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    专四词汇辨析与搭配词汇辨析与搭配 词汇辨析 第1组:放弃 abandon 指完全、永远地放弃,尤其指对其负有责任或义务者,或者放弃一个项目或计划。 desert 强调故意违背自己的义务、责任或誓言等 forsake 指遗弃以前所爱的人或事物,着重于断绝情感上的依恋 quit 强调突然或出其不意的放弃,一般指“停止” give up 多用于口头,表示停止做某事 词汇搭配 第1组:about go about 散布,来往亲密 see about 负责处理 What about 1. 怎样做?2. 好吗?用于提出建议 come about 1. 发生 2. 成为现实 leave about 到处乱放 turn about 1. 向后转 2. 转过身来 be about to 即将 同义be on the point of (doing) 好了,下面布置作业。 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 abandon, desert, forsake, quit, give up You must _1_ your bad habits. He _2_ his wife and went away with all their money. The fort had been hurriedly _3_. You must _4_ smoking, or you wont survive. One friend of mine has decided to _5_ his highly-paid but demanding position in his company recently. 第一题:1. forsake2. abandoned3. deserted4. give up5. quit 词汇辨析 第2组:能力 ability指脑力或体力上能够干某事,通常暗示把某事办好的能力,后接to do, for, in 或 as,不可用of doing capacity常指做某事的潜力,也指容纳或吸收的能力,后面常接of, for 或to do faculty指在某一方面先天具备或后天造就的能力 talent强调在某一特殊领域,尤其是在艺术方面的天生的才能 词汇搭配 第2组:accord in accord with 与一致同in accordance/aggreement/line with of ones own accord 出于自愿,主动地同voluntarily with one accord 一致的,一致同意的同unanimously 好了,下面布置作业。 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 ability, capacity, faculty, talent My sister has a _1_ for music. These girls have the _2_ to learn languages easily. We found him work more suited to his _3_. The boy has great _4_ in long-distance running. 第二题:请用以下词组造句 of ones own accord,with one accord 第一题:1. talent2. faculty3. abilities4. capacities 第二题: of ones own accord:I commit myself to this care of my own accord with one accord:The board of directors passed the decision with one accord. 词汇辨析 第3组:取消 abolish指完全消除某项旧制度、法律或旧风俗等 cancel指某人因某种意想不到的原因而临时取消事前所决定的事 eliminate指淘汰或取消不需要的东西 词汇搭配 第3组:account account for 说明、解释 on account of 基于、由于 on all accounts 无论如何 on no account 决不 take into account 考虑、重视同take account of 好了,下面布置作业。 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 abolish, cancel, eliminate The flight to Tokyo is _1_ because of the strom. We must _2_ unnecessary expense. President Lincoln worked to _3_ slavery. 第二题:请用以下词组造句 account for, on account of, take into account 第一题:1. cancelled2. eliminate3. abolish 第二题: account for: His illness accounted for his absence on account of: The game was delayed on account of the bad weather.take into account: We should not take ones looking into account when we are judging his or her performance. 词汇辨析 第4组:缩短 abridge通过压缩删节而减少,但核心部分仍保留 shorten在长度、时间、范围等方面缩减 abbreviate指单词、短语通过压缩或省略某些部分而缩短 词汇搭配 第4组:acquaint acquaint oneself with 熟悉,精通,通晓 be / get / become acquainted with 与相识;了解;精通物 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 abridge, shorten, abbreviate We must _1_ the arm of enemy while building up our strength. It was _2_ from the original work. In the field of International Trade, “I owe you” is _3_ to IOU. 第二题:请用以下词组造句 acquaint oneself with, get acquainted with 参考答案:1. shorten2. abridged3. abbreviated 2.acquaint oneself with: I should have acquainted myself with my new duties. get acquainted with: Lets get better acquainted with each other. 第5组:吸收 absord指“被吸收着失去其特点”或“使其特点不复存在” assimilate吸收知识,理解,指“成为吸收者的一部分” take in吸收水分、空气等 sip一点一点的喝,啜饮 词汇搭配 第5组:absence absence from 不在,缺席,缺勤 absence of mind 心不在焉 in the absence of 不在时,外出期间;缺少,不存在 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 absord, assimlilate, take in, sip _1_ the fresh air, then I felt better. Shanghai has _2_ people from all over the country. She began to _3_ the hot soup after finished her meal. This enterprise would like to _4_ those small companies. 