如何高效备考托福口语呢 如何高效备考托福口语呢?给大家整理了一些托福备考攻略,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。如何高效备考托福口语呢好了研究托福三年的前XDF老师跳出来回答一下了前几天又去考了一下 总分115 口语28相信我要短期内提高托福口语分数 看这个就可以了 真的。真心反对一下第一名答案的影子跟读法这个短期内练真的考试是来不及的我也只有高效巡回讲座的时候才会介绍一下shadowing 因为听众大部分不一定会短期内考试但是上课时间分分钟全是讲题 不 讲题讲技巧强化班18小时还不够记得当年备课的时候想在上课说Podcast shadowing 听抄技巧什么的结果直接被老大骂回来了 “他们能直接用吗?短期内能提高吗?不能的话就只讲跟考试有关的内容”你看连考试相关内容都被驳回了 更不要说段子什么的呢XDF真的不只是段子啊真心话 我还不想讲段子呢但是一帮子人大夏天/大冬天窝在教室里面一下子上4小时以上的课真的会困所以那种时候没办法只好讲讲段子把大家精神吊起来其实讲段子真的很累的好吗 要表情 要情绪 要动作 要语调起伏比讲题累好几倍。好吧回归正题 以下全部是干货1。托福口语分数高 完全 不等于 英语口语好(所以反对排名第一的shadow法 虽然很好但是短期内练不出来)2。 只要是考试 必有技巧3。加试 不算分以下截图*于托福官方指南第四版第五页okay这三点明确了我们可以谈一谈怎么短期内提高托福口语分数需要的材料:1。Toefl Offical Guide(简称OG)2。TPO(目前网上出到32套)3。考前最近的机经预测这三个都是网上免费可以找到的东西关于1,2题准备按照有细节(也就是抽象意见的具体展开)有必要的连接词(but, moreover之类)单词尽可能多样化(同一单词不要多次重复)看情况适当使用从句长句(which, who 什么的就算)语速不必过快(重点是要人家听清楚你在说什么)可以有一两处小错说不完也没关系的方式准备以上黑体字总结了口语1,2题的采分点(老子上课的干货啊!)只要符合以上几点随便你怎么讲。随便你几条理由。随便你什么内容。随便你什么模板。真的有兴趣和有时间证实的朋友们可以看OG口语部分的采分标准对的 ETS人家连怎么对你答案进行打分都写出来了。甚至CD里面还有学生回答和对于回答的点评。准备材料1。TPO32套但是题目可能有点老 而且可能不够刷2。机经最新考过的机经看下 可以发现最近考题的趋势 似乎最近开始脱离传统题材开始往北美靠近了预测机经我本来是不信的 结果中得频率还挺高 最近我的日本的考题竟然中了国内的机经= = 所以仁者见仁智者见智 反正拿来当普通练习刷还是可以的关于3题准备这个网上各种都很多了。阅读记 1。主要内容2。1st理由3。2nd理由听力记1。观点提出人的性别2。什么观点(同意/反对)3。 针对1st理由的同意/反对4。针对2nd理由的同意/反对TIP:阅读的两条理由在听力中会被重复 所以阅读时间来不及可以听力的时候再记回答:看题目要求来一般是先总结阅读内容 The school made an announcement that./ in the proposal, there is a student suggesting that.然后说学生意见 the . in the conversation agreed/disagreed with .because.1st reason 2nd reason关于4题准备这道题一般来说是大家最头疼的题目。因为阅读很抽象 题目很多时候两个单词都看不懂 更多时候是看懂了也不知道在说什么。呵呵呵呵呵呵这道题记住一个原则阅读的抽象概念 和 听力的具体事例 是一一对应的就是说如果阅读说 reference group是指一帮子人 我们很崇拜他们 所以他们干嘛 我们就会去学他们干嘛听力中必然会出现 具体的一帮子人 我们绝对会崇拜他们 他们绝对会做一些具体的事情 我们绝对会去学他们做这些事情听力中除了以上和阅读相关的,其他的信息不用听不用记回答:题目会要求用听力中的例子解释阅读定义in the lecture, the professor.然后 原则是 听力中请出现阅读关键词比如这道题 说完听力中出现具体的一帮子人我们很崇拜他们以后 要说therefore, they became his REFERENCE GROUP。目的是让rater知道 你是真的听懂了 听力和阅读之间的联系乃们明白了吗第四第六题其实是最简单最有套路的刷提到最后你们会爱上这两道题的关于5题准备听1。问题问题的组成大多情况下遵循这个原则期望BUT现实 且两者之间有巨大的矛盾比如想去音乐会(期望) BUT 那个时间有AUDITION(现实)2。两个SOLUTION回答:总结问题 说清楚solution(不需理由) 然后说你选哪个为什么其实后半部分就是第二题的微缩版本 答题技巧请参照1,2题答题技巧关于6题准备呵呵呵呵仿佛又看到了学生痛苦抱头的场景呵呵呵呵呵以前讲课讲累了就拿46题虐学生呵呵呵呵呵好开心 _这道题大多数 80%+都是生物题而且是关于 adaptation 和 survive的生物题(所以我以前上课会说 如果你真的一点都没听懂 你就往“这个动物要活下去!活下去!”上面说。)技巧:上来三句话一定是废话 三句之后出现重点重点=第四题概念也就是同样的技巧 抓关键词 接下啦每一个例子都跟关键词对应就拿日本7月6号的题来讲河里面的生物 有adaptation 所以可以不被水流冲走活下去okay接下啦你需要听 是哪个生物 有什么adaptation 怎么不被水冲走于是出现了第一个larva 它有个Hook可以勾住河床 所以冲不走第二个(名字忘了) 它没有鱼漂 所以不会float以上。简单吧。tip:动物名字如果真的记不下来可以记首字母 因为后面问题里面会出现这两只的名字 照着念就好了如果是实验题 同样听三句话以后的关键句然后根据关键句 记关键信息3,4,5,6请刷TPO1-32套我目前为止还没碰到过刷完的学霸以上。教程来了:首先请看完OG里面有加试是否算分;题目描述;学生答案;学生答案评析;打分标准。所有的一切都以OG为准!然后请去找ETS内部的培训教材Benchmark responses和annotations里面有每一个分数的学生回答以及评论通过这个结合打分标准(score rubrics)请认真分析清楚哪些是采分点!