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    胡敏读故事记托福短语 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理了胡敏读故事记托福短语,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。胡敏读故事记托福短语:发现Discovery发现When Jose began to see the red light for people, hismother was sure that he had second sight.当乔斯开始能为别人意识到危险时,母亲确信他有洞察力。His father just thought he should see a doctor abouthis frequent headaches. So Joses parents arguedabout what to do!父亲却认为他得看医生,看看他经常头痛是怎么回事。父母为该怎么办争论起来!They rarely saw eye to eye! This was just another one of those situations.他俩很少看法完全一致!这次争吵不过是司空见惯。193.jpgWhen Jose said after a few minutes that his mother would kill his dad in a fight, however,不过,当乔斯几分钟之后说母亲会在打架时杀了父亲时,his dad suddenly had second thoughts about disagreeing with his wife!父亲突然对与妻子持不同意见有了进一步的考虑。What would you do with a secondary school student who could see things? Let him see theworld? Or hide him in a closet?碰到一个产生幻觉的中学生,你会怎么办呢?让他见多识广?还是把他藏在密室里?Joses parents didnt know what to do either! So they just kept going like normal, it was justsecond nature to them.乔斯的父母也不知道该怎么办!因此他们就顺其自然,这就是他们的习性。But they did adjust their lives a little bit. Joses Dad, first, was nice to his wife from then on!不过他们还是调整了一下他们的生活。首先,乔斯的父亲从那时起开始对妻子好了!He saw reason not to hurry his own death! Second,they worked harder to see to Jose having abetter life!他明事理,不能短自己的阳寿!其次,他们更加吃苦耐劳, 保证乔斯过得更好!They stopped buying him second hand clothes, they stopped feeding him McDonalds all thetime, and they let him go out with his friends!他们不再给他买二手衣服,不再让他一年四季吃麦当劳, 他们让他和朋友一起出去了!Soon Jose felt like he had the best life possible, second to none! He knew when things wouldhappen.很快乔斯就觉得他的日子再好不过,不比任何人差!他知道什么时候会发生事情。He had good friends to spend time with. And his parents saw him off to school each day!他有好朋友和他一起共度时光,而父母每天都为他去学校送行!When his friends asked him what he could see about their love life, Jose even started to makesome money!当朋友们向他询问他们的爱情生活将会是什么样时,乔斯甚至开始赚一些小钱了!Things couldnt have been going any better!事情发展得不能比这更好了!1.second hand (资料等)第二手的,间接的;用过的,旧的例句:So how can cigarette smokers, or people exposed to secondhand smoke, lower the risk of lung cancer?因此如何使那些吸烟者,或是细二手烟的人们降低患肺癌的危险呢?2.second nature 第二天性,习性例句:New systems take time before they become second nature, so work hard at sticking to it and developing those new habits.在新的方法变成第二天性之前,会花一段时间,所以要努力坚持它,将其发展为新的习惯。3.second sight 超人的视力,预见力,洞察力例句:Janes mother has second sight and correctly predictedthe date on which Jane met the man she eventually married.简的母亲有先见之明,她能正确地预见简哪一天会碰上她的未婚夫。4.second thoughts 重新考虑,进一步的考虑例句:This murderous lunatic could kill them both without asecond thought.这个杀人狂会毫不犹豫地把他们两人都杀掉。5.second to none 不比任何人差,首屈一指例句:In the output of grain, China is second to none.在粮食产量上, 中国首屈一指。6.secondary school 中学例句:He is trying to set up a new secondary school in Actonbecause he is not satisfied with the choice facing his four children under six.他也正努力在阿克顿建立一所新的中等学校。 他对他那四个不到六岁的孩子将要面临的选择而不满。胡敏读故事记托福短语:离开离开But Jose had no idea that there were people in townwho were sensitive to people with special powers!可是乔斯不知道城里有人对特殊功能很敏感!These people were convinced that Jose was from theDevil. And they were determined to do whateverthey could to send Jose packing.这些人深信乔斯是魔鬼变的,决心尽最大的努力让乔斯卷铺盖走人。Jose saw it coming! One day, as he walked out of school, a group of people was in frontprotesting Jose!乔斯预感会发生这件事!一天,他从学校走出来,一群人正在前面对乔斯提出抗议!They had posters that said things like "When God separates the wheat from the chaff, Jose willburn!" and "We can tell the sheep from the goats, Jose is a goat!"