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    九年级英语上册 Module Unit If I start after dinner,Ill finish it before I go to bed教案.docx

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    九年级英语上册 Module Unit If I start after dinner,Ill finish it before I go to bed教案.docx

    九年级英语上册 Module Unit If I start after dinner,Ill finish it before I go to bed教案Module 6 Unit 1 If I start after dinner,Ill finish it before I go to bed 在第5模块中学生已经学了“if条件状语从句+祈使句”的句式,本模块通过以提出问题以及为问题提供解决问题的建议的方式来继续学习条件状语从句,即“if条件状语从句+一般将来时态”。运用真实的话题来开展听说读写的教学活动。教学内容为语法的学习和使用提供了必要的感性材料。要求学生能够用含有if引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句来描述问题以及提供解决问题的建议。 一、教学目标 l Knowledge objective 理解Words: deal, exam, fail, guitar, instrument, musical, habit, schoolwork, volunteer, necessary, shame, instead, community, knowledge, point, consider, get into the habit of, instead of, last word在文中的意思,能正确的翻译。 l Ability objective 能听懂和阅读关于介绍问题的语言材料,能通过相关词汇和图片描述自己和他人的问题;能编写关于所出现问题的对话。 l Moral objective 学会倾听他人的问题,了解他人的问题;能够养成良好的学习习惯;能够很好地利用自己的业余时间。 二、教学方法 PWP method, task-based method 三、读前导入 Warming-up 通过一些图片导入新课,引起学生对新课的兴趣。 四、教学过程 Step 1 情境导入 教师可以通过一些图片问学生一些和课文有关的问题,通过对话调动学生学习英语的积极性,活跃课堂气氛,导入新课,使学生进入情景学习。板书课题。 Step 2 课前朗读 1 1. 朗读单词Words: deal, exam, fail, guitar, instrument, musical, habit, schoolwork, volunteer, necessary, shame, instead, community, knowledge, point, consider,get into the habit of, instead of, last word注意单词中每个音节的发音和字母组合。培养学生自主学习词汇的习惯,促使学生迅速进入学习状态。 2. 检查词汇预习:采取结对、小组互查等形式来检查学生对词汇的预习情况。 Step 3小听力 Listen and decide what Tonys problem is. Use the words in the box to help you. deal exam fall guitar instrument a) Tony is spending too much time playing the guitar, and he may fail his exams. b) All of Tonys friends can play musical instruments after class, but he has to study hard. c) Tonys parents want to stop him enjoying music, although they have made deal with him before. Step 4大听力 一层听:Listen again and check() the true sentences. 1. Tonys dad is worried about Tony spends too much time playing the guitar. 2. Tony has failed an exam. 3. Tonys mum wants Tony to stop playing the guitar. 4. Tony plays music together with his friends. 5. Tonys mum suggests that Tony should have guitar lessons. 6. Tonys dad does not agree with Tonys mums suggestion. 二层听:Listen to Part 3 and answer the following questions. (学生独立完成后,小组内交流答案。) 1. Where does Tony want to go? 2. Why does he want to go to the library? Read the dialogue and mark T or F. 1. Tony likes playing the guitar. ( ) 2. Tonys dad wants him to do his homework after dinner. ( ) 3. Tonys dad doesnt think he should go to the library too often. ( ) Step 5读后做 2 Now work in groups. Discuss what the problem is between Tony and his father. Give your advice. Read the conversation, finish Activity 4,5(完成后让学生小组内交流答案) 1. Why does Tony say he will do his homework after dinner? a) Because he wants a rest from schoolwork. b) Because he can do his homework in the library.2·1·c·n·j·y c) Because homework is less important than music. 2. Why does Tonys dad think Tony should not go to the library so much? a) Because he wants Tony to learn an instrument. b) Because working in the library stops Tony from playing the guitar. c) Because Tony will not have enough time to study. 