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    blame的用法与搭配 今天给大家带来了blame的用法与搭配,快来一起学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。blame的用法与搭配(1) 因为某事而责备某人。如:He blamed me for negligence. 他责备我粗心大意。I dont blame you for doing that. 我不责备你做了那事。(2) 把某事的责任归咎于某人。如:He blamed his teacher for his failure. 他把自己的失败归罪于他的老师。2 . blame sth on sb 把某事的责任归咎于某人。如:The driver blamed the accident on the cyclist. 司机把事故的责任归咎于骑自行车的人。注:以上两类结构有时可互换,注意词序不同。如:He blamed the failure on me./ He blamed me for the failure. 他把失败归咎于我。3 . be to blame for sth 对(做)某事应负责任。如:You are not to blame for what happened. 对所发生的事不应该由你负责。Which driver was to blame for the accident? 那个司机应该对事故负责?Who is to blame for starting the fire? 火灾的引起应该由谁来负责?4 . put the blame on sb (把某事)归咎于某人。如:He put laid all the blame on me. 他把一切都归咎于我。The judge put laid the blame for the accident on the driver of the car. 法官把事故的责任归咎于汽车司机。blame的高级用法美国之音(The Voice of America)在2019年8月26日这一期,有一篇*Fears Grow Over Heat Dangers at Tokyo 2020 Olympics,里面讲了2020年东京奥运会,可能会遭遇酷暑,会给运动员带来很多危险。在这篇新闻报道里,出现了blame这个单词,但并不是“责备、谴责”的意思,而是“归咎于”的意思。这个含义,经常在新闻报道里面出现,如果你在英文写作里能使用这个表达,会显得你的文笔非常棒哦。There are growing concerns that heat and humidity during the Olympic Games in Tokyo next summer could be dangerous to the athletes. Summer temperatures in the Japanese capital often reach 35 degrees Celsius or higher. There also is strong sunshine and humidity can reach 80 percent. Earlier this month, a worker at the Olympic building area in the city died from heat stroke. This year, high temperatures beginning in late July were blamed for the deaths of at least 57 people.人们越来越担心,明年夏天在东京举办的奥运会,可能会出现高温和潮湿现象,对运动员很不利。东京夏天的气温经常高达35摄氏度或者更高。阳光也非常强烈,湿度可能会达到80%. 本月初期,奥运会工地上有一名工人因为中暑而死亡。七月初开始出现的高温,至少导致57人死亡。【用法剖析】A is blamed for B,意思是,A是导致事件B发生的原因,这里blame承接的是因果关系,而且没有太多的道德贬义,只是客观描述事情的起因。我们来看两个例句体会一下吧:My partner had been cooking the books for years, but because I was the CEO, I was blamed for our companys collapse.这么多年我的合作伙伴一直在做假账,但我是公司的CEO,所以公司倒闭我应该负主要责任。In Zambia and Mozambique, crocodiles are blamed for more deaths than any other animal. Nile crocodiles kill an estimated 300 people each year in Mozambique alone.在赞比亚和莫桑比克,鳄鱼杀死的人比其它任何动物都要多。仅在莫桑比克,尼罗河鳄鱼每年就杀死约300人。blame还有一个特别常见的用法:A is to blame for B. 意思也是,A导致的B,A应该为事件B的发生负责。来看两个例句:Japan and South Korea need to wake up to their real interests, but Mr Trump also has a duty to help. He is partly to blame for this mess. 日本和韩国应该认识到他们的真正利益,但是特朗普先生也有义务帮忙,因为对于这个混乱局面,他应该负一部分责任。(摘自经济学人2019年8月31日)Fires are devouring the Amazon, and Jair Bolsonaro is to blame .大火正在吞噬亚马逊丛林,雅伊尔博尔索纳罗(巴西总统)应该对此事件负责。(摘自英国卫报2019年8月24日)【名著引用】"Really, girls, you are both to be blamed," said Meg, beginning to lecture in her elder-sisterly fashion. "You are old enough to leave off boyish tricks, and to behave better, Josephine. It didnt matter so much when you were a little girl, but now you are so tall, and turn up your hair, you should remember that you are a young lady."“我说姑娘们,你们两个都不对,”梅格开始以姐姐的身份说教,“约瑟芬,你已经长大了,不应再玩男孩子的把戏,应该检点一些。你还是小姑娘时这倒没有什么,但你现在已长得这么高,而且网起了头发,就得记住自己是个年轻女士。”路易莎梅奥尔柯小妇人英语口语常用句型|I dont blame him forI dont blame him for.我不会为了责怪他。用法透视blame是责备和埋怨的意思,所以一般用人做宾语。若是要特别指出为了什么事而责怪,就在人之后加上for那件事。