第二题:请用以下词组造句 absence from, absence of mind, in the absence of 第一题:1. took in2. assimilated3. sip4. absorb 第二题: absence from: The traffic accident caused the sales manager's absence from this meeting. absence of mind: Absence of mind during the class is not a wise action, cause you wouldl miss something important. in the absence of: The Red Army was highly in the absence of salt. 感谢您的参与,请继续支持。 词汇辨析 第6组:促进 stimulate刺激,鼓励,常指激励人们从懒散、心灰意懒中振作起来,还指人们对某事产生兴趣或奋发向上的情绪。 hasten催促、加速,加紧,指促使某人尽快做某事或使某事物尽快出现或结束。 promote提升、促进,指根据某特定的目的,鼓励和协助某种计划或运动向前发展 advance推进、促进,指加快进程,大多指具体的事物 词汇搭配 第6组:across get sth. across 使人领会,使人理解 across the country 遍及全国 come/run across 遇到 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 stimulate, hasten, promote, advance We are now _1_ this kind of product. The victory of the war _2_ people all over the country. He tried his best to _3_ his position. I _4_ my steps downstairs to catch the bus, however, I finally missed it. 第二题:请用以下词组造句 get sth. across,come/run across 第一题:1. promoting2. stimulated3. advance4. hastened 第二题:get sth. across: Do you think this book can get across to the readers?come/run across: Ive just come across a friend I haven't seen for ages. 词汇辨析 第7组:语言 language指一个民族、一个国家的语言 accent指一个人讲话的口音 dialect一个国家中某个地区使用的方言 tone说话人的口气、声音的高低或轻重 词汇搭配 第7组:act act as 担任职位 act for 代理,为尽力 act on/upon 按照行动;对起作用,对有效 好了,下面布置作业。 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 language, accent, dialect, tone He must come from the South, cause he has a Cantonese _1_. Franch is my mother _2_ while English is my second one. Dont speak to me in that impatiant _3_ . The play written in the _4_ is very popular in this area, but its hard to tell whether it would be also welcome all over the country. 第二题:请用以下词组造句 act as, act for, act on/upon 第一题:1. accent2. language3. tone4. dialect 第二题: act as: She acts as a robot in this newly released movie. act for: During his illness, his solicitor has been acting for him in his business affairs. act on/upon: The wine began to act on his behavior. 词汇辨析 第8组:容纳 hold指房间或大厅能容纳 contain用容器装纳,也可指房间、大厅等的容纳,着重“其中确实包含有” accommodate即可表示提供,也可表示容纳,指“舒适地容纳” 词汇搭配 第8组:add add to 增加 add up to 合计为 in addition 此外,另外 in addition to sth./doing 除之外,另外 好了,下面布置作业。 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 hold, contain, accommodate The bottle _1_ milk. I will _2_ you in my bedroom, while I can sleep in the setting room. This gym can _3_ 80,000 people. 第二题:请用以下词组造句 add to, add up to, in addition to sth./doing 第一题:1. contain2. accommodate 3. hold 第二题: add to: Dont add fuel to the fire. add up to: The whole number of the present added up to 2,000. in addition to sth./doing: In addition to having an aspirin to release his headache, he took a pill of hypnotic to peace himself asleep. 词汇辨析 第9组:完成 finish把一件事或一个动作做完,强调事情的了结、终止 complete完成一件指派或预定的任务,或完善、完整为完成的部分 end一个动作或一件事情的结束或终止 accomplish成功地完成预期的计划或达到预期的目的 词汇搭配 第9组:advance in advance 预先,在前面 in advance of 比进步 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 finish, complete, end, accomplish The football _1_ in a draw after a playoff, so it would depend on penalty kicking to decide the winner. Havent you _2_ your dinner yet? They can never _3_ their desire if they still lack of unity like this. When will work on the new school building be _4_? Its almost a new term now! 第二题:请用以下词组造句 in advance, in advance of 第一题:1. ended2. finished 3. accomplish4. completed 第二题: in advance:Prepare your umbrella in advance, since its raining in an hour. in advance of:Great scientistss idea are always in advance of the age in which he or she lived. 