从功能对等角度看《生活大爆炸》的字幕翻译 毕业论文.docx
从功能对等角度看生活大爆炸的字幕翻译 毕业论文学号: Analysis of the Subtitling of Big Bang Theory from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence 指导教师姓名、职称: 单 位: 专 业 名 称: 申 请 学 位 级 别: 论 文 提 交 日 期: 学 位 授 予 单 位: Analysis of the Subtitling of Big Bang Theory from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence 从功能对等角度看生活大爆炸的字幕翻译 学生姓名: 单位: 论文完成时间: Acknowledgments In the processing of this thesis, there are many people whom I would like to show my sincere gratitude. For encouragement, support, and frank criticism at various stages of the development of the thesis, I am deeply indebted toXXX, my supervisor, who constantly guided and helped me through the process of my Academic Writing, without whose illuminating suggestions and careful revisions the present paper should not have been attempted. I would like to thank him for his guidance of the methods of research as well, which is the most important for the writing of this thesis. With the methods offered by xxxx I have not gone the wrong way for the writing of this thesis Another person I would like to thank is xxx who has been giving me continual encouragement for any originality I could have. Her handling of the classroom discussion always inspires me to ask and answer for myself. Its her constant patience that encouraged me to go further on the way of English study. My special thanks should also go to XXX, whose lectures on the sight translation have created in me a strong interest for translation. Without her strenuous efforts at enlightenment, I could not have chosen to write about subtitle translation. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis. i Abstract With the increasing of the international communication and cooperation, various films and TV programs have flood into the Chinese market while in which the subtle translation plays an important role and helps the Chinese audience get better understanding of the culture of different countries. This article is mainly based on the functional equivalence theory of Nida and the illustration from Peter Newmark and analysis the features of the language and the translation in Big Ban Theory from the original environment and the social class. The first chapter mainly discussed the purpose, significance, methods of the thesis. The second chapter, the article mainly stressed the research about the translation, especially the subtitle translation from the experts both from China and abroad. It also illustrated the functional equivalence. Chapter three mainly analyzed the features pf the source language and the target language. Chapter four discussed the techniques in the subtitle translation of the Big Bang Theory. With the analysis, I came to the conclusion that, in the TV series, the language gets the influence of the environment and the social status. What else the cultural equivalence can better help the understanding of the source language for the audience. Key words: Functional equivalence, Subtitle translation, Equivalent effect , Catchwords ii 摘 要 随着当今国际交流和合作的日益增强,大量外国影视作品涌入中国影视市场,满足了不同层次观众的需求。字幕翻译在其中扮演着重要的角色,它帮助中国 观众了解和熟悉来自不同国家的信息和文化。 本文主要结合尤金·奈达的功能对等理论和皮特·纽马克关于“对等效果”的阐释并将其作为理论奠基,从人物生活环境和社会地位这个全新的角度来分析生活大爆炸的源语言特点和目的语的翻译特点。 论文第一章主要介绍了字幕翻译研究的目的、意义、方法、。在第二章中,文献综述概括了近年来国内外专家学者对于翻译方面,特别是字幕翻译方面的大量研究,并对功能对等和“对等效果”理论进行了详细的说明;论文第三章着重对生活大爆炸的源语言和目的语特点进行分析。在第四章中,论文主要介绍生活大爆炸的字幕翻译技巧。 通过不断地总结和分析,作者得出以下几个结论:首先在影片中,人物源语言特点及目的语的翻译特色取决于多种因素,特别受到生活环境和 社会地位这两个因素的影响。其次,翻译对等不仅包括词汇对等、句法对等和修辞对等,而且还包括文化意义上的对等。文化上的对等能够帮助目的语观众根据源语言人物的习惯和文化背景来理解影片人物的对话内容。 关键词:功能对等, 字幕翻译,对等效果,流行语 iii Contents Acknowledgments . i Abstract . ii 摘 要 . iii Chapter One Introduction . 1 1.1 Research Background. 1 1.2 Significance of the Research . 1 1.3Methodology . 2 Chapter Two Nidas Functional Equivalence and Film Translation . 2 2.1 Previous Studies on Subtitle Translation . 3 2.2 An Overview of Nidas Functional Equivalence . 4 2.3 Functional Equivalence Theory . 5 2.4 Principles for Producing Functional Equivalence . 6 Chapter Three Sitcom Language and Subtitle Translation . 7 3.1 The Features of Movies and TV Series . 7 3.2The Features of the Language of the Big Bang Theory . 8 3.3Factors Important for E-C Subtitle Translation . 8 3.4 Subtitles and the Text Types . 9 Chapter Four Techniques in the subtitle translation of The Big Bang Theory . 10 4.1 The Combination of the Subtitling and the internet slang . 10 4.2 The Necessity of the Combination between Subtitling and the catchwords. . 11 Chapter Five Conclusion . 11 References . 13 iv Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Research Background Films and TV series have become exceedingly important in everyones life because they can be regarded as the special way of communication. This communication can bring the happiness and entertainment to the audience. People may feel relaxed when they sit in the front of the TV or in the cinema. In recent years, more and more foreign films or TV series come into China as the result of the social development, such as Avatar, Inception, The Big Bang Theory and so on. These films or TV series can not only bring us the happiness, but also give us a special way of communication, especially in culture and social customs. With the popularization of the TV series, subtitle translation has became a newly promoted translation area and its gaining its own significance. From the beginning of the 20th century, the study and practice of the subtitle translation has become a new trend. The translation of sit-comedies is an important part of it. Big Bang Theory is an American TV series which is based on the everyday life of a group of scientists. It gained great popularity among the audience both home and abroad. Moreover, it won a lot credits in China not only because of the distinctive characters and their humorous language but also the accurate subtitle translation which combined the source language with the popular Chinese sayings. 1.2 Significance of the Research China has arisen as new economic power, and more and more involved in the world trade and business. Therefore, job candidates and employees of companies engaged in foreign businesses are eager to master one or two foreign languages in order to get better performance in their career. Under such circumstances, foreign movies and sitcoms have gained more popularity than ever before, for they are not only a way of recreation but a way for people to learn foreign languages and get to know different cultures, customs, life styles and so on. However most of Chinese people are not good at foreign languages enough to fully appreciate foreign programs. Thus subtitle translation has emerged as Chinese people are becoming more interested in foreign TV series. 