中西方文化的特征1.中、西方文化的特征 从地理环境上看,中国文化起源于黄河文明,是在一个相对固定而且封闭的地域环境中发展形成的.自古以来,儒家思想、道家哲学、佛教、伊斯兰教以及基督教文化都曾在这块热土上相互碰撞、交流和融会贯通,共同形成了以含蓄、包容为特征的中国文化,加上漫长的封建社会政治体制的统治,构筑起高度发达的文化体系。1.1 the characteristics of Chinese and Western culture Geographically,Chinese culture originated from the Yellow River Civilization,and was progressed and formed in a relatively settled and closed geographically environment.From days of old,Confucianism,Taoism philosophy,Buddhism,Islam and Christian culture have ever collided,communicated and integrated with each other on this earth.,and built Chinese culture features implicit and compatible together.In addition,under the long domination of political system of feudal society,highly advanced cultural system has been built.与此相对,西方文化是以围绕着地中海的北非的尼罗河文明、西亚的两河流域文明、爱琴文明以及南欧的古希腊、古罗马文明为基础,经过来自北方的日耳曼民族大迁徙而形成的。 西欧诸国经过在中世纪的发展和拜占庭文化的滋养,特别是基督教文化的发展,从而形成与远东的中国完全不同的基督教文化圈。在这个文化圈中生存着众多的种族,存在着性格不同的文化,这些文化之间相互碰撞、交流和融合,形成了一种跃动的、积极进取的性格特色。 By contrast,the formation of western culture was caused by the great migration of Germans from north and based on Nile Civilization of Mediterranean and North Africa,Mesopotamia Civilization, Aegean Civilization and civilization of ancient Greek and ancient Rome of southern Europe.With the development of the Middle Ages and the nourishment of Byzentium culture,especially the development of Christian culture,Christian culture circle which is totally different from far east Chinese has been formed. In this culture circle where many races lived,there was culture with distinct characteristics,which collided,communicated and integrated with each other and then turned out to be a vivid and dynamic characteristic.中国文化与西方文化相比,前者是在一个相对固定的地域环境中发展繁荣起来的,具有相对单一而鲜明的个性特色,属个体发生性质;后者则跨越亚、非、欧三大洲,在一个广阔的地域环境中,由多种文明相互混合,交替支配和影响,伴随着民族的迁徙、文化的移动而形成的,具有混合性特色,属系统发生性质。Comparing Chinese culture with western culture,the former boomed in a relatively settled geographical environment and has relatively single and distinct pesonality characteristics,so it belongs to the type that individiual courses quality;while in a large geographically environment ,as the migration of tribes and the movement of culture, the latter,across three continents which are Asia,Africa and Europe,was formed by the blend,alternation and influence of various civilization and characterized by a mixed nature,so it belongs to the type that system courses quality.