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    东财大学英语2在线作业一 试卷总分:100 测试时间:- 单选题 包括本科的各校各科新学期复习资料,可以联系屏幕右上的“文档贡献者” 一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1. Salesman:_Customer:Yes. What size is that green T-shirt?A. Anything I can do for you B. Do you want to buy anything C. Excuse me, what are you doing? D. Are you just looking around? 满分:4 分 2. White: How are you? Harrison: I'm fine. Thank you. And you? White: _ A. Me, too. B. I, too. C. Fine. D. Thanks. 满分:4 分 3. It's very cold outside. You _ put on your overcoat.A. had better to B. would better to C. had better D. would better 满分:4 分 4. Teacher:Where is Mike this morning?Student:He's got a cold.Teacher:_A. He is absent. B. What's the matter with him? C. Just tell him to take it easy. D. What? Where is he? 满分:4 分 5. Philip: Danny, I got fired this morning. Could you help me? Danny: How come? Last time I saw you, you told me it was a good job and you would like to take it as a career. Philip: _ In a word, I didn't do a good job of it. I messed up a buA. I have many words to say. B. There is much to discuss. C. It's a long story. D. It's a long-time talk. 满分:4 分 6. Daddy was in a _ for several days.A. drama B. coma C. soma D. tome 满分:4 分 7. The cold and dry climate of Antarctica _ it one of the toughest places on Earth to live.A. produces B. manufactures C. does D. makes 满分:4 分 8. Richard:You've given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Liu. Mrs. Liu:_A. I'm glad you enjoyed it. B. Oh,I'm afraid I didn't cook very well. C. Come again when you are free. D. It's not necessary for you to say so. 满分:4 分 9. Desk Clerk:Good afternoon,Holiday Inn. Customer:Hello,I'd like to book a double room for the nights of 23rd and 24th please. Desk Clerk:_A. What's the matter? B. Just a minute, please C. What can I do for you? D. Can I help you? 满分:4 分 10. In the 1960s, there was a change in fashion in _ of small cars.A. fever B. fovea C. favor D. fear 满分:4 分 11. The convenience of modern freeways, railways and airplanes makes travel in America as easy as _.A. pie B. bread C. soup D. wine 满分:4 分 12. He _ to go to the police.A. warned B. threatened C. suggested D. shouted 满分:4 分 13. Adam: Mmm. This is the best pudding I've ever had! Celia: _ I know you'd like it. A. Didn't't I tell you? B. Did I say it right? C. Is what I said right? D. What did I say? 满分:4 分 14. Antarctica is the most _ continent on the planet.A. isolated B. generated C. accelerated D. congratulated 满分:4 分 15. The girl_the bicycle is Jane.A. riding on B. driving in C. riding in D. driving on 满分:4 分 16. She used _ all her clothes there.A. buy B. to buying C. buying D. to buy 满分:4 分 17. _ a single mom made things even more difficult.A. Be B. Being C. Is D. Was 满分:4 分 18. Speaker A: Want to come over Thursday for supper? Speaker B: _ .A. I really can't. You'll not mind, I think B. Let's put it off till later C. Thanks, but I have to work that evening D. No, I don't want to 满分:4 分 19. We're _ to hand in our homework next week.A. proposed B. supposed C. opposed D. imposed 满分:4 分 20. Tests provide grades, but they also let you know what you need to spend more time _ and they help make your new knowledge permanent.A. to study B. study C. studied D. studying 满分:4 分 21. Regardless _ his appearance, he is innocent.A. to B. in C. of D. for 满分:4 分 22. Paul: Can I help with your luggage? Lisa: _.A. No, many thanks. I can do B. No, thanks. I can manage it C. No, not necessary. Thank you anyway D. No, you needn't. Thank you anyway 满分:4 分 23. Student A:I feel sick. Student B:_ Student A:I'm not sure, but I have got a bad headache.A. I'm sorry to hear that. B. How are you feeling now? C. How long have you been sick? D. Do you have a temperature? 满分:4 分 24. Tom is going to a concert tomorrow evening. So _.A. I am B. am I C. I will D. will I 满分:4 分 25. Dad: Could you run over to the store right away? We need a few things. Son: _A. Yes, I could.I want to play football. B. All right. What do you want me to get? C. For me, running is not a problem. I'd like to do exercises. D. Yes, storing a few things away is quite necessary, right? 满分:4 分 东财大学英语2在线作业二 试卷总分:100 测试时间:- 单选题 一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1. The tradition of using chopsticks was introduced _ many other countries.A. with B. of C. from D. to 满分:4 分 2. The invention of chopsticks _ the wisdom of Chinese ancient people.A. deflects B. reflects C. conflicts D. relicts 满分:4 分 3. Marilyn: Don't you like to eat Korean food? Robbie: _.A. No, Korean food is not real to my taste B. No, because Korean food is very good C. No, I prefer to have Chinese noodles D. No, I like very much to eat Korean food 满分:4 分 4. Steve:Can I get you a cup of coffee? Julia:_ A. I don't take sugar, thank you. B. You can, please. C. Thank you for the coffee. D. That's very nice of you. 