胡敏读故事记托福短语汇集 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理了胡敏读故事记托福短语,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。胡敏读故事记托福短语:受到指控Instead of suing Jack for his racist comments, Jacks lawyer convinced the prosecutor and judge to try to teach him a lesson!杰克的种族主义言论没有受到指控,相反杰克的律师说服了原告和法官给他一个教训!Thats when the Judge decided to make Jack work for the superintendent of Indian Affairs over the summer session! Maybe a little time spent among people of color would change Jacks perceptions!法官就是在这个时候决定让杰克暑期去给印第安事务负责人打工的!也许在有色人种中呆上一段时间会改变杰克的先入之见!Jack almost burst out in rage! That was not the summer job that he had envisioned, working with Indians!杰克差点气炸了!那可不是他想象的暑期工作和印第安人一起干活!But he sucked up his anger and subjected himself to the judges ruling. It could have been much worse; he could have been forced to work for blacks!但他忍气吞声服从了法官的裁决。完全有可能判得重得多,他可能被强迫去给黑人干活!When Jack got home he succumbed to deep depression. He hated any race that was not Caucasian! White people were just superior to all others!回到家杰克都沮丧死了。只要不是白种人他都恨!白人就是比其他人种高人一等!Jack always summed up his argument for this by pointing to the fact that Americans had succeeded in becoming the only superpower in the world-they were the best!杰克总用一个事实总结他的论点,那就是美国人成功地成为了世界上唯一的超级大国他们是最优秀的人!Well, Jack wasnt all right in the head! But he did have to submit to the order of the judge and work with a minority group!嗨,杰克的头脑有些不正常!但他真的要服从法官的命令和少数民族一起工作!Nothing would sweeten the pill of that punishment! Not even substituting Mexicans for Indians!没有什么能使这种惩罚变得更易接受!就是用墨西哥人代替印第安人也不行!All he knew about Indians was that they suffered from a high degree of alcoholism that made them suitable for nothing but beating their wives and living off the government!他对印第安人的全部了解是他们深受高度酒精之苦,他们喝了酒就不适合干任何事情只会打老婆、靠政府救济!Whatever, Jack would do what he had to do, even if he wasnt suited to succeed! He just hoped that time would pass by quickly and he could get back to his neo-Nazi friends when he returned!不管怎样,该做的事杰克一定会做,尽管他不适合做得很好!他只希望时间会很快过去,回来时他能回到他那些新纳粹主义朋友身边!【重点讲解】1.subject to 隶属的,服从的;易受的,易患的;由决定的,取决于的例句:But I have little idea which book is to be read or looked over again at what time. It is completely subject to the whims of the moment.什么书在什么时候再去读再去翻,连我自己也无把握,完全要看一个时期一个时期的兴趣。2.submit to 屈服,服从;听从,忍受;提交,呈递例句:I submit to you this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion! That could at least be understood, if not condoned.我提出这一点,是说明这不是一时之怒的冲动而犯下的罪行,如果是一时冲动的话,即使不能被宽恕,至少也可以被理解。3.substitute A for B 用A代替B例句:Am I just a substitute for it? I was just used to out of you lonely?我只是个代替品吗?还是我只是你用来摆脱寂寞的?4.succumb to 屈服于,听任;被压跨,死例句:Very few failed to succumb to this delightful young man so full of the pathos of that uniform.大多数人都对这个穿军服的愉快的小伙子那丰富的哀婉情调大加赞叹。5.suck up 吸收,吸出例句:The sea is so high that the waves do not break at all; they thump against the rough stone wall and suck up the weedy, dripping steps.海水高涨,海浪毫无遮拦地撞击着顽石粗墙,吮吸着杂草丛丛、水珠串串的石梯。6.suffer from 深受之苦例句:Just as the United States is not the only country that would suffer from nuclear terrorism, we cannot prevent it on our own.正如美国不会是遭受核恐怖主义危害的惟一国家,我们也无法单枪匹马地防止核恐怖主义。胡敏读故事记托福短语:学生会会议【中英文本】The student advisory committee struggled for hours over whether to open a new students lounge in the student center.学生顾问委员会就是否在学生中心建一个新的学生休息室斗争了好几个小时。Everyone said that they wanted one, but no one seemed to know how to raise the money.大家都说想要一个,可是谁都不知道如何筹这笔钱。So they brainstormed about fundraising events. There were a lot of good ideas. One person suggested selling old stuffed animals.因此他们就募捐的事进行了头脑风暴。好点子还真不少。有人建议把那些旧的填充动物玩具卖了。207.jpgBut that was not quite the image that the student government wanted to strive for-earning money from old teddy bears!