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    中英文员工手册员工手册 Employee Manual 目 录 Table of contents 第一章总则 Chapter 1 General 第二章考勤管理规定 Chapter 2 Work Attendance Regulation 第三章福利制度 Chapter 3 Welfare regulation 第四章薪酬制度 Chapter 4 Salary Regulation 第五章考核规定 Chapter 5 Performance Assessment Regulation 第六章聘用及岗位管理 Chapter 6 Recruitment and Position Management 第七章培训制度Chapter 7 Training Regulation 第八章人事档案管理制度 Chapter 8 Personnel Archives Management Regulation 第九章人力资源管理系统和互联网的使用 Chapter 9 Human Resources Management System and internet usage 第十章保密制度 Chapter 10 Confidential Regulation 第十一章奖惩制度 Chapter 11 Reward and Punishment Regulation 总则 General 第一条为规范公司的人事管理,特制定本规定。Article1 these regulations are specially stipulated to serve the need of standardizing the companys personnel management. 第二条本公司员工的聘用、考勤、休假、行为规范等事项均按本规定办理。Article2 Staff recruitment, attendance, Leave & Holiday, code of conduct, etc matters in the company will be in accordance with these regulations. 第三条本公司各级员工,均应遵守本规则各项规定。Article3 Company employees at all levels shall comply with these regulations. 考勤管理规定 Work Attendance Regulation 第一条作息时间 Article1 work and rest time 一、公司实行八小时工作制,标准工作日为一周五天,周一至周五,周六、周日为公休日。First, the company adopts eight-hour day working system. The standard workday is 5 days per week. The working days are from Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday are public holidays. 二、工作时间为上午8:30至12:00,下午13:30至18:00。Second, working hours are from 8:30 am to 12 am in the morning and are from 1:30 pm to 6 pm in the afternoon. 三、法定假日依国家规定,按公司具体办法执行Third, statutory holidays will be in accordance with state regulations and be executed as per companys specific measures. 第二条考勤制度 Article2 Attendance system 公司实行上下班考勤制度。员工必须准时上下班。员工在上午8:30之后到达本公司为迟到,下午18:00之前擅自离开本公司为早退。因公外出时,应经部门主管批准并登记后方可离开。The company implements “Punch in/out” attendance system. Staff must clock in and out timely. An employee who arrives at the company after 8:30 am in the morning is deemed as lateness and an employee who leaves the company before 6 pm is considered as tardy. An employee who needs to go out for business affairs shall register and be approved by his/her department supervisor before leaving. 行政人事部每月1日至3日统计上月的考勤情况,各部门须在每月2日前将部门考勤确认情况上报行政人事部,同时附上请假条和加班表。员工可在每月2日前查阅本人考勤情况。Each month, from 1st to 3rd, the administrative and human resources department shall do the last months attendance statistics. Each department shall report the confirmed info of its department attendance to the administrative and human resources department before 2nd, with written request for leave and overtime tables together. Employees can check their own monthly attendance before 2nd. 配置有考勤系统的公司的所有员工,每天上下班时都必须亲自打卡并接受监督。考勤卡只能本人使用,任何人不得代为打卡。代打卡行为属于严重违反公司劳动纪律,代打卡者及委托代打卡者将被扣除当月奖金或工资200元,委托代打卡者计旷工一天,并根据情节轻重给予通报批评及至解聘的处分。All employees who are equipped with attendance system must personally punch and accept supervision. The timecard can be only used by the cardholder himself/herself. Being behalf of others to punch is not allowed and is deemed as serious violations of companys labor discipline. The entrusted employee and the requester will both be deducted that months bonuses or 200RMB from that months wages. Besides, the requester will be deemed as 1-day absenteeism and be given notice of criticism or even dismissal as per the seriousness. 员工应妥善保存好考勤卡,丢失者或损坏者赔偿20元的考勤卡工本费。 Employees should keep timecards properly. Compensation for loss or damage of timecard will be 20RMB for card replacement. 每月忘打卡3次以上的,每次扣20元;商务代表外出时须在公司内部进行登记。 An employee who forgets to punch for more than 3 times (excluding) will be deducted 20RMB per time (regardless of position); Business representatives must register before going out. 