这时候估计大概的框架可以出来了然后去找TPO一个个验证你的框架每一个自己回答 录音 然后打分 对照打分标准 再打分 再改善框架好了我言简意赅 就这三个材料 全是ETS的请好好备课对得起学生pdf版*下载:影子跟读法:提高口语的最佳方法.pdf_免费高速下载我建议的操练材料:ESl Podcast 精品短文 ESL Podcast 精品短文相关链接quora网友回答:Learning English: How do I improve my English speaking skills in a very short time?Alexander Arguelles维基:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_ArguellesDr. Alexander Arguelles的 youtube主页(需翻wall):youtube/user/ProfASAr-【干货】托福口语万能模板Q1Personally, I would like to say that my favorite is And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that Whats more So thats whyQ2Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that The first reason I want to say is thatMore importantly So, thats why I choose for the two reasons listed above Personally speaking, I prefer for several reasons. I think is more appropriate for for several reasons. Firstly, Besides, in my experienceBur probably the most important reason for my preference is thatIn a word, thats the reason of my preference./ thats why my preference is I think it is important to For one thing, . By doing Another thing is the advantage of As for I agree that, but unless, Q3The school has implemented a new policy that due toAnd the woman/man holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is thatAnd the second one is based on the fact thatIn the reading material, there is a/an announcement/message/notice/proposal about The university/college is going toIn the listening material, two students discuss about the The man/woman is against/supporting the He or she feels unhappy/less satisfied about thinks the is unfair/inconvenient/unaffordable for the following reasons: Firstly, he thinks/says Also, he points out that In addition, in his opinion, Q4In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory thatTo reinforce the theory, the professor gave two reasons/examples in his speech. The first one is that The other one is thatAnd thats the two reasons/ examples the speaker presented to explain his idea. TYPE 1:The reading passage: definition nListening passage: examples, study, research模版:The reading passage gives the definition of, which isIn the lecture, the professor goes on to demonstrate it by introducing some researches/examples/ experiments.The first isThis research proved that The second is(Additional investigations also showed that) TYPE 2:The reading passage: the phenomenon / te problem/the process /some functions/some featuresListening passage: research, analysis.