乙醇提纯 的工艺和方法==.docx
乙醇提纯 的工艺和方法=乙醇提纯 的工艺和方法 一、实验原理 (experimental principle ) 根据有机物的沸点不同,对其先后被分离的顺序,进行收集。 (According to the boiling point of organic matter is different, the order of the separation was successively, collect. ) 二、仪器与药品(Instruments and drug ) 铁架台、酒精灯、冷凝管、蒸馏头与尾接液管、沸石、温度计套管、温度计、橡胶管、长颈漏斗、量筒、工业酒精、生石灰、氯化钙、 ( Derrick platform, alcohol lamp, condensing tubes, distillation head and tail after liquid pipe, zeolite, thermometer casing, thermometer (150 degrees Celsius), rubber hose, long neck funnel, LiangTong, industrial alcohol, quick lime, calcium chloride, ) 三、装置图(Device figure ) 四、操作步骤 ( Operational steps ) 热源为水浴锅,将水浴锅放在铁架台上,铁圈下放酒精灯,酒精灯下放木块,以便调节火焰高度,将蒸馏装置安装好,将水放至圆底烧瓶球体的2/3处。 取下温度计套管,用长颈漏斗将60ml工业酒精注入圆底烧瓶内,加入2-3粒沸石,以及加入适量的生石灰,装上回流冷凝管,其上端接氯化钙干燥管 开始时用小火加热,观察液体汽化情况,并注意温度计读数,当蒸气上升到温度计水银部时,温度计读数急剧上升,适当调小火焰。 当温度计读数上升到64.5度左右时,换一个洁净的干燥的接受瓶干接液管,控制加热温度,收集馏分,温度计水银球在蒸馏过程中有液滴,保持镏分的流出速度为每秒1-2滴。 继续加热,当温度计读数上升到78度左右并稳定时,另换一个洁净干燥的接受瓶干接液管上,控制加热温度,收集77-79度的馏分,当温度突然下降或烧瓶内液体很少时,停止加热,稍冷后关闭冷凝水,收集馏分出的工业酒精。 清理实验现场。 ( For water bath pot, heat on pot on the metal will baths, iron ring down alcohol lamp, alcohol lamp to adjust devolved wood, fire height, will distillation unit installed, will water is put to round bottom flasks sphere 2/3 place. Take down the thermometer casing, with long neck funnel will inject round bottom 60ml industrial alcohol, join in a flask 2-3 grain of zeolite, and add a little lime, mount reflux condenser pipe, the top pick calcium chloride dry tube Start with small fire when heated, observation of liquid, and note the thermometer readings, when steam rising to thermometer mercury department, thermometer readings sharply reduce a little flame, appropriate. When the thermometer readings rise to 64. 5 degrees or so, change a clean, dry accept bottle dry after liquid pipe, control heating temperature, collect fractions, thermometer water during distillation has arguably, keep Ames points droplets out per second for speed 1-2 drop. Continue to heating, when the thermometer readings went up to 78 degrees or so and stable, another a clean, dry accept bottle dry after liquid pipe, control heating temperature, collect 79 degrees distillate fractions of 77, when the temperature suddenly slumps or flask to stop when the little liquid in the heat, cold, closed after a fraction of condensed water collected from industrial alcohol. Clean up the scene. )