全英文对外汉语教案Course Syllabus & Lesson Plan For Matthayom 1 By MR.LeiShengpeng Chinese teacher Phetchabun Provincial Administrative Organization School (Wangchomphu Witthayakom) Phetchabun Provincial Administrative Organization School (Wangchomphu Witthayakom) Course syllabus Code: 21202 Subject:Chinese Teacher:MR.LeiShengpeng Time:2/week Subject:Chinese<Putonghua> 1. Putonghua is the common language of the Han ethnic group in China. It's standard Chinese language. It's Mandarin and official. It's based on Beijing phonetics and the dialect of the northern China. 2. The Chinese language is divided into seven major dialects. Speakers of different dialects in some cases cannot understand each other, but dialects are unified by the fact that they share a common script. The seven Chinese dialects are Northern dialect, Wu dialect, Xiang dialect, Gan dialect, Min dialect, Hakka(spoken in northern Guangdong and other provinces) and Cantonese. 3. Min, Hakka and Cantonese are widely spoken among overseas Chinese communities. In Taiwan a form of Min dialect is used, though the official language is Mandarin. Mandarin is also widely used in Singapore, where it's known as Huayu. Cantonese is mainly used in Hongkong, Macao and Guangdong province. 4. There are two system in written Chinese. One is simplified, the other is traditional. The simplified is used in Mainland. The traditional is used by H.k. Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese communities. I hope students will be understand how to different Putonghua and Chinese. And to know some Chinese culture form class . I hope students have a happiness time made form Chinese subject. Objective: 1. 2. 3. Speaking students can use simple words and sentence for conversation from themselves. Listening can understand most words when I said . Writing can write little Chinese, understand whats that. Period Them 01 Unit 1-Chinese Phonetics Initials 02 Speaking and listening 03 Practice 04 05 Exercises Unit 2 Chinese Phonetics Finals&tones 06 Speaking and listening 07 Practice 08 09 Exercise Unit 3- Chinese phonetics PinYin 10 Practice Activities New words New conversation Notes & Grammar Listening teacher speaking Use game for remember Make cards Read the conversation Students practice themselves Students practice with each other Students with teacher Role play Write & read New words New conversation Notes&Grammar Listening teacher speaking Make cards Read the conversation. Phonetics Exercises Students practice themselves Students practice with each other Students with teacher Role play Try to finals and initials together Give Chinese name Let them read PinYin Try to read themselves s Chinese name Students practice themselves for Chinese Phonetics Students practice with each other Students with teacher Role play 11 Unit 4- Chinese Characters A first look at the Chinese characters Evolution of hanzi scripts Basic strokes of hanzi Numember in hanzi Speaking and listening Listening teacher speaking Make cards Read the conversation. Role play Practice Students practice themselves for strokes Students practice with each other Students with teacher Role play Unit 5-Learning the strokes The eight basic strokes of Hanzi of Hanzi The importance of the han strokes in writing Hanzi Three rules in writing strokes Speaking and listening Listening teacher speaking Make cards Read the conversation. Role play Practice Students practice themselves for strokes Students practice with each other Students with teacher Role play Unit 6-Hello New words New conversation Notes & Grammar Speaking and listening Listening and read Use exercise for remember Read the conversation Translate into thai or Chinese Practice Students practice themselves Students practice with each other Students with teacher Role play 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Unit 7-How are you? 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 New words New conversation Notes & Grammar Speaking and listening Listening and read Read the conversation Practice Students practice themselves Students practice with each other Students with teacher Translate thai or chiness Unit 8 Are you Chinese New words New conversation Notes & Grammar Speaking and listening Listening and read Read the conversation Practice Phonetics exercises Exercise Students practice with each other Students with teacher Translate thai or chiness Unit 9What do you want New words to eat New conversation Notes & Grammar Speaking and listening Listening and read Read the conversation Practice Phonetics exercises Exercise Students practice with each other Students with teacher Translate thai or chiness Unit 10How much is