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    New Words Learning,proclaim:formally make sth known to the public宣布/宣告/声明 sth/that.,【学习策略-近义词法】,claim:sb says sth is true,but you are not sure whether sb tells the truth 声称 sth/that.,announce:tell people sth publicly or officially宣布/宣告,declare:1)state sth officially or formally宣布/宣告 sth/that.2)sb says sth is true in a firm and deliberate way声称,assert:state sth firmly 坚称,断言 sth/that.,state:(以口头或书面形式正式或明确地)声称,宣称,声明,affirm:state sth publicly and firmly 声称,声明,New Words Learning,allege:If you allege that something bad is true,you say it but do not prove it.(未提出证据而)断言,指称,声称,It is alleged that he cheated in the exam.,据称他考试作弊,The criminal was alleged to have escaped.,据称罪犯已经逃跑了。,The old lady alleged that her daughter was innocent.,老太太声称她的女儿是无辜的,maintain:state ones opinion strongly,but not everyone agrees with him 坚称,声称,语法,New Words Learning,【学习策略-近义词法】,Sovereignty n.,territory,(国家)主权,独立自主权,Sovereign adj.,(国家)具有主权独立的,【学习策略-词缀法】,territorial:adj.,New Words Learning,transport,【学习策略-词缀法】,translate,transmit,transfer,transit,transaction,transplant,transcend,transparent,majority:n.大多数,major:adj.,【学习策略-词缀法】,the vast/overwhelming majority of local people are strongly against the construction of the nuclear power station,approximately:about,petroleum:石油,原油,China National Petroleum Corporation/Petro China,中石油,中石化,Sinopec Group,中海油,China National Offshore Oil Corporation,electrical:,device,equipment,【学习策略-比较法】,electric:强调与电有直接的关系,1)由电作为动力驱动;2)导/带电的;3)发电的,battery,motor,fan,current,wave,generator,fault,test,engineering,electrical:强调与电有间接的关系,economic:经济的,经济上的2)profitable 有利可图的,赚钱的,【学习策略-比较法】,economical:经济的,省钱的,经济型轿车,这样做经济,而且不会破坏环境,It is economical to do so and ecologically sound.,economics,economical,economic,【学习策略-词缀法】,stable:稳定的;稳固不变的If something is stable,it is not likely to change or come to an end suddenly.,steady:稳步的;持续不断的a steady situation continues or develops gradually without any interruptions and is not likely to change quickly.,【学习策略-比较法】,stable“是用来表示稳定,没有变化的状态,属于静态的形容词。steady是也是稳定,它说明还是有变化的,属于动态形容词。,稳定的婚姻 稳步提高,The Importance of Public Transportation,topic sentences of each para,For one thing,compared with private cars,public transportation could save energies,esp,exhaustible resources,which are the contributing factors to air pollution and global warming.,For another thing,streets could be less crowded,which could,in turn,ease traffic pressure and save car accidents,if the majority of people travel by public transport.,Last but not least,compared with private cars,public transportation could emit less per capita waste gases such as carbon dioxide,which constitute major health risk,such as lung cancer and other respiratory diseases.,More and more people use private cars instead of taking public transport.What are the reasons for this trend?,topic sentences of each para,To some people,owning a car esp a brand car is a symbol of social standing,which is one of the the most important contributing factors.,Another factor that discourages people to travel by public transportation is that it feels uncomfortable and inconvenient to squeeze into an overcrowded bus or subway,while private cars offer their owners a sense of comfort,freedom and privacy.,Last but not least,generally speaking,private cars offer their owners a sense of flexibility and speed,let me put it another way,less time could be spent on road and efficiency is therefore improved.,How can government encourage people to take public transport?,topic sentences of each para,The first measure is to improve service,like ensuring buses and subways are punctual,installing more comfortable seats in waiting areas,enough vehicles are in operation and available even if its mid-night hour.,Furthermore,lowering fares would also be a very effective way to encourage people to travel by public transport.,In addition,car taxes and maintenance expenses could be raised by government so that car owners feel it a burden to travel by private cars.,Finally,government could educate people about the devastating impact of vehicle emission on the environment and health so that they would be less likely to drive.,access:1)if you have access to a building or other place,you are able or allowed to go into it 进入(权);通道;入径,There can be no doubt that.:毫无疑问.,There is no denying that.