说: A. How many books? B How old are you? 37、想告诉别人你的幸运号码是6时,说: A. My lucky number is five. B. My lucky number is six. 38A. May I speak to, please? 、当你打电话给别人,电话接通后,你应对接听电话的人说: B. Is it . speaking? 39A. Is that speaking? 、如果你想问是谁在接听电话,应说: B. Are you.? 40A. Im 、如果在电话里你想告诉对方你是谁,应说: B. This is . speaking. 41、如果有人打错电话,你应说: A. Sorry, wrong number. B. Sorry, you are wrong. 42A. How do you feel now? 、如果你想询问别人的病情,你可以说: B. Whats the matter with you? C. How about you? 43A. What do you usually do on 、如果你想询问别人在某段时间里通常会做什么事情,你应说: B. What are you doing on. C. What would you like to do on 44、当你不认识去车站的路是,可以问: A. How can I get to the bus stop? B. Do you know the way to the bus stop? C. Can you tell me the way to the bus stop? 45A. Its over there, I think. 、假如有人问路,而你不知道,可以说: B. Go and ask the policeman. 1 ) C. Sorry, I dont know. You man go and ask the policeman. 46、有人到你学校参观,你表示欢迎,可以说: A. Welcome to our school. B. Welcome back to school. C. This is our school. 47、当你想请别人照看一下你的朋友时,可以说: A. Come and help me, please. B. Please look at my friend. C. Could you please look after my friend? 48、当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿,问: A. Where is the eraser? B. Where is the pen? C. Where is it from? 49A. Dont read in bed, Xiao Ming. 、当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说: B. Dont be late for school, Xiao Ming. C. Dont play ball in the room, Xiao Ming. 50、当你想知道别人能看见几辆汽车时,问: A. How much is the car? B. How many cars can you see? C. I can see five cars. 51、你把一位迷路的外宾送回旅馆,他对你说:Thank you你应回答: A. No, no B. It's my duty C. That's all right D. I learn from Lei Feng . 52A. What day is today 、你不知道今天星期几,想问同学,应怎样问: B. Whats the weather like toda - y D. What's the date today ? 53、如果你同一位外国朋友初次见面,他对你说:How do you do? 你应说:- A. How are you? B. Hello! C. Hi! D. How do you do? 54、你向同学Lin Tao介绍一位新来的外国小朋友Jim,应怎样介绍? A. Jim, this is Lin Tao. B. Lin Tao, he is Jim. C. Lin Tao, this is Jim. D. Lin Tao, do you know Jim ? 55、假如你是酒店服务员,该如何向顾客打招呼 ? A. What do you want to eat ? B. What do you like? C. What can I do for you? D. Sit down, please. 56、与陌生人相遇,该如何打招呼 ? A. How are you ? B. How do you do ? C. Hello ! D. Are you fine ? 57、不小心碰倒了别人的茶杯,你应该向他说:- A. Excuse me ! B. I'm sorry. C. Never mind. D. Ok, my dear! 58、寻求别人帮助之前,你应说: A. Excuse me. B. I'm sorry. C. Can you help me ? D. Thank you. 59、如果你问路,而对方说“不知道”时,你应该如何应答? A. Thank you. B. You're welcome. C. Thank you all the same. D. Thanks a lot. 60、别人感谢你的帮助,你可回答: A. Thank you all the same. B. Never mind. C. It doesn't matter. D. With pleasure! 61、别人拿了一本新书,你想看,你要说:_ A. Is this a book? B. What's this? C. May I have a look? 62A. What's 、当你想知道今天的天气怎么样时,你会问: it? B. Whats the weather like today ? _ C. What a fine day today ? 63、晚上,你和伙伴坐在院子里,你不知道伙伴手中的玩具车 是不是白色的,你会问:_ A. It isn't white. B. It is black . C. Is it white ? 64、李艳今天没到校,你向老师报告说:_ A. She is Li Yan . B. Li Yan is not here. C. Is Li Yan at school ? 65、你想知道妈妈把你的帽子放在哪里了,你会问: _ A. Where is my hat, Mum ? B. Where are you, Mum? C. Where is your hat, Mum ? 66、 同学过生日,你要祝他生日快乐时,你会说: _ A. What day is today ? B. Today is your birthday. C. Happy birthday to you 67、你想告诉别人,你有一只新钢笔,你应该说:_ A. I have a new pen. B. This is my pen. C. It is a pen. 68、当别人向你说:How are you ? 你应该说:_ A. I'm ten. B. Fine, thank you. C. How are you ? 69、当你想问别人一个问题时,你应该说:_ A. I want to ask you a question . B. May I ask you a question ?C. I have a question. 70、你妈妈给你买了一支新钢笔,你想知道是什么颜色,你应该说:_ A. What's this in English ? B. Is this a pen ? C. What colour is it ? 71、上午老师上课时,应说:_ A. Good afternoon , teacher . B. How are you , class ? C. Hello , boys and girls . 72A. Thank 、当别人向你说 you . “ Happy New Year!” B. The same to you !. 时,你应回答: C. Im happy today ._ 73、当别人想打扰你时,应先说:_ A. Excuse me. B. I'm sorry . C. Hello . 74、当你向你妈妈介绍你的老师时,应说:_ A. This is my teacher, Miss Liu . B. This is my mother . C. Is this your mother ? 75、当你想借用别人铅笔时,你应说:_ A. This is your pencil . B. Is this your pencil ? C. May I use your pencil ? 76、你是海抡吗?电话用语_ . A. Are you Helen ?. B. Is that Helen ?. C. My name is Helen . 77、当你想知道别人姓名时,你会问:_ . A. How old are you? B. How are you? C. What 's your name? 78、当你想知道别人年龄时,你会问:_ . A. How are you? B. How old are you? C. What 's this? 79、当别人向你道谢时,你应回答:_ . A. Thank you, too. B. We are friends. C. That's all right. 