满分:4 分 5. Niu Lang _ his lonely and poor life with an old cow, his only friend.A. resided B. inhabited C. lived D. dwelt 满分:4 分 6. The seventh day of the seventh lunar month is the only Chinese festival devoted _ love in the Lunar calendar.A. at B. to C. in D. on 满分:4 分 7. Make _ use of your time in class.A. good B. bad C. careless D. inadequate 满分:4 分 8. Never _ , we'll see the film next week.A. mind B. to mind C. mind you D. in mind 满分:4 分 9. Secretary: Hello,_ May I help you? Caller: Yes, this is Albert Kordell. May I speak to Elaine Strong, please.A. Ultimate Computers. B. Who are you? C. Who is speaking? D. I'm the secretary. 满分:4 分 10. _ I tell you yesterday not to touch that dog!A. Haven't B. Hasn't C. Didn't D. Aren't 满分:4 分 11. Mickey: You look a little pale. Are you OK? Nancy: _, I feel terrible. A. To speak out B. To begin with C. To tell you the truth D. To sum up 满分:4 分 12. I have classes _ day: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.A. each other B. every other C. on one way or another D. any other 满分:4 分 13. Thad: Gee, Susan. I'd love a cup of coffee. Susan: _. Is instant OK? A. Sure thing B. No problem C. I'm sure D. No kidding 满分:4 分 14. My husband lived at home before we were married, and so_.A. did I B. had I C. I had D. I did 满分:4 分 15. Jack never showed _ at the cinema, although I waited over an hour.A. off B. in C. on D. up 满分:4 分 16. Would you _ the stamps on to the envelope for me, please?A. stick B. suck C. pick D. spit 满分:4 分 17. Today, many cultures divide music _ art music and music of the people.A. from B. into C. over D. beneath 满分:4 分 18. Review important points _ in class as well as points you remain confused about.A. mention B. mentioned C. mentioning D. to mention 满分:4 分 19. A:I've just heard that the tickets for Swan Lake have been sold out! B:Oh, no!_A. I was looking forward to it. B. It doesn't matter. C. It's not at all interesting. D. I knew it already. 满分:4 分 20. When hosts place dishes on the table, they will arrange the main course at the center with the other dishes _ placed around them.A. evenly B. even C. odd D. oddly 满分:4 分 21. Would you _ the stamps on to the envelope for me, please?A. stick B. suck C. pick D. spit 满分:4 分 22. Tom's parents died when he was young, so he was _ by his uncle.A. brought up B. brought out C. grown up D. taken out 满分:4 分 23. Jack never showed _ at the cinema, although I waited over an hour.A. off B. in C. on D. up 满分:4 分 24. The portraits _ look like them, but I was still unsure of my painting techniques.A. did B. does C. to do D. doing 满分:4 分 25. Do not express shock for what you hear _ matter how shocking it might seem.A. not B. never C. no D. none 满分:4 分 东财大学英语2在线作业三 试卷总分:100 测试时间:- 单选题 一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1. Make _ use of your time in class.A. good B. bad C. careless D. inadequate 满分:4 分 2. Richard:You've given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Liu. Mrs. Liu:_A. I'm glad you enjoyed it. B. Oh,I'm afraid I didn't cook very well. C. Come again when you are free. D. It's not necessary for you to say so. 满分:4 分 3. Never _ , we'll see the film next week. A. mind B. to mind C. mind you D. in mind 满分:4 分 4. Henry Ford was himself a _ mechanic and could build a car with his own hands. A. bear B. bore C. born D. bearing 满分:4 分 5. You'll have to pay for the holiday in _, Sir.A. front B. advance C. ahead D. forward 满分:4 分 6. Desk Clerk:Good afternoon,Holiday Inn. Customer:Hello,I'd like to book a double room for the nights of 23rd and 24th please. Desk Clerk:_A. What's the matter? B. Just a minute, please C. What can I do for you? D. Can I help you? 满分:4 分 7. My mother was relieved that her son would be satisfied with his performance so he wouldn't do another one, at least for her _.A. sake B. lake C. make D. wake 满分:4 分 8. I can't understand _ at that poor child.A. you to laugh B. you laugh C. why laugh D. your laughing 满分:4 分 9. After two months, he had _ news of what she was doing in Tokyo. A. few B. little C. several D. a 满分:4 分 10. Regardless _ his appearance, he is innocent.A. to B. in C. of D. for 满分:4 分 11. White: How are you? Harrison: I'm fine. Thank you. And you? White: _ A. Me, too. B. I, too. C. Fine. D. Thanks. 满分:4 分 12. I walked _ the Seventh Avenue to catch a bus.A. until B. as long as C. as far as D. till 满分:4 分 13. Ida: _Where was I?Homer: You were talking about


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