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    上海牛津英语2A教案Unit 1 Where I live Period One Teaching contents: Clean the desk, please. Clean the classroom, please. Teaching aims: 1、 知识目标:Drill: Clean the _, please. 2、 能力目标:提高学生自然运用英语进行交际的能力。 3、 情感目标:教育学生做一个爱卫生讲卫生的好孩子。 Difficult and key points:句型的灵活运用。 Teaching aids: tape, some rags and so on Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 Warming-up Revision 方法与手段 Sing a song<Good morning> Listen and act T: (Give the commands) P:(Repeat and act) Presentation A: To teach : desk, classroom 1. T: (point to the desk) This is a desk. 2. Say after the teacher: desk 3. Say some sentences: This is a desk. I see a desk. 4. T: (Gesture with arm to indicate the classroom) This is a classroom. We are in the classroom now. 5. Say after the teacher: classroom 6. Say some sentences: My classroom is nice. The classroom is big. 7. Play a game T: If you heard desk, please say together desk and clap the desk three times. If you heard classroom, please say together classroom and drub two times. B: To teach: Clean the _, please. 1. T: Look, the desk is not clean. Its dirty. Let me clean it. Wipe a desk with a rag and say<Clean the desk> 2. Say after the teacher: Clean the desk. 3. Substitute: Clean the _. 4. Practice: Say and do the actions. T & P P & P 5. Make the short dialogue and act out P1: Clean the _, please. P2: O.K. P1: Thank you. 补充与修改 P2: Thats OK. Consolidation 1. Listen to the tape and say after it. 2. Act out the dialogue and ask the pupils vote for the best. e.g: P1: Clean the _, please. P2: O.K. P1: Thank you. P2: Thats OK. 成功与经验 课 后 随 笔 Unit 1 Where I live Period Two Teaching contents: I live in Shanghai. I love Shanghai. Teaching aims: 4、 知识目标:Drills: I live in _. I love _. 5、 能力目标:提高学生实际运用英语的能力。 6、 情感目标:激发学生热爱祖国热爱家乡的美好情感。 Difficult and key points: 句型的灵活运用。 Teaching aids: tape, some pictures and so on Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 Warming-up Revision Sing a song<Good morning> Act out the dialogue and ask the pupils vote for the best P1: Clean the _, please. P2: O.K. P1: Thank you. P2: Thats OK. Presentation A: To teach: Shanghai, building 1. Show the picture of Shanghai T: Look, who can tell me where it is? P: Shanghai. T: Thats right. Shanghai is our home. 2. Say after the teacher: Shanghai 方法与手段 补充与修改 思考与对策 板 书 设 计 3. Say some sentences: Shanghai is nice. Shanghai is beautiful. 4. T: We all live in Shanghai. Look, there are many buildings in Shanghai. They're beautiful. 5. Say after the teacher: building 6. Say some sentences: The building is tall. The building is large. 7. Play a game T: Look at my mouth and guess what did I say? B: To learn: I live in _. I love _. 1. T: This is Shanghai. Its beautiful. I live in Shanghai. (Say several times) 2. Say after the teacher: I live in Shanghai. 3. Substitute: I live in _. 4. T: Shanghai is our home. We love Shanghai. Lets say together: I love Shanghai. 5. Say after the teacher: I love Shanghai 6. Substitute: I love _. 7. Show a picture of Pu Dong T: I live in Pu Dong. I love Pu Dong. Can you say? 8. Practice: I live in _. Consolidation I love _. Ask the pupils to draw a picture of the place they live. And ask them to say something about their pictures by using the sentences: I live in _. I love _. 成功与经验 课 后 随 笔 Unit 1 Where I live Period Three Teaching contents: 1. Look and learn 2. Letters Teaching aims: 思考与对策 板 书 设 计 7、 知识目标:To learn the new words and letters. 8、 能力目标:Read the new words and letters properly. 9、 情感目标:教育学生热爱家园,保持家园安洁。 Difficult and key points: Pronounce words and letters properly. Teaching aids: tape, pictures, word and letter cards Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 Warming-up Revision Sing a song<Good morning> 1. Listen and act: Clean the _, please. 2. Words: Shanghai, building Ask and answer: T: Whats this? P: Its _. 3. Free talk: I live in _. I love _. Ask the pupils to say something about the place they live by using the sentences<I live in _. I love _. > Presentation A: To teach: bin 1. Show the picture T: Look, whats this? Its a bin. Say several times. 2. Say after the teacher: bin 3. T: Whos bins good friend? P: Rubbish. T: Thats right. Rubbish lives in the bin. Its bins good friend. We must throw the rubbish into the bin. O.K? 4. Show the toy bin and describe it. B: To teach: park, road 1. T: The bin makes the city clean. And the park makes the city beautiful. Look, this is a park. 2. Say after the teacher: park 3. Show the picture of the road T: Look, is this a park? P: No. T: Yes, its not a park. Its a road. 4. Say after the teacher: road 5. Quick response T: Point to the words P: Say out quickly. C: To teach: A a apple B b bird 方法与手段 补充与修改 Consolidation 1. Listen to the tape and read after it. 2. Match the words to the picture. 