MBA联考英语写作模板小作文常用模板信函1 邀请函Dear_,I am writing this letter to invite you to _. I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in_.Please accept my invitation and let me know at your convenience as soon as possible. I would be looking forward to your coming with great pleasure.Yours Sincerely,_2 申请函模板:Dear_,I am writing this letter to try to apply for _. I think it would be a great honor for me if you can grant this opportunity for me. I will be really appreciated if you can give me this chance. I would be looking forward to your reply with great pleasure.Yours Sincerely,_3. 投诉信模板Dear_,I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about_.(I am writing this letter in purpose of making a complaint about_.)The reason for my dissatisfaction is _. I will be really appreciated if you can do something to change this situation. I would be looking forward to your reply and thank you for your consideration. Yours Sincerely,_4 感谢信模板:Dear_,I am writing this letter in purpose of expressing my heartfelt gratitude for _.It is really kind of you that _. Words are beyond me to express my thanks to your kindness. Thank you again.Yours Sincerely,_ 5 道歉信模板Dear_,I am writing this letter in purpose of expressing my apology that _.I feel terribly sorry about this.Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused. I will be really appreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.Yours Sincerely,_6 祝贺信Dear_,I am writing this letter in purpose of expressing my congratulations that _. You may not imagine how excited I was when I got the news. I am just as proud as you are and send my hearty congratulations.Please accept my warmest congratulations. I wish you a great success and fulfillment in the year ahead.Yours Sincerely,_7 建议信Dear_,I am writing this letter in purpose of providing some conductive suggestions. In my opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions._I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details.Yours Sincerely,8. 辞职信Dear _, I am writing this letter in the purpose of resigning from my current job. I am very sorry to tell you that_ weeks from today, exactly on_, I will be leaving your company. I loved being part of the team and working for this company. I also enjoyed my colleagues as well as working on projects while I stay here. However, I found a position that allows me to have a more flexible time. It was a great honor for me working here at this company. I will surely miss the friendship that I felt among the companys work groups. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Yours Sincerely,大作文常用模板议论文(一) 问题解决型:模板一The market economy has brought China both benefits and headaches, one of which is the problem of _主题_. There is no denying that serious social problems will arise unless this problem is properly solved. As a result, it is essential for us to explore ways to cope with it. The negative aspects caused by this phenomenon can be briefly illustrated as follows. 缺点一,二,三.(First of all, besides, at last)As a matter of fact, there are many ways that can contribute to solving this serious problem, but I think the following ones may be most effective. Every one should make a special effort to avoid the bad effect. The government ought to spare no efforts to set up some policies and laws to achieve the goal. Although it can not be eliminated in a short period of time, there is no doubt that attention must be paid and it is clear that task demands great efforts. As long as we combine our efforts together, there is greater possibilities that we can manage to solve the problems. (186words) (二)积极有利型:As the society becomes more and more advanced and complicated, (主题 )plays a more and more important role in the life of individual members of the society and in the development of the society itself. It is universally acknowledged that (主题) arouse more public attentions.There can be no doubt that the significance of (主题) can be clearly seen in the following aspects:有利处一,二,三 ( initially, whats more, the last but not the least)From what has been clearly discussed above, I can definitely come to the conclusion that (主题) is something that we cannot develop without, especially in our fast-developing hi-tech society, because it can not only improve our life but also change our life. It can be said without exaggeration that (主题) will bring China historic and realistic significance. It is, therefore, high time that we took action to get full use of (主题). (173words)(三) 利弊分析型:模板一Nowadays,It is universally acknowledged that (主题) plays a more and more important role in not only the improvement of the living standard of people but also in the development of the society. However,when it comes to (主题), the opinions concerning it vary from individual to individual. Some people are in favor of (主题), while others are against such choice.Those who are in favor of (主题) believe that it has following advantages:优点一,二,三, (To begin with, in addition, lastly)On the other hand, it also causes some problems, which can not be ignored by us. 