员工早晨到岗忘带卡时,必须在前台处进行考勤登记,本人和前台人员签字确定。下班前需于18:00分之前到前台处进行考勤登记,本人和前台人员签字确认。In the morning, if an employee forgets to take the timecard to punch in, he/she shall go to the receptionist to do the attendance registration by making signature with reception staff together. Before off duty, the employee will also need to do the attendance registration with reception staff before 6pm. 因公外出须在外出和归来时刷卡,并由经理将外出原因注明在考勤单上,不做缺勤和扣薪处理。An employee who needs to go out for business shall punch in and out. And his/her manager must make notes of reasons on the Attendance Sheet. In this way, the employee wont be considered as absenteeism and be incurred deduction on his/her salary. 第三条迟到早退的处罚Article3 Punishment for Lateness and Tardy 一、按月统计,不论迟到/早退时间多少,每一次均记迟到/早退一次,累计三次以上者,开始累记惩罚;First, by monthly statistics, regardless of how much time for lateness or tardy, each time will be recorded as lateness/tardy one time. Cumulative time exceeds 3 times (excluding 3 times), the accumulation of punishment will begin. 二、迟到/早退在5分钟以内的,累计惩罚每次扣50元;Second, lateness / tardy within 5 minutes, the cumulative penalties will deduct 50RMB from performance pay per time; 三、迟到/早退在5分钟以上、30分钟以内的,累计惩罚每次扣50元。Third, lateness / tardy for more than 5 minutes but within 30 minutes, the cumulative penalties will deduct 50RMB from performance pay per time; 四、迟到/早退超过30分钟但在4小时以内的,每次另按一天事假计算。此项单独累计三次加计旷工一天,单独累计5次加计旷工二天,单独累计5次以上加计旷工三天和计过一次。Fourth, lateness /tardy for more than 30 minutes but within 4 hours will be deemed as 1 day personal leave. Furthermore, absenteeism for 1 day in additional calculation will start if the above-mentioned behavior accumulates for more than 3 times (including 3 times). If it reaches 5 times, additional calculation will be equal to 2 days of absenteeism. If it reaches more than 5 times, additional calculation will be equal to 3 days plus 1 time demerit record. 五、迟到/早退超过4小时的,每次另按旷工一天计算;此项单独累计2次以上按辞退处理。Fifth, every lateness / tardy reaches more than 4 hours will cause extra calculation equal to 1 day absenteeism. When this item reaches more than 2 times, the staff will be dismissed. 六、迟到/早退每月累计惩罚超过5次的,另扣除岗位绩效工资50%。 Sixth, when the monthly cumulative lateness / tardy (without time limit) reaches more than 5 times, extra punishment will occur that is 50% of deduction on performance pay. 第四条旷工 Article4 Absenteeism 以下行为为旷工行为:、提供虚假病休证明骗取休假的;、未经主管部门或主管领导批准,擅自脱岗、离岗的;、因本人违法乱纪,被公安司法机关收容、审查、拘留、传讯不能执行正常工作的;、迟到或早退累计达到旷工标准的;委托代打卡的;、其它类似行为。Any of circumstances hereunder is deemed as absenteeism: (A) providing false evidence for defrauding sick leave; (2) off-site or leaving working area without the approval of the competent authorities or competent leadership; (3) failure to work normally due to investigation/detention/arraignment by Public Security Bureau because of violation to law and discipline; (4) cumulative lateness or tardy that reaches the standard of absenteeism; (5) request others to punch in and out for himself/herself; (6) other similar behaviors. 旷工的处罚:、旷工一天者,停发当月全部奖金,并每天扣发3天的工资;、一个月内连续旷工2天以上或一年之内累计旷工3天以上的,停发当月全部奖金,并每天扣发3天的工资,公司有权解除劳动合同而不支付经济补偿。Absenteeism penalties: () an employee who has behavior of 1-day absenteeism wont get all bonus of that month and will be deducted 3 days wages; () an employee, who has behavior of successive 2 days absenteeism (including 2 days) or whose cumulative absenteeism reaches 3 days (including 3 days) in 1 year, will be deducted all bonus of that months and 3 days wages. Besides, the company reserves the right to terminate the labor contract without needing to pay any financial compensation. 