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    信用证英文作文With the development of international trade and the banks involved in international trade settlement, credit has become the most popular method of payment. For sellers, L / C to provide the greatest benefit is a reliable accountant - payer, this is the bank. If he got the L / C does not meet the sale and purchase agreement, he can terminate the contract without delivery, and can claim an additional。 L / C requirements are generally clean B / L, required B / L content and L / C contents of the agreement. Therefore, the seller must strictly follow contract transport of goods, otherwise, if he got the B / L Inconsistent with the L / C, then it can not be a settlement. The benefits of credit to the buyer is to pay freight before he came out. Unlike mail order, the buyer can not get documents, the buyer is also not sure whether or not the goods in the end mailed. Now, with the B / L, buyers can see all the conditions of the contract have been met, and then he put the money through the bank. Of course, the buyer also in L / C requirements voyage,and other documents they need. Import and export trade in a variety of documents, which have different requirements. If 1 they imported food, the buyer may ask for an inspection report. In the L / C in the states, then banks must file under the entire settlement. In this way, buyers get the entire file, he can wait to take the goods, in the future, to simplify the customs clearance and payment procedures. Buyers can also be based on L / C requires banks to provide credit support. Trade between countries usually involves millions of dollars and costly. Require the seller to pay out immediately, even large companies can also cause financial strain, so that often rely on bank loans. In particular, some small companies do not have enough strength, but he will get support from their familiarity with the bank. Buyers open L / C, as long as the buyer the value of goods bought within the certain limits, he can go to the bank to open L / C, no special security. Bank through L / C to buyers do not have the money or very little money can do a larger trade. Buyers can buy this ticket by $ 4 millions L/C. If other goods to the port of destination before giving money buyer, sellers often do not agree. If not, buyers are difficult. Because come up with $ 4 million guarantee (guarantee to unload cargo port on the payment) is not so simple, and 400 millions L / C will be easy. Buyers still have to use to $ 4 million in exchange for 2 documents. But that is what happened a few months later. Ship to the port of destination to take some time. During this time, a lot of second sale will generateBuyers can transfer the whole or partial ticket goods to sell the tickets, then get money. Dont worry not get back to the documents. International trade use the method of payment of L/C. It can reduce costs and trouble. A lot of transactions can be reached through several fax. It do not require people to do more work. So it can save some cost and money. One of them is investigation costs. By L / C, sellers do not need to investigate the buyer's information .It can be traded. Otherwise, how can deal with several hundreds or several millions of contracts by a few telex? Of course, there are some problems by L/C. For buyers, they just worry that there are some problems by L/C, Such as file discrepancy. In particular, the bank make you trouble deliberately sometimes, They check the file too strictly to ask you modify if you type a letter wrony. According to the survey of ICC, L / C documents have some problems when first tender, About 40% buyers are refused by banks. But its a little problem. Because the seller only modified the file slightly, in the L/C period, it will pass when second tender. 3 Besides, the payment of L/C is reliable or not . It always based on the documents form. If a document can be settlement of exchange through a signature by youself, then this L/C must be reliable; Otherwise, If it requires a lot of files and many files which do not fully under your control, but controlled by others will be exposed to certain risks. Therefore, the letter of credit in the paper the less the seller the better. 4


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