it New words New conversation Notes & Grammar Speaking and listening Listening and read Read the conversation Practice Phonetics exercises Exercise Students practice with each other Students with teacher 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Translate thai or chiness Unit 11Where are you New words New conversation Notes & Grammar Speaking and listening Listening and read Read the conversation Practice Phonetics exercises Exercise Students practice with each other Students with teacher Translate thai or chiness Unit 12Let me introduce New words New conversation Notes & Grammar Speaking and listening Listening and read Read the conversation Practice Phonetics exercises Exercise Students practice with each other Students with teacher Translate thai or chiness Mid-term Review(Unit1-6) To review all the words To review all the conversation Translation has learned words Read text Final-term To review all the words Review(Unit7-12) To review all the conversation Translation has learned words Read text Simulation test Text of liten Text of read Text of write Lesson Plan Subject: Chinese Time:period 1 Teaching object:Elective classes Teacher: LeiShengpeng Topic: Chinese Phonetics Initials Substance: Before class: This is a new course, I will accompany the students in the new textbooks, to start a new Chinese tour.Teach students the standard Chinese - putonghua. New content: 1. New words: Initials list <b.p.m.f.d.e.n.l.g.k.h.j.q.x.z.c.s.zh.ch.sh.r.y.w> 2.Let read after the teacher 3.Students read themselves 4.Notes&GRammar Question and students time: Let the students thinking with English pronunciation. Lesson Plan Subject: Chinese Time:period 2 Teaching object:Elective classes Teacher: LeiShengpeng Topic: Unit1-Chinese Phonetics Initials Substance: Before class: Let read after the teacher New content: 1.Listening teacher speaking 2.Use cards and game for remember 3.Students read themselves 4.work in class Question and students time: What is the causes of the formation of pinyin? Work in pairs voice, to complete the initials solitaire. Read initials table in pairs. Lesson Plan Subject: Chinese Time:period 3 Teaching object:Elective classes Teacher: LeiShengpeng Topic: Practive Substance: Before class: Let students answer the questions from the last class and give the correct answer. New content: 1. Students practice themselves 2. Students practice with each other 3. Students with teacher 4. Role play Question and students time: Let students choose the cards, and then teacher read aloud, students will to judge the teacher pronounce correctly or not. Lesson Plan Subject: Chinese Time:period 4 Teaching object:Elective classes Teacher: LeiShengpeng Topic: Exercises Substance: Before class: Students read and recite. New content: 1.Write Initials list 2.Read Initials list alone 3. Write form memory 4.Check it. Question and students time: NON Lesson Plan Subject: Chinese Time:period 5 Teaching object:Elective classes Teacher: LeiShengpeng Topic: Unit 2 Chinese Phonetics Finals&tones Substance: Before class: Review time . Words and conversations Ask Students bring out the cards they made and practice New content: 1. New words < a.o.e.i.u.v.ai.ei.ui.ao.ou.iu.ie.üe.er.an.en.in.un.ün.ang.eng.ing.ong> 2.New words Tones á à ó ò é è í ì ú ù 3.Listening and speaking 4.Ask students liten what I speak, repeat after me. Question and students time: Speaking ,Its time for students to speak, I will speak some finals, ask students about where is it. Lesson Plan Subject: Chinese Time:period 6 Teaching object:Elective classes Teacher: LeiShengpeng Topic: Speaking and listening Substance: Before class: Review always review before new class , Its a good way to help students , because someone repeat many times. The old way the same, words and conversation. New content: 1.Litenning teacher speaking After read with teacher 2.Make cards for Finals&Tones Read in pairs. 3.Read the conversation. Chose some students speak to me 4.Phonetics Exercises Read in pairs. Chose some groups speak to me. Question and students time: Let the students try to Initials,Finals and Tones together. Combine sounds into syllables,put two or more phonemes together to read out syllable. Lesson Plan Subject: Chinese Time:period 7 Teaching object:Elective classes Teacher: LeiShengpeng Topic:Practice Substance: Before class: Review always review before new class , Its a good way to help students , because someone repeat many times. The old way the same, words and conversation. New content: 1. The finals of zhi chi shi ri zi ci si are "i". 