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    五年级译林第二单元综合测评卷第二单元综合测评卷 (时间:80分钟 总分:100分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(8分) 1. A. fish B. ship C. sleep 2. A. bear B. near C.pear 3. A. young B. yellow C. year 4. A. train B. travel C. tree 5. A. cool B. cook C. book 6. A. a bus driver B. a taxi driver C. drive a car 7. A. on the basket B. in the basket C. under the basket 8. A. My uncle works on the plane. B. My uncle likes planes. C. My uncle comes here by plane. 二、听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符,相符的写 “T”, 不相符的写 “F”。 三、听录音,根据所听短文,判断正。 ( )1. Mike and Helen are brother and sister. ( )2. They go to school on foot. ( )3. They have lunch at home on school days. ( )4. Theres a bottle of orange juice in Helens lunch bag. ( )5. There are some sweets in Mikes lunch bag. 四、选词填空。 1 1. Mike (go, goes) to work by bike. 2. The girl (put, puts) on the dress. 3. There (is, are) some coffee on the table. 4. I (have, has) a good time at the party. 5. Lets go and (have, having) a look. 6. How (do, does) you come to school? 7. My aunt (live, lives) near the big city. 8. Where (do, does) your sister live? 9. He likes (ride, riding) a bike in the park. 10. He always (sit, sits) in the basket. 五、单项选择。 1. How amny are there in Jiangsu Province? A. city B. cities C. citys 2. Where does Mr Green live? He lives a busy street. A. from B. on C. at 3. My aunts in Beijing. A. live B. lives C. living 4. Are there many on Yangtze River? Yes, there are. A. cars B. planes C. ships 5. Show me your pictures, please. OK. A. / B. to C. for 6. He can there by bike. A. gets to B. get to C. get 7. What colour Tom and his mother like? 2 Red. A. does B. are C. do 8. Would you like some ice creams? Yes, . A. I do B. please C. Id love to 9. My parents on foot. A. go work B. goes to work C. go to work 10. The clothes are very nice. .I like them too. A. I think so B. I dont think so C. No 六、按要求完成句子。 1. My mother goes to work on foot. My mother work. 2. Lets go to the zoo by bike. Lets the zoo. 3. My grandparents live in Beijing.(对划线部分提问) your grandparents live? 4. There is a library in our school. (对划线部分提问) How many there in your school? 5. Bobby has a new bike. (对划线部分提问) What Bobby ? 七、根据汉语完成句子。 1. 你们每天怎样到学校? 有时步行,有时骑自行车。 do you come to school every day? 3 Sometimes , and sometimes . 2. 他住在哪里? 他住在学校附近,但是离公园很远。 Where he ? He school, but its the park. 3. 街上有许多小汽车、出租车和公共汽车。 There are many , and on the street. 4. 我们通常乘飞机去北京拜访我们的叔叔。 We usually our uncle in Beijing . 5. 他每年乘火车去许多城市。 He to many by every year. 八、将下列句子排成一段完整的对话。 A Is it near your school? B. Yes, but sometimes I go to school by bus. C. I live on Moon Street. D. No. Its far from school. E. Where do you live? F. So you go to school by bike, right? E - - - - - . 九、阅读理解。 Hello, Im Mike. I live on Park Street. Its far from my school. There are many trees and flowers near my home. There is a shop beside my home. I often go to school by metro. Sometimes I go to school by taxi. My father is a taxi driver. My friend Yang Ling lives near school. She goes to school on foot. There is a cinema near her home. She often goes to the cinema with me on Sundays. 1. Mike lives . A. near school B. on Park Street C. near the cinema 4 2. Yang Ling goes to school . A. by taxi B. on foot C. by metro 3. is a taxi driver . A. Mikes father B. Mikes mother C. Yang Lings father 4. Yang Lingo often goes to the cinema with me . A. on Saturdays B. on Sundays C. on Fridays 5. Which sentence is WRONG? A. Mikes home is far from school. B. Sometimes Mike goes to school by taxi. C. There is a cinema near Mikes home. 5 第二单元综合测评卷听力材料及参考答案: 一、1. ship 2. near 3. too young 4. travel to many cities 5. How cool! 6. Can he drive a car? 7. Its in the basket. 8. My uncle comes here by plane. 二、1. Su Hai and Su Yang live near City Library. They always go there on foot. 2. My uncle works on a big ship. He goes to many cities by ship. 3. Mr Green lives near the park. He can get there by bike. 4. Liu Tao goes to school by taxi 5. My aunt lives in Beijing. We sometimes visit her by train. 6. My father likes going to Shanghai by plane. (2 3 5 6 4 1) 三、Helen is an English Girl. She has a brother, Mike. They are students. There isnt a school near their home, so they go to school by bus. Its eight ten now. They are waiting for the school bus. They take their lunch bags with them. There is a hamburger, an apple and a bottle of grape juice in Helens lunch bag. And there are two hamburgers, a hot dog, two bottles of orange juice and some sweets in Mikes lunch bag. 四、1. goes 2. puts 3.is 4. have 5.have 6. do 7. lives 8. does 9.riding 10。 sits 五、 15 BBACA 610 CCBCA 六、 1. walks to 2. ride to 3. Where do 4. libraries are 5. does, have 七、 1. How, on foot, by bike 2. does, live, lives near, far from 3. cars, taxis, buses 4.visit, by plane 5. Goes, cities, train 八、BCADFB 九、 1-5 BBABC 6


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