他们张贴广告,上面写着"当上帝分淸好坏时,乔斯就要被烧死!""我们能区分好人和坏人,乔斯是坏人!"It made Joses heart sad! He knew that they would succeed. The town would soon send himaway!这使乔斯很伤心!他知道他们会取胜。这座城市很快就会把他赶走!194.jpgAnd no one would see him off, not even his parents! The fanatics would see to it that they werealso convinced that he was evil!而且没有人会向他告别,就连父母也不会!狂热者们保证会让他们也相信他是邪恶的!But Jose was not going to leave easily. He lifted his arms, concentrated, and sent all of theposters up in smoke! Everyone gasped!可是乔斯并不打算轻易离开。他举起双臂、全神贯注、把所有广告化为乌有!大家都倒抽了一口冷气!"Sell out!" "Devil boy!" "Spawn from Hell!" People started yelling."投降!""魔鬼男孩!""狗娘养的!"人们开始喊起来。And then they sent in the police to apprehend Jose. Seeing that he could not win, Jose gave upand accepted his fate!然后他们就请警察来抓乔斯。由于寡不敌众,乔斯放弃并认命了!He would not even seek out a lawyer to try to defend this travesty of justice! Let the peoplesend him out! He thought.他甚至都不愿找律师对这种嘲弄法律的行为进行辩护!让人们把他赶走好了!他想。Let them separate themselves from the help he could give! He didnt care anymore! He justcared about his parents!让他们和他分开、得不到他的帮助!他什么都不在乎!他只在乎他的父母!And they suffered. Once he was gone they tried to sell off some of his belongings.他们真的受苦了。他一走,他们就想廉价出售他的一些私人物品。But even the Salvation Army sent back their donations when they were told that they were theformer belongings of the Devil boy! And Jose just disappeared!可是一听说是魔鬼男孩以前用过的东西,就连救世军也把他们的捐赠物退回来了!乔斯就这样消失了!胡敏读故事记托福短语:发现Discovery发现When Jose began to see the red light for people, hismother was sure that he had second sight.当乔斯开始能为别人意识到危险时,母亲确信他有洞察力。His father just thought he should see a doctor abouthis frequent headaches. So Joses parents arguedabout what to do!父亲却认为他得看医生,看看他经常头痛是怎么回事。父母为该怎么办争论起来!They rarely saw eye to eye! This was just another one of those situations.他俩很少看法完全一致!这次争吵不过是司空见惯。193.jpgWhen Jose said after a few minutes that his mother would kill his dad in a fight, however,不过,当乔斯几分钟之后说母亲会在打架时杀了父亲时,his dad suddenly had second thoughts about disagreeing with his wife!父亲突然对与妻子持不同意见有了进一步的考虑。What would you do with a secondary school student who could see things? Let him see theworld? Or hide him in a closet?碰到一个产生幻觉的中学生,你会怎么办呢?让他见多识广?还是把他藏在密室里?Joses parents didnt know what to do either! So they just kept going like normal, it was justsecond nature to them.乔斯的父母也不知道该怎么办!因此他们就顺其自然,这就是他们的习性。But they did adjust their lives a little bit. Joses Dad, first, was nice to his wife from then on!不过他们还是调整了一下他们的生活。首先,乔斯的父亲从那时起开始对妻子好了!He saw reason not to hurry his own death! Second,they worked harder to see to Jose having abetter life!他明事理,不能短自己的阳寿!其次,他们更加吃苦耐劳, 保证乔斯过得更好!They stopped buying him second hand clothes, they stopped feeding him McDonalds all thetime, and they let him go out with his friends!他们不再给他买二手衣服,不再让他一年四季吃麦当劳, 他们让他和朋友一起出去了!Soon Jose felt like he had the best life possible, second to none! He knew when things wouldhappen.很快乔斯就觉得他的日子再好不过,不比任何人差!他知道什么时候会发生事情。He had good friends to spend time with. And his parents saw him off to school each day!他有好朋友和他一起共度时光,而父母每天都为他去学校送行!When his friends asked him what he could see about their love life, Jose even started to makesome money!当朋友们向他询问他们的爱情生活将会是什么样时,乔斯甚至开始赚一些小钱了!Things couldnt have been going any better!事情发展得不能比这更好了!1.second hand (资料等)第二手的,间接的;用过的,旧的例句:So how can cigarette smokers, or people exposed to secondhand smoke, lower the risk of lung cancer?因此如何使那些吸烟者,或是细二手烟的人们降低患肺癌的危险呢?2.second nature 第二天性,习性例句:New systems take time before they become second nature, so work hard at sticking to it and developing those new habits.