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    与外国人口语交流经典必备300句一 晨间接待 1. Hi! 你好! 2. Today is English Day.Please speak English. 今天是英语日,请讲英语. 3. No Chinese on English Day. 英语日不讲汉语. 4. Practice more.多练习. 5. Don't be shy. 不要怕羞. 6. Be brave.要勇敢. 7. Open your mouth. 张开嘴. 8. Please say bye-bye to your Mum (Dad.). 请跟你妈妈(爸爸)说再见. 9. Wave your hands. 摇摇手. 10. Do you need any help? 需要帮助吗? 11. Take off your coat,please. 请脱去你的外衣. 12. Say hello to your little friends. 向小朋友问好. 13. Who brought you here today? 今天谁送你来的? 14. I haven't seen you for a long time. 我很久没有见你了。 15. What happened to you? Were you sick? 你怎么了?不舒服吗? 16. Are you better? 你好些了吗? 17. Are you feeling better? 你感觉好些了吗? 18. Did you bring your medicine? 你带药了吗? 19. Put your clothes in the wardrobe. 把衣服放进衣橱里。 20. Please fold your clothes neatly. 请把衣服叠整齐。 21. Have you brought your handkerchief? 你带手绢了吗? 22. Remember to bring your handkerchief to the kindergarden tomorrow,ok? Please remember to bring your handkerchief tomorrow. 记住明天把手绢带来。 23. I know that you were ill.Come into the classroom. 我知道你不舒服,进教室吧。 24. Please put the chairs down. 请把椅子放下来。 25. Who is the helper today? 谁是今天的值日生? 26. Today you are late.Arrive on time tomorrow.(Get here earlier tomorrow.) 你来晚了,明天按时来。 27. Don't wet your hair with tap water. 不要把头发弄湿。 28. Don't leave the taps running. 不要开着水管。 29. Don't knock your mug over. 不要碰倒杯子。 30. Be careful not to knock your mug over. 小心,别把杯子碰翻。 31. Don't bring any junk food to the kindergarten. 不要零食带到幼儿园。 32. No food in class. 课堂上不要吃东西。 33. Please take care of the books. 请爱护图书。 34. Don't damage the books. 不要损坏图书。 35. Are you sick? 你不舒服吗? 36. Are you ill? 你生病了吗? 37. What's the matter with you? 你怎么了? 38. Please don't throw your handkerchief around. 请不要乱扔手绢。 1 39. Sit down and read your books quietly. 坐下,安静看书。 40. No talking. 不要乱讲话。 41. No laughing. 不要大笑。 42. Be quiet.请安静。 43. You look ill. 你看起来生病了。 44. Please have a rest for a while. 请休息一会。 45. Please take this medicine.It's good for you! 请吃药,这对你有好处。 46. Don't water the plant with warm water,only use tap water(Use tap water to water the plants). 不要用热水浇花,用冷水。 47. Let's make a cat's cradle. 咱们来翻架架。 48. Please draw the weather chart. 请做天气表。 49. Find an empty seat and sit down,please. 请找空位坐下。 50. Hurry up.We're already begun our breakfast. 快点,我们已经开早饭了。 51. Be quick.It's time for breakfast. 快点,该吃早饭了。 52. Take a seat,please.请坐。 53. We've been expecting you! 我们正等你。 54. Are you all right? 你没事吧? 55. Go and fetch a cloth. 请拿块抹布。 56. Wipe the table,please. 请擦桌子。 57. You're on duty today. 今天你值日。 58. Did you catch a cold? 你感冒了吗? 59. Wear more clothers. 多穿点衣服。 60. We'll look after you. We'll take care of you. 我们会照顾你。 61. Please to see you. 见到你很高兴。 62. Mum(Dad)should go to work now. 妈妈该上班了。 63. You are a brave child. 你是一个勇敢的孩子。 64. Your little friends are waiting for you. 你的小朋友正在等你呢。 65. Don't cry,be happy. 别哭了,高兴点。 66. Don't go yet. 先别走。 67. Please wait for me. 等我一下。 68. We meet again. 有见面了。 69. Wave to your mother. 向妈妈招手。 70. He's a little quiet. 他不太喜欢说话。 71. Have you been waiting long? 你等了好久了吗? 二 进餐 1. Boys and girls.It's time for breakfast(lunch/snacks/supper). 孩子们,该吃早饭了。2. Breakfast (Lunch/Supper)is ready! 饭好了! 3. what's for breakfast(Lunch/Supper)? 早饭吃什么? 4. Here you are. 给你。 5. Help yourself. 你自己吃。 2 6. Have some more. Have more. Have a little more. Eat more. Drink more.多吃些,多喝些。 