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    介词with的用法详解 今天给大家带来介词with的用法,让我们一起来学习吧。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。介词with的用法详解一、词义1.和一起;由陪同;有在场Would you like to go to the theatre with us?你愿意和我们一起去剧院看戏吗?The money is on the table with the shopping list.钱和购物清单都在桌子上呢。2.随着With time passing by, they have grown into big boys and girls.随着时间的流逝,他们都长成大小伙子和大姑娘了。The shadows lengtheded with the approach of sunset.随着太阳下落,影子也逐渐伸长。3,带有(可以作定语,也可以表伴随)We need a person with a knowledge of European markets.我们需要一个熟悉欧洲市场的人。He looked at her with a hurt expression.他带着受伤的神情看着她。4.用(表示使用工具或器具)It is easy to translate with a dictionary.借助字典进行翻译就会很容易。You can see it with a microscope.用显微镜就能看见它了。5.因为;由于The small child trembled with fear.这小孩吓得直打哆嗦。It is very stuffy in the room, with all the windows closed.由于窗户都关着,屋子里非常闷。6.尽管With all her faults he still loves her.尽管她有那么多缺点,可他仍然爱着她。7.用以表示方式、情况、环境或条件Ill do it with pleasure.我很高兴做这件事。She fell asleep with the light on.她开着灯睡着了。二、辨析1.and 和with两者都有“和”的意思。and是连词,with是介词。当and连接两个主语时,谓语动词一定是复数;而with要看“真正主语”的单复数,也就是with前方的名词。如:Tom and his mother often _(go) shopping on weekends.Tom with his mother often _(go) shopping on weekends.and连接两个主语,Tom和妈妈,两个人肯定是复数,所以要用动词原形go; with 要看前方的主语,是Tom一个人,所以要用单数goes2.as和with两者都有“因为”“随着”的意思。不管什么意思,两者的核心区别就在于:as要接从句;with只接短语With our teacher coming, the class become silent.As our teacher comes, the class become silent.三、with的固定句式结构1.with +名词(相当于副词)with care = carefully2.with +名词+形容词with the window open3.with +名词+副词with the light on4.with + 名词+介词短语with a stick in his hand5.with +不定式with a lot of work to do6.with +名词+现在分词with the price going up so fast7.with +名词+过去分词with her bike stolen英语介词用法大全英语介词中from的用法:此介词表示“to”相反的方向;by:表示从旁经过或在附近,eg. This is the nearest road by which they came等。一、含义介词是一种用来表示词与词, 词与句之间的关系的词。在句中不能单独作句字成分。介词后面一般有名词代词或相当于名词的其他词类,短语或从句作它的宾语。介词和它的宾语构成介词词组,在句中作状语,表语,补语或介词宾语。二、分类1.常用简单介词:about, across, against, among, after, at, behind, besides, beyond, by, concerning, beneath, between, despite, except, during, down, for, from, past, than, under, until 等。2.合成介词:inside, outside, onto, out of, within 等。3.短语介词:according to, ahead of, along with, as for, because of, be means of, due to, in spite of, on behalf of, owing to, with regard to 等。三、介词与“的”之关系在英语学习中,一遇到“的”,大家就会立刻想到s 所有格或者of。实际上,在很多情况下,“的”必须借助于介词才能准确表达。 美国的冬天 the winter in America 停车场的入口 the entrance to the parking lot 穿过森林的小路 the path through the forest 鲁迅的著作 the works by Lu Xun 水中的月亮 the moon reflected in water 历史的见证 the witness to history 对爱的渴望 a longing for love 对我们不利的证据 the evidence against us 阳光下的漫步 a walk in the sunlight 追求名誉的女人 a lady after fame 两人之间的争论 an argument between the two persons四、重要介词的重要用法(1)from:此介词表示“to”相反的方向。He came from London.He went to London.二词常搭配使用“from. to.”We studied English from morning to afternoon.Hell start from Beijing to Shanghai.经典用法: 由于 The girl is trembling from fear. 免除 Tramps are always free from care. 流浪汉们总是无忧无虑。 分开 The couple parted from each other at the airport. 由制成 The red wine is made from grapes. 红葡萄酒是由葡萄制成的。由from引导的惯用法:from far 从远处from now / then on 从现在/那时起from bad to worse 每况愈下from time to time(occasionally 时而)习语:She comes to visit me from time to time.(2)out of:表示与"into"相反的语意。