2. As for finals beginning with "i" without initials: If there is no other vowel, just add 'y' to the beginning: y, yn,yng. If there is another vowel or other vowels, remove 'i'and add 'y' to the beginning: ya(-ia); ye(-ie); yao(-iao); you(-iou); yang(-iang); yong(-iong) 3. AS for finals beginning with 'u' without initials: If there is no other vowel, just add 'w' to the beginning: wu If there is another vowel or other vowels, remove 'u' and 'w' to the beginning: wa(-ua); wo(-uo); wan(-uan); wang(-uang); weng(-ueng); wai(-uai); wei(-uei); wen(-uen). 4. When you see j q x y initial goes with ü,you can see u. For example, Ju; quan; xue; yu; yue; yuan; yun. 5. Tone marks are marked on the vowels 'a o e i u ü' according to the order. For example, ki zho. When the tone mark is on an 'i', the dot on the 'i' should be omitted. For example, jn, tì, zh. AS for finals iu and ui, we always put the tone marks on the latter. For example,di niú hu Lesson Plan Subject: Chinese Time:period 8 Teaching object:Elective classes Teacher: LeiShengpeng Topic:Exrcise Substance: Before class: Review always review before new class , Its a good way to help students , because someone repeat many times. The old way the same, words and conversation. New content: 1. Definition Chinese is tone language. By tone language I mean the language in which every word has its specific tone or tones. 2. Importance Tones can distinguish meanings. Different tones have different meanings. For example, the two pinyin have the same initial and final. They are different only in tones. For example, mi and mài, m and m. mi is the third tone and means to buy. mài is the fourth tone and means to sell. 3. A vivid illustration of Chinese tones. (pitch graph of the 4 tones) The tone marks: mother Yes? (not found) Yes!What! Lesson Plan Subject: Chinese Time:period 9 Teaching object:Elective classes Teacher: LeiShengpeng Topic: Unite 3- Chinese phonetics PinYin Substance: Before class: Review always review before new class , Its a good way to help students , because someone repeat many times. The old way the same, words and conversation. New content: The bigger the number, the higher the pitch. The first tone is number 5. The second tone is from number 3 to number 5. The third tone is from number 2 to 1 and then goes from number 1 to number 2 to 4. The fourth tone is from number 5 to number 1. 1. Where to place tone marks? Generally, put it on the major vowel of the "final". Then what's the major vowels? It's that one that appears ahead according to the order "a o e i u ü". Eg. mi ki zho xiè du 2. The neutral tone/ light tone/ toneless Some words have unstressed syllables which one toneless and therefore they are not given tone marks. Eg. . Lesson Plan Subject: Chinese Time:period 10 Teaching object:Elective classes Teacher: LeiShengpeng Topic:Practice Substance: Before class: Review always review before new class , Its a good way to help students , because someone repeat many times. The old way the same, words and conversation. New content: 1. Adjustment of the third tone In speech,when a third tone precedes another third one, it changes to a second tone. Eg. nho Tone3+tone(1,2,4.neutral)-its rising part is omitted, like half tone3 Eg. Wmèi Wmen 2. Adjustment of 不(bu) and 一(yi) When y precedes tone1, tone2 and tone3, it changes to the fourth tone. When y precedes the fourth tone, it changes to the second tone. Eg. ytinyì yniányì ywnyì ykuaiyí Similarly, 不is fourth tone but changes to second tone bú. bùgo/ bùnán/bùhobù(remain the same tone); bùmànbúmàn Lesson Plan Subject: Chinese Time:period 11 Teaching object:Elective classes Teacher: LeiShengpeng Topic: Unite 4-Chinese Characters Substance: Before class: Review always review before new class , Its a good way to help students , because someone repeat many times. The old way the same, words and conversation. New content: 1.There are thousands of different characters of hanzi , but you neednt worry about that at all. If we take them apart , we can expose the basic strokes-the smallest components of hanzi. 2.There are eight basic strokes of hanzi in the following chart:heng 、shu、pie、dian、na、ti、gou、zhe. 3.Numers in Hanzi 一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十、零、百、千、万、亿 4.How to read and write numbers in Chinese A comparison of number units between Chinese and English Question and students time: Reading and writing numbers in hanzi Fill in the blanks with pinyin and hanzi from what youve learned in this lesson Lesson Plan Subject: Chinese Time:period 12 Teaching object:Elective classes Teacher: LeiShengpeng Topic: Speaking and litening Substance: Before class: Review always review before new class , Its a good way to help students , because someone repeat many times. The ol