1 A film or TV series portrays aspects of a society and culture; therefore, to translate a film is to translate languages and culture and to promote cross-cultural exchanges. The language of films serves to entertain and educate people. In a foreign TV series, language of the actor/actress will project himself/herself symbolic. To maintain the source languages characteristics, the translators are obliged to focus on the equivalent effects in the target language, rather than all linguistic details. The translated version should be equally natural to hear, rich in style, and explicit for understanding. Subtitle translation belongs to the field of literary translation. Although it doesn't attract equal attention as the other forms of literary translation, there are still lots of scholars making their efforts to the studies and making great contributions in this field. Study in this field in the west starts much earlier than that in our country. The article On Subtitles in Television Programs in the Babel published in 1974 by Dollerup was considered as the first paper concerning the film subtitle translation. He analyzed the different types of errors existing in the subtitling of television programs from English to Danish. He suggested subtitles as mean to learn foreign language, which added the pedagogical value and significance to his research. In this thesis, the author focused on the subtitle translation from the perspective of the functional equivalence in order to get the idea of the methods of subtitling of the foreign TV series. 1.3Methodology This research is conducted based on the method of descriptive analysis. It studies the film subtitle translation from the perspective of functional equivalence through the research on the collected examples in the subtitle in the Big Bang Theory. Chapter Two Nidas Functional Equivalence and Film Translation Translation is a linguistic operation involving two different languages. It transfers the messages from the SL to the TL. Translating requires the messages in SL to remain intact when the SL is changed into the TL. That is, translating demands the fulfillment of such standards as faithfulness, correctness, completeness and equivalence. Nida suggests in his theory of functional equivalence reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source 2 language message, firstly in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. As decades passing by, the theory seems still the most applicable one in guiding translation practice and translation criticism. Subtitle translation is a sub-branch of translation study. Because on the one hand,subtitle translation and the general translation shares the same main translation process, and on the other hand, subtitle translation is born in the same drive that guided literary translation. The source texts in literary translation are fictions, novels, poetry, etc.; the target acceptor is the target text reader. Similarly, the source texts in subtitle translation are the original films or TV programs; the target acceptor is the subtitled audience. In literary translation, translators have to make the readers of a translated text be able to comprehend it to the point that they can conceive of how the original readers of the text must have understood and appreciated it. In subtitle translation the aim of the translators is to make the viewers of a subtitled text be able to comprehend it to the point that they can conceive of how the original viewers of the film must have understood and appreciated it. Subtitle translation itself, as a translating event, runs through the whole process of the translation. Naturally, it is necessary and adaptable for us to make good use of functional equivalence in the study of subtitling. In the next part the author will move on to a better discussion of this theory to convince us of its feasibility in subtitle translation. 2.1 Previous Studies on Subtitle Translation There are many sources of information for us in our daily life, especially these audiovisual ones. With the improvement of our life, more and more people want to go to the cinema for a better audiovisual enjoyment. But problems of the translation between different languages bother the translator and the audience. Therefore, strategies and methods should be adopted to complete the translation. Researches have been done by many scholars in this field. Subtitle translation belongs to the field of literary translation. Although it doesn't attract equal attention as the other forms of literary translation, there are still lots of scholars making their efforts to the studies and making great contributions in this field. Study in this field in the west starts much earlier than that in our country. The article On Subtitles in Television Programmes in the Babel published in 1974 by Dollerup was considered as the first paper concerning the film subtitle translation. He analyzed the different types of errors 3 existing in the subtitling of television programs from English to Danish. He suggested subtitles as means to learn foreign language, which added the pedagogical value and significance to his research. The concept of constrained translation was firstly proposed in the article Subtitling: Constrained Translation by Titford in 1982. Issues faced by most translators in this field "derive essentially from the constraints imposed on the translator by the medium itself were also discussed in this paper. Some scholars including Mayoral Asensio, Kelly and Gallardo approved this theory of Titford and put this theory into their film translation practices. The relationship between the public viewers of film subtitles and the translators of film subtitles was attached great importance by Helena Reid in her article Subtitling, the Intelligent Solution. Conference on dubbing and subtitling was held by European Broadcasting Union in 1987. Then, numbers of conferences and publications appeared. Then, studies of film subtitle translation boomed and flourished in the 1990s. This period was seen as its golden age. The publication of two impor