He will be out of town.I stepped out of the dark room.out of+ 名词 (= lack, to be without 用完,用光)He went to the shop because he was out of paper.out of date (= old-fashioned 过时的)The book has been out of date.out of work (= jobless 失业的)He needs money because be is out of work.out of the question (= impossible 不可能的)Finishing the hard work is out of the question.out of question (= doubtless 毫无疑问的)That he can do it well is out of question.out of order(= not functioning 失灵的)Her radio is out of order, so she cant listen to it.(3)by:表示从旁经过或在附近。He passed by me without saying hello.He lives by the sea.经典用法: 通过This is the nearest road by which they came. 在时候The young man works by day and steals money by night. 由所生He has two sons by her second wife. 抓住She caught her child by his coat in the flood. 按计算The farmers sell their apples by the pound. 就(气质,特征)而言He is an artist by temperament(气质).用于被动语意,导出动作执行者:The glass was broken by the boy.by + 具体时间:They usually have dinner by 8 oclock.by + 交通工具 (bus, train, plan.):He travelled to Paris by air/plane.by the end of + 时间名词:到末为止By the end of last year, they had learnt 100 texts.By the end of this term, they will have learnt 100 texts.by then:到那时He will graduate in 1999, by then he will leave Beijing.by way of (= via):经由,取道They are going to the United States by way of Hong Kong.by the way:顺便问By the way, do you know where Mr. Li has gone?by far:得多(用于修饰比较级和.级)The book is by far the best on the subject.by accident:不小心,与on purpose(故意地)语意相反The wrong information was put into the computer by accident.1.Ina.In用于室内或室外的场所。in a room / in a building在房间/大楼里in a garden / in a park在花园/公园里I have two TVs in my house.我房子里有两个电视。They live in that building over there.他们住在那栋楼里。b.in与水域进行搭配in the water在水里in the sea在海里in a river在河里I like swimming in lakes when the weather is hot.我喜欢天气热时在湖里游泳。You can catch fish in the river.你可以在湖里捉鱼。c.in和行、队伍等进行搭配in a row / in a line一行in a queue一队Lets stand in line and get a ticket to the concert.站成一行,买票去听音乐会。We had to wait in a queue to get into the bank.我们只得站成一队等着进入公园。d. in与城市、县、州、地区和国家搭配Peter lives in Chicago.皮特住在芝加哥。Helen is in France this month. Next month shell be in Germany.海伦这个月在法国。下个月她就在德国了。2.Ata.at与具体的地点进行搭配at the bus-stop在公交车站at the door在门边at the cinema在电影院at the end of the street在街的尽头Ill meet you at the movie theater at six oclock.我六点在电影院见你。He lives in the house at the end of the street.他住在街尾那间房子里。b. at与页面位置进行搭配The name of the chapter is at the top of the page.*名字在书页上端。The page number can be found at the bottom of the page.书页底部可以看到页码。c. at与一群人进行搭配at the back of the class在教室后排at the front of the class在教室前排Tim sits at the back of the class.蒂姆坐在教室后排。Please come and sit down at the front of the class.请过来,坐在教室前排。3.Ona.on与物体表面进行搭配on the ceiling / on the wall / on the floor天花板/墙/地板上on the table桌子上I put the magazine on the table.我把杂志放在桌子上。Thats a beautiful painting on the wall.墙上的画很漂亮。b. on与小岛进行搭配I stayed on Maui last year. It was great!去年我去了毛伊岛。那儿真是太棒了!We visited friends who live on an island in the Bahamas.我们拜访了住在巴哈马群岛的朋友们。c. on与方向进行搭配on the left左边on the right右边straight on往前直走Take the first street on the left and continue to the end of the road.在第一条街左转,然后继续走到路的尽头。Drive straight on until you come to a gate.一直往前开,知道看见一扇门。重要建议1.In / at / on the corner在角落我们会说in the corner of a room,at the corner (或on the corner)of a street。I put the chair in the corner of the bedroom of the house on the corner of 52nd Street.我把椅子放在52号街房子的卧室角落处。I live at the corner of 2nd Avenue.