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    TOEFL托福独立口语题库答题要点解析最新汇总5篇 同学们想要在托福口语中有更好的表现,那么在平时不仅仅要做好素材的积累,同时也要掌握各种话题类型的解题思路,给大家整理了托福独立口语题库答题要点解析,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福独立口语题库答题要点解析:学校Schools 学校1.Choose a school which is very impressive to you and explain why it is impressive to you.Include reasons and examples to support your response.In my mind,the most special school in china is the Peking University.First it has wonderful environmet.There is a beautiful lake and lots of ancient architecture which are well protect.All of these make the university has a distinctive environment attracting numerous stuedents each year.Secondly,it has the best faculty.I am always impressde by the professors there,who giving charming speech and interesting illustrations to help us understand difficult terms.Finally,there are lots of talented and outstanding students.Talking with therm can always benefit me.since I can learn plenty of merits from them.My university is one of the seven universities in China directly controlled by the committee of science and technology for national defense. So our campus has the tradition of the military life. All our roads , dormitories, buildings, gates are named by number, for example, our dormitory 3 is one the road 4 and near the gate 4.It is unique and interesting, and thus makes it easy for you to position one specific spot. Another thing that is rare in other universities is that all the roads in my school are designed either form north to south or from east to west. Which means you can never find a short-cut in my campus. I remember this more than other places because it was the place where I was most affected, since I really started to grow up there. It was like a second home, and I went through so many different emotions there. It contained some of my best and worst memories. Now I?m going to study abroad. I do miss it a lot, but I wouldn?t want to return to that life since it was so structured and controlled.As far as I concerned, No.2 high school is very impressive to me. Because the school yard is very beautiful and the teachers are very kind and love their students. I?m very impress with this school for two reasons. For starters,this high school has a history of 150 years. The school tradition is keeped very well. I?m also very proud of me that as a No.2 high school student. Second the environment of the school is very beautiful. There are so many trees, plants and flowers to see. The class-building is also very morderness. That is a good place for studing and having rest. All in all the long school history and the beautiful environment are the two main resons why the No.2 high school give me a deep impression.2. 77 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Boys and girls should attend separate schools.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.参见:范文77、男孩子和女孩子不应当分校(1)男孩子和女孩子在学习中互相交流,有利于学习。 (2)对于男孩子和女孩子的性格会比较好 (3)不分校,男孩子和女孩子可以交更多的朋友,生活更丰富3. 141 If you could make one important change in a school that you attended, what change would you make?Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.参见:6141、改变学校的计算机交流(1)提高效率 (2)促进学生学习 (3)更好的老师和学生的交流托福独立口语题库答题要点解析:技能Skills 技能1. Describe one of your skills which you are good at (such as drawing, playing basketball). Explain why this skill is important to you. Include reasons and details to support your response. 20XX.11.52. 163 Is the ability to read and write more important today than in the past? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.参考分析:一定程度上,同意这个说法。(In a sense, it is true that)阅读并理解(Comprehend)的能力,在信息过度丰富的今天,更加重要。现代人的阅读量要比过去高出许多倍(过去大学生就是很高的学历,现在博士后postdoctoral才算是高学历)。需要更多的能力去辨别真伪。 ?写作的能力更是如此,比如在工作中,写报告是一项重要内容,公司的规模越大,越是如此。没有写作能力,就等于没有升迁机会。163、同意读和写的能力要比以前更加重要(1)不能读和写无法找到工作。在现在绝大多数工作都要会读会写(2)不能读和写无法获得更多的信息。很多信息在报纸上,不能读写无法获得信息 (3)不能读和写无法交朋友。因为人都是受过教育的,不喜欢和不会写和读的人交流3. Some people think that it is necessary for people to learn to play one type of musical instrument. Others dont think so. What is your opinion and why? Include details and examples in your explanation. 20XX.12.15 4. What new skill would you like to learn? Explain why this skill would be good for you to have. Include details and examples in your explanation.I would like to learn how to play soccer. Now I can only play table tennis, so this would be a new challenge for me. It would be a good skill to have because I could have very good exercises and build up my muscles. Also I could join a soccer team and play with my team members. Maybe I could make big fortune when I become a star player. Finally, I might be able to meet some friends of the same interest. That?s really cool.I would like to learn how to play the guitar. It would be a good skill to have because I could take my guitar to parties and play music for my friends. My favourite song is yesterday from Beattles. Also, I could join a band and play songs with other musicians. Maybe I could make money that way. And somehow become a superstar! Finally, I might be able to meet some other friends of the same interest. That?s cool.