第五条病事假制度 Article5 Regulation on sick leave and personal affair leave 病假 Sick Leave 所有病假均须及时向经理请假。如因疾病临时休假,应及时通知部门负责人,并及时补交请假/休假申请单。3天以内的病假,需在上班第一天补交请假/休假申请单;长期病假,须由本人或亲属在条件允许时及时补交。 All of sick leave shall be reported to department manager timely. Temporary leave due to illness shall be reported to the manager promptly and then Leave Application Form shall be made up and submitted timely. The form of sick leave application within 3 days shall be submitted on the First Day of returning to work. The form of applying for long-termed sick leave shall be submitted timely on his/her own or by his/her relatives when condition permits. 两天以上病假需出具二级以上医院的有效证明,无有效证明者按事假处理,情况不属实或提供虚假证明者,以旷工论处,并处以200元/天的罚款,直至对其予以开除处理。An employee who asks for 2 days (or more) of sick leave must submit valid proof provided by a hospital on municipal level and above. If the proof is invalid, such type of sick leave will be treated as personal leave. Fraud situation or evidence will be deemed as absenteeism. In that condition, the employee will be deducted 200RMB/per day till he/she is dismissed. 员工休婚假、丧假、产假、事假及年假期间患病的仍按原假考勤,不做病假处理。If an employee is sick during the period of marriage leave, bereavement leave, maternity leave, personal leave or annual leave, the leave application will be calculated as the same as the original leave instead of sick leave. 员工享受年假的,可以以年假优先冲抵病假。An employee who can enjoy annual leave has the priority of using the annual leave to offset the sick leave. 员工因患病或非因公负伤,需要停止工作进行医疗,根据本人实际参加工作年限,给予3个月到24个月的医疗期,以员工的基础工资为基数,按照下表比例给付病假工资。病假工资可以低于当地最低工资标准,但不低于最低工资标准的80%。An employee, who is sick or is wounded due to non-work injuries and then needs to stop working for health care, will be given 3- 24 months of medical treatment period as per his/her own actual work experience. The wage payment during the sick leave period will use the employees basic wage as the base and be provided as per the ratio in the following table. Sick pay can be lower than the local minimum wage standard but cant be less than 80% of the minimum wage standard. 给付比例工龄The payment proportion and working age 医疗期 3年以内 3-5年 5-XX年 10-XX年 15-XX年 XX年以上 Medical treatment period within 3 years 3-5 years 5-10 years 10-15 years 15-20 years 20 + years 1个月以内within 1 month 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 80% 85% 90% 100% 100% 100% 3个月以内within 3 months 6个月以内within 6 months - 60% 80% 90% 100% 100% - 60% 80% 90% 100% 60% 80% 90% 60% 80% 60% 9个月以内within 9 months 12个月以内within 12 months - - - 18个月以内within 18 months - - - - 24个月以内 within 24 months - - - - - 事假 Personal Leave 员工申请事假,需经部门经理批准后方可执行。请假须提前一天填写请假申请表,如确有特殊情况,口头申请的事假限一天以内,经上级经理同意后方可请假。If an employee wants to take personal leave, he/she needs to get the department managers approval first before leaving. The Leave Application Form shall be submitted 1 day prior to leave. If there is special situation indeed, oral application is limited within 1 day and needed to get the approval of immediate manager. 事假以小时为计假单位,原则上员工月事假累计不得超过1个工作日,如有特殊情况须请假3天以上的,须提前一周报部门经理,经主管副总经理以上领导批准交行政人事部备案后方可生效。各部门经理请假由其直属上级批准并报行政人事部备案后方可生效。事假期间员工不得享受公司提供的相关福利。连续事假30天以上的,原则上按暂时停薪留职处理,且公司保留中断其社保福利的权利。