7. Don't poke your mouth with the chopsticks. 不要用筷子捅嘴。 8. Don't always talk when you are eating. 吃饭时不要总说话。 9. Keep one hand on your bowl. Hold your bowl with your hand. 用一只手扶住碗。 10. Eat the cake and the porridge together. 边吃蛋糕边喝稀饭。 11. Don't put the cake into the porridge. 不要把蛋糕泡在稀饭里。 12. Remember your table manners. 注意用餐礼仪。 13. Please hold your bowl. 请扶住碗。 14. Don't put the food back on the plate after you havetaken a bit from it. 咬过的食物不要再放回盘里。 15. Don't do it any more. 不要再那样做。 16. Eat rice and vegetables together. 边吃米,边吃菜。 17. Eat more green vegetables.They are good for you. 多吃菜,对你有好处。 18. Don't be fussy.Take any one. 不要挑三拣四,拿一个。 19. Don't waster any food(fruit). 不要浪费粮食。 20. Eat more fruits. 多吃点水果。 21. One apple a day. 一天吃一个苹果。 22. All kinds of fruits are good for you. 所有的水果对你都有好处。 23. Try to finish everything in your bowl. 尽量吃完。 24. Don't make a mess. 不要弄得一团糟。 25. Don't spill your food(drink)on the table. 不要把饭撒到桌子上。 26. Clean up your mess. 清理掉你的残渣。 27. If you have spilt anything,clean it up. 如果你掉了残渣,把它清理干净。 28. Finish your meal before you rinse your mouth. 吃完再漱口。 29. It's a good habbit that you rinse your mouth after one meal. 饭后漱口是好习惯。 30. Would you like a little bit more? 你想再来点吗? 31. Who wants more? 谁还想要? 32. Who needs more? 谁还需要? 33. Are you sure you've had enough? 你肯定吃饱了吗? 34. Did you get enough? 你吃饱了吗? 35. Don't filddle with the chopsticks. Don't play with the chopsticks. 不要玩筷子。 36. Don't bite the chopsticks. 不要咬筷子。 37. Don't dip the bread in the milk. 不要用面包蘸牛奶。 38. It's too hot to eat,wait for it to cool down. 太烫不能吃,凉了再吃。 39. Put the shells on the plate. 把皮放在盘子上。 40. Be careful of the bones. 小心骨头。 41. Eat slowly,or you'llchoke. 3 慢点吃,不然会噎着。 42. Don't put too much food into your mouth each time. 一次少吃点。 43. Don't be fussy with your food. 不要挑食。 44. Hold the spoon with one hand and the bowl with the other. 一手拿勺,一手扶碗。 45. No talking. Don't talk. Stop talking. 不要说话。 46. Your food is getting cold. 你的饭要凉了。 47. Put the bones on the plate. 把骨头放在盘子里。 48. Don't wipe your hands on your clothes. 不要在衣服上擦手。 49. Use your spoon,not your hands. 用勺子,不要用手抓。 50. Two children share one plate. 两个孩子合用一个盘子。 51. This is for both of you. 这是个给你们两人的。 52. Put the bowl down gently. 轻轻的把碗放下,别太用力。 53. Who hasn't finished his/her food? 谁没有吃完? 54. Who can't finish the meal? 谁吃不完? 55. Peel off the shells and put them on the plate. 剥了皮,放在盘子上。 56. What would you like? 你想要什么? 57. If you want something,put up your hand. 想要什么?请举手。 58. Finish your meal quickly. 快点儿吃你的饭。 59. Eat it all up!吃完。 60. Be a good girl(boy).Eat up your vegetable. 好孩子,把菜吃完。 61. Are you full? 你饱了吗? 62. Who'd like some more? 谁还想要? 63. Don't spill the food over your bowl. 不要撒饭。 64. Eat quickly,your food is getting cold. 快点吃,饭快凉了。 65. Wait for the food to cool down. 等饭稍微凉些再吃。 66. Don't rinse while you have food in your mouth. 嘴巴里的食物咽完,再漱口。 67. Don't speak with your mouth full. 满嘴塞满食物时,不要说话。 68. Don't spit it out of the bucket. 不要吐在桶外。 69. If you can't finish the whole thing just break a bit off. 如果吃不了一个,就掰一点。 70. Don't wipe your mouth with your sleeves. 不要用袖子擦嘴。 71. Have some soup.It's good for you. 喝点汤,喝汤对你有好处。 72. Don't touch the pot,or you'll burn yourself. 不要碰锅,小心烫着。 73. Keep your food in your bowl. 不要撒饭。 74. Try to keep the table clean. 尽量保持桌面干净。 75. Hand out the chopsticks(the plates). 放筷子。 76. Don't look around. 不要四处张望。 77. Wipe your mouth with the handkerchief. 用手绢擦嘴。 78. Don't waste any food. 不要浪费粮食。 79. Please take your time in eating. 4 抓紧时间吃饭。 80. Anybody needs rise? 谁还要米饭? 81. His bowl is empty. 他的碗是空的。 82. He wants more rice. 他还想要米饭。 83. There's some soup in his bowl. 他碗里盛着汤。 84. Miss* * * is lading out soup for you. * * *老师在给你们舀汤。 85. Tony dislikes vegetables. 托尼不喜欢吃蔬菜。 86. We should eat vegetables everyday. 我们每天都应该吃蔬菜。 87. What's for lunch? 中午吃什么? 88. Did you enjoy the meal? 你吃得好吗? 89. Are you OK? 你吃好了吗? 90. The dinner is great! Thank you. 饭好吃极了,谢谢。 91. Which do you prefer? 你喜欢吃什么? 92. Tom has spilt his milk. 汤姆把牛奶撒了。 93. Lunch is yummy. 午饭很香。 94. They are nice.真好吃。 95. We all like milk. 我们都喜欢喝奶。 96. We should drink milk everyday. 我们每天都应该喝牛奶。 97. That's what you like. 这是你们所喜欢的。 98. Pork liver is good for your eyes. 吃猪肝对你们的身体有好处。 99. Vegetables are full of vitamin. 蔬菜里含有丰富的维生素。 100. Do you like chicken? 你喜欢吃鸡肉吗? 101. He ate too much food. 他吃得太多了 102. Please don't eat too much food. 别吃得太多 103. You will feel uncomfortable. 你会觉得不舒服 104. How many dumplings have you eaten? 你吃了几个饺子? 105. He ate three dumplings. 他吃了三个饺子 106. Be careful of the bones (when you eat fish). 小心鱼刺 107. They taste sour. 它们吃起来很酸 108. This is green pepper,not hot pepper. 这是青椒,不是辣椒 109. Green pepper is not hot. 青椒不辣 110. The sausage is made of meat. 香肠是用肉做的 111. There is no more left. 一点也没有了 112. It tastes good! 味道很好! 113. Ask Miss Zhang for another slice of cake. 问张老师再要一块蛋糕 114. Well fed,well bred. 吃得好,长得壮 三 散步 1. Let's go for a walk. 咱们去散步 2. Let's have a walk after the meal. 让我们饭后散散步 3. Line up, please. 请排队 4. Walk slowly.慢慢走 5 5. Walk properly.好好走 6. Hands in hands.手拉手 7. Be careful of the grass and the flowers. 小心花草 8. Look out ! Don't step on each other's feet. 小心!别踩着别人的脚 9. Don't push.不要推 10. You're dismissed. 解散 11. Don't stop, go on. 别停下,继续 12. Don't touch them. They are just to be looked at. 不要摸,它们只是供观赏的 13. Keep close to each other. 一个紧跟一个 14. Don't stamp.别跺脚 15. Be careful,don't fall down. 小心,别摔倒 16. Stand in a single line. 站成一行 17. Don't get too close to each other. 不要靠得太近 18. Stay in one line while walking. 走成一行 19. Keep your distance. 保持距离 20. Keep your back straight while you walk. 走路是背挺直 21. Boys stand here,Girls stand there. 男孩站这边,女孩站那边 22. Leave some space. 留点儿空 23. Form a straight line. 站成一行队 24. Don't touch the railing. 不要摸栏杆 25. Hold hands with your partener. 和小朋友拉上手 26. Walking is good for your health. 散步有益于健康 27. Look,what beautiful trees!What a pretty garden! 看,那些树多美丽呀!多漂亮的花园 28. How clean the air is! 空气多么清新呀! 29. It's late. Let's go back. 时间不早了,我们回去吧 30. The flowers are blooming. 花开了 31. The birds are singing. 鸟儿在歌唱 32. Great day ,isn't it ? 天气不错,对吧? 33. Today is sunny. 今天阳光明媚. 34. It's cloudy .Let's go back. 天气有点多云,我们回去吧. 35. It's windy .We'd better go back. 刮风了,我们最好回去吧. 四上课 36. It's time for class. 该上课了 37. Let's begin. 我们开始吧 38. Let's do some sports activities. 我们来进行体育活动 39. Let's play together. 让我们一起玩吧 40. Go back to your seat,please. 41. Return to your seat,please. 请回座位 42. Come here please. 到这儿来 43. Sit properly with your hands on your lap. 坐好,把手放到膝上 44. Liten to me carefully.Look at the picture,please. 认真听,请看图片 45. Let's give him a big clap. 46. Let's give him a round of applause. 6 咱们给他鼓掌 47. Let's form a cirle and play some games. 咱们围个圈做游戏 48. Think it over.仔细想. Don't make any noise. 