五个女人一台戏看外媒怎么评价欢乐颂外教一对一 五个女人一台戏:看外媒怎么评价欢乐颂 小编导读:豆瓣好评度8.1分,微博热搜12.1亿,你的朋友圈被这部x月x日开播的都市女性励志成长情感大剧欢乐颂(Ode to Joy)刷屏了吗?先来看一段英文剧情人物简介,看看这部剧魅力何在吧! Can five single, independent career women who live in the Ode to Joy apartment building findfulfillment on their own terms? 同住在一个叫做“欢乐颂”公寓的5个单身独立的职业女性是否能实现各自的追求? An Di (Liu Tao) is a successful business woman who has returned to China after studying in New York to find her younger brother. Qu Xiao Xiao (Wang Zi Wen) is only 25 but already owns her own small business. Fang Sheng Mei (Jiang Xin) grew up in poverty but has shed her “Princess of the Streets” background to work for a multinational company. Qiu Ying Ying (Andy Yang Zi) is a 20-year-old small-town girl who is trying to make it in the big city. Guan Ju Er (Bridgette Qiao Xin) is a 20-year-old from a highly educated family, but she must discover what she wants out of life when enters the workforce for the first time. 安迪(刘涛饰)是一个成功的商业女性,她在纽约学习后回到中国来找她的弟弟。曲筱绡(王子文饰)只有25岁,但已经拥有自己的小生意。樊胜美(蒋欣)出身贫苦,摆脱她“胡同公主”的背景为一家跨国公司工作。邱莹莹(杨紫)是一个20岁的小镇女孩,她正试图立身于大城市。关雎尔(乔欣)是一个20岁的姑娘,家境良好,但当她第一次踏入职场,她必须要发现自己想要什么样的生活。 文章来源: 外教一对一 For these women, there is a man (or two) who is trying to get their attention. Dr. Zhao (Wang Kai) is a flirtatious, handsome doctor. Qi Dian (Zu Feng) is the stoic businessman. Wang Bai Chuan (Zhang Lu) is Sheng Meis steadfast friend who has always carried a torch for her. Yao Bin (Zhang Xiao Qian) is a second-generation chaebol. Tan Zong Ming (Jin Dong) is An Dis boss . Can the women find the personal happiness they seek? “It is based on a novel by the same name. 对于几个姑娘,有一个人(或两个)正试图吸引他们的注意。医生赵启平(王凯)是一个英俊的调情高手。魏渭(祖峰)是个恬淡寡欲的商人。王柏川(张陆)是胜美的同学,并一直暗恋着胜美。姚斌(张晓谦)是大集团的富二代。谭宗明(靳东)是安迪的顶头上司。姑娘们能找到他们追求各自的幸福吗?“欢乐颂”由同名小说改编。 “fulfillment ”的意思是“履行,实行,实现”。例如:We get pleasure and fulfillment from the natural world.我们在自然的世界中得到快乐和成就感。 “grow up in poverty”这里的意思是“在贫困中成长,长大”,例如:Confucius grew up in poverty, and was constantly urged by his mother to be diligent in his studies so he could escape a poor life and raise his status in society. 孔子自幼在贫困中长大。他的母亲时常鞭策他勤奋学习,希望他将来不再受穷,并在社会上出人头地。 “steadfast ”的意思是“坚定的,不变的”。例如:Our nation is strong and steadfast.我们的国家是强大坚定的。 “carry a torch for sb”的意思是“单恋某人,一厢情愿”。例如:He carried a torch for that pretty woman, but all in vain.他一厢情愿的爱那美女,但一切均徒然。 “chaebol”的意思是“集团公司”但是多指“韩国大企业”,例如:Innovation is not going to come if everyone shelters from risk in the chaebol.如果人人都活在企业财阀的阴影下,而规避风险,创新就不会到来。 文章来源: 外教一对一 连国外网友也被迷住了!上一次老外都在追国剧是在什么时候?甄嬛传?还是琅琊榜?古风的时代已经过去,现在我天朝靠现代都市片也能折服歪果仁!看看老外的一致好评: 这部剧情节很清新这是第一部我所迷上的中国电视剧,这将永远是我的最爱:D 文章来源: 外教一对一 至今为止真是一部好剧!剧情点子真是不能更赞! 我很高兴看到琅琊榜的制作公司也是这部剧的幕后。琅琊榜的熟人都在这儿啊。好喜欢王凯、刘涛、靳东!好期待胡歌的新剧!还有王凯和Joe Cheng的新剧!琅琊榜里我最喜欢的(人)都在了!还有其他一些配角,比如夏江、豫津XXX等等(这些人名英语君无能了求不要PIA)。琅琊榜真是提升了我对剧的品味啊(艾玛=) 好剧!很有趣!不像其他剧都是些情啊爱啊啥的 文章来源: 外教一对一 耶!看了史诗巨作琅琊榜以后我真的好期待这个剧!我要看我的北鼻靳东、王凯凯凯还有刘涛在现代的生活!必须还有我的爱蒋欣啊,不过要是我的终极墙头胡歌也在的话那简直要棒呆了! (综上所述都是被琅琊榜圈粉的结果?!) 文章来源: