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    上海牛津英语3A教案Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 1 Hello I am! Period One Teaching contents: Listen / Sing (P. 2) Teaching Aims: 1 知识目标:To know the word: parrot and its name: Dotty; Using formulaic expressions to greet people; Using formulaic expressions to introduce oneself; Can sing the song: Hello, Im Dotty. 2 能力目标:Use modeled phrases to communicate with teachers and other learners; Open an interaction by introducing oneself. 3 情感目标:How to greet people and introduce oneself politely. Difficult and key points: Im / The song. Teaching aids: Pictures, the word cards and the phrase cards. Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 方法与手段 1. Sing a song: Good morning. 2. Daily talk e.g. Whats your name? Are you a boy? What do you like ? Where are you? What is this / that ? Is this a? Is that × × × ? Look at the pictures and spell the words. e.g. rabbit, bird, cat, frog, fish, duck teacher, boy, girl, farmer, doctor 补充与修改 Warming-up Revision 1. Teach the word: parrot. A. To stick the picture on the bord. B. Read and spell it. Take out the word card: Parrot Dotty 1 Presentation C. (T asks and answers) Whats its name? Its names Dotty. D. Write the parrots name on the board. Then say after the teacher. F. Say after to the teacher: Im a parrot. Im Dotty. 2. Learn to sing a song: Hello, Im Dotty. A. Listen to the tape. B. Try to follow the tape. C. Sing and do the action. D. Sing this song in the group. 3. To teach the sentences: Hello. Im ×××. A. The teachers to the children: Hello, Im Mr / Miss ×××. B. To ask the children speaking the same drills. C. To stick the phrase cards on the board. Hello! Im D. To greet people and introduce oneself each other. E. Open the book and look at the picture (P. 2). Then say about the picture in pairs. e.g. Im Miss Fang. Im Alice. Im Peter. 1.Speaking: A. To stick the pictures on the board. Puppy Kitten Duckling 2 Consolidation Dotty Mr White Panda B. Say about the pictures in pairs. e.g. Hello! Im Puppy. 2.Homework: Sing a song and say the sentences with the childrens parents. 成功与经验 思考与对策 课 后 随 笔 板书设计 参见教案中的板书。 Period Two Teaching contents: Look and say (P. 3) Teaching Aims: 1知识目标: Learning the capital letters: A-Z; Learning the small letters: A-z 2能力目标:Can recognize, read and copy the letters. Difficult and key points: The letters Teaching aids: Pictures, The Alphabet Cards. Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 Warming-up 方法与手段 1. Sing a song: Hello! Im Dotty. 2. Daily talk 3 补充与修改 e.g. Whats your name? Are you a boy? / What do you like ? Where are you? / What is this / that ? Is this a? / Is that × × × ? 1. Look at the pictures and speak. e.g. Hello! Im Duckling. 2. To greet people and introduce oneself each other. Presentation 1. To sing the Alphabet Song together. 2. The whole class say the letters with the teacher. 3. To take out the alphabet cards (The capital letters). And read aloud the letters: Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, O, P, L, K, J, H,G, F, D, S, A, Z, X, C, V, B, M, N 4. To take out the alphabet cards (The small letters). And read aloud the letters: q, w, e, r, t, g, f, d, s, a, b, v, c, x, c, z, n, m, l, k, j, h, y, u, I, o, p 5. To point to the vowel letters: A a, E e, I i, O o, U u 6. Copy the letters with the teacher. 1. Show the alphabet cards A-Z one by one while playing the cassette. Children listen to the names of the 26 letters and learn to recognize the capital letters. 