但那不太符合学生会努力想树立的形象用旧玩具熊换钱!So they passed on that idea! The best idea was from a person who was the main representative to the studentss council.因此他们放弃了那个想法!最好的点子是学生会的一个重要代表想出来的。She suggested designing special student cards to replace the normal student ID.她建议设计一种特殊的学生证代替普通学生证。Then each student would have to pay a special “development fee” that would go directly towards paying for projects chosen by the students government,这样每个学生就得付一笔特殊的“发展费”,而这笔费用可以直接用于学生会选中的项目,such as building a new students lounge! A lot of people liked this idea immediately.比方说建一个新的学生休息室!很多人立马就喜欢上了这个主意。Others didnt want to force students to pay anything! So they discussed how to give student discounts to certain people for the new cards,其他人则不想强迫学生们交钱!因此他们讨论如何让某些学生在购买新学生证时享受学生折扣,which students associations wouldnt have to pay, how to hire a studio assistant to help design the card, and other stuff like that!哪些学生团体不用交费,如何聘请美术室助理帮着搞设计,以及其他诸如此类的事情!The meeting went on twice as long as usual! In the end, they decided to go with the idea and, instead of hiring someone, hold a contest for the best design.开会时间比平时多了一倍!最后他们决定接受这样一个方案:不找专业人员设计,而是通过举办比赛选出最优秀的作品。Then they could hold a students exhibition in the old study lounge and have everyone vote for their favorite! The meeting was finally over!这样他们就可以在原来的自习室举办学生作品展览,让大家评选出他们最喜爱的作品!这次会议终于结束了!【重点讲解】1.strive for 努力,力争,力求例句:Actually, whether the changes can carry out smoothly or not, the craftsmen and the various social groups should strive for it together.当然,要实现传统木雕的顺利转型还需要社会各界群体的共同努力。2.struggle for 为而斗争,为而奋斗例句:"It was an endurance struggle for me," Law says. "But in a year, I went from the couch to a half marathon."太考验耐力了不过在一年之内,我从沙发上开始,变成半程马拉松选手。3.student card 学生证例句:Secondly, you should also take your student card with you, because you can pay half of the money for some tickets.其次,你也应拿你的学生证和你在一起,因为你可以付一半的钱为几张票。4.student center 学生中心例句:Models centered around the issues raised in the installations, and related to the program of the student center, were discussed.讨论:以安装问题为中心的模型,以及与学生中心项目有关的模型。5.student discount 学生折扣例句:If you were under 18 you certainly wouldnt hesitate to ask for the student discount.如果你未满18岁,你肯定会毫不犹豫地要学生折扣。6.student ID 学生证例句:The university added a 24-hour hot line that now takes 9, 000 calls a year (the phone number is on the back of every student ID card).胡敏读故事记托福短语:体育课上的对话【中英文本】"Marsha, I hear that theyre going to strip you ofyour valedictorian ranking if you dont pass the gymclass!" Kelly said, as she was stretching her legs.“玛莎,我听说如果你体育课不及格,他们就准备剥夺你当毕业生代表的权利!”凯利边说边抻腿。"Yeah! I get straight As in everything else but gym!"Marsha replied. "But I thought you flunked in art!"“是的!除了体育课我全优!”玛莎回答说。“不过我以为你艺术课没有及格!”Jenny said as she stopped from doing her warm-ups to stare at Marsha. "Didnt you do ahorrible job on your stone carving?"詹妮说,她停止做热身运动,瞪眼看着玛莎。“你的石刻是不是做得很糟糕?”"No! I did fine," Marsha replied. "But I did stop up the sink with too much paper! But theydidnt give me a bad grade because of that!“没有,我做得很好,”玛莎回答道。“不过我的确用太多的纸堵住了水池!可他们没有因为这件事给我打低分!They just told me to stop by after class for a lesson on not wasting paper!" The girls laughed.他们只是叫我下课后顺便去一下,学习如何不浪费纸!”女孩们都笑了。Then, after they finished stretching out, they walked up to the line next to the teacher. Sheheld a stop watch and timed them as they ran around the track.做完拉伸之后,她们走到老师身边的那条跑道。老师拿着一块跑表,女孩们沿跑道跑的时候,老师给她们记时。206.jpg"Good Marsha! Much Better!" the teacher said. "If you keep straightening out your legs everytime like you just did, I may give you an A for improvement!"“好样的,玛莎!好多啦!”老师说。“如果你像刚才那样一直直着双腿,我也许会因为你的进步给你一个优!”Marsha smiled. "Hey, girls," she asked Kelly and Jenny. "Do you want to stop over at my housethis afternoon?