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    托福独立写作范文三两招突破独立写作系列 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理一些托福考试作文小技巧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福独立写作范文 | 三两招突破独立写作系列(一)写作范文今日一招:“四两拨千斤”解读:一句话完成“对比”性的讨论“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is better to work for a business owned by someone else than to work for a business owned by your family.”我们以【立场:work for a business owned by someone else】为例,展示这一招“四两拨千斤”:先讨论对方的劣势:如果work for a business owned by my family,可能会让我感到不适。If I work for a business owned by my family, the atmosphere of the company may feel strange, making me uncomfortable. This is my case, actually. I declined the offer from my uncles company for the consideration that since I may be recognized as the nephew of the companys owner, other staff may show a defensive attitude and gesture when they work with me. They may exchange ideas behind my back, and although those ideas may not be bad words about the company, they would not involve me in the discussion. Meanwhile, the office may be a stressful place, because there in their eye is a spy or a snitcher, which is me. I do not think that I could feel comfortable working in such an environment as my coworkers would behave with too much discretion in front of me.至此,我们发现,我们充分讨论了对方的不利之处。然而,我们还没有拿对方的不利之处对比于我方立场。紧张么?不慌。“四两拨千斤”,一句话说明这个劣势/不利的情况在我方的立场下不出现。This awkward situation would not happen to me in the case that I work at a company that is not my familys.对比论证其实就完成了。.托福独立写作范文 | 三两招突破独立写作系列(二)如果手边有新托福写作真经6,请翻到Page 212。写作范文 今日一招:“别想了,举例吧”。解读:抽象话题,没有具体的情景。于是,通过举例设置具体的情景来完成讨论。“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Remaining happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving success.”以【立场: remaining happy and optimistic when you fail is more important】为例,展示这一招:The essence of doing anything may not be attaining the desired goal but enjoying the process.接下来怎么办?抽象话题,没有具体的情景。于是,通过举例设置具体的fail或achieve success的情景或者经历来完成讨论。I have personally met many failures and successes in my study. To reflect on the many past achievements and disappointments, I find that those results did not really matter. What really mattered is how I managed to achieve a goal or what mindset I adopted in the face of being unable to achieve the desired result. As long as the learning, as the process, was productive and enlightening, I did not care about the grades, and it was being able to remain happy and optimistic when I failed that made the process meaningful.注意:举例中,不一定特别具体的某个事件(比如,不是具体的某个presentation、experiment或者paper),而可以是一种宽泛的情况。别急,还有福利。如果我们【立场:remaining happy and optimistic when you fail is more important】,轻松复制这一招:Success creates a pleasure that is far more joyful and overwhelming than the happiness or optimism we have when we fail.上一个演示段落里设置的具体的fail或achieve success的情景或者经历,简单调整就可以用来讨论另一个立场了,轻松、省脑。I have personally met many failures and successes in the many examinations I have taken. To revisit the many past accomplishments and disappointments, I find that those good grades were way more enjoyable than the resilient mindset in the face of poor grades. This is best illustrated by a particular case that I failed multiple times in my attempt to pass the qualification test of being a nutritionist and eventually achieved a passing score and got the license in my third attempt. The joy was a feeling that is so strong that no optimism in any failure can create.托福独立写作范文 | 三两招突破独立写作系列(三)金牌教程是入门托福写作的“良品”我们以94页的题目为例,(通过主体部分的一个段落)快速学会一些构建复合句的招式。.The first reason is simple, and it is about life quality. 写段落中心句的时候,通过连词and建立的平行关系,构建两个简单的“主系表”句子的符合,并且前后两个句子形成信息的递进关系。.A person who is generous in his or her expense of money may live his or her life to the fullest. 对于主语a person做定语从句的修饰,就可以把人的行为和结果放到一个复合句里说明白了。