模版:The reading passage describes the phenomenon / the problem/the process /some functions/some features of.is (定义的内容)In the listening passage, the professor continues to demonstrates it by introducing some researches /analysesThe first is The second is TYPE 3:The reading passage: a conception held by/the principle/ the application/the cause/the effectListening passage: specific aspects模版:The reading passage introduces a conception held by/the principle/ the application/the cause/the effectIn the listening passage, the professor describes several specific aspects of Firstly, Secondly,Q5(10”problem+17”each solution+10”choice why) In the conversation, the womans problem is that is having a hard time dealing with the problem that. The man comes up with 2/3 solutions to her problem. offers her 2/3 possible solutions.At first, he suggests that she do. However, shes concerned that His other recommendation is to, while in the womans opinion Besides, the man thinks it is reasonable to, while the situation is thatFrom my point of view, I think the second choice is preferable because/ for the following reasons:If it were my choice, I would choose the former/latter one, becauseThe woman is trying to decide/ figure out what to do with and her friend makes a couple of suggestions/ recommendations.He encourages her to. The advantage of this method is The other idea i s toI think she should go with the second idea becauseQ6(15”theory+20”each example)In the lecture, the professor provides two examples to illustrate the theory/phenomenon thatThe first one is that Another example is thatAnd thats the two examples the professor presented to explain the theory/phenomenon.In the lecture, the professor discusses in several points/aspects.Firstly, he points that. For instance, Secondly, he mentions thatand he shows some data/research about Finally, he states thatAccording to the lecture, there are two major criteria for First, she mentions, and Im quoting here,Point out, present, describe, state, mention, discuss, provide, demonstrate, introduce, give (example)托福口语怎么考上不了25?你肯定掉进这几个坑了.对于中国学生来说,托福四个部分里最难拿高分的就是口语了,听说中国考试的平均分数只有19分左右.可见托福口语真的很蛋疼,不过今天这篇*给大家分析了托福口语最容易错的点,解决了他们托福25分不是梦。接下来学霸君还会更加努力给大家带来考试干货、学霸技能、和备考经验的!快来点击标题下方的北美学霸君关注我,么么哒!如果你也被这样的托福问题所困惑:1、为什么自己的阅读和听力在老师的指导下和自己勤奋的日夜刷题的题海战术中不断取得自信,但是口语还是无情的在真实的考场中被“虐”?2、为什么自己在每日的训练中已经能在表述答案时做到流畅自然,但分数还是不能像其它科目一样得到高分?3、为什么已经每天跑到湖边疯狂地用英文呐喊,老师还是说自己的口语有问题?想知道问题出在哪里吗?如果是发音存在问题则需要了解自己哪些音节发得不准,或是在发音技巧上如连读,不完全爆破等多下功夫。机会与自己的小伙伴或是native对话,模仿地道的英文。单纯重复而不对错误进行及时的纠正,只会让自己在通向高分的道路上渐行渐远。有时候有目的的训练才能使自己的口语不断进步。另外,要着重强调的是中国考生在托福口语中面对问题,已经有思路,但仍存在的表述障碍,或是已经很努力地去练习,但是找不到具体提升方向的三方面:一是表达思想空洞,没有具体的例子和细节支持,二是缺乏连贯性,三是词汇使用不当。1、表达思想空洞首先,中国学生在用英语表达的时候,论点有余,但是支持论点的例子和原因显得严重不足,因此,整篇表达听上去十分干涩,不够丰满。例如,当一个中国学生想要表达他非常喜欢一部电影的时候,他可能会不断地罗列他的论点而无法去挖掘、发展他的观点,他会说“I love this movie, and I think it is amazing. No one loves the movie like I do; it is so good and I think it is the best film in this world.”这样的表达即使用最漂亮的发音呈现出来也显得苍白无力。甚至有的同学将托福口语题目中常出现的一句话“Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.” 当作一句没用的话,殊不知这正是托福口语考试希望同学们做的,用充分的事实去展开。