The personal leave will be calculated based on hour. In principle, an employees cumulative personal leave shall not exceed 1 working day per month. If there is any special situation that requires more than 3-day personal leave, the applicant shall report to his/her department manager 1 week in advance. Only after the deputy general manager of the above leadership approves the leave application and then transfers to the administrative personnel department for filing, can the 3-day or more personal leave application be effective. The personal leave application from each departments manager can be valid after his/her immediate supervisor approves and the application is filed by administrative personnel department. Employees shall not be entitled to companys related benefits during the period of personal leave. An employee who has successive personal leave for more than 30 days (including 30 days) can maintain his/her position without wage payment in principle. Besides, the company can reserve the right to interrupt his/her Social Security benefits. 事假按天扣除对应全额工资。The personal leave will cause corresponding full salary deduction based on day (wages and grants expenses). 非销售岗位病事假其他规定 provisions for other non-sales positions on sick/personal leave 病/事假累计天数固定工资执行时间Sick / personal leave days accumulated and execution time of a fixed salary 5个工作日当月病/事假累计, 公司保留下浮固定工资10%的权利. 全年病/事假累计计算按员工签署的劳动合同期为统计周期,在劳动合同生效期间,请假天数累计达到相关规定天数,公司可随即按相关规定执行。5 working days that months accumulated sick/personal leave, the company reserves the right of declining 10% of fixed salary. The accumulative calculation of annual sick/personal leave will use the labor contract duration signed by the employee as the statistical period. During the period of valid labor contract, if the accumulative days off reach the relevant allotted days, the company can execute as per relevant regulations. 11个工作日<全年病/事假累计21个工作日, 公司保留下浮固定工资15%-30%的权利11 working days <annual sick / personal leave days accumulated 21 working days , the company reserves the right of declining 15% -30% of fixed salary 21个工作日<全年病/事假累计32个工作日, 公司保留下浮固定工资30%-50%的权利 21 working days <annual sick / personal leave days accumulated 32 working days , the company reserves the right of declining 30%-50% of fixed salary 全年病/事假累计>32个工作日, 公司保留下浮固定工资50%以上的权利Annual sick / personal leave accumulated> 32 working days, the company reserves the right of declining more than 50% of fixed salary 福利制度Welfare regulation 第一条国家法定假日Article1 Statutory holidays 法定节假日依据国家规定,按公司具体办法执行。Statutory holidays will be in accordance with state regulations and be executed as per companys specific measures. 第二条带薪年假 Article2 Paid annual leave 一、员工在公司工作时间满一年者,可以享受2天带薪年假,连续工作满两年的可享受5天/年带薪年假;受聘为部门经理以上职务的人员,工作满一年便可享受5天/年的带薪年假;在公司工作满五年的部门经理以上职务的人员可享受7天/年的带薪年假。Employees who do not belong to management team work in the company for successively 1 year (from the on-boarding date, include the probation period) are entitled to 2-day paid annual leave (shall not be taken cross the years); Employees who do not belong to management team work in the company for successively 2 years or more are entitled to 5-day paid annual leave (shall not be taken cross the years). Department managers and above leadership who work in the company for successively 1 year are entitled to 5-day paid annual leave (shall not be taken cross the years); Department managers and above leadership who work in the company for successively 5 years are entitled to 7-day paid annual leave (shall not be taken cross the years). 二、凡要求休年假者,须提前一周填写请假/休假申请单,报上级经理批准后方可休假。未经批准强行休假者,按公司考勤制度规定以旷工处理。在一个服务年度内已休产假和/或婚假的员工,不再享受该年度所属的带薪年假。跨服务年度休产假、婚假者,假期所属年度视为前一个年度。Those who want to take annual leave shall fill the Leave Application Form 1 week in advance. After getting the approval from immediate manager, the applicant can then begin to enjoy annual leave. Annual leave without permission first will be deemed as absenteeism. If an employee has enjoyed the maternity leave or marriage leave in a service


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