3. Work in pairs P1: Point P2: Say out 4. Make some sentences using the new words e.g: I see a yellow bin. Thats a building. 成功与经验 课 后 随 笔 思考与对策 板 书 设 计 Unit 1 Where I live Period Four Teaching contents: Where do you live? I live in Pudong. I love Pudong. Teaching aims: 10、 11、 12、 知识目标:Ask and answer: Where do you live? I live in _. 能力目标:能自由问答练习 情感目标:激发学生对祖国对家乡的美好情感 Difficult and key points: Where do you live? I live in _. Teaching aids: tape, some maps and so on Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 Warming-up Revision 方法与手段 Sing a song<Good morning> 1. Listen and act T: Give the commands P: Repeat and act 2. Ask and answer T: Is it a _? (word cards) P: Yes, yes, yes, its a _. No, no ,no, its a _. 3. Introdure: Im_. I live in _. I love_. Presentation 1. Put up a big map of China. Show the pupils where Shanghai is. 补充与修改 2. T: Where do you live? (Say several times, Encourage the pupils to answer <I live in Shanghai.> P: I live in Shanghai. 3. Ask and answer T: Where do you live? P: I live in _. 4. T: Can you ask Where do you live? P: Yes. 5. Say after the teacher: Where do you live? 6. Ask and answer T: Where do you live? P: I live in _. 7. Play a game: A tourist game If you are a tourist. If someone ask you: Where do you live? You will ask: I live in Shanghai and point out where Shanghai is on the map. P1: Where do you live? P2: I live in _. I love _. 8. Substitute: Guangzhou, Beijing and so on. Consolidation 1. Listen and read 2. Ask and answer (T&P, P&P, Group&Group) T: Where do you live? P: I live in _. 3. Act out the dialogue P1: Hello, Im _. P2: Hello, _. Where do you live? P1: I live in _. I love _. P2: Nice to meet you. P1: Nice to meet you, too. 成功与经验 课 后 随 笔 Unit 1 Where I live Period Five Teaching contents: Rhyme Teaching aims: 13、 知识目标:诵读儿歌并加以表演 思考与对策 板 书 设 计 14、 15、 能力目标:能创编儿歌 情感目标:教育学生做个讲卫生守规范的好孩子 Difficult and key points: 朗读技能的训练 Teaching aids: tape, a toy bin Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 Warming-up Revision 方法与手段 Sing a song<Good morning> 1. Listen and act P1: Give the commands. P2: Repeat and act. 2. Words: T: Point to the words. P: Say out the words quickly. 3. Ask and answer P1: Where do you live? P2: I live in _. I love _. Presentation 1. Listen 2. Explain the rhyme. T: Sam and May live in Shanghai. They love Shanghai. They are good pupils. Because they use the bin every day and keep the city clean. Are you good pupils? P: Yes. T: Do you love Shanghai? P: Yes. 3. Listen: I love Shanghai like Sam and May. 4. Say after: like-like Sam and May-I love Shanghai like Sam and May. 5. Listen: I use the bin every day. 6. Say after: use-use the bin-I use the bin-every day-I use the bin every day. 7. Say out the paragraph1. 8. Listen: I keep it clean every day. 9. Say after: keep-keep it-keep it clean-I keep it clean every day. 10. Say out the paragraph2. Consolidation 1. Read after the tape. 2. Say together. 3. Perform 4. Ask the pupils to practise saying a new rhyme substituting Shanghai 课 后 with Beijine or Guangzhou and so on. 成功与经验 板 书 补充与修改 随 笔 思考与对策 设 计 Unit 2 A snack bar Period One Teaching contents:Lets act. Teaching aims: 1、知识目标:学会招待客人吃东西的2句简单的祈使句. 2、能力目标: 会用英语发命令并且根据命令做动作。 3、情感目标:要礼貌对人. Difficult and key point: Can order and act two sentences. Teaching aids: 1. Some noodles and some soup 2. A cassette player and cassett 3. Some picture cards and word cards Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 方法与手段 Warming-up Revision Sing an English song 1. Listen and act Eg. Raise your hands. Show me your books. Touch your face. Taste the peach. Drink some juice. Eat some meat. 2. Ask and answer How are you? How old are you? Have you got a pencil? How many kites? Do you like fish(chicken,soup,noodles)? Presentation 一、 Learn : Have some noodles. 1. T: Im hungry. Are you hungry? Do you like noodles? P: Here you are. Have some noodles. (Give one pupil a bowl of noodles.) Then ask the other pupils try to say: Have some noodles. if they are hungry and like noodles. 2. T: Im hungry. Give me some noodles. (Ask one pupil to say : 补充与修改 Have some noodles.) P: Have some noodles. T: Thank you. 3. work in pairs. P1: Have some noodles. P2: Thank you. 4. Act it. 二、 Learn : Have some soup. 1. T: Are you thirsty? Have some soup. 2. T: Im thirsty. Who can give me some soup? P: Have some soup. T: Thank you. 3. Work in pairs. P1: Have some soup. P2: Thank you. 4. Act it. Consolidation 1. Do a survey. Eg. Are you hungry? Have some noodles. Are you thirsty? Have some soup. 2. Have a picnic in the park. Make short dialogues. Eg. Have some bread. Thank you. Eat an apple. Thank you. Eat some meat. Thank you. 