托福独立口语题库答题要点解析5篇 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理了托福独立口语题库答题要点解析,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福独立口语题库答题要点解析:游戏Games 游戏1. 60 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games are as important for adults as they arefor children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.参考分析:同意这个观点比较容易写。? 成年人也有娱乐的需求,从繁重的压力中解脱出来(escape) ? 游戏对老年人更是如此。?从游戏中可以学到很多东西(桥牌团队精神;围棋、象棋拓展智力)相关题目:14860、游戏对于成年人来说对于儿童一样重要(1)进行游戏有助于培养团队精神,这在成年人中更为重要(2)进行游戏可以让成年人放松,感受到了除了工作以外还有更多额外的东西可以享受 (3)进行游戏可以让成年人感受到人生的成功与失败,以更乐观的心情对待工作2. 148 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing games teaches us about life. Usespecific reasons and examples to support your answer.参见:60148 同意玩游戏教给我们人生(1)玩游戏有时候赢,有时候输,这让我们在人生中更成熟平静(2)玩游戏和家人和朋友在一起,告诉我们人生不仅包括工作还有亲情和友谊(3)玩游戏和别人在一起,体会团队精神,因为人在社会中不孤立,需要别人的帮助和帮助别人托福独立口语题库答题要点解析:代沟Generation Gap 代沟1. 174 Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation different from your parents generation? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.参考分析:? 所受教育程度(过去大学生很少,现在大学生很普遍163) ?对于人生各个方面的态度,比如,金钱、婚姻、成功; ?过去的人显得价值观单一,现在的人更加多元化(diversified)?现在的孩子更加早熟(Children tend to be more premature than their former counterparts ),主要原因是随着媒体的发达,影响孩子的因素增多了。174、我们这一代与上一代的不同在于:(1)我们都接受了比较好的教育,而父母则很多没有(2)我们喜欢流行音乐和计算机等等,父母不喜欢(3)我们的生活压力比较大,而父母的并不大托福独立口语题库答题要点解析:礼物Gifts 礼物1. 142 A gift (such as a camera, a soccer ball, or an animal) can contribute to a childs development. What gift would you give to help a child develop? Why? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.参考分析:可以使用it depends的策略,不同年龄的children可以有不同的选择。 相关题目:33、161 142、计算机(1)提高数学水平(2)能够找到更多的信息和交流(3)娱乐2. Of all the gifts you have received, what is your favorite? Why it is your favorite? Include details to support your explanation. Of all gifts I have received, my favorite one is a lipstick. I love it a lot because it was a present from my best friend at high school, and that?s for my 17th birthday, which is really a special date for me. Also, it was quite a surprise because I just never wear make-up in high school, and that?s why this gift left me such a deep impression. Finally, this lipstick turned out to be quite useful now, when I participate in some dance performances or attend some parties. So while other gifts may just lie in my memories quietly, this lipstick is kept closely by my side. And every time I use it, I think about my best high school friend.3. Describe the most important gift you have received. Why is it the most important gift? Include details to support your explanation. 20XX.3.4/北美20XX.3.7托福独立口语题库答题要点解析:目标Goals 目标1. Describe one of your future goals. Explain why this goal is important to you. Include reasons and details tosupport your response. 20XX.10.15/20XX.10.29 Start my own business.2. 40 The expression "Never, never give up" means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals.Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.参考分析:Never是一个绝对词。但是由于这是一个积极向上的说法,所以,要“很大程度上同意。”永不放弃的前提是“制订一个现实、可行、并有意义的计划”。 参见:范文。40、同意一定要为自己的目标不放弃(1)在学习中,不放弃,为了自己的目标。考试刚开始不及格,后来全班第一名(2)在工作中,不放弃,为了自己的目标努力意味着成功。企业家刚开始的时候被人不理睬,但是不放弃,努力的工作,成为百万富翁(3)在生活中,不放弃,为了自己的目标努力。减肥,刚开始的时候很痛苦,后来成功。托福独立口语题库答题要点解析:团队或组织Groups or Organizations 团队或组织1. 170 Groups or organizations are an important part of some peoples lives. Why are groups or organizations important to people? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.参考分析:众多理由中包括:不寂寞;归属感(togetherness);过得更多的信息;资源共享 参见:范文 170 原因在于1)在团队和组织中,人们可以获得更多的信息(2)团队和组织能够更好的帮助人民。比如说UNITED WAY(3)团队和组织可以带给人很多的交流机会,使人们交到更多的朋友2. 和138相似 Some people prefer to lead a group. Others prefer to follow others. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response. 20XX.5.26参考分析:? 讨论做leader的好处:主动,可以操纵更多的资源,获得更多;缺点:风险大 ? 讨论做member的好处:安逸;没有风险;缺点:收获较小 ? 做leader和member一定程度上与一个人的性格有关。 ?另外,还要看是做什么的group。视情况而定。138 不同意,应当成为团队的领袖(1)当领袖有责任感,领袖总是要做最多的工作,这激励着自己能把事情作好。(2)锻炼自己的团队合作能力。(3)能够学到更多的知识。3. In your opinion, what is the most important quality of a good team member? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important. 20XX.3.15/加拿大20XX/3/17