3. How does Tony feel about the work in the library? a) It is more interesting than homework and should come first. b) It is not as important as homework. c) It is good because he can help the community and read books there at the same time. Complete the passage with the words in the box. community consider habit instead knowledge shame Tony wants to go to the library, because he works there to help the (1)_. He can also read books there and increase his (2) _. But his father thinks it is a (3) _ that Tony does not (4)_ his homework to be more important. He wants Tony to get into the (5)_ of doing his homework (6)_ of doing other things first after school. Step 6理解意思 1) 学生自主学习,理解activity 3的意思,找出不懂的地方。 2) 小组内合作解决不懂的地方,再有疑难,小组间共同解决,教师适时点拨。 Step 7 Everyday English 让学生们说说这些句子在文中的意思。 Thats a shame. 真遗憾。常用在口语中。 3 No deal. 表示不同意,可译成“这不行”。 You mean 你是说;你的意思是 Thats not the point. 那不是我想说的。 Step 8 突破重点与难点 对重点内容和疑难问题进行合作探究学习。 1. I want you to get into the habit of doing your homework as soon as you come home from school. get into the habit of doing sth.的意思是“养成习惯”。 e.g. You should get into the habit of planning your work at the beginning of each week. 你应该养成每周伊始就安排好工作的习惯。 habit还能和其他动词搭配,表达不同的意思。例如: She has a habit of playing with her hair when she is nervous. 她有一紧张就抚弄头发的习惯。 2. It isnt necessary to do it now. necessary表示“必要的,必需的”。 Its necessary to do sth.表示“做某事是必要的”。 e.g. Its necessary to obey the school rules. 服从学校制度是必要的。 3. Thats a shame. Its a shame./Thats a shame./What a shame!经常用在口语中,表示“真遗憾。/ 多可惜啊!” e.g. -Tim says he cant come tonight. -Oh, thats a shame! -蒂姆说他今晚不能来了。 -噢,太遗憾了! 4. No deal,Tony. No deal.表示不同意,可译成“这不行”。deal在这里的意思是“协议”。在口语表达中我们常用deal表示“达成协议”。 e.g. -You wash the car and Ill let you use it tonight. 4 -Deal! -你洗车,我今晚就让你用车。 -说定了! 5. Tony, if you do all these other things instead of your homework, you wont have time to study. instead of+ n. / v.-ing表示“代替,而不是”。 e.g. Id like to go out instead of watching TV. 我喜欢出去而不是看电视。 6. Thats not the point. point表示“观点;看法”。Thats not the point.表示那不是我想说的。 e.g. Whats your point? 你想说的是什么呢? 7. Im sorry, but thats my last word. last word表示“最终决定”。 e.g. His wife always gets in the last word on everything. 凡事最终决定权总是在他太太手上。 8. You should consider what the most important thing is. consider v. 考虑;斟酌 consider后接名词或动词-ing形式,意为“考虑。 e.g. Please consider the suggestion. 请考虑这个建议。 I am considering buying a new computer. 我正考虑买一个新电脑。 9. 小组自我补充 10. 学生自主完成这些重点与难点。 自主完成后,小组合作,交流学习成果,共同释疑。 让学生朗读以上重点知识。 Step 9诵读积累 1. 跟录音机朗读对话,模仿语音语调。 If I start after dinner, Ill finish it before I go to bed. 5 If you start now, youll finish it before dinner. If you do all these other things instead of your homework, you wont have time to study. 2. 读熟对话 3. 默写,组长交叉监督,各组统计好分数,评出优胜小组。 Step 10说的训练 Work in pairs. Talk about the problems you have with: your schoolwork your parents(Activity 7) Step 11习题巩固 单项选择 1. What will you do if you _ to the old folks home visit? A. go B. went C. going D. will go 2. What are you going to do tomorrow? -Well go to the library tomorrow if it _. A. isnt rain B. rain C. wont rain D. doesnt rain 3. I hope you can get into the _ of having breakfast in the morning. A. guitar B. habit C. exam D. schoolwork 4. I like eating dumplings _ hamburgers. A. Instead B. instead of C. last word Step 12作业 如果你是Tony,你会如何处理作业的问题呢?请写一篇文章,介绍你的想法。60词左右。 6


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