在新的方法变成第二天性之前,会花一段时间,所以要努力坚持它,将其发展为新的习惯。3.second sight 超人的视力,预见力,洞察力例句:Janes mother has second sight and correctly predictedthe date on which Jane met the man she eventually married.简的母亲有先见之明,她能正确地预见简哪一天会碰上她的未婚夫。4.second thoughts 重新考虑,进一步的考虑例句:This murderous lunatic could kill them both without asecond thought.这个杀人狂会毫不犹豫地把他们两人都杀掉。5.second to none 不比任何人差,首屈一指例句:In the output of grain, China is second to none.在粮食产量上, 中国首屈一指。6.secondary school 中学例句:He is trying to set up a new secondary school in Actonbecause he is not satisfied with the choice facing his four children under six.他也正努力在阿克顿建立一所新的中等学校。 他对他那四个不到六岁的孩子将要面临的选择而不满。胡敏读故事记托福短语:返乡返乡The following evening, as Joses parents were settingthe table for dinner, the gang burst into their houseand took them away!第二天傍晚,乔斯的父母正摆餐具准备吃饭,那伙犯罪分子破门而入把他们抓走了,The stage was set for Joses return! He walked intotown out of nowhere. When he went to see the fanatics about where his parents were,这使乔斯的返乡成为了可能!他从天而降来到了城里!他去找那些狂热者打听父母的消息,196.jpgthe fanatics did their best to not set the scene an angry exchange. They even tried to shakehands with Jose and welcome him back as if nothing had happened.狂热者们描述情况时尽量注意不让大家发火。他们甚至试着和乔斯握手,欢迎他回来,就跟什么都没发生过似的。No way, Jose said, he had set his sights first on rescuing his parents; he would settle accountswith them later. They almost wet their pants!不可能,乔斯说,他的目标是首先是救出父母,然后再跟他们算账。他们吓得差点要尿裤子!Jose set the pace as he set out for the home of the gang with a crowd of townspeople behindhim.乔斯领头带着一群人动身去找犯罪分子。When he reached the building where the gang was residing, Jose raised his hand to settle downthe crowd. Then he set the wheels in motion to fight the gang!到达犯罪分子居住的大楼时乔斯举手让人群安静下来。接着他开动汽车向犯罪分子发起了进攻!The gang put the wrong foot forward when they came out with guns. They should have beenshaking in their shoes.犯罪分子拿着枪出来是个错误。他们应该怕得发抖。Jose just lifted a finger and the guns burst into flames, burning the gang members hands.乔斯只抬了一根手指,他们的枪就化作一团火焰,犯罪分子的手被烫着了。They set up a quick retreat, but Jose lifted another finger and they flew into the air andhovered.他们赶紧撤退,可是乔斯又抬了一根手指,他们飞到空中盘旋起来。“Finished yet?” Jose asked. They were! The police quickly arrested them and freed Josesparents.“完蛋了吗?”乔斯问。完蛋了!警察很快就逮捕了他们,把乔斯的父母放了。The fanatics asked Jose not to punish them, they promised to set everything back to where ithad been before Jose left.狂热者们请求乔斯别惩罚他们,他们许诺将一切回复到乔斯离开之前的样子。Jose, acting more like Jesus than the fanatics, set the past aside and forgave them.乔斯比狂热者们表现得更像耶稣,不念旧恶,原谅了他们。It was a true act of grace that set up the return of peace and happiness to the town!乔斯真是通情达理,这使和平和幸福又回到了小镇!1.set back 拨回,使回转,推迟,耽搁,阻碍例句:It has set us back in so many respects that Imnot sure how long it will take for us to catch up.我们在很多方面都被延误了,不知道需要多久才能赶上。2.set ones sights on 立志做,以为目标例句:And we will set our sights on the eradicationof extreme poverty in our time.我们还将力争在我们这个时代根除极端贫困的现象。3.set out (for) 动身,出发例句:When setting out on a long walk, always wear suitable boots.出发进行长距离徒步时,一定要穿上合适的靴子。4.set the pace 定步速起带头作用,树立榜样例句:Flaneurs liked to take turtles for walks and let the reptile set the pace.漫游者们喜欢带着乌龟去散步,然后跟随着乌龟的步伐。5.set the scene 描述实况,叙述背景例句:Other organisms learned to live with oxygen, and that set the scene for the life we nowknow.其他的有机体学者适应氧气,这为我们今天熟知的生命创造环境。6.set the stage for 为创造条件,为做好准备,使成为可能例句:Similarly, the terms you agree to in your first round set the stage for later rounds.同样,你在第一轮融资中答应的条款为以后的融资定下了基调。


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