不要吵. 49. No quarrelling. 不要吵闹. 50. No fighting. 不要打架. 51. Don't disturb your friends. 不要打扰小朋友. 52. When I play the piano,clap your hands. 我弹琴,你们拍手. 53. Repeat after me,please. Read after me ,please. 请跟我说. 54. Please say again in a complete sentence. 请再完整地说一遍. 55. Follow me ,please.跟我来. Don't touch the things on the table. 不要动桌子上的东西. 56. It's a good idea. It sounds good. 好主意. 57. His English is improving. 他的英语有进步. 58. He has improved a lot. He has made great improvement. 他有很大进步. 59. Let's say it together. 大家一起说. 60. Let's sing it together. 大家一起唱. 61. Do it by yourself. 自己做. 62. Who'd like to help him? 谁来帮帮他? 63. Give him a hand,please. 64. Give him some help,please. 请帮帮他. 65. Turn your chair round. 把小椅子扭过来. 66. Put the chair down gently. 轻轻地放下椅子. 67. Count it in your head. Learn it by heart. 心中默数. 68. Don't say it out. 不要说出来. 69. Do you understand what I'm saying? 你明白我的话吗? 70. Have you finished your work? 你完成功课了吗? 71. Raise your head a little bit. 72. Lift your head up a little.抬头. Say it one after another. 一个一个说. 73. It's your turn.轮你了. 74. You should have confidence in yourself. Be confident. 自信点儿. 75. Be brave and practice more. 勇敢点,多练习. 76. Pay more attention to the exercises. 多练习. 77. Let's have group activities. 咱们开始分组活动. 78. Let's do morning-exercises. 让我们做早操. 79. Now please sit in two rows. 请坐成两行. 80. Please sit at the front. 坐到前面. 81. Sit up straight in your chair.坐直. 82. Clap your hands to the music. 跟着音乐拍手. 83. If you sit properly,I'll ask you to answer a question. 7 如果你坐好,我就叫你回答问题. 84. Think about it first,then answer the question. 先想想,再回答. 85. Once again. Once more. One more time.再来一次. 86. Listen carefully,and try to remember. 仔细听,用心记. 87. Divide yourselves into four groups. 把你们分成四组. 88. Who can correct this mistake? 谁改正这个错误? 89. Who can finish it ? 谁能完成它? 90. Now let's practice it . 咱们来练习. 91. Can you do it?你能做吗? 92. Raise your hand before (you speak) speaking. 先举手,再回答. 93. Don't interrupt me while I am speaking. 我讲话时不要打断. 94. It's impolite to interrupt others. 打断别人讲话是不礼貌的. 95. What should you do with this? 你该怎么做? 96. Where did he make a mistake? 他错在哪儿? 97. What sound does this animal make? 这个动物发什么声? 98. Did she say that correctly? 她说对了吗? 99. Is he right?他对吗? Well done!做得对! First, let's do some revision. 首先,我们来复习. 100. That's all for this lesson.下课. You are dismissed.下课. The class is over.下课. 101. Clap your hands twice and slap your knees three times. 拍两下手,拍三下膝盖. 102. Sit here ,beside him. 坐他旁边. 103. Sit still.坐着别动. 104. Stand still.站着别动 105. Attention,please. Could I have your attention,please?请注意 106. Now,let's see who can say it both correctly and quickly. 现在,看谁说得又快又好 107. Do it after me . Do what I do .跟我做 Would both of you like to act this dialogue? 你俩愿意表演这个对话吗? 108. Please stand behind your chair. 请站到椅子后面 109. It's Group One's turn. 轮到第一组了 110. Now,I'd like to tell you a story. 现在,我给大家讲个故事 111. Can you say something about this picture? 你能说说这幅图片吗? 112. Can you tell us something about this picture? 你能讲讲这幅图片吗? 113. Come and join us.来和我们一起活动吧. 114. Let's perform it together. 咱们一起来表演. 115. Let's dance. 咱们跳舞吧. 116. Let's recite the poem. 咱们朗诵这首诗. 117. Let's sing a song.咱们唱支歌. Please come to the front. 请到前面来. 118. It's your turn to speak.该你说了. Practice the dialoguewith each other (your partner). 跟同伴练习说话. 8


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