2. Show the alphabet cards A-Z randomly and ask students to say in chorus, groups or individually. 3. Show the alphabet cards A-Z one by one while playing the cassette. Children listen again to the names of the 26 letters and learn to recognize the small letters. 4 Revision Consolidation 4. Show the alphabet cards a-z randomly and ask students to say in chorus, groups or individually. 5. Homework: read, recite and copy the letters. 成功与经验 思考与对策 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, 板n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z 书 设 元音字母: 计 A a, E e, I i, O o, U u 课 后 随 笔 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 Greetings Period One Teaching contents: Look and say Teaching Aims: 1. 知识目标:Learn to say : Good morning, 学习字母Aa , Bb, Cc , Dd在单词中的发音。 2. 能力目标:能与同学老师打招呼。 3. 情感目标:教育学生要做一个有礼貌的好孩子。 Different and key point: 1. 单词与字母的发音。 2. 能灵活运用招呼语。 Teaching aids: 一幅教学挂图;录音磁带 Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 方法与手段 Warming up 1. Sing a song. 2. Daily talk. Ask and answer. 补充与修改 5 Presentation . 1. Introduce the new friends: 2. 3. 4. 5. a) Eg. Miss Fang, Eddie, Danny. Ask and answer: T: Whos this? S: Miss Fang. Say hi/hello to Miss Fang and so on. T: If you are Miss Fang. How to introduce yourself. Situation: In the morning. Eddie meets Miss Fang on his way to school. How do they greeting ? 6. Listen to the tape. 7. listen again and imitation. 8. How do you say good morning to me ? One by one. 9. Say good morning to each other. 10. Show an apple and ask: Who can tell me the English for “苹果”? 11. Show them the picture and word card. 12. Listen to the tape and pay attention to the sound “Aa” in “apple”. 13. Listen again and imitate the pronunciation. 14. Say some sentences with “apple”. 15. Use the same way to learn “Bb, bag, Cc. cat , Dd, dog “. 1. 情景: a. 早晨你起床后对妈妈第一句可以说什么?她会怎么说? b. 在上学的路上你遇见了你的好朋友Eddie,他会怎么说?你会对他说什么? c. 上课了,你对Miss Fang 怎么打招呼?她会怎么与你打招呼? Consolidation 课 后 随 板书设6 apple bag 笔 计 cat dog Period Two Teaching contents: Look and say Teaching aims: 1. 知识目标:学会问好、道别。 利用Hi 打招呼。 2. 能力目标:能主动正确地与他人打招呼。 3. 情感目标:做一个懂礼貌的好学生。 Different and key point: 正确使用招呼语。 Teaching aids: 录音磁带;图片与头饰。 Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 方法与手段 Warming up 补充与修改 1. sing a song. 2. T:In the morning. How do you say “Good morning “to Miss Fang/Eddie/Danny. 1. Review the sound” Aa Bb Cc Dd “in the words and read the words. 1. Put a mask on my head and say : I am Alice. Good morning, S1. Let S1 say: Good morning, Alice. 2. Lets say “Good morning” to Alice/Ben/Peter/Kitty/Miss Fang. 3. Put the mask on students head and ask them to say “Good morning” each other. 4. Between classmates or friends we can also say” Hi ”each other. 5. Wear the masks and listen to the tape. 6. Listen again and imitate the dialogue. 7 Revision Presentation 7. Say “ Hi “ each other. 8. To use the pictures, when they meet. a) Say: Hi,. b) Say: Hi, c) When they leave each other. d) Say: Goodbye. e) Say: Goodbye. 9. Say” Goodbye” to Alice/Kitty/Ben. 10. Say “Goodbye” each other. 11. Listen to the tape. 12. Encourage students to act the dialogue. Consolidation 1. Prepare word-making activity. Write the words ”Good morning . Goodbye. Hi “in a large letters on the card. Cut the words into individual letters. Jumble each word. Ask individuals to come out and make the words on the blackboard legdge. 2. Free talk. Eg. A: Good morning, Alice. B: Good morning. A: May I have an apple? B: Yes. A: Goodbye. B: Goodbye. 课 后 随 笔 板书 设计 Look and say Period Three Teaching contents: Say and act. Teaching aims: 1. 