支持范例1. No, I dont blame him for it.不,我并不为那事责怪他。2. You neednt say sorry. I dont blame you.你没必要道歉,我不怪你。3. I dont blame you for losing my keys.我不会怪你丢了我的钥匙。会话记忆A: Arent you staying for the party?你不留下来参加晚会吗?B: No. Im tired and Ive got to work tomorrow.不,我累了。而且明天还得上班。A: I dont blame you for getting some rest.我不能因你要多点休息而埋怨你。B: Yeah. I need to.是啊。我真是需要休息的。Jenny说英语:blameThere is a controversy in children education. One side says we shouldnt be too strict with children, instead we should educate them with gentle words. The other side says when children do wrong, parents and teachers have the responsibility to scold them. If children dont get serious education, they may do more terrible things when they grow up.在儿童教育界一直存在一个争议。一方说我们不能对孩子太过严格,相反我们应该用温和的语言去教育他。另一方说当孩子做了错事,家长和老师有责任去用严厉的词语教育,甚至责骂他们。如果孩子没有得到严肃的教育,他们长大之后可能会做更可怕的事。Jenny小时候一直得到的是比较严肃的教育,母亲对我很严格。这样的方式有好有坏,好的一面是我会三思而后行,不良的一面是我过度谨慎,养成了怯懦的性格。不知道你们倾向于哪一种方式呢?Today we are going to talk about blame、scold and rebuke these words.1、blame.责备、责怪。指某人应对自己不好的行为负责,往往还有把自己当做评判人来评判某事,没有用言语来进行责骂的意思,也就是把事情怪到某人身上而已。He blamed Tom for the failure.他责怪汤姆造成了失败。和for连用的时候,blame for,后面的宾语接的是事情。They blamed him for the accident.他们责备他出了事故。和on连用的时候,blame on,后面的宾语接的是人。The police blame the accident on the driver.警方把事故的责任归咎于司机。2、scold.责骂,指唠唠叨叨地数说某人,多用于上级对下级,长辈对晚辈的责骂。Dont scold the child. Its not his fault.不要责骂那孩子,这不是他的过失。重要的短语有:scold sb. for doing sth.因为某人做了某事而责备他。Her father scolded her for upsetting her mother. 父亲斥责她惹母亲生气。3、rebuke.斥责、指责。这个单词的程度比上面两个单词都重,而且多用于正式的书面语,比如报刊杂志,电视广播。His statements drew a stinging rebuke from the chairman.他的申明收到主席严厉的谴责。这个词同样可以使用rebuke sb. for doing sth.这个格式。今天Jenny还是以考题的形式考察大家哦。请在下面问题的空格线上填上今天教学的三个单词。I never , even if my children made mistakes.我从不喜欢斥责,即使我的孩子犯了错误我也不发火。You can hardly him for not waiting for you. 你不能怪他不等你。I would not judge nor them.我既不会审判他们,也不会谴责他们。好的,今天的分享就到这里了,欢迎关注学英语口语。我是Jenny,我在这里等你"Blame " OPI词汇加油站ICAO4考试中OPI部分,三个维度“词汇”、“流畅度”、“错误率”很大程度上是决定成败的关键。平时多积累一些小词汇的运用,丰富口语表达基础,是解决上述三个维度的重要钥匙。最近喉咙发炎,就不配音了咳咳1、blame sth on sb/sth(to think or say that sb/sth is responsible for sth bad)把归咎于;责怪;指责The airline blames the delay on bad weather.航空公司把延误归咎于恶劣天气。Public blame the flight delay on control units.(public blame control units for the flight delay)公众把航班延误归咎于空管单位。Authorities blame the near miss on the controller/ pilots error.有关部门把危险接近归咎于管制员(或飞行员)过失。The captain blamed the level burst on severe turbulence.机长把大高度偏差归咎于严重颠簸。2、call for(to need sth; to publicly ask for sth to happen)需要;要求Controllers work calls for a high level of concentration.管制员工作需要精力高度集中。The depressurized flight calls for prompt descent.座舱失压航班需要立即下降。The aircraft with emergency fuel calls for immediate landing.出现紧急油量的飞机需要立即落地。The hijcaker may call for special requirements.劫机者可能有特殊要求。3、on the rise(increasing)增加,上涨The number of flight is on the rise year by year in our controlled airspace.我们管制区航班量逐年递增。The number of advanced ATC facilities is on the rise .先进管制设备数量不断增加。My work experience is on the rise after handling different abnormal situations.处理完各类不正常情况后我工作经验逐渐增长。Potential risk must be on the rise following controllers fatigue.管制员疲劳后潜在风险肯定会上升。blame的用法与搭配(文库搜索)


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