中级口译社会生活 类.docx
中级口译社会生活 类社会生活 一、高频词汇、短语 平均寿命、平均预期寿命the average life span/the average life expectancy 人口爆炸population explosion 人口负增长negative population growth 电视连续剧a TV series 礼仪小姐ritual girl 电视台主持人host;hostess 新闻节目主持人anchorperson,anchorman,anchorwoman 义演benefit/charity performance 娱乐总汇an entertainment center 美容院a beauty salon 按摩院a massage parlor 桑拿浴a sauna 追星族celebrity worshipper 时装表演a fasion show 保健食品health-care food 健身运动body-building exercises;fitness exercises 健身娱乐设施fitness and entertainment facilities 健美热the beauty craze 发烧友fans;addicts;fanciers;zealots 脱口秀a talk show 整容a plastic surgery 音像制品audio and video tapes and disks 隐形眼镜contact lenses 选美比赛beauty contest 香港小姐Miss Hong Kong 自选商店self-service shops 美食节gourmet festival 烹饪艺术the culinary art 绿色食品green food 软饮料soft drinks 方便面fast-cooking spaghetti/instant noodles 黑匣子black box 庙会temple fair 集体婚礼a group wedding ceremony 婚外恋extramarital relations/affair 第三者the third party;the third person 早恋puppy love;calf love;cub love 养老院a nursing home for the aged 独生子女the only child 安乐死euthanasia;mercy-killing 同性恋男子、女子gay,lesbian 单亲家庭single-parent family 挂历wall calendar 跳槽job-hopping 人际关系interpersonal relations 民工rural labors;migratory workers from the countryside 家教home tutor 身份证the citizen identity card(ID card) 残疾人handicapped(disabled)people 情商EQ 猎头公司a head-hunting company 流动人口transient/floating/flowing population 小道消息hearsay 咨询公司a consultancy company 复印机photocopier/xerox/duplicator 家电electrical household appliances 斜拉桥stringed bridge 自动取款机an automatic teller machine(ATM) 申办奥运会bid for the Olympic Games 公证处a notary office 福利彩票welfare lotteries 吉尼斯世界记录Guinness 疯牛病mad cow disease 机场建设费airport construction fee 黑社会Mafia-style organizations;gangland 盗版piracy 腐败corruption 水货smuggled goods 洗钱money laundering 偷渡human smuggling 宰客swindle money out of customers 吸毒者a drug abuser 性骚扰sexual harassment 色情pornography 通缉犯wanted man 艾滋病AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) 生产力productive forces 生产工具the means of production 经济基础与上层建筑the economic base and the superstructure 个人主义individualism 拜金主义money worship 不正之风unhealthy practices 发扬正气encourage healthy trends 见义勇为的英雄人物justice-upholding volunteers 赌博gambling 二、高频短句 1、有些女士一想到穿着过时的服饰在公共场合被瞧见时,便会不寒而栗。新潮服饰的赶潮族年复一年地受到所谓的巴黎或罗马顶尖设计师的无情盘剥,却常常站在衣物满柜的衣橱前,悲叹自己已无衣可穿。 Some women shudder at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion.A fashion-follower,who is mercilessly exploited year after year by the so-called “top disigners” in Paris or Rome,often stands in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear. 2、从健康观点来看,我们生活在一个美好的时代。对许多最危险的疾病我们从出生起便具有了免疫能力。许多昔日的绝症可以为现代医药和外科手术治愈。 From the health point of view we are living in a marvelous age.We are immunized from birth against many of the most dangerous diseases.A large number of once fatal illnesses can now be cured by modern drugs and surgery. 3、我们的一生都在同邻居攀比。如果我们新购置一台电视机,我们的邻居会去购置一台更大更好的电视机。如果我们购置了一辆新车,我们的邻居肯定会去买一辆更好的车,甚至会买两辆新车。 We spend the whole of our lives keeping up with our neighbors,the Joneses.If we buy a new television set,Jones is bound to buy a bigger and better one.If we buy a new car,we can be sure that Jones will get one better,or two new cars. 4、今天是国际禁毒日。我们高兴地看到,世界各国正携起手来向毒品宣战。16天前,联合国大会结束了为期三天的世界反毒品特别会议,从而吹响了规模空前的全球反毒战的号角。 Today is the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.To our delight,countries around the world are joining hands to combat illicit drug abuse.Sixteen days ago,the General Assembly of the United Nations conculed a three-day Special Session of fighting the world drup problem,sounding a clarion call for an unprecedented worldwide war against drugs. 5、在过去,大多数美国妇女一直是当贤妻良母。很少有妇女能够在政治、社会和经济方面起主导作用。现在妇女们提出质问,难道现在不是到了该给每个妇女发挥才智和技能的机会,以便建设一个全社会都能得益的更美好的世界的时候了吗? In the past,most American women remained mothers and housewives.Few of them had been able to take leading roles in political,social and economic life.Now women asked if it was not time to give each woman a full opportunity to use her mind and skills in the building of a better world for all? 6、在世界上最走红的极为流行歌手中,拉美激情歌手瑞奇。马丁高居排行榜榜首,而且处处捧大奖。一股新的流行音乐之风正席卷美洲大陆,冲击世界浒乐坛拉美节奏卷土重来。 Among the worlds best-selling popular singers,Latin American Heart-throb Ricky Martin is one the top of the charts and winning awards everywhere.A new wave of musical trend is sweeping across American and the world-the Latin American sound rediscovered. 7、在这样一个大多数人只能靠为别人打工来维持生活的社会里,找不到工作是一个极其严重的问题。 In societies where most people can earn a living only by working for others,being unable to find a job is a serious problem. 8、失业者缺乏生活所必需的经济来源,感觉被社会排挤,有强烈的失落感,因此失业率用来衡量工人的福利状况。 Because of its human costs in deprivation and a feeling of rejection and personal failure,the extent of unemployment is widely used as a measure of workers welfare. 9、失业工人的比率也显示了一个国家从人力资源的使用程度,用来作为衡量经济活动的一个指数。 The proportion of workers unemployment also shows how well a nations human resources are used and serves as an index of economic activity. 10、没有人会怀疑这样一个不争的事实:艾滋病的祸端已经无处不在。曾几何时仅在非洲,美洲和海地流行的疾病现今渐渐威胁着亚洲,西欧和拉美。我们都心如明镜,艾滋是致命的,无药可治。近年来艾滋病所引发的恐惧已经达到了临界程度。 No noe would deny that the terrifying scourge of AIDS is spreading virtually everywhere.What was once a popular disease in Africa,America and Haiti is now a growing threat in Asia,Western Europe and Latin America.We all have a clear idea that AIDS is fatal,and there is no cure at all.So in recent years the fear it engenders has started to reach a critical mass.