知识目标:认识新朋友: Mrs Wang, Mr Li, Mrs Li, Grandma. 8 学会用比较正式的问候语” Hello” . 学会用 How are you ? Fine, thanks. 进行问答。 2. 能力目标:能正确运用所学的语言进行招呼,并能正确使用” Hello, Hi “ . 3. 情感目标:教育学生做一个从小懂礼貌的好孩子。 Teaching aids: 教学挂图, 单词卡片与图片 Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 方法与手段 Warming up Revision 1. Sing a song. 2. Daily talk. 1. Use soft toy to greeting each other. 2. Pair work. 3. Say “Good morning. Hi. Goodbye” to your classmates, 1. Wearing a mask and say: Im Mrs Wang. Hi, everybody. Good morning, boys and girls. Then put the mask on students head and ask them to say : Im 2. Who can say ” Good morning “ to me. The same way to teach “Mr Li, Mrs Li”. 3. Wearing a mask and say : Im Grandma. 4. Suppose youre grandma . Can you say “Im Grandma.”? 5. Use masks and listen to the tape. 6. Listen again and ask students to repeat. 7. Act out the picture 1,2,5. 8. Listen to the tape. a) How are you ? b) Fine, thanks. 9. Listen again. 10. Say after to the teacher. a) How are you? Fine , thanks. 11. Ask and answer each other. 12. Wearing masks and say each other. 13. Ask and answer one bye one. 14. Listen to the whole dialogue and repeat. 补充与修改 Presentation 1. Read the dialogue. 2. Introduce: Hi/Hello, class. Im Mr Li. 3. To choose one or two persons to make a 9 Consolidation short dialogue. 4. To change the names of the dog and practice the dialogue. 5. Make a free talk with classmates. 课后随笔 板书设计 Say and act Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 3 In the classroom Period One Teaching contents: Ask and answer Play a game Teaching aims: 1. 知识目标:能流利正确地用Im来自我介绍。 能正确地询问对方的名字:Whats your name? 2. 能力目标:能正确区分Im 和Youre 的适用场合。 3情感目标:教导学生在社交场合注意文明礼貌。 Difficult and key points: Whats your name?的正确问答。 Im和Youre 的正确处理。 Teaching aids: paper cards、colour pens、scarfe、music and tape. Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 方法与手段 Warming-up 补充与修改 1. Sing a song: “Hello” Then invite individuals to sing the songs, substituting Dotty with their own names. 10 Revision Presentation 1. Greeting with your friends: Eg: Good morning, *. A. Learn “Whats your name?” 1. Choose one new student and ask him/her “Whats your name?” 2. Guessing the meaning. 3. Say it after the teacher: your-your name-Whats your name? 4. Invite students to say it: Eg: S1S2: Whats your name? T: My name is . 5. Play the cassette, then work in pairs: B. Learn “Youre” 1. Teacher closes the eyes with the scarfe, then touch ones head and guess:”Youre” S: Yes. / No. Encourage the students to answer: “Yes, I am. / No, Im not.” 2. Play the cassette, then repeat. Consolidation 1. Have a rest: “Make a name card” fold-write-draw-colour 2. Game: One student drive the bus with the music, when the music stops, he/she finds one of his/her friends and asks “Whats your name?” Then the friend must show the name card and answer “Im”/ ”My name is ” At last the driver invites him/her to get on the bus. 3. Hiding game: Play this game with your groups, If you dont know who he/she is, you can ask “Whats your name?” 11 Homework 1. Read and say Page 8、9. 课后随笔 2. Help your parents make the name cards. 成功与经验 板 书 设 思考与对策 计 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 3 In the classroom Period Two Teaching contents: Look and learn letters Teaching aims: 2. 知识目标:能正确认读学习用品类单词book、ruler等,并能拼读。 能正确地朗读字母e、f、g、h、i在单词中的发音。 2. 能力目标:能流利地运用One、two、three、I see来巩固单词。 3情感目标:教育学生爱惜学习用品。 Difficult and key points: 单词的正确朗读。 游戏的正确处理。 Teaching aids: objects、cards and tape. Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 方法与手段 Warming-up 补充与修改 1.Sing a song: “Hello” Then invite individuals to sing the songs, substituting Dotty with their own names. Revision 1.Attention: Say numbers one by one. 2. Game: T: One、two、three、I see S: Say the students name. Then the student stands up and says 12 “One、two、three、I see” continue the game with the rest of the class. Presentation A. Learn the words: 1. Game: “Quick response” T: On the desk, what do you see? If the student can answer it, he/she must clap the hands and raise the hand quickly. 2. Show the students the objects and the word cards. 3. Invite the more-able students to read them, then the others repeat. 4. Explain the use of indefinite article “a”. 5. Look at the patterns, read them together, then spell the words. Eg: a book 、a book 、b-o-o-k 6. Ask and answer: What do you see? What do you need/like? Do you like ? B. Learn the sounds: 1. Play the cassette: 2. Say it after the tape one by one. Picture for one insect (fly、bee ) and read it after the teacher. in-sect-insect 3. Pay attention : 元音前面用an来修饰 Eg: an elephant an insect . Consolidation 1. Play the game: “Guessing game” More-able students are encouraged to add other nouns they may know. “One、two、three、I see” Homework 课后1. Read and say Page 10. 2. Read the sounds. 成功与经验 板书13 随 思考与对策 笔 设计 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 4 Saying and doing Period One Teaching contents: Say a rhyme Teaching Aims: 4. 知识目标:学会说一首儿歌,掌握简单的句子:Come in ,please.等。 5. 能力目标:使学生掌握念儿歌的节奏、韵律。 6. 情感目标:通过学习,使学生懂得准时上学、不迟到的道理。 Different and key point: 3. Look at the clock. Youre very late. 4. Dont be late for school again. Teaching aids: 一幅教学挂图;录音磁带 Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 方法与手段 Warming up Revision 1. Sing an English song. 3. Daily talk. Ask and answer. 补充与修改 1. Introduce: Im 2. Guess: Youre 3. Write numbers1-10 on the blackboard and practice counting . a. Count in a chain around the class. b. Show them the number cards and read and guess. 2. Use the Wallpicture to introduce the meaning of the rhyme. 3. Practice: a. Look at the clock . Youre very late. Teach: clock late Say and act . b. Close/Open the door. Revision: Open/Close your books. 14 Presentation Learn: Open/Close the door. Say one by one. c. Dont be late for school again . Write the sentence on the blackboard and follow the teacher. Then say in pairs. 4. Play the cassette. The students listen to the rhyme and repeat it . 5. Read the rhyme . Encourage students to join in . Clapping the numbers will give the rhyme additional rhyme . Give emphasis to the rhyming words . 6. Encourage all students to participate in saying the rhyme and clapping the rhyme . Consolidation 1. Work in groups. 2. Ask individual students take the part of the teacher, reciting the rhyme . 3. Do workbook page 7 板书设计 Say a rhyme Open/Close the door. Look at the clock. Youre very late. Dont be late for school again . 课 后 随 笔 15 Period Two Teaching contents: Learn the letters Teaching aims: 4. 知识目标:学习并掌握字母Jj ,Kk ,Ll ,Mm的书写及其发音. 掌握四个单词:jam , kite , lion , mouse . 5. 能力目标:掌握并运用所学的单词。 Different and key point: 字母与单词的正确发音。 Teaching aids: 字母与单词的卡片;四幅画有果酱、风筝、狮子和老鼠的图片;录音磁带 Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 方法与手段 Warming up 3. sing a song. 4. Ask and answer each other. For example: S1: How are you ? S2: Fine ,thank you . 补充与修改 Revision 1. Say a rhyme . 2. Read the letters from Aa to Ii. Use the rhyme to review. Aa Bb Cc /Cc Bb Aa /Aa Aa Bb Bb Cc Cd Dd /Dd Ee Ff 1. Learn the letters Jj , Kk , Ll , Mm a. Show the students letter


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