词汇辨析 第11组:获取 achieve完成,实现,强调由于极大努力,克服困难后达到目标 obtain取得,获得,只经过努力,或付出代价,或经过很长的时间而得到所需要的东西 acquire取得,获得,至今过不断的努力或积累而得到 gain往往指通过竞争获得某些有价值的东西 词汇搭配 第11组:advantage take advantage of 利用,乘机 to ones advantage 有利地,有效地 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 achieve, obtain, acquire, gain He finally hadn't been able to _1_ that CD. Some people go back for their education after they have worked for years to _2_ another degree. This football team has _3_ its goal of this year. Only after ten years living in the country could one _4_ his or her citizenship. 第二题:请用以下词组造句 take advantage of, to ones advantage 第一题:1. obtain2. acquire3. achieve4. gain 第二题: take advantage of: The murder killed the victim by taking advantage of the victims bad habbit. to ones advantage: The agreement is obviously to our advantage. 词汇辨析 第12组:成就 achievement指需要勇气和努力才能完成的异常危险和困难的事,其结果令人敬佩 accomplishment指需要学问或付出一定劳动后才能且已经完成的或做好了的事 feat“功绩,技艺,壮举”,指需要极大的勇气、智慧和力量或技术获得的成就,这一成就受人瞩目和佩服 词汇搭配 第12组:afraid be afraid of 害怕 be afraid to do sth. 不敢做某事 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 achievement, accomplishment, feat A widely known _1_ of radio electronics is an electronic calculating machine that can perform several thousand arithmetical operations in one second. Among her _2_ were sewing, cooking, playing the piano and dancing. His _3_ of bravery will be spread from generation to gerneration. 第二题:请用以下词组造句 be afraid of, be afraid to do sth. 第一题:1. achievement 2. accomplishment3. feats 第二题: be afraid of: Can you believe it? Such a man is afraid of cat! be afraid to do sth: The little girl is afraid to go to sleep alone without a lit light. 词汇辨析 第10组:准确 exact确切的,精确的,指数量或质量完全符合事实、真理或标准,没有丝毫差错 correct正确的,指合乎一定的标准或规矩,没有错误 precise精密的,指具有高度的精确性和准确性 accurate准确的,精确的, 指某人或某事不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入。 词汇搭配 第10组:advice give/offer sb. a piece of advice 给某人忠告 act on /follow/take ones advice 听某人的忠告 advice on sth 关于的建议 好了,下面布置作业。 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 exact, correct, precise, accurate _1_ dresse for some ceremonies is necessary for those who always attend them. Is your watch _2_? I suppose its 10 minutes slow. Keep this _3_ instrument away from the insolation and aquosity. I cant tell you the _4_ date, but it should be around Oct. 20. 第二题:请用以下词组造句 give/offer sb. a piece of advice, act on /follow/take ones advice, advice on sth 第一题:1. correct2. accurate3. precise4. exact 第二题: give sb. a piece of advice:The doctor give me a piece of advice on my health. take ones advice:If you take my advice, youll go to school early. 词汇辨析 第13组:承认 acknowledge着重“公开承认”,常用来指过去曾隐瞒或否认的事 confess着重承认自己的过错或罪恶 admit是指在压力下不得不承认已经证实或难以否认的事实 recognize指正式承认主权、权利等 词汇搭配 第13组:after after all 毕竟 ask after 询问 be/go after 追求,寻求 look after 照管 one after another 一个接一个地 take after 长得像,性格上像 好了,下面布置作业。 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 acknowledge, confess, admit, recognize He _1_ his mistake. The murderer _2_ to his crime. They officially _3_ it as the lawful government of the country. She _4_ having been defeated. 第二题:请用以下词组造句 after all, one after another, take after 第一题:1. admitted2. confessed3. recognized4. acknowledged 第二题: after all: We chose to take a plane after all. one after another: The students came into the classroom one after another. take after: You do take after your aunt. 词汇辨析 第13组:承认 acknowledge着重“公开承认”,常用来指过去曾隐瞒或否认的事 confess着重承认自己的过错或罪恶 admit是指在压力下不得不承认已经证实或难以否认的事实 recognize指正式承认主权、权利等 词汇搭配 第13组:after after all 毕竟 ask after 询问 be/go after 追求,寻求 look after 照管 one after another 一个接一个地 take after 长得像,性格上像 好了,下面布置作业。 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 acknowledge, confess, admit, recognize He _1_ his mistake. The murderer _2_ to his crime. They officially _3_ it as the lawful government of the country. She _4_ having been defeated. 第二题:请用以下词组造句 after all, one after another, take after 第一题:1. admitted2. confessed3. recognized4. acknowledged 第二题: after all: We chose to take a plane after all. one after another: The students came into the classroom one after another. take after: You do take after your aunt. 