九华山中英文导游词互译九华山导游词 各位游客大家好,我是安徽旅行社的导游王萍,欢迎大家来到有着莲花佛国之称的九华山旅游。我身边是司机李师傅。大家在九华山遇到我,我一定会让大家玩的开心,游得尽兴。最后预祝大家旅途愉快。 下面呢,我先向大家介绍一下九华山,它位于安徽省池州市,景色秀丽,古刹林立,与四川的峨眉山,山西五台山,浙江普陀山并称为中国四大佛教名山。我们的九华山之前并不叫九华山,在唐朝的时候叫九子山,因为九华山山峰秀丽,高出云层的山有九座所以叫做九子山。天宝年间,诗仙李白曾两次到此,先后写下“妙有分二气,灵山开九华”“天河挂绿水,秀出九芙蓉”等千古佳句,九华山因此而得名并一直沿用至今。 来到这佛教圣地,当然要感受一下佛的神气,那么今天我们就从这寺院最多的九华街景区开始,我将逐一的为大家介绍。 选在映入大家眼帘的是一座石门坊。横额上还刻着“九华圣境”四个大字,这可是康熙皇帝御书呢!过了石门坊,下面大家看到的就是迎仙桥了,这座桥建于乾隆年间,是一座单孔石拱桥。大家随我一起踏上这座古桥,我们一起步入仙境吧 大家看,过了桥正面就是祗园寺的大殿。祗园寺是国家重点寺院,规模是九华山四大丛林里最大的了。也是唯一的一座丛林寺院。它的山门偏离了大殿中轴线,大家知道这是为什么吗?因为啊,歪置山门是颇有讲究的,一来呢是为了辟邪,二来是门向朝着开山祖寺化城寺。在寺庙的前院墙上有一条石刻“泰山石敢当”5个大字十分醒目,大家来猜猜看这是做什么用的啊?呵呵,既然大家猜不出来那我就公布谜底啦,这个呢是我们祗园寺独有的,是用来辟邪镇妖的。 好,我们就走进这座古寺。过了山门就是天王殿,殿中央前面供的是笑口常开,袒胸露乳的弥勒佛。他的背后是韦驮菩萨。天王殿的左右分别是四大护国天王。好的,各位朋友,请跟随小王,我们继续往里走。 现在我们来到的就是大雄宝殿了,你们看,左为西方极乐世界教主阿弥陀佛,中间的是佛祖释迦摩尼。右边为东方净琉璃世界教主药师佛。后墙的两边是文殊和普贤菩萨坐像,两侧还有十八罗汉,大殿背墙还有一组高20米。宽7米的巨型海岛塑有救苦救难大慈大悲的观世音菩萨及善财童女等大小近百尊塑像。好的,后面的朋友请跟上队伍,咱们前往另一个地点。 出了祗园寺,我们就来到化城寺,化城寺位于化城盆地中心而得名,是九华山的开山祖寺。各位向我手指的地方看,在我们不远的池前广场中有一座石条垒成的塔基,那就是娘娘塔。据说金地藏的母亲得知金地藏卓锡九华之后,不远万里跋涉寻儿回归。由于一路风霜雨露,眼睛快要失明了,金地藏就用广场边上一口井里的泉水给母亲洗眼。终于感动了上天,治好了母亲的眼睛。金地藏更用心伺候母亲,并向她细说姻缘,终于被感悟,留山助儿护佛。后人在广场上建此塔纪念她。 沿着这条小巷右转转去,我们就来到九华山的象征肉身宝殿。九华山的气候温和,雨量充沛,按常规推理常人一旦去世,肉躯很难保存,但奇怪的是,在九华山屡屡发现圆寂后的和尚和尼姑肉身不腐,肉身宝殿中安藏着金地藏肉身,俗称肉身塔,又名“地藏坟”。肉身宝殿绿茵萦绕,环境优美,游人众多,香火旺盛,每逢地藏法会,这里更是人山人海。 好了,今天的的游览就即将接近尾声了,感谢大家这一路上的合作与支持,途中照顾不周的地方还请大家包涵。九华山水看不够,佛需看缘在重游,期待和大家再次相逢。最后祝大家一路顺风。Travelers Hello, I travel service guide Wang Ping, Anhui, welcome to the Lotus Buddhist Kingdom of jiuhuashan tourism. My side is the driver Master Li. Everyone I encountered in jiuhua mountain, I'll make you a good time, swim to your content. Finally, we wish you a pleasant journey. Below, I first highlight the jiuhua mountain, which is located in chizhou city, Anhui Province, has beautiful scenery, ancient temple stands, and Emei mountain in Sichuan province, Wutai Mountain in Shanxi province, and PuTuo mountain in Zhejiang Province known as China's four famous Buddhist mountains. Before our jiuhua mountain is not called jiuhua mountain, nine children at the time of the Tang dynasty mountain, jiuhua mountain is beautiful, up from cloud nine so called mountain. Tianbao, when Li Bai's first to this, he wrote "wonderful two gas, open jiuhua mountain" "milky way hung green, hibiscus show chujiu" eternal beauty, jiuhua, hence the name, and has been used ever since. Come to this Buddhist shrine, of course, to feel listless, so today we're starting from the largest monastery of jiuhuajie scenic spot, I will introduce them one by one. Selected in the us into the eye is a crosscut square. Banners also engraved "jiuhua sacred" four characters, this is the Imperial Emperor! Shimen square, you see below is the penny bridge, this bridge was built in Qianlong, stone arch bridge is a single hole. You along with me on the old bridge, we entered the Wonderland bar You see, cross the bridge in front is the main hall of zhiyuansi. Zhiyuansi is a national key temples, the scale is the largest of four jungle in jiuhua mountain. And only a