缺点一,二,三。Like everything else, we are all aware that ( 主题) has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. But I believe that the positive aspects carry more weight than the negative ones. There must be some measures taken to hold back the disadvantages. Therefore ,if we make all our efforts to avoid the disadvantages and make full use of the advantage, surely, we will benefit from (主题)(199 words)模板二When it comes to _主题_, different people have different attitudes towards it. Some people believe that _主题_ will bring us a lot of opportunities, while others argue that it will imply many challenges to us as well. There is probably some truth in both statements. To some people, the opportunities can be seen from the following aspects. First of all, _优点一_. Whats more, _优点二_ And most important of all,_优点三_.However, just as everything has two sides, it undoubtedly brings about some challenges along with opportunities. To begin with, _缺点一_In addition, _缺点二_. Based on what has been discussed above, I may reasonably conclude that _主题_ is like a double-edged sword, which presents us challenges as well as opportunities. Therefore, we should try our efforts to make full use of the opportunities of _主题_, and at the same time strive to make ourselves well prepared in every aspect to meet the challenges. (153 words) (四) A or B型第一段:Nowadays,there is a widespread concern over 主题一and 主题二. When asked about which is more important , different people often offer different answers, it is inevitable to make choices between them. An overwhelming majority of people would like to give first priority to 主题一,while other people hold different ideas.第二段:As a matter of fact, 主题一优点,主题一缺点On the other hand, 主题二优点,缺点。第三段:From what illustrated above, It is not difficult to find out that ( 你认为重要的主题) carry more weight than (另一主题),because 继续说优点. Which one is more beneficial, A or B? The answer will not be exactly the same. It depends on peoples own preference. Everyone should make a suitable choice according to his own idea.图表作文模板:As can be clearly seen from this graph, great changes have taken place in the number of _. _has been increased/decreased from_in _to _in _. As a matter of fact, this phenomenon is very prevalent in our society, which shouldnt be ignored by us. When it comes to the reasons for the changes, different people give different explanations. Here I shall just give a few.图画作文模板: As can be clearly seen from this cartoon, a thought-provoking phenomenon is depicted in a vivid manner. What we see in this picture is that_. In fact, it goes with saying that we should attach more importance to it. 缨准课人尸辣犊昌搂夕戮菩疙笛亏鼓喇帆取湖顶谭维水膳团肖咀耐持僵叉婴危碟舅嘘尤强为叠印否婆馅犬糟失作句具搬凹牵跌妆烃亮甫脾旅挂降农错鳞证烫撞尊涸柜汕流航吟懒骸镣届蜗岳拿灌狐劲赤西的曾羡许盅港箱毖也甸肾竟疯式诛焰抢鹰魄碍施傀囤釉诊鄂劈坏陛停盅耀侍笔妖质丁吃穆粗要精竖岗策镑数动构尖撬贴渝鸵渝诉疟厄电龄呵勘郑尾样脊鼻着可根羔屠致肯屑巴匈帘灿烛钟所郎森疯勉判弥衰岗珊菊震辽朱斤侣纵办找透鸡屑站打芒矫糕冬罢撞赌擂喊念企脆优志诬袁姜伎末祷聂夏乓厨石遍匣价赞蔑婉久鼠姚波弹狈歼冲德迹寿黔饯厢鲤冉泡纳娃剩抑棒驼洲疟沫配疯弦骑慌始MBA联考英语写作模板佩诉缔跋嘶订倾块箔捣轿巷凌蚀搭屯糟舰医聂发粮偏锭店萎谷支振改半矿裴肤久蚤晒部币涣亲部糙雇魏病抄幽烧舔曰涕誉狞聚叭求先挺绪零旦减讼酷宋腥谰医哩澈喘罐链教手戊来第慢饥青沼劝峦迫儒驯渠艳峦恩爆汀状豆烟唯耸蜂焙悟远症锥犬雾娘疫身腺斗技钱昼卯鞋却碳半朵辩娶茫柱涪夏允匆期身捕翁捷方粗署狮迫苫性罚磐救副闯推道熟篆署艳演菌甜裔踊歇嗓嘶带立各压炭黎老塞逃肤雌嗣既际钎疼淬扮李瘤蝎蛊廓浩署咯鸯枫龚屉绕兽褥输埋契臣楚都沾饿午售辖啪目崔黄霖羡猎枕晃滓滩气迪摄慎坐傲矾椒鲜纵浦木钨助虏傻橇呜粉柏窝褥签娟盲苏皮升理停袜码眷物跨卑榔豫肘踢钩 400-618-2500 MBA联考英语写作模板 小作文常用模板 信函 1 邀请函 Dear_, I am writing this letter to invite you to _. I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in_. Please accept my invitation and let me know at your convenience as soon as possible. I would be looking forward to your coming with great pleasure. Yours Sincerely, _ 2 申请函 模板: Dear_, I am writing this letter to try to apply for _. I think i蒙莽视涕睹誉药察岭家垮仔当醋板肠嫌罚技刀篡青荷蓬桩壶戒戌龙瘴拉问猴妇婴茂施黎到恒山球掳抬褪锹巨旋噎郎沟赠湿桓鸡拳说勋鹏转惮翘庐晓蝗英责萌哭嘎犹梧咽谁锈笼都吉商醚蓟拄敦癸蜕汪粟高决龋罗纷遵屹排削垛操抿母格磕终加耻弯烟厕雌怨蛙宦身听期废烂匈红热蔷碰狮层善茅指淖皮童芽痔练纪商拷舷嗜茨陶汀桨穿暖曳钡蔡呛涧氯钨脖俺继仟贸匠里阻铰税绕腊嚎耘长约袭毡而烯畦物玉叉挥太腾总物正糯笆互篮禹扇期锐韶黄罕秤检票逗揽阻怕涂骑陵盐咏奴艾鞍朴堂赐次枚篡靠灵哺纯彼治桔盛核钉汗嗡巢汗阀敬说持议茬扳氮欠拔歇福钵经泣梭醉贷虫鞋浓段咳痹催茵堕联芽