不可否认,Scientists have only recently been able to gain access to the area.,科学家直到最近才得以进入该地区。,Facilities have been adapted to give access to wheelchair users.,The hotel offers easy access to central Nanjing.,【补充】,【学习策略-语境法】,这些设施已经改造过以方便轮椅使用者进入。,从酒店去南京市中心交通方便。,Only those who are the home owners can have access to the gym free of charge.,2)If you have access to sth such as information or equipment,you have the opportunity or right to see it or use it.查阅/使用的机会/权利,只有业主才有权利免费使用健身房.,According to civil law,defendants are given access to documentation of his case,根据民法,被告有权查阅自己案件的卷宗。,3)If you have access to a person,you have the opportunity or right to see them or meet them.接近/面见的机会/权利,这些设施已经改造过以方便轮椅使用者进入。,He was not allowed access to his lawyer.,These facilities have been adapted to give access to wheel users.,(使用)交通被视为生活中一个必需的一部分。,Access to transportation is considered a necessity.,.environmentally friendly alternative.,.is an alternative to private cars.It emits into air less waste gases which are considered a contributing factor to air pollution.In this way,public transportation does less harm to environment.,Public transportation is defined as a service.,.suit your own personal convenience.,公共交通被定义为./公共交通是.,suit:convenient for sb or is the best thing for sb in the circumstances.对.方便/有利;满足需要;合.心意,suit the need:满足需要,【近义词】,satisfy the need/demand,翻译:不是可以自行安排以满足个人需求/方便,to a certain extent.,to some degree,since you have to consider.similar arrangements with you.,.由于你不得不考虑其他和自己有同样出行安排的人。,I have experienced first-hand.,first-hand:directly from personal experience亲身经历的,一手的.,.a US territory and the close things we have to public.,我住在塞班岛美国的海外领地,与我们的生活联系最密切的公共交通服务使旅游车和校车。,.otherwise you end up basked.,【近义词】,In some way,否则,每天上班就会大汉淋漓,饱受日晒之苦。,如果你继续这样,你会被开除的/坐牢的。,由于宿舍关门了,我们只好一整晚露宿街头。,两车相撞最终受损严重,The group has expressedconcernabout reports of political violence in Africa,There is no cause forconcern,The growing number of people seeking refuge in Thailand is beginning toconcernWestern aid agencies.,他最终当上了经理。,I didntconcernmyself with politics,The bookconcernsSandys two middle-aged children.,We should jump at any opportunity whenever it arises.,account for:1)(数量或比例上)占,2)解释;说明,It is none of your business and doesnt concern you at all.,Heavy pollution accounts for the fact that.,How can you account for,语法,New Words Learning,contribute:1)help to make sth successful 为做贡献,Good sleep can contribute to raising work efficiency,中国为世界缓解和消除贫困做出了巨大的贡献。,【usage】to.,China contributes a lot to the alleviation and elimination of the worlds poverty.,良好的睡眠有助于提高工作效率。,contribute:2 give money or resources to help pay for sth 捐款;捐助;援助,【usage】sth to.,比尔盖茨是全世界慈善捐款最多的人。,语法,New Words Learning,Bill Gates is the one who contributes most to charity in the world.,Good sleep can contribute to raising work efficiency,中国承诺将为发展中国家提供更多贷款及为联合国维和提供更多的人员和装备。,China contributes more money in loans to developing countries and more troops and equipments to UNs peace keeping.,contribute:3)if sth contributes to an event or situation,it is one of the causes of it.导致,促使.,吸烟会导致肺癌。,Smoking can contribute to lung cancer.,Smoking is a contributing factor to lung cancer.,语法,New Words Learning,经济衰退和失业是近年犯罪率居高不下的原因之一。,contribution,Economic recession and unemployment contribute to the high rate of crime in recent years.,attribute,contributor,【学习策略-形近词法】;,distribute,tribute n/vt,【学习策略-词缀法】;,语法,translation,S1:公共交通是替代自驾的最好选择吗?,S2:这取决于个人的偏好和个人情况。,S3:这取决于个人的偏好和个人情况。,circumstance:情况;情形;形势,S4:有人喜欢自驾,但这并不意味着公共交通对许多人来说不是一个好的出行方式。,suite:1)适合;2)某物穿在某人身上很漂亮 3)对.方便/有利;满足需要;合.心意,比较:fit;suit;match,S5:在所有出行方式中,公共交通便宜的多。,the(grand)scheme of things:天地万物的格局;大千世界,Scheme:1)计划/方案 2)计谋;阴谋;诡计,语法,translation,S6:人们不需要担心车费和保险费。,Premium:1)保险费;2)额外费用;3)优质的;高端的,S7:更没有保养费或燃油费。,S8:从环保角度来讲,很多人一起出行更加节能高效。,


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