80、当你想打扰别人时,应先说:_ . A. Excuse me. B. I'm sorry. C. Hello 二、难度练习: 1. 选择方框内的单词或词组完成下列句子。 bathroom open enough give out at home 1.Its hot, can you _ the window for me? 2.Tomwas ill and he stay _ yesterday. 3.My house is big. Look, you can see a _ and three bathrooms in it. 4.The ball is too expensive, I dont have _ money. 5.Here are our new books, please _ them. 2.从右栏中选择左栏句子的正确答语。 31.Will it be hot tomorrow? A. Yes, I did. 32. Where did you go last Sunday? B. Yes, it will. 33. Whats this? C. No, it isnt. 34. Is this a tiger? D. Its a tiger. 35. Did you drink some milk? E. I went to the park. 6、情景交际。根据对话的内容,选择方框内句子完成下列对话。每个句子只能使用一次。 Daming : Hi, Sam. Sam: 36_-_ Daming! A. Yes, I do. Daming: 37_ Sam : Im watching TV. Its about basketball. B. Hello! Daming: Do you like basketball ? C. Ok. Sam: 38 _ Daming: Have you got a basketball ? D. What are you doing? Sam: 39_ Daming: Good. Lets play basketball this afternoon. E. Yes, I have. Sam: 40 _ 7. 选择方框的单词或词组完成下列句子,每个只限用一次。 know dangerous visit winter playing with 26. Do you _ the woman over there? 27. Look! Little John is_ 28. Its very cold in_ . It often snows a dog. . 29. Dont climb up the tree. Its _. 30. Sam and his brother are going to _ their grandparents tomorrow. 8.从右栏中找出适合左栏的答语,并将标号填入题前的括号内。 31. What are those? A. Yes, please. 32. Would you like some coffee? B. Its forty yuan. 33. How much is the T-shirt? C. Its in the zoo. 34.Where is the tiger? D. Theyre caps. 35. Can I have some biscuits, please? E. Certainly, here you are. 9. 情景交际,根据对话内容,选择方框内句子完成下列对话。每个句子只能使用一次。 A. Good idea! B. What about you? C. Did you go to school yesterday? D. What are you doing? E. Im going to take some bread and some water . A:Hello, Mike. B:Hello , John. A: Im drawing pictures. 36 37 B: Im writing a letter. 38 A: No, I didnt. I was at home. B: Tomorrow is Sunday .lets go to climb the mountains. A: 39 B: What are you going to take? A: 40 B: Me, too A: What time shall we go? B: Lets go at half past seven. A: OK! 10、选择单词或词组完成下列句子。每个只限用一次。 teacher in the morning sunny weekend big Its _ today. We can go to fly kites. My mother is a _. She works in a school. Elephant is _. Ill play with my friends at the _. Tom often gets up at six thirty _. 11、从右栏中选出左栏的答语,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( )1. Who are they? A. Id like a bottle of water ( )2. What would you like? B. OK. Here you are. ( )3. How do you go to school? C. It is Friday. ( )4. Pass me the ruler, please. D. By car. ( )5. What day is it today? E. Theyre my grandparents 12、情景交际。根据对话的内容,选择方框内句子完成下列对话。每个句子只能使用一次。 A: Hello, _1_. B: Im fine, thank you. A: What did you do yesterday? B: _2_. A. I can jump high. A: Can you run fast? B. No, I cant. B: _3_. What about you? C. OK, Lets go. A: _4_. D. How are you? B: Lets play basketball now. E. I played football. A: _5_. 3 13、从方框内选择适当的单词或词组填空。 next gets up cold enough tired 1Its snowy and in winter. 2There are not books for every children. 3 . Jack always _early in the morning. 4. Go straight on, the supermarket is to a school . 5. Today I helped my Mum do housework. I feel _ now. 14、从右栏中选出左栏句子的正确答语,并把答案填在提前的括号内。 ( ) 1.Do you like fish? A. I go to school on foot. ( ) 2.Thank you so much! B. Its half past seven. ( ) 3.How do you go to school? C .You are welcome. ( ) 4.What time is it, please ? D. Here you are. ( ) 5. Pass me the ruler , please? E. No, I dont. 15、情景交际。根据对话内容,选择方框内句子完成下列对话。每个句子只能使用一次。 A: Good morning! B: _1_ ! Welcome to our school. A. He is Jack A: How are you today? B. Good morning B: I am fine, thank you. 2 ? C. He is a Chinese teacher A: I am fine, too. Whos that boy? D. Where is he from B: _3_. E. And you A: _4_? B: He is from the USA. A: Is he a teacher? B: Yes, 5 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 16. 选择方框内的单词或词组完成下列句子。每个只限用一次。 early months Come on question Hurry up 1.-May I ask you a_? Yes, of course. 2.I always get up_ in the morning. 3._! You can run fast! 4._! Or you will be late for school. 5.There are twelve _ in a year. 17.从右栏中选择左栏句子的正确答语。 ? A: ( 4)_ B:Where will you have it? A: 5 . Please dont forget to tell Ann about it. B:OK. Ill do it. 4


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