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    人教新课PEP小学英语+六年级上册教案说课稿目 录 小学英语说课模板 . 2 小学英语说课稿模板二 . 错误!未定义书签。 小学英语说课稿模板三 . 4 说课的内容要求和评价 . 错误!未定义书签。 PEP小学英语六年级上册教学计划 . 错误!未定义书签。 Unit 1 How Do You Go There? . 5 Unit1 How do you go there教案(6课时) . 5 Unit1 How do you go there?说课稿 . 14 Unit 2 Where Is the Science Museum? . 15 Unit 2 Where Is the Science Museum? 教学设计 . 15 Unit 2 Where Is the Science Museum? Part A说课稿一 . 24 Unit 2 Where Is the Science Museum? Part A说课稿二 . 26 Unit 2 Where Is the Science Museum? Part B说课稿二 . 28 Unit 2 Where Is the Science Museum? Part B说课稿二 . 30 Unit 2 Where Is the Science Museum? Part B说课稿三 . 34 Unit 3 What Are You Going to Do? . 38 Unit 3 What Are You Going to Do 教学设计 . 38 Unit 3 What Are You Going to Do Part A 说课 . 47 Unit 3 What Are You Going to Do Part A 说课二 . 49 Unit 3 What are you going to do ?第一课时说课稿 . 51 Unit 3 What Are You Going to Do Part B 说课 . 53 Unit 3 What Are You Going to Do Part B 说课 . 55 Unit 4 What are you going to do?第四课时说课稿 . 57 Unit 4 What are you going to do? 全英文说课 . 58 Recycle 1 . 62 Recycle 1 教学设计 . 62 Unit 4 I Have a Pen Pal . 66 Unit 4 I Have a Pen Pal 教学设计 . 66 Unit 4 I have p pen pal第一课时说课设计 . 75 Unit 4 I have p pen pal第二课时说课稿 . 77 Unit4 I Have a Pen Pal Part B第一课说课 . 79 unit4 I Have a Pen Pal 全英文说课 . 80 Unit4 I Have a Pen Pal 综合活动说课. 82 Unit 5 What Does She Do? . 84 Unit 5 What Does She Do? 教学设计 . 84 Unit5 What Does She Do?Part A说课 . 93 Unit5 What Does She Do?Part A说课二 . 94 Unit5 What Does She Do?Part B说课 . 95 Unit5 What Does She Do?Part B说课 . 97 Unit5 What Does She Do?Part B说课三 . 98 Unit5 What Does She Do?Part B说课二 . 99 Unit 6 The story of rain说课 . 100 Unit 6 The story of rain说课二 . 102 Unit 6 The Story of Rain . 103 Unit 6 The Story of Rain教学设计 . 103 Unit 6 The Story of Rain Part A 说课 . 112 Unit 6 The Story of Rain Part A 说课二 . 114 Unit 6 The Story of Rain 说课 . 116 Unit 6 The Story of Rain 说课二 . 118 Unit 6 The Story of Rain 说课三 . 120 Recycle 2 . 121 Recycle 2教学设计 . 121 小学英语说课模板 Goood moring, I'm glad to interpret my lesson here . The lesson plan I am going to talk about is Part A let's learn of unit1 PEP Primary English book7. I will explain how to teach and the reason for doing this from following aspects. analysis of the teaching content. ways of teaching and learning . teaching procedures blackboard design V assessment Now Lets focus on the analysis of teaching content. It can be divided into 3 parts as followed: the status and the function, the teaching objectives , the main points and difficult points, Ill talk about it one by one. This lesson is the first lesson of unit 1, book7 . It includes two parts: Lets learn and lets play. In section 1, it mainly deals with these key phrases: on foot, by bike, by bus, by train, by subway. And in section 2, it provides a game for the Ss to prastise the patterns: How do you go to? And the answer: I go by./ on foot. Our students have already known some vehicles in the daily life. Its not difficult for them to understand and use these words . If students can learn it well, it will help students to learn the rest of this unit. So, I set the following aims: The first is language objectives To make sure that students can read, recognize and use these key phrases :on foot ,by bike,by bus,by train skillfully. The next is ability objectives (1) To develop Ss abilities of listening and speaking. (2) To train the Ss ability of working in groups. moral objectives (1)to help students know some vehicles and comprehend the traffic rules (2) To foster Ss consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition. The main points and difficult points about this lesson is: (1) To make sure that Ss can use these key phrases correctly and skillfully. (2) To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully. (3) To develop Ss interest in English. Difficult points To help the Ss ask and answer the question “How do you go to? part ways of teaching and learning As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in primary school is to cultivate pupils basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson Ill mainly use “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey”How do you go to school?” to help Ss to get a better understanding of the key phrases. I will arrange these activities: guessing game, finishing a survey and having a competition. And in this lesson a recorder, CAI, will be needed. part teaching procedures Ill finish this lesson in five steps. step1 lead-in activities I will begin my class with "drawing and guessing" game, just like this : I show students some vehicles such as bike ,bus ,jeep which they learned before by "Stick Figures" and ask them guess whats it. Purpose: It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by guessing game. and at the same time it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step. step2 prestentation Now Ill mainly talk about this step. 1、first there is a Free talk between T and Ss. For example: I show many pictures of beautiful cities and ask students some questions, such as "do you like this city?where do you want to go ?"and help Ss to answer them with "by train ,by plane,by ship". By the way, I show the picture of a school, and say“ I go to schiool by bus” ,Ss read this sentence. do the actions and ask "how do you go to school?",show many pictures of tools such as ,on foot by bike ,by bus to help students answer my question one by one. To present the key structures one by one is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings. 2 With the help of the CAI I set a situation to help Ss understand the way of using these key phrases: A boy is coming, who is going to school. He says: I go to school byThen play the sounds of bus, bike ask students to listen carefully and tell “I go to school by" according to the different sounds, by the way , I present another new phrases:by subway Purpose:Make Ss use these new phrases with sentence structures, to help Ss use the language in a real situation. step3 practise 3 I order to make every student read these new phrases correctly, I design a "drill "in this step, I show cards as soon as possible ,students should read the words quickly and spell them. Then I ask 'How do you go to school?'students answer "I go to ."also I will quicken the speed to ask . The purpose is to draw the whole students'attention to the spelling of the words 4 After this, I ask Ss to do "Let's play " in fours. They use places cards and vehicle cards, ask and answer:How do you go to ? I go to by” 5, If Ss can ask and answer expertly, I will ask them to make a short dialogue. the purpose of this is to help students to learn those sentenses through a ture situation and make the dialogues in order to check if Ss can usse these key prases、sentences structures skillfully step 4 consolidation let students do a survey about "how do you go to school?"and the table like this :write down names and tools another Ss choose Task-based teaching method is used here to develop Ss ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained. step 5 homework ask students to collect other kinds of transport tools through the library ,computer. the purpose of this is to stimulate the interest of learning english and to wide the students'knowledge step6 blackboard design my blackboard design like this :on the left Ishow the phrases:on foot,by bus.on the right there are many sentences:how do you go to school?I go to ." step 7 assessment due to the students'age ,I make every students work in class through many activities in order to stimulate the students'interest and provide they a wide thinking room. I make students learn this lesson very well through desiring scene statues that's all,thank you for your listening ! 小学英语说课稿模板三 今天我说课的内容是义务教育课程标准实验教科书,人教版小学英语的第 单元第 课时。 1 说教材 教材内容 A本课时的教学内容为 B需要掌握的词汇有 C需要掌握的句型有 地位和作用 本课是第 单元的第 课时,教材中出现了 的用法,本课时又是第 单元的重点,因此本课时的教学对第单元的学习起着关键的作用。 2 说目标 教学目标 根据新课程理念教材内容,教学要求,我制定以下教学目标: 知识目标:能听懂,会说,会读,会拼写本课时主要词汇: 以及句型; 能力目标:能用本课时所学句型: 就日常生活中的话题进行交流,使学生掌握 的用法; 情感目标:引导学生 总思路: 重点和难点 本课时的重点使要求学生掌握词汇 以及句型 ,本课时的难点是: 3说教法 教法分析 英语教学的目的在于让学生获得用英语焦急的能力,所以在课堂教学活动中需创设特定的情景,使学生通过模仿和


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