jungle Temple. Its entrance off the main hall in the axis, do you know why this is? Ah, and reset the gate was quite particular about, it is designed to ward off evil, because the doors to the temple towards the mountain of ancestral temple city. In front of the temple there is a stone on the walls of "mount Tai Shih" 5 characters are smart, we guess this is what Ah? Oh, and since we can't come out then I'll publish mystery, this one is unique to our zhiyuansi, is a town used to ward off evil demons. Well, we went into the old temple. After the gate is King's Hall, Central is available in front of the Hall laugh often, and bare chest exposed breast of Maitreya. Behind him is the skanda Buddha. Left and right respectively of the temple are four State-protecting the planet. Well, dear friends, please click the little King, where we continue to go. Now we come to is the main hall, you see, left for the Western world of ultimate bliss founder of Amitabha Buddha, is in the middle of the Buddha shijiamoni. NET world leader of Eastern Buddha on the right. Is Samantabhadra and Manjusri seated on either side of the rear wall, on both sides there are 18 arhats, Hall also has a set of 20 meters high back wall. 7 meters wide and giant plastic Island jiukujiunan Guanyin Bodhisattva and the wealth of the merciful Virgin, size nearly hundred statue. OK, back, please keep up with the team, we went to another place. Out of the zhiyuansi, we came to the city of temple, Temple basin is located in city center of city is named, is the ancestral temple jiuhuashan mountain. You look where my fingers, not far from our pool in the square in front of a stone-built tower base, that is the goddess Tower. Gold is said to hide after the mother was informed that King Dizang Zhuo Xi JIU hua, miles trek to seek reunification. Due to the wind and frost and rain all the way, his eyes going blind, gold hidden on square on the edge of a well, spring eye wash to his mother. Finally touched up, healed the mother's eyes. Gold hidden more carefully to serve mothers and detail to her marriage, was finally feeling, help protect Buddha. People built this tower on the square to commemorate her. Along this lane turn right to go to, we got the symbol of jiuhua mountain-the flesh Palace. Jiuhuashan's mild climate, abundant rainfall, usual reasoning ordinary dies, flesh body is hard to save, but the strange thing is, frequently found in jiuhua mountain after the death of monks and nuns in the flesh does not rot, flesh Palace Angolan gold hidden reservoir body, commonly known as flesh Tower, also known as "hidden graves". The flesh Palace boasts a haunting, beautiful environment, numerous visitors, incense and strong, every Tibetan law, there is a sea. Well, today paid a visit to be drawing to a close, thank you very much cooperation and support in this way, also drew covers for poor care en route. Jiuhua mountain water is not enough margin you want to re-visit, anticipation and we meet again. Finally I wish you bon voyage.