词汇辨析 第15组:承认 act各自的和单一的行为,强调行为的结果 action整体的行为,常用在机械、物理用语中 deed较为庄重、显著、伟大而感人的行为,且具有持久性 词汇搭配 第15组:agree agree on/upon对意见一致 agree to 同意,答应 agree with 一致,赞同,适合 好了,下面布置作业。 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 act, action, deed Ones _1_ of light would be eulogized from generation. The foolish _2_ led to her poor end. May you please tell me the _3_ of the heart? 第二题:请用以下词组造句 agree on/upon, agree to, agree with 第一题:1. deed2. act3. action 第二题: agree on/upon: We agree on this count at least. agree to: She said agreed to my idea. agree with: The climate there did not agree with me. 词汇辨析 第16组:真实 real指实际存在而不是理想或虚幻的 true强调和事实相符而不是杜撰的 actual指在行为或事实上已经发生或存在的事 genuine强调纯真而不掺入其他杂物,是正宗、地道的 词汇搭配 第16组:all (上) all but几乎,差一点 all for 完全赞成 all of a sudden 突然 all in all 归根到底 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 real, true, actual, genuine The _1_ expense was much higher than we had expected. Could fairy tales be stories of _2_ life? Sometimes what you see maybe not _3_ . That old ladys ring is made of _4_ diamond. 第二题:请用以下词组造句 all but, all for, all in all, all of a sudden 第一题:1. actual2. real3. true4. genuine 第二题: all but: The movie was all but over when we finally arrived. all for: Shes all for more female going to work. all in all: All in all it had been a great success. all of a sudden: Love always comes all of a sudden. 词汇辨析 第17组:增加 add将一物加到另一物上,使其数量、体积、重要性方面有所增大或增加 increase主要指在数量、财富、权力等方面的增加;作不及物动词时,表示“扩大”、“增长” plus指数量上的增加 add to多指“增添”的意思 词汇搭配 第17组:all (中) go all out全力以赴 all over 到处,遍及 all right 行;身体好 all round 全面的, 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 add, increase, plus, add to My salary has _1_ this month. This work requires intelligence _2_ experience. Fireworks _3_ to the attraction of the festival night. The bad weather _4_ our differenties. 第二题:请用以下词组造句 all over, all right 第一题:1. increased2. plus3. added4. added to 第二题: all over: People all over the world are now watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics. all right: Its all right, you can go now. 词汇辨析 第18组:足够 adequate常含有“充分但刚好足够之程度”的意思,比下面两个弱 enough指数量、份量或程度能满足一种愿望,特别是物质上的需要 sufficient指数量上尤指程度上多能满足或叨叨某种特殊需要,特别是精神上的需求 词汇搭配 第18组:all (下) all the more更加 all the same 都一样 in all 总共 not at all 一点也不 好了,下面布置作业。第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 adequate, enough, sufficient More coffee? No, thanks. Ive had _1_. The pension is not _2_ for living expenses. I hope you will prove _3_ to the job. 第二题:请用以下词组造句 all the more, in all 第一题:1. enough2. sufficient3. adequate 第二题: all the more: Shes become beautiful all the more. in all: There are 34 students in all. 词汇辨析 第19组:崇敬 admire常用语,指对优秀人物的崇敬钦佩,并含有欣赏爱慕之情 adore原指“崇拜”,现作“敬爱、爱慕”解,口语中常解释为“喜欢” worship带有宗教色彩,指怀有虔诚的感情,对自己可望而不可及的人物的强烈崇拜。 词汇搭配 第19组:along all along始终,一直 along with 随同一起 get along 进展,相处 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 admire, adore, worship I _1_ him for his courage. Leave him alone. He is now _2_ the ground she treads on. My mother _3_ the cinema. 第二题:请用以下词组造句 all along, along with, get along 第一题:1. admire2. worshiping3. adores 第二题: all along: The dog live with the old lady all along. along with: He came in along with his parents get along: The twins are always getting along well with each other. 词汇辨析 第20组:装饰 adorn指原本很美的东西饰以它物使其更美 decorate指用各种各样的图案、色彩、物品等使被装饰的东西焕然一新,以增加节日气氛 ornament指以附属物衬托某物,使其更美丽 词汇搭配 第20组:angry angry at/with sb.生某人的气 angry at/about sth. 因某事生气 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 adorn, decorate, ornament Why dont you _1_ your room with some paintings? Woman like to _2_ themselves w


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