一个建议的版本可以是这样的,如果想表达很喜欢Forrest Gump阿甘正传这部电影,可以说:“I love this movie because I can learn something about Americas history. For example,I know the lost generation and Watergate scandal through this movie. People living in UnitedStates start doubting the policy of government, and of course, how the Vietnam War affected American peoples lives. People want to change their attitudes to the war, and look for their own freedom and democracy. So I can have the opportunity to enrich my knowledge concerning this through this masterpiece.”这是一部非常“有文化”的电影。导演将美国重要的历史事件默默的安排在阿甘的经历中,通过时代的变迁反映出美国在各个时期的特征和美国年轻人的追求。如果考生可以用“迷失的一代”,“水门事件”,“”来举例,rater马上就明白我喜欢这部电影的原因了,而且通过这些美国人耳熟能详的例子也体现出考生满腹经纶,是一个非常了解美国历史和文化的优秀考生。再举一例,比如谈到一所好的大学需要具备什么样的特点这道题时,会说“The university has a good library.”或“The university has numerous trees.”就此停止了,而没能有理有据地展开。正确的表述比如:“My university has a good library, and it is one of the largest and most valuable research libraries in China. It has about 6 million items in its collection, including over 2 million books and pamphlets and thousands of charts, engravings, manuscripts, map and so forth. The librarys half million manuscript collection reflects different aspects of Chinese life and culture. And the library has grown so large that it could no longer be housed in one building. Two more buildings were built to accommodate the ever increasing collection in the library. Also, the library is computerized, so students can research the information or E-book freely when the professor assigns the new homework, which makes the use of the library a pleasant experience.”要想避免表达思想内容空洞就可以按照上面大学图书馆一例来把自己的想法展开。具体要细化到什么程度还是由考生自己决定,不过强烈建议考生可以根据自己的生活经验和真实的感受(比如真的对自己学校的图书馆)进行客观的评价,而不是在考场中随性的编造例子,毕竟编造的内容是你临时想的,你也不能确定你的创造是否能hold住45秒的答题时间,反而自己真实的感受更容易表达。所以平时对于生活中的素材,或是一些新闻实事合理积累也对话题的展开大有裨益。2、注意中西方文化差异还有就是在举例表达时也必须注意中西文化的差异,很多考生在阐述思想时能把中国文化中普遍认同的东西表达出来,却没有能够把中国人为何普遍认同这种东西其背后的原因和条件讲述出来。因为美国人对其背后的原因和条件一无所知,就很难明白你想表达的思想观点,甚至会认为你所表达的观点是荒唐的。比如说,一个学生在谈到在中国用什么交通工具最好这一问题时,阐述了这一观点“Only the very wealthy people can afford to buy a car.”为了使美国人真正理解这句话,就必须按下面的方法来交代原因和条件:The living standard in China is still not very high. The average monthly income per person even in large and affluent cities is about 200 U. S. dollars. This income is just enough to cover the family expenses, without any money left for savings. Furthermore, cars in China are far more expensive than in the United States. The cheapest car in China would be about 10,000 dollars. Very few Chinese people can save enough to purchase a car, not to mention the cost of car maintenance.从此例可以看出在表达思想时一定要把支持这一观点的事实和条件列出来,即使是众人皆知的原因和条件亦是如此。要避免跨越的思维,造成强逻辑的错误,这是西方人在表达思想时与中国人的不同之处。在中国,一个人下结论时,如果别人听不懂,往往这个听不懂的人会被看作无知,而下结论的人被认为是有高深学问和深刻语言能力的,这也是我国强调“博学”的体现;而美式思维更强调推理能力,即如何自圆其说。即有时候我的观点与你所知的观点有些许不同,甚至曾被你认为是错的,但是当你听完我的叙述之后,你发现有道理并被我说服了。有意识的培养自己说理的能力,对于思路的详细扩展有非常积极的影响。