上海牛津BM1U1 教案.docx
上海牛津BM1U1 教案Lesson Plan Oxford 8B Module 1 Nature and environment Unit 1 Trees Period One Reading: Pollution Fighters (P23) Teaching aims: At the end of this period, students are expected to u Understand the meanings of the following wordsaverage, item, product, fighter, fact, scientist, interested, notebook, suppose, breathe, pure, gas, release, oxygen u Get to know the function of trees. u Arouse the interest in the natural world. Teaching aids: Textbook and multi-media facilities Teaching procedures: Lead-in: l Look at the pictures of different kinds of tress and guess the topic today. l What do you know about: 1. How long do they live? Match the living things on the left with the average ages on the right. 2. Which kind of pollution do trees help fight? 3. Which of the following items come from trees? 4. The best-known trees in Shanghai are magnolia trees. Their large, sweet-smelling flowers are known as the city flowers of Shanghai. Which picture shows a magnolia tree? l Before you read: 1. Look at the title, the introduction and the pictures. 2. Then decide whether the following statements are T or F. Ø The pollution fighters are probably scientists. Ø Trees are natural air conditioners. Ø Trees can pass information to one another. l Read: 1. Read the title and the introduction and answer the following questions: Ø Who is doctor Ray? Ø Why does Judy need to interview Dr Ray. 2. Read the first part of the dialog (Line 112), learn some key words and phrases: be interested in; notebook, suppose, breathe, pure) and think about the following questions: 1 Lesson Plan Oxford 8B Ø Ø Ø Ø Why is Dr Ray so interested in trees? Judy knows only a little on trees. Can you give an example? How many examples does Dr Ray give? What are they? 3. Read from Line1315 of the second part of the dialog and find out how people can breathe pure cool air. Learn the words: gas, release, oxygen. And use them to tell one major function of trees. l Homework: 1. Read the dialog after tape. 2. Copy new words and recite them. 2 Lesson Plan Oxford 8B Period Two Reading: Pollution Fighters (P3) Teaching aims: At the end of this period, students are expected to u Understand the meanings of the following wordshectare, produce, alive, as well as, natural, air conditioner, warn, protect ,chemical, nasty, join, communicate, one another u Know more facts about tress as our best pollution fighters. Teaching aids: Textbook and multi-media facilities Teaching procedures: l Revision: 1. What are the products of trees? 2. What kind of pollution can trees fight? 3. Trees can provide pure, cool air. How can they do that? l Before you read: 1. Look at the 2nd picture on P3 and think about the relationship between trees and air conditioners. 2. Learn the new words: alive l Read: 1. Read the second part of the dialog. 2. Answer the following questions: Ø Why does Dr Ray say that Judy should thank trees for pure, cool air? Ø Why does Dr Ray say that trees are natural air conditioners? 3. Find the numbers. Ø There are _ students in Judys class. Ø _ hectares of trees could produce enough oxygen to keep Judys whole class alive and healthy for a whole year. Ø _ trees can do the job of _ air conditioners running almost all day. l Further-thinking: 1. Can trees talk with each other? 2. Look at the 3rd picture on P3 and answer: Why do some trees join their roots together underground? 3. Think about: When insects attack a tree, how does it protect itself? l Read: 1. Read Line 2534. 3 Lesson Plan Oxford 8B 2. Conclude the two examples showing that scientists are beginning to understand trees and they know trees communicate with one another. l Homework: 1. Read Line1334 after tape. 2. Copy and recite the new words. 4 Lesson Plan Oxford 8B Period Three Reading: Pollution Fighters (P3) & Exercises (P45) Teaching aims: At the end of this period, students are expected to u Learn the new vocabulary: burn, replace, hardly, destroy, exchange, nature, main. u Be aware of the fact that trees are in danger and we need to protect them. u Review words and phrases by vocabulary exercises. u Deepen the understanding of the text by comprehension exercises. Teaching aids: Textbook and multi-media facilities Teaching procedures: l Look and talk: Learn some phrases: in danger, burn, destroy l Read: 1. Read Line 3537 of the dialog. 2. Think: Ø What does the last part of he interview tell us? Ø Can you give more examples to show that people are destroying our best fighters against pollution? l P 4Vocabulary C1: Find these words and phrases in the interview on page 3. Read the words around them and choose the best meanings l P 4Vocabulary C2: Find the words in Column A in the interview and match them with the meanings in Column B. l P 4Comprehension D1: These are some of the notes that Judy took when she interviewed Doctor Ray. However, she made four mistakes. Read through the interview and correct Judys mistakes. You may have to change one or more words. l P 5Comprehension D2: Rita is asking Judy questions about trees. Judy is giving Yes or No answers and supporting her answers with examples from the interview. Read Ritas questions and complete Judys answers with one or more words. The first one has been done for you. l Homework: 1. Copy and recite the new words. 2. Workbook 8B, P1/B; P7. 5 Lesson Plan Oxford 8B Period Four Grammar: The present continuous tense (P57) Teaching aims: At the end of this period, students are expected to u Master the formation and usage of The present continuous tense u Use The present continuous tense to talk about activities. u Be aware that the following verbs do not use in The present continuous tense: think, know, like, contain, mean, smell, believe, understand, hear, see, hate, taste, love, belong Teaching aids: Textbook and multi-media facilities Teaching procedures: 1. Look and learnWe use the present continuous tense to talk about things that are happening now. (the verb be + the present participle). 2. Study the following tables. am What is are I He/She/It We/They/You am is are writing. waiting. drawing. I he/she/it we/they/you doing? 3. Some exceptions of the ing of the verbs. (See Page 6). 4. (P6) Work in pairs. S1 is Bob and S2 is Ada. Ada is on holiday with friends. Bob is phoning her and asking her what all their friends are doing. Ada is telling him. Use the verbs in the box and the picture below to help you. Example 1: S1 Whats Ted doing? S2 Hes playing volleyball with Carol. Example 2: S1 Is Ted ? S2 Yes, he is./No, he isnt. Hes _. 5. Work alone. Complete the description of the scene in the picture. Write what 6 Lesson Plan Oxford 8B everyone is doing. Dick is windsurfing. Ivan is diving. Dora is eating ice cream. Jim is practising the guitar. Johnny is sunbathing. Ada is talking to Bob on the phone. 6. Compare and learn: We do not often use the verbs in the box below in the present continuous tense. Instead, we use them in the simple present tense. think contain mean smell believe know understand hear see hate like taste love belong 7. Read the following sentences: 8. Read and compare: (present continuous) S1 Alan is singing. (simple present) S2 I know. I hear him. 9. Respond to the statements using know and the verbs listed in the Students Book on page 7. 7 Lesson Plan Oxford 8B Mary is whistling. I know. I hear her. Tom is dancing. I know. I see him. Dinner is ready. I know. I smell it. Theres sugar in your tea. I know. I taste it. Youre not eating any nuts. I know. I hate them. Youre eating a lot of chocolates. I know. I like them. Youre playing that recording a lot. I know. I love it. 10. Complete these dialogues about the pictures. Use the verbs in brackets in the present continuous or simple present tense. Add other words as necessary. Lynn The doorbell _. (ring) Sam I _. I _ it. (know, hear) Lynn Your dinner is on the table. Sam I _. I _ it. It _ good. (know, see, smell) Sam This car _ to me. (belong) Mary I _ you. (not believe) Lynn I _ her. What _? (not understand, mean) Mary I _ that she _ Be quiet! (think, mean) 8 Lesson Plan Oxford 8B Lynn Look! She _. (smile) Mary Yes, she _ all the time. (smile) Sam Why is your case so heavy? Lynn It _ a lot of books. (contain) 11. Homework Workbook 8B, pages 3 and 5. 9 Lesson Plan Oxford 8B Period Five Listening: A poster about trees (P8) Teaching aims: At the end of this period, students are expected to u Develop the skill of taking notes (key information) during the process of listening. u Realize the importance of getting the general idea with the provided information before taking notes while listening. u Learn to make public speeches Teaching procedures: 1. Revision: Think and talk: What can trees do for us in our daily life? Ø They make streets more beautiful and less noisy. Ø They provide a lot of things for people. Ø They take harmful gases from the air, and release oxygen back into the air. Ø They cool the air. 2. Set the scene: Judys school will take part in a tree-planting campaign. To attract people to join, Judy and Tony are making a poster. What should we pay attention to when we try to complete a poster? 