同时,这个句子还可以以另一个复合句形式呈现:If a person is generous in his or her expense of money, the person may live his or her life to the fullest. 这个句子中,把人的行文放到了条件状语从句里,构建了一个“条件结果”复合句。.Otherwise, life may be dull and awkward. 两个复合句之后,不要继续复合句了,此处简单句为宜。.For example, money may be spent on purchasing goods, bringing us material comfort. 进入举例的部分,这一句,通过伴随状语来构建复合句。.A woolen blanket, for cold temperatures, may be costly but quite cozy, or good pair of shoes may be expensive but nice to the feet. 通过连词or建立的平行关系,构建两个简单的“主系表”句子的符合,前后两个句子所描述的情况形成平行关系。.In addition, money may be used to purchase services, particularly entertainment, which creates fun. 这个句子中,通过最后的非限定性定语从句构建复合句,引出“fun”这个花钱的好处。.It is obvious that people need spiritual enjoyment in their lives. 通过形式主语It去指代后面的由that引导的名词性从句构建复合句。此处“福利“:形式主语是因为英语句子(普遍说来)的习惯是“头轻脚重”,是“头小尾大”。.Such a style of life contrasts sharply with the plain andfrugal one. 同样地,复合句连续出现之后,需要简单句来调剂一下。.As money is saved, the comfort or fun may be reduced. 通过as引导的状语从句构建复合句。.In other words, a person who is stingy or conservative about spending would rather make do, with very limited material, and bear the boredom. 至此,是不是可以从前面的展示中找到这个复合句的构建复合的方式?但是,好像还有一些部分搞不清楚?没事,我们的栏目会在后面的episodes中慢慢覆盖。.However, the awkwardness deprives the person of the many possibilities of life. 简单句。如何练就托福综合写作高分必备技能?如何练就托福综合写作高分必备技能?在综合写作中,对综合写作阅读内容的总结和阐释不能照抄阅读*原文,因此 概括能力(summarization skills)和成为了综合写作的核心能力。那么什么是托福综合写作的概括能力呢?来看下面的实例讲解。托福综合写作概括能力实例讲解我们来看下列的段落:The online questionnaire is able to feature many online options to help a respondent complete the survey that normally he or she might not be able to receive. For example, there could be a glossary to explain an unknown word. Also, the questionnaire submission is much easier, done at the click of a button instead of wasting time and effort via mailing the forms.这个段落的分论点是many online options(在线选项)可以帮助很多问卷调查者(respondents)更好地完成问卷。通过论据和细节的展开,我们知道这些 online options 既包括 glossary 对不熟悉的单词进行解释,又包括easy submission.所以用一句话来概括这段话,应该为:There are more online features that are helpful for questionnaire respondents, such as glossaries to explain unfamiliar words and easy submissions at the click of a button.再如:Moreover, genetically modified trees promise to bring a number of economic benefits to those who grow them. Genetically modified trees tend to grow faster, give greater yields of food, fruit, or other products, and be hardier. This allows tree farmers to get faster and greater returns on their farming investment and save on pesticides as well.这个段落的分论点是 genetically modified trees(转基因树木)带来许多经济利益。通过论据和细节的展开,我们知道这是因为 genetically modified trees 生长的更快、产量更大、更为耐寒;而这些特质使得树农投资回报更快、更多,并且节约了杀虫剂的开支。用一句话来概括这段话,应该为:Genetically modified trees bring tree farmers many economic benefits, including favorable returns on their investment and savings on pesticides.托福独立写作时间不够用如何提速?3个方法轻松摆脱时间压力托福写作提速技巧:先列提纲再写正文大家可能会觉得奇怪,本来写作时间就不太够用了,还要花心思去列个提纲,时间岂不是更紧张?事实并非如此。有句话说得好,工欲善其事必先利其器。对于一篇作文来说,拥有明确的提纲才是关键所在。特别是独立写作这样讲究论述逻辑和*结构的作文题材,没有提纲很容易导致跑题情况的发生,很多同学时间不够用其实就是因为没有明确的大纲写到哪里算哪里,所以才会在不知不觉间浪费掉太多时间。考虑到独立写作其实对*结构的要求是比较简单的,大家只需要简单写出自己的观点,然后列出2-3个分论点就可以算是列好提纲了。这并不需要花费考生很多时间,却能让大家对之后的*结构和展开有更为明确的目标和思路,对于提升考生写作速度是大有好处的,也能够更好地保证*质量,既能提速又能提分。托福写作提速技巧:限时训练提前适应光学会列提纲还不够,考生还需要通过实际动笔来训练自己的写作速度。很多光靠看范文背素材无法发现的问题,考生在实际写作的过程中才会体现出来,比如拼写错误语法错误等等,这些问题一般练习时是很难看出来的,但在限时压力之下往往立即就会显现出来。而为了适应考场上的时间压力,大家在备考中提前开始限时训练也是大有好处的。考生如果能尽早适应30分钟写完*的时限要求,到了考试中自然就有充足把握应对独立写作,也不会再被时间问题所困扰了。托福写作提速技巧:先写头尾后写中间这个技巧是针对独立写作文体要求比较有效的一种技巧。写作时间不够用的考生最容易遇到的就是结尾来不及写或是匆匆写完的情况。这种会导致*结构不完整的情况都会造成较多扣分。为了避免在时间限制下出现写不完结尾的情况,建议大家在写作中可以尝试先写完开头结尾,然后再填充中间段的方式。这样做既能保证*的完整性,对于中间段的论述也比较好把握。考生如果觉得时间较多,那么中间段可以写得丰富一些,如果时间紧张,那么中间段只要把分论点写完,具体论述适当缩水一些问题也不会太大。总而言之,这种写作方式可以让大家把写作的主动权控制在自己手里,而不会因为时间限制而手忙脚乱了。关于托福独立写作时间不够写不完问题的解决方法就为大家介绍到这里,希望各位同学能够结合*内容提升托福独立写作的速度,更为游刃有余地应对考试时间压力,顺利写完作文拿到理想成绩。


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