我住在二号大街的拐角处。2.In / at / on the front在前面我们会说in the front / in the back of a car(车子前方/后方)I get to sit in the front Dad!我要坐在爸爸前面!You can lay down and sleep in the back of the car.你可以躺下来,在车后面睡一下。我们会说at the front / at the back of buildings / groups of people(在建筑物/一群人前面/后面)The entrance door is at the front of the building.入口在建筑物前方。我们会说on the front / on the back of a piece of paper(纸张正面/背面)Write your name on the front of the paper.把你的名字写在纸张正面。Youll find the grade on the back of the page.你会在纸张背面看到分数。4.Into使用into来表示从一个地方到另一个地方的移动。I drove into the garage and parked the car.我把车开进车库,并停好。Peter walked into the living room and turned on the TV.皮特走进卧室,打开电视。5.Onto使用onto来表示某人将某物放在物体表面。He put the magazines onto the table.他把杂志放在桌子上。Alice put the plates onto the shelf in the cupboard.爱丽丝把碗放在碗柜的架子上。6.Out of当表示将某物拉出来或者离开房间时,可以使用out of。I took the clothes out of the washer.我把衣服从洗衣机里拿出来。He drove out of the garage.他把车从车库开出来。练习题做练习,检测自己的掌握水平。然后核对下面的答案。1. My friend now lives _ Arizona.(我的朋友住在亚利桑那州。)2. Go down the street and take the first street _ the right.(沿着这条街走,在第一条街向右转。)3. Thats a beautiful pictures _ the wall.(墙上的画很漂亮。)4. My friend lives _ the island of Sardinia.(我朋友住在撒丁区的一个岛上。)5. Hes the man _ the front the room.(他就是站在房间前面的那个人。)6. He drove the car _ the garage.(他把车开进车库。)7. Ill meet you _ the shopping mall.(我在购物中心见你。)8. I like to sit _ the back of the room.(我想坐在房间后排。)9. Tom went swimming _ the lake.(汤姆在湖里游泳。)10. Lets stand _ the line to see the movie.(站成一排去看电影。)答案1. in2. on3. on4. on5. at6. into / out of7. at8. in9. in10. in1分钟搞懂介词“with”的用法,很实用哦!11、同, 与, 和, 跟talk with a friend 与朋友谈话learn farming with an old peasant 跟老农学习种田fight quarrel, argue with sb. 跟某人打架争吵, 辩论 说明表示动作的词, 表示伴随随着, 和.同时change with the temperature 随着温度而变化increase with years 逐年增加be up with the dawn 黎明即起W-these words he left the room. 他说完这些话便离开了房间。22、表示使用的工具, 手段defend the motherland with one s life 用生命保卫祖国dig with a pick 用镐挖掘cut meat with a knife 用刀割肉33、说明名词, 表示事物的附属部分或所具有的性质具有; 带有; 加上; 包括.在内tea with sugar 加糖的茶水a country with a long history 历史悠久的国家44、表示一致在.一边, 与.一致; 拥护, 有利于vote with sb. 投票赞成某人with的复合结构作独立主格,表示伴随情况时,既可用分词的独立结构,也可用with的复合结构:with +名词(代词)+现在分词/过去分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语。例如:He stood there, his hand raised. = He stood there, with his hand raise.他举手着站在那儿。典型例题The murderer was brought in, with his hands _ behind his backA. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied答案D.with +名词(代词)+分词+介词短语结构。当分词表示伴随状况时,其主语常常用with来引导。由于本句中名词"手"与分词"绑"是被动关系,因此用过去分词,选D.注意:sympathize with sb. 同情某人be with sb. 赞成某人, 在某人一边55、表示随身携带在.身边Have you some money with you ? 你(身上)带钱了吗?Take an umbrella with you. 随身带把伞去。表示行为方式以., 带着Handle with care! 小心轻放!with accuracy 精确地with smile 面带微笑地serve the people with one s whole heart 全心全意地为人民服务66、后面加复合宾语, 表示伴随关系walk with a stick in one s hand 手拿拐棍走路sleep with the window open 开着窗睡觉77、表示原因 条件, 结果, 让步等关系由于, 因为; 当(有).情况下; 如果有; 虽然, 尽管jump with joy 高兴得跳起来shake with cold 冷得发抖She was dying with hunger. 她饿得要死了。W-all his money, he is unhappy. 尽管他有那么多钱, 他也并不愉快。对于, 关于, 就.来说They are friendly with us. 他们对我们很友好。We are pleased with the house.我们对这所房屋很满意。It is day with us while it is night with them. 对于我们此时是白天, 而对于他们则是夜晚。88、与副词连用, 构成祈使句On with your shoes! 穿上鞋!Off with your clothes! 把衣服脱下来!Down with terrorism! 打倒恐怖主义!介词with的用法详解


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