3. Introduce the listening strategy: To complete the poster, you should: l first read the notes carefully and get a general idea of what the poster is about. l pay attention to the key words repeated in the conversation. l finally, write the missing information down as quickly as you can and check it when it is repeated. 4. Listen and complete: 10 Lesson Plan Oxford 8B 5. Pretend you are Judy. You are asking the students to take part in the tree-planting campaign. Read the poster again and give a speech. 6. Homework: WB P6 11 Lesson Plan Oxford 8B Period Six Speaking word-linking & ways to fight pollution (P89) Teaching aims: At the end of this period, students are expected to u Use the word-linking rule to pronounce the phrases correctly. u Conclude the ways people fight pollution. u Be aware of the seriousness of pollution and collect new ways of solving this problem. l Talk time: 1. Word linking (I) When we say words together that finish and start with the same consonant sounds, we only pronounce one of the sounds. Examples: latest target (latestarget) best toys (bestoys) 2. Look and say the following examples correctly: some machines; make kites, excellent tea; cold drink 3. Say these pairs of words together. Plastic cards; come money; clear report; big group; enough food; good driver; Bob Brown; most TV; top prize; nine nights 4. Practise saying these sentences. Link the words where indicated. There is a big group of people outside. Bob Brown is a good driver. Pat Thomson stayed in this hotel for nine nights. I have some money to buy plastic cards. l Speak up: 5. Can you think of some ways that people can do to fight pollution in our daily life? 6. Read this conversation: Bob What can we do to fight pollution? Amy Always put rubbish in rubbish bins, and stop using plastic bags for shopping. Bob Anything else? Amy Stop factories and cars from producing harmful gases, plant more trees and flowers in the streets, and make our classrooms less noisy. Bob Which ways are more important? Amy I think that 12 Lesson Plan Oxford 8B 7. Discuss the five ways to fight pollution mentioned by Amy. And arrange them in order of importance. 8. Fill in the following list and announce it in groups of 4. Our group thinks that the most important way to fight pollution is to _. The second is to _. The third is to _. The fourth is to _. The fifth is to _. Everyone in our group agrees/Most students in our group agree with these suggestions. Homework: l Find or create at least 5 phrases according to the work-linking rule we learned today. Write them down on your notebook and well have an exchange during next period. l Collect useful massages about ways to fight against pollution on your notebook. 13 Lesson Plan Oxford 8B Period Seven Writing: A newspaper article on a new outdoor area (P10) Teaching aims: At the end of this period, students are expected to u Learn the new word: lorry u Complete a newspaper article by writing captions for the photos of a new outdoor area. u Correctly use the present continuous tense in written composition. Teaching procedures: l Before you write: Have you got an outdoor area in your housing estate? What does it look like? Do you often play with your friends in it? Describe it to your classmates. Suppose that a new outdoor area is being built near your home. Look at the pictures and discuss the questions. (learn the new word: lorry) l While you write: 1. Workers are building a new outdoor area near your home. Look at the pictures below and write captions for them, using the words in brackets. The first one has been done for you. The workers are arriving. There are some trees and flowers on their lorry. 2. Suppose you are writing a short report for your school newspaper. Complete the report below by adding more details. 14 Lesson Plan Oxford 8B by _ SCHOOL POST 12 March Our new outdoor area Near my home there is a new outdoor area. Some workers finished it last week. I watched them from my flat. First, the workers arrived in a lorry. _ _ _