托福独立口语题库答题要点解析:吸烟Smoking 吸烟1. 154 In some countries, people are no longer allowed to smoke in many public places and office buildings.Do you think this is a good rule or a bad rule? Use specific reasons and details to support your position.参考分析:当然是好规矩。吸烟的害处;在公共场合吸烟的害处:对不吸烟的人有害;可能引起火灾吸烟没有好处。154、不让在公共场合抽烟是对的(1)保护别人的健康(2)避免火灾的发生(3)建立良好的公司形象托福独立口语题库答题点解析:压力Stress/Pressure 压力1. Describe a place where you go for rest and relaxation. Explain why it is a good place for you to relax. Include details and examples to support your response.My favorite place for rest and relaxation is Beijing, the capital city of China. I like the city for three main reasons. First, it has a lot of scenic spots like the Great Wall and the Summer Palace which are so impressive. I like Beijing also because it is China?s commercial center. Finally, Beijing will host the 20XX Olympic Games. At that time, people from around the world will come to Beijing and enjoy her beauty and prosperity2. 96 Describe your favorite way to relax yourself. Explain why you would like to use this way to relax yourself. Include reasons and details to support your response. 20XX.11.19参考分析:169给出了答案,选择听音乐,那么这篇作文同时可以应对169。96、减低压力最好的办法是做运动(1)做运动可以更健康。如果一个人不健康的话,压力无法减低(2)做运动可以保证睡眠。睡的的好可以降低压力(3)做运动可以忘掉工作中不愉快的事情。比如说下班后进行运动,可以让身体放松,这样压力可以减低For me, the perfect relaxation is just window shopping. Of course, I may also relax by sitting there and watch TV. But I don?t want to be a couch potato; I may also relax by doing sports. But that will be a little bit tiring for me. So I would just walk around do window shopping, which is both relaxing and entertaining. Also, sometimes I may gather two or three friends to enjoy shopping together, and we may enjoy talking and sharing our most recent personal stories. And last but certainly not the least, by window shopping, I mean, shopping without really buying anything, I don?t have a pay a penny. Well, isn?t that perfect enough?I love walking along the street and listening to the music at the same time. First, I enjoy walking and watching the people on the street a lot. I feel it is a huge fun to observing different faces and different clothes-match of each person. Secondly, I?d love to walk very fast following the rhythm of the songs I am listening. It is my own style to relax. By following the rhythm of the songs, I can walk very fast and won?t feel tired. I always walked several kilometers in this way and thus have a nice relaxing exercise. At last, I consider listening to the music itself is a wonderful way to relax. I love listening to music a lot. I have thousands of songs I love in my ipod and I will shuffle the songs when I need to relax. In short, after the combination of walking and listening to the music, I am totally relaxed.3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To be relaxed and unhurried is the best life style for everyone. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 20XX.12.16托福独立口语题库答题要点解析:运动64. Sports 运动1. Describe a popular sport, game or activity in your country. Explain why it is so popular. Include reasons and examples to support your response. 20XX In my view, the most popular activity in China in recently years is the super girl program. It is kind of similar with the American idol program in America. In china, statistics shows that more than 3 millions of people are watching it .What? s more , they have to send the text messages by the cell phone to support the signer they like. Although it will cost them a fortune, they still were willing to do it. And the most popular singer can win about a million supporting messages. In addition, the funs of the signer from all parts of china organized themselves together to be a huge funs group, use every way to support their idol. It is a huge hit to China?s entertainment industry.And, the winner of super girl in 2005 is so popular that she showed on the times magazine in the US and gained numerous chances to sing / act in China.2. Describe your favorite sport. Explain what benefits you can get from it. Include reasons and examples to support your response.3. 136 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing a game is funny only when you win.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.参考分析:不能同意,only是绝对修饰词。玩游戏的快乐不一定来自于输赢。有些游戏是有输赢的,而另外一些游戏时没有输赢的。 ?过于在乎输赢,将导致游戏失去意义。136、不同意(1)玩游戏和朋友在一起,这本来就是快乐的(2)玩游戏能够体会到人生,这也是快乐了(3)玩游戏能够放松,这也很快乐


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