玛莎笑了。“嘿,姑娘们,”她问凯利和詹妮。“今天下午你们想在我家里呆一会儿吗?I need some help stringing out decorations for tomorrows party!" "Sure," Kelly replied. "We canstop off for a while.我需要有人帮我把装饰弄好,为明天的聚会做准备!”“当然,”凯利回答说。“我们可以中途停一会儿。But before that I have to go to the dog pound. My cat strayed from home yesterday and I wantto put up a notice!"可在那之前我得去一下狗栏。我的猫昨天从家走失了,我想贴一张寻猫启事!”Marsha stopped short of laughing and said, "Great! See you all later then!"玛莎差点笑了出来!她说:“太好啦!大家回头见吧!”【重点讲解】1.stone carving 石刻例句:She said she was going to take me to see a masterpiece of stone carving.她说要带我去看个石雕的杰作。2.stop by (顺便)过访例句:Mr. Kostelick wants you to stop by his office at the end of the day.考斯特利克先生要你下班的时候,顺便去一下他的办公室。3.stop off 中途停留,中途下车(飞机等)例句:Ill stop off for a few days in Paris to visit my cousins.我会在巴黎停留几天去拜访我的表亲。4.stop over 短期逗留;中途停留例句:He will stop over at Shanghai for a brief visit on his way home.在回国途中,他将在上海停留,作短期访问。5.stop short at (或of) (doing) sth. 在(做)某事前突然刹车(住手),险些做某事例句:A clock does not stop short at the precise moment when the key is lost.挂钟不会正在钥匙丢失的那会儿忽然停摆的。6.stop up 塞住,堵住;不睡觉,熬夜例句:"Can I stop up until Uncle Ted arrives?" Paul asked his mother.保罗问母亲:“等特德叔叔到了当前我再去睡觉好吗胡敏读故事记托福短语:出人头地【中英文本】Miguel never stepped on anyones toes, even when he was at the bottom of the basement.米格尔从来不得罪任何人,即使他处在地下室的最底层。But he stayed the course and eventually rose up within the company step by step!但他奋力贯彻始终,终于在公司一步一步地熬出了头!And he stocked up on unpaid favors along the way. Most of these stemmed from Miguel staying up late to prepare memos for his superiors,而且他一直以来做了许多不拿报酬的好事。其中大多数来自米格尔熬夜为上司准备备忘录,but others came from Miguel always stepping up to volunteer when no one else would.其他的则是由于米格尔总是在别人不愿意时上去自告奋勇。Thats why Miguel was the first person asked to step into the shoes of the departing Chairman!就这样米格尔成了第一个被请去接替离任所长职位的人!Miguel was ready for the promotion! He called all of his favors up and told them to stick around because he would need their help;米格尔为晋升做好了准备!他打电话给所有朋友,叫他们留下来,因为他可能需要他们的帮助,it was not going to be easy being the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange! Miguels first decision was to stick with the normal routine.纽约股票交易所所长可不是那么好当的!米格尔的第一个决定是维持正常的日常工作。Several days later, it was obvious that this wasnt going to work; the market was already turning down.几天之后,明显地这种方法没有什么效果,市场已经在走下坡路。So Miguel decided to stir up a little turmoil on the floor-he changed the rules of trading!因此米格尔决定在交易厅制造一点小小的混乱他改变了交易规则!And he didnt change them a little; he changed them a lot! But he warned his friends and they promised to stick together.他的改变不是小打小闹,而是大张旗鼓!不过他通告了他的朋友,他们答应团结一致。It worked, the market rallied and Miguel was praised. He was just glad that his friends had stuck to the plan. If even one had not, it would all have failed!这办法还真行,市场跌停回升,米格尔受到了好评。他很高兴朋友们信守诺言按计划行事。只要一个人出差错,整个计划就会泡汤!205.jpgNow Miguel was at the top to stay! And he had come there all the way from the bottom!现在米格尔已经稳居高位、深受爱戴!他是从最底层一路升上来的!【重点讲解】1.stay the course 奋力贯彻始终例句:Your job is to not lose hope and to stay the course with your strongest desire true in your heart.你所要做的就是绝不放弃希望,并且在坚持的过程中心中能够始终怀有坚定的期望。2.stay up 不去睡;停留在上面,不倒,不沉例句:I used to stay up late with my mom and watch movies.我过去常和妈妈熬夜看电影。3.stem from 起源于,由造成例句:But if your problems stem from the nature of the work itself, then read on.但是如果你的问题源于工作本身,那么你就继续读下去。4.step by step 步一步地,逐步地例句:They have to go step by step.他们必须脚踏实地,一步步来。5.step up 向上去;加快,加速;增加,逐步提高例句:He urged donors to step up their efforts to send aid to Somalia.他敦促捐赠者再接再厉,将救援物资送往索马里。6.stick around 呆在附近,等在旁边;逗留,留下例句:I never stick around quite long enough to make it, well I deserve nothing more than I get.我也没有坚持足够长的时间去使它成为现实,那么我只配得到这么一点。