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    中考英语补全对话练习 ( A ) A: Can I help you ? B: Yes, please. Could you tell me the 1_ of the next train to Nanjing, please ? A: Nanjing ? Let me see yes, theres one 2_ in about an hour , at 14:40. B: Oh, good, what time does it 3_ ? A: Twelve 4_ past eight tomorrow morning. B: Thats fine. Whats the number of this train ? A: No. 24. You can get on the train 5_ Platform 4. B: I see. Thank you very much . ( B ) A: Christmas is coming. What are you going to do over it ? B: My friends asked me to 1_ with them. A: Thats great! Youll have a good time 2_ . B: Yeah. Maybe you can help. Id like to take something , but Im not 3_ what. A: Do your friends have any children ? B: Mm. Two. I think , one is six and the 4_ is four. A: How about a box of Christmas sweets ? Both parents and children can have 5_ together. B: Sounds great! Ill go for it after work. ( C ) A: Where do you come from , please ? B: Guess ! A: You come from Shanghai, dont you ? B: Yes, I do. 1_ did you guess it ? A: The 2_ you speak! When did you move here ? B: Two years ago. A: Why did you move here ? B: Because my father found work in Guangzhou, so we moved here at 3_ time. A: What does your father do now ? B: He 4_ maths in a school. A: Oh, he is a maths teacher. Could I ask him to help me 5_ my maths lesson ? B: Im afraid he cant . Hes in hospital now. He is ill. A: Im sorry to hear that . ( D ) A: Look! Theres a dictionary on the ground. 1_ dictionary is it ? B: Let me have a look. It 2_ be Lilys . It has her name on it. A: Lily ? Is she the girl who won the English speech contest ? B: Yes, its 3_. She is my best friend. A: How does she learn English ? B: By 4_ conversations with her friends. A: But she used to be shy ! She was afraid to speak in front of people. B: Yes, but noe she is outgoing. People sure change. A: Thats right. By the way, the winter holiday is coming . Where would you like to go ? B: Id like to go 5_ warm. What about you ? A: Im stressed out. Id like to relax on a beach. B: That sounds peaceful. ( E ) A: Mmm! That smells d_ . What are you cooking? B: Ive cooked some fish. Help yourself to some fish. A: Ok. Yes. Its g_. B: Here is some tomato juice. Have a t_ , please! A: Oh! Its terrible! B: Whats the m_? A: It t_ too sour. I cant stand. B: Drink some orange juice, and youll feel comfortable. ( F ) A: Excuse me! _can I get to the North Street Hospital? I dont know the way. B: _ down this street until you reach the second traffic lights. _ right. Its at the end of the road. A: Thank you very much. How long does it take? B: Itll _ you about half an hour. A: Its too long. Is there a _? B: Yes, The No.24 bus will take you there. A: Thank you very much. ( G ) A.: Where do you live, Lin Hui? B.: I live 1_ Shanghai. A.:2 _ do you go home for your holidays? B.: I usually go home by train. A.: How3 _ does it 4_ by train? B.: About 10 hours. A.: Well, its a long way. What about by plane? B.: Thats very 5_ . About two hours and fifty minutes. ( H ) A: Hello! This is Tony 1_ . Whos that ? B: Its me, Ann. A: 2_ the matter ? B: I want to 3_ todays physics homework. A: The teacher told us to do Exercise 2 4_ page 61. B: OK, 5_ . A: You are welcome.


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