成功与经验 课 后 随 笔 Period Two Teaching contents: Lets act. Teaching aims: 16、 17、 知识目标:Learn the sentence :May I have a ? 能力目标:Learn how to buy something in the shop. 思考与对策 板 书 设 计 18、 情感目标:教育学生要懂礼貌。 Difficult and key points: Say the sentence correctly. Teaching aids: 1. A big picture. 2.Some foods. 3.A cassette player and cassette. Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 Warming-up Revision 方法与手段 Sing an English song. 一、 Daily talk. How are you? How old are you? Have you got a book? Do you like mooncakes? Are you a pupil? 二、 Listen and act. Wave your hands. Give me a book,please. Open your book. Have some noodles. Have some soup. Presentation 1. T: (Stick a big picture on the blackboard.) Look ,this is a food shop. There are many foods in the shop. Sam and May want to buy something. Lets listen to the tape . What does May say? 2. (Play the cassette player) May I have a hot dog? 3. Show pupils a hot dog. Ask the pupils to say: hot dog 4. (Play the cassette player again) Ask the pupils to say: May I have a hot dog? 5. Ask the pupils to say this sentence. 6. T: Does Tom want to buy a hot dog ,too? Lets listen to the tape. ( May I have a pizza?) 7. Show pupils a pizza. Ask the pupils try to say: pizza 8. Listen to the tape again. Ask the pupils try to say: May I have a pizza? 补充与修改 Consolidation 1. Ask the pupils look at the picture and choos e one thing and say . Eg: May I have a hot dog? May I have a pizza? 2. Take out the pupils foods. Ask the pupils work in groups. One acts the shop assitant and the others act the customs and make short dialogues. Eg: Hello. Hello. May I have a hot dog? Yes, here you are. Thank you. 成功与经验 课 后 随 笔 思考与对策 板 书 设 计 Period Three Teaching contents: 1. Lets learn. 2. Letters and words. Teaching aims: 1.知识目标: a. Learn some words : biscuit, juice, water b. Learn two letters and two words: Cc, Dd ,cat,dog 2.能力目标:Act short dialogues using the new words. 3.情感目标:Dont throw rubbish. Difficult and key points: 1. Read the words correctly. 2. Read and write the letters correctly. Teaching aids: 1. Picture and word cards. 2. Letters and picture cards. Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 方法与手段 Warming-up Revision Sing an English song. 一、 Daily talk How old are you? Do you like noodles? How are you ? 方法与手段 Have you got an apple? Are you a boy? Do you like to eat cakes? 二、 Listen and act Have some noodles. Wave your hands. Touch your nose . Give me a ruler,please. Open your pencil-box. Have some pizza. 三、 Review the letters and words: Aa,apple,Bb,boy 1. Read the letters and words together 2. Play a matching game. Presentation 一、 Review two words: pizza,hot dog 1. Show pupils the word cards and read. 2. Show the picture cards and read. 3. Play a matching game. 二、 Learn: biscuit 1) T: Whats this? Its a biscuit, biscuit . Ask the pupils try to read. 2) T: Biscuit, biscuit, I like biscuit. Ask the pupils try to say. 3) Ask the pupils try to say this. Eg: Biscuit, biscuit, I have a biscuit. 4) The same way to learn :juice, water 三、 Learn two letters and two words. 1) Show pupils the card of Cc and cat. Ask the pupils listen to the tape. 2) Ask the pupils try to say. 3) The same way to learn: Dd,dog Consolidation 一、 Review the words 1. 2. Read the words together. Play a game: Read and clap. 3. 4. Play a matching game. What is missing? 二、 Review the letters. 1. Read together. 2. Play a matching game. 3. Say the rhyme. Aa for apple. Bb for boy. Cc for cat . Dd for dog. 成功与经验 课 后 随 笔 Period Four Teaching contents: Lets play. Teaching aims: 19、 20、 21、 知识目标:Say the sentence : May I have ? 能力目标:Ask and answer. 情感目标: 教育学生要懂礼貌. 思考与对策 板 书 设 计 Difficult and key points: Can ask and answer. Teaching aids: some picture cards, some foods Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 Warming-up 方法与手段 一、 Daily talk How old are you? Do you like noodles? How are you ? Have you got an apple? Are you a boy? Do you like to eat cakes? 二、 Listen and act Have some noodles. Wave your hands. Touch your nose . Give me a ruler,please. Open your pencil-box. Have some pizza. 三、 Review the letters and words: Aa,apple,Bb,boy,Cc, cat,Dd,dog 1. Read the letters and words together 2. Play a matching game. 补充与修改 Revision 四、 Daily talk How old are you? Do you like noodles? How are you ? Have you got an apple? Are you a boy? Do you like to eat cakes? 五、 Listen and act Have some noodles. Wave your hands. Touch your nose . Give me a ruler,please. Open your pencil-box. Have some pizza. 六、 Review the letters and


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